"Armierter Angriffstank-1"@no . "Tanque Blindado de Asalto"@hu . "Obrn\u011Bn\u00FD \u00FAto\u010Dn\u00FD tank AAT/Legendy"@no . "Tanque Blindado de Asalto"@no . . . . "* f\u0151 l\u00E9zer\u00E1gy\u00FA\n* iker t\u00E1vols\u00E1gm\u00E9r\u0151 \u00E9s \u00E9l\u0151er\u0151vad\u00E1sz l\u00E9zerek\n* hat energial\u00F6ved\u00E9k-vet\u0151"@hu . "Carro Armato d'Assalto"@no . "Armored Assault Tank"@no . "9.75"^^ . "Eine Primaere Laserkanone im Turm,Zwei seitliche Zwillingslaser mit Entfernungsmesser (oben),Zwei Kurzstreckenblaster (unten),Sechs (Drei links,Drei rechts) Energiegranatwerfer"@de . . "Armored Assault Tank"@no . . "* A Birodalom felemelked\u00E9s\u00E9nek kora\n* A l\u00E1zad\u00E1s kora"@hu . . . "[[Fil:AAT.jpg|thumb|AAT p\u00E5 Naboo]] Armert-Assualt Tanks var en medium repulsortank, brukt av Handelsf\u00F8derasjonen og Konf\u00F8derasjonen av uavhengige systemer i Invasjonen av Naboo og Klonekrigene. AAT var armert med en stor roterbar kanon, to mindere og seks flak-missil ramper. AAT er raske og kan sveve over lik og andre hindringer. De kan ogs\u00E5 bryte seg gjennom stillinger og vegger med den rampe-lignende fronter og fyre av missiler dirkete p\u00E5 fienden. AAT har plass til \u00E5 frakte ekstra tropper og har en pilot to andrepiloter og en kanont\u00E5rnskytter. (Som gjerne er kommand\u00F8ren) \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@no . "Armored Assault Tank"@no . "The AAT, or Armoured Assault Tank, was used by the Trade Federation in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace to invade Naboo. It is the counterpart to the Republic's IFT-X. Both tanks feature similar weapons operated by the pilot, but the IFT-X has a beam turret, and the AAT has a heavy laser cannon. The IFT-X also has enhanced agility, and is faster without boost. It is annoying when you are attacking this tank and the Main Gunner on top turns around and shoots you before you do much damage. When using the AAT, you must be wary of Heavy Troopers and Thermal Detonators as the AAT, like on all tanks, is a big target."@en . "Armored Assault Tank"@no . "Tank"@en . . "AAT"@en . "21"^^ . "AAT"@ru . "[[Fil:AAT.jpg|thumb|AAT p\u00E5 Naboo]] Armert-Assualt Tanks var en medium repulsortank, brukt av Handelsf\u00F8derasjonen og Konf\u00F8derasjonen av uavhengige systemer i Invasjonen av Naboo og Klonekrigene. AAT var armert med en stor roterbar kanon, to mindere og seks flak-missil ramper. AAT er raske og kan sveve over lik og andre hindringer. De kan ogs\u00E5 bryte seg gjennom stillinger og vegger med den rampe-lignende fronter og fyre av missiler dirkete p\u00E5 fienden. AAT har plass til \u00E5 frakte ekstra tropper og har en pilot to andrepiloter og en kanont\u00E5rnskytter. (Som gjerne er kommand\u00F8ren)"@no . "Armierter Angriffstank-1"@hu . "Char d'assaut blind\u00E9e"@no . . "AAT"@hu . "lebeg\u0151 harcj\u00E1rm\u0171"@hu . "n\u00E9gy harci droid"@hu . . . "* Kereskedelmi Sz\u00F6vets\u00E9g\n* F\u00FCggetlen Rendszerek Konf\u00F6der\u00E1ci\u00F3ja\n* Galaktikus Birodalom"@hu . . "Armored Assault Tank"@hu . "Carro Armato d'Assalto"@hu . . "AAT"@hu . "Az AAT (Armoured Assault Tank) k\u00F6zepes m\u00E9ret\u0171 lebeg\u0151 harcj\u00E1rm\u0171 volt. Ezeket a p\u00E1nc\u00E9losokat a Baktoid Fegyverm\u0171vek gy\u00E1rtottak a Kereskedelmi Sz\u00F6vets\u00E9g titkos hadserege \u00E9s k\u00E9s\u0151bb a szeparatista hader\u0151k sz\u00E1m\u00E1ra a Galaktikus Birodalom felemelked\u00E9se el\u0151tt. Naboo inv\u00E1zi\u00F3ja sor\u00E1n haszn\u00E1lt\u00E1k \u0151ket el\u0151sz\u00F6r ny\u00EDlt harcban, de k\u00E9s\u0151bb, a kl\u00F3nok h\u00E1bor\u00FAja sor\u00E1n, csaknem minden csatat\u00E9ren megtal\u00E1lhat\u00F3ak voltak."@hu . "\u88C5\u7532\u578B\u5F37\u8972\u7528\u6226\u8ECA"@no . "AAT"@no . "Tanque Blindado de Assalto"@hu . "Armored Assault Tank"@hu . "\u0411\u0440\u043E\u043D\u0438\u0440\u043E\u0432\u0430\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0448\u0442\u0443\u0440\u043C\u043E\u0432\u043E\u0439 \u0442\u0430\u043D\u043A"@hu . . "AATs are CIS tanks and are used in the clone wars. They were used by the trade federation first. There are 2 versions of this set. one was made in 2000 for the release of episode 1 and one for the clone wars TV show was made in 2009 ."@en . . "Armored Assault Tank"@hu . "Char d'assaut blind\u00E9e"@hu . . "Tanque Blindado de Assalto"@no . "AATs are CIS tanks and are used in the clone wars. They were used by the trade federation first. There are 2 versions of this set. one was made in 2000 for the release of episode 1 and one for the clone wars TV show was made in 2009 ."@en . "Obrn\u011Bn\u00FD \u00FAto\u010Dn\u00FD tank AAT/Legendy"@hu . . "AAT"@de . . "AAT"@hu . . . . "The tank had heavy frontal armor that gave it the capability to plow through walls, and it was heavily armed with a payload of 55 shells. The tank required a crew of four battle droids to be fully operated and was able to carry six additional battle droids onto the battlefield. The tank's reactor and power and communications gear were kept in the rear for protection."@en . "\u88C5\u7532\u578B\u5F37\u8972\u7528\u6226\u8ECA"@hu . "AAT"@no . . . "Armored Assault Tank"@hu . . . . . . . "55.0"^^ . "Eine Primaere Laserkanone im Turm,Zwei seitliche Zwillingslaser mit Entfernungsmesser (oben),Zwei Kurzstreckenblaster (unten),Sechs (Drei links,Drei rechts) Energiegranatwerfer"@de . . . . . "\u0411\u0440\u043E\u043D\u0438\u0440\u043E\u0432\u0430\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0448\u0442\u0443\u0440\u043C\u043E\u0432\u043E\u0439 \u0442\u0430\u043D\u043A"@no . "Gepanzerter Angriffspanzer-1"@no . . "Az AAT (Armoured Assault Tank) k\u00F6zepes m\u00E9ret\u0171 lebeg\u0151 harcj\u00E1rm\u0171 volt. Ezeket a p\u00E1nc\u00E9losokat a Baktoid Fegyverm\u0171vek gy\u00E1rtottak a Kereskedelmi Sz\u00F6vets\u00E9g titkos hadserege \u00E9s k\u00E9s\u0151bb a szeparatista hader\u0151k sz\u00E1m\u00E1ra a Galaktikus Birodalom felemelked\u00E9se el\u0151tt. Naboo inv\u00E1zi\u00F3ja sor\u00E1n haszn\u00E1lt\u00E1k \u0151ket el\u0151sz\u00F6r ny\u00EDlt harcban, de k\u00E9s\u0151bb, a kl\u00F3nok h\u00E1bor\u00FAja sor\u00E1n, csaknem minden csatat\u00E9ren megtal\u00E1lhat\u00F3ak voltak."@hu . "The tank had heavy frontal armor that gave it the capability to plow through walls, and it was heavily armed with a payload of 55 shells. The tank required a crew of four battle droids to be fully operated and was able to carry six additional battle droids onto the battlefield. The tank's reactor and power and communications gear were kept in the rear for protection."@en . . "The AAT, or Armoured Assault Tank, was used by the Trade Federation in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace to invade Naboo. It is the counterpart to the Republic's IFT-X. Both tanks feature similar weapons operated by the pilot, but the IFT-X has a beam turret, and the AAT has a heavy laser cannon. The IFT-X also has enhanced agility, and is faster without boost. It is annoying when you are attacking this tank and the Main Gunner on top turns around and shoots you before you do much damage. When using the AAT, you must be wary of Heavy Troopers and Thermal Detonators as the AAT, like on all tanks, is a big target."@en . .