. "Jolee Bindo"@it . . "Jedi"@fr . "Jolee Bindo"@fi . "Jolee Bindo"@es . . . . "Unknown"@en . . . "Ancient"@en . . . "*Jedi Order \n*Galactic Republic"@en . . . . . "Jolee Bindo oli harmaa jedi, joka taisteli suuressa sithsodassa Exar Kunin joukkoja vastaan ja l\u00E4hti my\u00F6hemmin omatoimisesti maanpakoon asettuen Kashyyykille. H\u00E4n tapasi planeetalla muistinsa menett\u00E4neen Revanin, jota alkoi auttaa T\u00E4htiahjon l\u00F6yt\u00E4misess\u00E4 Darth Malakin p\u00E4ihitt\u00E4miseksi."@fi . . . . . . . "Jolee Bindo"@it . "Jolee Bindo"@cs . . . . . . . . . "Hell, all of 'em"@en . . . . "Jolee Bindo"@es . . "*Nayama"@es . . "Calvo"@it . . "Jolee Bindo"@cs . . . . . . . . "Jolee Bindo"@it . . . "Jolee Bindo, also called Crazy Old Fart, was an insane old dude. He hung out with Darth Revan and his motley crew of gangstas. He was the son-in-law of Bert. His hobbies were annoying young people, crash-landing on planets, and following people to see if they would end up killing him, but no one ever did.(I wish he would have followed Darth Vader, he would of killed him and Destroyed his planet) One day he just disappeared, no one knows what happened, he could have finally figured out that nobody likes him or he could just have followed and annoyed the wrong person or perhaps he crash-landed on a planet and was unable to leave or maybe a huge Rancor ate him.... We really don't know what happened, no one investigated his disappearance and most people hope he'll never return. It's believed he had a wife. She most likely committed suicide because he annoyed her too much. File:Wiki.pngThis article is a stub. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, we'll destroy your planet."@en . "Loony"@en . . "Jolee Bindo"@es . . . "Masculin"@fr . . "Jolee Bindo"@it . "Hero"@en . "Jolee Bindo\u200E\u200E"@cs . "\u0414\u0436\u043E\u043B\u0438 \u0411\u0438\u043D\u0434\u043E"@cs . . . . . . . . . . "Jolee Bindo"@fr . . . "Brown"@en . . . . . . . "Jolee Bindo\u200E\u200E"@fr . "Jolee Bindo"@en . . . . "\u0414\u0436\u043E\u043B\u0438 \u0411\u0438\u043D\u0434\u043E"@hu . . . . . . . "Jolee Bindo"@it . . "Dark"@en . . "Bald"@en . "Jolee Bindo era un maschio Umano che fu uno Jedi. Partecip\u00F2 alle Missioni Verso l'Orlo e alla Grande Guerra Sith contro Exar Kun, prima di andare in un esilio autoimposto sul pianeta Kashyyyk per un periodo di circa venti anni. Verso la fine della Guerra Civile Jedi, Revan lo incontr\u00F2 nella Terra delle Ombre durante la ricerca della Mappa Stellare. Bindo aiut\u00F2 Revan a oltrepassare un campo di forza che bloccava il passaggio verso la parte profonda della Terra delle Ombre, entrando in cambio a far parte dell'equipaggio della Ebon Hawk. Revan tenne con s\u00E9 Jolee Bindo fino alla battaglia di Rakata Prime che segn\u00F2 la fine della Guerra Civile Jedi. Per i suoi meriti nella sconfitta di Darth Malak e dei Sith, a Bindo fu conferita la pi\u00F9 alta onoreficenza della Repubblica: la Croce di Gloria."@it . . "25.4"^^ . "Jolee-Portrait.jpg"@de . "Jolee Bindo fue un Maestro Jedi y acompa\u00F1ante de Revan en su b\u00FAsqueda de la Forja Estelar durante la Guerra Civil Jedi. Particip\u00F3 en las misiones de Rimward, luchando en la Gran Guerra Sith contra Exar Kun, y y\u00E9ndose a un autoimpuesto exilio en Kashyyyk poco despu\u00E9s."@es . . . "Jolee Bindo"@fr . "Jolee Bindo fue un Jedi humano que luch\u00F3 en la Gran Guerra Sith y en la Guerra Civil Jedi. C\u00F3mo Padawan, Bindo desafi\u00F3 varias veces al Alto Consejo Jedi en casos como el del bloqueo del sistema Ukatis, en el que rob\u00F3 a gente rica y llev\u00F3 suministros a trav\u00E9s del bloqueo. Su futura esposa, Nayama, derrib\u00F3 a Bindo y \u00E9ste se estrell\u00F3 en el planeta. Eventualmente, Jolee y Nayama se casaron\u2014a pesar de estar prohibido por los Jedi\u2014y Bindo la entren\u00F3 en la Fuerza \u00E9l mismo."@es . . "Jolee Bindo"@es . "250"^^ . . . . . . "mu\u017E"@cs . . . "Nayama"@cs . . "Jolee Bindo"@en . "Bald; graying black beard"@en . "Jolee Bindo"@hu . . . "Calvo, barba negra gris\u00E1cea"@es . "Jolee.jpg"@cs . "Jedi"@es . . . . "When Exar Kun ignited the Great Sith War, Nayama fell to the dark side, along with many other Jedi. She tried to unsuccessfully turn Jolee also, culminating in a duel that brought her to her knees. Unable to kill his wife, Jolee let Nayama go, allowing her to kill many Jedi before her own demise. However, the Jedi Council didn't punish Jolee, believing him to have learned his lesson the hard way. When they wished to make him a Jedi Knight, he lost his faith in the Jedi and went into self-imposed exile in the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk for twenty years."@en . . . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . . "Jolee Bindo egy jedi volt, aki a Perem\u0151r k\u00FCldet\u00E9seken vett r\u00E9szt, harcolt a nagy sith h\u00E1bor\u00FAban Exar Kun ellen, \u00E9s ezut\u00E1n \u00F6njel\u00F6lt sz\u00E1m\u0171zet\u00E9sbe vonult a Kashyyykra. A jedi polg\u00E1rh\u00E1bor\u00FA lez\u00E1r\u00E1s\u00E1hoz k\u00F6zel csatlakozott Revanhoz Darth Malak ellen \u00E9s a Dics\u0151s\u00E9g Keresztje kit\u00FCntet\u00E9st kapta a Galaktikus K\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1g gy\u0151zelme ut\u00E1n a Sith Birodalom felett."@hu . "Jolee Bindo"@hu . "Jolee Bindo"@de . "Jolee Bindo"@fr . . . . "Barna"@hu . "Jolee Bindo"@cs . . "*Orden Jedi\n*Jedi grises \n*Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica"@es . . "[Source] Jolee Bindo fut un Jedi humain qui v\u00E9cut aux environs de 4000 av.BY : il participa ainsi \u00E0 la Grande Guerre des Sith, puis s'exila sur Kashyyyk ; enfin il se rangea aux c\u00F4t\u00E9s de Revan durant la Guerre Civile des Jedi."@fr . . . "1"^^ . "Tuntematon, asui Kashyyykill\u00E4"@fi . . . . . . . "Braun"@de . . . "Jolee Bindo war ein Jedi, der um das Jahr 4000 VSY lebte. Nachdem er im Gro\u00DFen Sith-Krieg gegen Exar Kun gek\u00E4mpft, seine Frau Nayama verloren und sich von dem Jedi-Orden abgewandt hatte, begab er sich f\u00FCr zwanzig Jahre ins Exil auf Kashyyyk. Es gelang ihm als einer der Wenigen sich das Vertrauen der dort ans\u00E4ssigen Wookiees zu gewinnen. Er verlie\u00DF den Planeten erst wieder als der gel\u00E4uterte Jedi Revan im Jedi-B\u00FCrgerkrieg auf der Suche nach den Sternenkarten seine Hilfe erbat. Jolee unterst\u00FCtzte dann Revan auf seiner Reise zur Sternenschmiede."@de . . "Oscura"@es . . . . . "Ruskeat"@fi . . . "Jolee Bindo was a former Jedi who exiled himself on Kashyyyk. During the height of the Jedi Civil War, he join the Jedi Revan in his quest to destroy the Star Forge."@en . . . . . . . . "Jolee Bindo"@cs . . . "Jolee Bindo"@fr . "Jolee Bindo, also called Crazy Old Fart, was an insane old dude. He hung out with Darth Revan and his motley crew of gangstas. He was the son-in-law of Bert. His hobbies were annoying young people, crash-landing on planets, and following people to see if they would end up killing him, but no one ever did.(I wish he would have followed Darth Vader, he would of killed him and Destroyed his planet) One day he just disappeared, no one knows what happened, he could have finally figured out that nobody likes him or he could just have followed and annoyed the wrong person or perhaps he crash-landed on a planet and was unable to leave or maybe a huge Rancor ate him.... We really don't know what happened, no one investigated his disappearance and most people hope he'll never return."@en . . . "Unknown"@en . "Hn\u011Bd\u00E1"@cs . . . . . . . . "Male"@en . "Jolee Bindo"@en . . "Jolee Bindo"@cs . "Galactic Republic"@en . . . "* Jedis\u00E4\u00E4ty \n* Galaktinen Tasavalta"@fi . . . . . . . . "Kashyyyk"@es . . "Jolee Bindo"@hu . "Jolee Bindo oli harmaa jedi, joka taisteli suuressa sithsodassa Exar Kunin joukkoja vastaan ja l\u00E4hti my\u00F6hemmin omatoimisesti maanpakoon asettuen Kashyyykille. H\u00E4n tapasi planeetalla muistinsa menett\u00E4neen Revanin, jota alkoi auttaa T\u00E4htiahjon l\u00F6yt\u00E4misess\u00E4 Darth Malakin p\u00E4ihitt\u00E4miseksi."@fi . . . . "S\u00F6t\u00E9t"@hu . "Jolee Bindo\u200E\u200E"@hu . . . "Jolee Bindo"@cs . "Jolee Bindo"@en . . . . . . . "250"^^ . . . "Marroni"@it . . "*Ordine Jedi\n*Repubblica Galattica"@it . . . . . "Jolee Bindo"@es . "Jolee Bindo"@hu . "Jolee Bindo\u200E\u200E"@en . "\u0414\u0436\u043E\u043B\u0438 \u0411\u0438\u043D\u0434\u043E"@fr . "Jolee Bindo egy jedi volt, aki a Perem\u0151r k\u00FCldet\u00E9seken vett r\u00E9szt, harcolt a nagy sith h\u00E1bor\u00FAban Exar Kun ellen, \u00E9s ezut\u00E1n \u00F6njel\u00F6lt sz\u00E1m\u0171zet\u00E9sbe vonult a Kashyyykra. A jedi polg\u00E1rh\u00E1bor\u00FA lez\u00E1r\u00E1s\u00E1hoz k\u00F6zel csatlakozott Revanhoz Darth Malak ellen \u00E9s a Dics\u0151s\u00E9g Keresztje kit\u00FCntet\u00E9st kapta a Galaktikus K\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1g gy\u0151zelme ut\u00E1n a Sith Birodalom felett."@hu . . . "Jolee Bindo"@fr . "Jolee \"Loony... huh?\" Bindo"@en . . . "Maleconfirmed by Nayama Bindo"@en . . "Jolee Bindo"@es . "Kopasz, \u0151sz\u00FCl\u0151 szak\u00E1l"@hu . "Jedi"@de . . . . . . . . . "Jolee Bindo"@es . "*Jedi\n*Grauer Jedi"@de . "Jolee Bindo"@fr . . . . "\u0414\u0436\u043E\u043B\u0438 \u0411\u0438\u043D\u0434\u043E"@en . . "Jolee Bindo"@de . . . . . . . "[Source] Jolee Bindo fut un Jedi humain qui v\u00E9cut aux environs de 4000 av.BY : il participa ainsi \u00E0 la Grande Guerre des Sith, puis s'exila sur Kashyyyk ; enfin il se rangea aux c\u00F4t\u00E9s de Revan durant la Guerre Civile des Jedi."@fr . . . . "Jolee Bindo was a male Human former Jedi Padawan during the Jedi Civil War. His wife fought for Exar Kun's Brotherhood of the Sith during the Great Sith War."@en . . "Braun"@de . . . "Jolee Bindo"@hu . "Jolee Bindo"@cs . . . . "Jolee Bindo"@it . . . . . . "Dunkel"@de . . . "Jolee Bindo era un maschio Umano che fu uno Jedi. Partecip\u00F2 alle Missioni Verso l'Orlo e alla Grande Guerra Sith contro Exar Kun, prima di andare in un esilio autoimposto sul pianeta Kashyyyk per un periodo di circa venti anni. Verso la fine della Guerra Civile Jedi, Revan lo incontr\u00F2 nella Terra delle Ombre durante la ricerca della Mappa Stellare. Bindo aiut\u00F2 Revan a oltrepassare un campo di forza che bloccava il passaggio verso la parte profonda della Terra delle Ombre, entrando in cambio a far parte dell'equipaggio della Ebon Hawk. Revan tenne con s\u00E9 Jolee Bindo fino alla battaglia di Rakata Prime che segn\u00F2 la fine della Guerra Civile Jedi. Per i suoi meriti nella sconfitta di Darth Malak e dei Sith, a Bindo fu conferita la pi\u00F9 alta onoreficenza della Repubblica: la Croce di Gloria."@it . "250"^^ . . "Kashyyyk"@en . . . . . . "Jolee Bindo"@en . . . . . "When Exar Kun ignited the Great Sith War, Nayama fell to the dark side, along with many other Jedi. She tried to unsuccessfully turn Jolee also, culminating in a duel that brought her to her knees. Unable to kill his wife, Jolee let Nayama go, allowing her to kill many Jedi before her own demise. However, the Jedi Council didn't punish Jolee, believing him to have learned his lesson the hard way. When they wished to make him a Jedi Knight, he lost his faith in the Jedi and went into self-imposed exile in the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk for twenty years. When the amnesiac Revan looked for one of the Star Maps in the Shadowlands, he met Jolee. Sensing a great destiny in store for the former Sith Lord, Jolee joined on the quest to find the Star Forge and stop Darth Malak. After the Battle of Rakata Prime, he and the other companions of Revan were awarded with the Cross of Glory."@en . . "Jolee Bindo"@en . . . . . . "Jolee Bindo"@hu . . "Jolee Bindo"@fr . . . . "Jedi"@en . . "Marr\u00F3n"@es . "Jolee Bindo"@hu . "Jolee Bindo"@fi . . . . . . "Jolee Bindo"@en . . . . "Jolee Bindo fue un Jedi humano que luch\u00F3 en la Gran Guerra Sith y en la Guerra Civil Jedi. C\u00F3mo Padawan, Bindo desafi\u00F3 varias veces al Alto Consejo Jedi en casos como el del bloqueo del sistema Ukatis, en el que rob\u00F3 a gente rica y llev\u00F3 suministros a trav\u00E9s del bloqueo. Su futura esposa, Nayama, derrib\u00F3 a Bindo y \u00E9ste se estrell\u00F3 en el planeta. Eventualmente, Jolee y Nayama se casaron\u2014a pesar de estar prohibido por los Jedi\u2014y Bindo la entren\u00F3 en la Fuerza \u00E9l mismo. En la Gran Guerra Sith, muchos Jedi se tornaron en Jedi Oscuros al haberse convertido al lado oscuro de la Fuerza, y centenares de Jedi fueron muertos. Bindo se enfrent\u00F3 a su esposa, que hab\u00EDa ca\u00EDdo al lado oscuro, pero le perdon\u00F3 la vida. Durante el transcurso del conflicto, Nayama asesin\u00F3 a m\u00E1s Jedi, pero termin\u00F3 muriendo en la batalla final de la guerra. Bindo, arrepentido de haber permitido m\u00E1s muertes, se exili\u00F3 en las Tierras Sombr\u00EDas de Kashyyyk. Cuarenta a\u00F1os despu\u00E9s, Bindo encontr\u00F3 al amn\u00E9sico Se\u00F1or Oscuro de los Sith Revan, quien estaba siendo reentrenado en el lado luminoso de la Fuerza como Padawan. Bindo le ayud\u00F3 a encontrar un Mapa Estelar local, y posteriormente en la nueva guerra, acompa\u00F1\u00E1ndole al Templo de los Antiguos en Rakata Prime. Finalmente, Revan derrot\u00F3 al mandatario del Imperio Sith Darth Malak, y Bindo volvi\u00F3 a la Orden Jedi."@es . "*Jedi-Orden\n*Galaktische Republik"@de . . . . . . . . . "Jolee Bindo"@hu . "Gray"@en . . . . . "Jolee Bindo\u200E\u200E"@es . "\u0414\u0436\u043E\u043B\u0438 \u0411\u0438\u043D\u0434\u043E"@it . . . . "Nayama"@en . "Jolee Bindo"@cs . . . "Jolee Bindo"@en . "Jolee Bindo fue un Maestro Jedi y acompa\u00F1ante de Revan en su b\u00FAsqueda de la Forja Estelar durante la Guerra Civil Jedi. Particip\u00F3 en las misiones de Rimward, luchando en la Gran Guerra Sith contra Exar Kun, y y\u00E9ndose a un autoimpuesto exilio en Kashyyyk poco despu\u00E9s."@es . . . "Jolee Bindo"@cs . "Jolee Bindo"@hu . "Kalju, harmaantuva musta parta"@fi . . . . . "Jolee Bindo"@it . . "*Revan's Posse\n*Jedi\n*Wookiees"@en . . "*Galaktikus K\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1g\n*Jedi Rend\n**Sz\u00FCrke Jedik"@hu . "\u0414\u0436\u043E\u043B\u0438 \u0411\u0438\u043D\u0434\u043E"@es . . . "Jolee Bindo"@es . . . . "Jolee Bindo was a former Jedi who exiled himself on Kashyyyk. During the height of the Jedi Civil War, he join the Jedi Revan in his quest to destroy the Star Forge."@en . . . . . . "JoleeBindo.jpg"@es . . "Jolee Bindo"@fr . . "Jolee Bindo war ein Jedi, der um das Jahr 4000 VSY lebte. Nachdem er im Gro\u00DFen Sith-Krieg gegen Exar Kun gek\u00E4mpft, seine Frau Nayama verloren und sich von dem Jedi-Orden abgewandt hatte, begab er sich f\u00FCr zwanzig Jahre ins Exil auf Kashyyyk. Es gelang ihm als einer der Wenigen sich das Vertrauen der dort ans\u00E4ssigen Wookiees zu gewinnen. Er verlie\u00DF den Planeten erst wieder als der gel\u00E4uterte Jedi Revan im Jedi-B\u00FCrgerkrieg auf der Suche nach den Sternenkarten seine Hilfe erbat. Jolee unterst\u00FCtzte dann Revan auf seiner Reise zur Sternenschmiede."@de . . "Jolee Bindo was a male Human former Jedi Padawan during the Jedi Civil War. His wife fought for Exar Kun's Brotherhood of the Sith during the Great Sith War."@en . . .