"Ming Li"@en . . "ogie\u0144"@pl . . "Ming is a Chinese peacock who appeared on Sesame Street in a \"Global Grover\" sketch about China. Grover asks Ming to demonstrate a Chinese peacock dance. Ming prefers to tap dance instead. Ming, and the sketch, initially debuted in the Sesame Street special The Street We Live On, before entering regular rotation."@en . "20.0"^^ . "Antiroprus"@de . "Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is 36747D"@en . "third"@en . . . "Altanorch"@de . . . "Ming is the princess of the hawk pirates of Tarkoom. She is the sister of the hawk bandit prince, Ving. Ving is a bit like the opposite pretend wizard, Nelag. He doesn't say what he means. Though his words sound friendly, Ving thinks bad things. But he interprets it in a nice way that doesn't compell others to blast him. Ving and all hawk bandits never swim or even fly over water. Ming swims, sails,and other water things. Earlier, they were banished back in time to a place called Tarkoom. Then, as time passes, they were sent back into the present. Then, the bandits robbed Droon of all its' magical stones to make a city in the present called Mokarto. After that, they milled them at the stone mills of Feshu and captured Keeah in a cage of light. He trapped Eric, Julie, and Neal in a dun"@en . . . . . "Ming is the princess of the hawk pirates of Tarkoom. She is the sister of the hawk bandit prince, Ving. Ving is a bit like the opposite pretend wizard, Nelag. He doesn't say what he means. Though his words sound friendly, Ving thinks bad things. But he interprets it in a nice way that doesn't compell others to blast him. Ving and all hawk bandits never swim or even fly over water. Ming swims, sails,and other water things. Earlier, they were banished back in time to a place called Tarkoom. Then, as time passes, they were sent back into the present. Then, the bandits robbed Droon of all its' magical stones to make a city in the present called Mokarto. After that, they milled them at the stone mills of Feshu and captured Keeah in a cage of light. He trapped Eric, Julie, and Neal in a dungeon. Eric used a charm to make a double of himself. This spell makes a phantom. He couldn't touch anything, but he could walk through the light cage and free Keeah. Eric was about to turn back into himself when Keeah and Eric entered the underwater cave of Witch Demither. Eric and Keeah found the key to Mokarto (which was what Keeah and Eric were looking for.) They were forced to give it to Ving and Ming. Ming and Ving heard from the part of the front wall ( which was made of the truth-teller stone, Portentia) that said, 'Sorry to darken your bliss, but the ancient legend goes like this: Whoever opens the door to Mokarto,'wil be completley blasted appart-o! Ming turned either Nelag or Galen into Glena who listens to anything anyone says. Galen told Glena to stop. Glena spun on her heels and turned into (that's right folks) the pretend wizard... Nelag! The rainbow stairs appeared. The kids went back up to the Upper World."@en . "Oliver Cotterell"@en . . "Piloto de mobile suits"@es . . "Feuer"@de . "None"@en . "Ming"@en . . "zweite"@de . "Ming"@pl . . . . . . . . . "N/A"@en . . . . . . . "Ming"@pl . . "fire"@en . "Ming (\u51A5) is a drumming member of the music band \"Dong Cheng Wei\", who serves as part of the Iron Imperial Army that protects the order of the universe as well as the safety of the Iron Dimension."@en . . "Parag"@en . . . "Op de dag van de zonsverduistering zei Iroh tegen Ming dat ze er niet best uitzag. Ze kon beter naar huis gaan. Hoewel Ming zich prima voelde, deed ze wat Iroh zei, alsof ze vermoedde dat er iets groots zou gebeuren in de gevangenis en Iroh haar daar niet in wilde betrekken. Later die dag zou Iroh ontsnappen en de toestand van Poon, toen Zuko de man sprak, getuigt ervan dat Iroh niet zachtzinnig is geweest tijdens zijn uitbraak. Ming had hier echter geen last van, omdat ze op het moment van de uitbraak niet in de gevangenis was. Ze was vertrokken, zoals Iroh had gevraagd. Het is niet bekend wat er verder van Ming is geworden."@nl . "Ming is a select-able nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. Its government type is a Celestial Empire."@en . "Serena Williams Engels"@nl . . . "Ming (\u30DF\u30F3 Ming?) is a fictional character in Mobile Suit Gundam 00. Ming is a Human Reform League mobile suit pilot with the rank of 1st Lieutenant. He serves as deputy commander of Sergei Smirnov's mobile suit team."@en . "59.366"^^ . "Ming"@de . . "Feuernation"@de . "MSJ-06II-E Tieren Space Type"@es . "\u660E"@es . . . . . . . "Alive"@en . . . "Gemini Sigma"@en . "Parag"@de . . . "Chinese"@en . "Elliot Cotterell"@en . "Ming"@es . . "Alexander Cotterell"@en . . . . . . "Antiroprus"@fr . . . "Ming"@en . "en: Serena Williams"@de . . . "first"@en . "HRL, Escuadr\u00F3n Chobu"@es . . . "One of the most enigmatic sentients in existence, the Ming are a crystalline life-form that seem to have no sense of linear time as we do instead seeing all points in time in the one. Communicating with the Ming is often nearly impossible if not painfully confusing."@en . . "Guardia de prisi\u00F3n"@es . . . "39.0"^^ . "Andrew Cotterell"@en . "\u660E"@de . . "Fire Nation"@en . . . "\u660E"@en . . . . "Stra\u017Cniczka"@pl . . . . . "weiblich"@de . . "Ming"@fr . . . . "Ming is a Chinese peacock who appeared on Sesame Street in a \"Global Grover\" sketch about China. Grover asks Ming to demonstrate a Chinese peacock dance. Ming prefers to tap dance instead. Ming, and the sketch, initially debuted in the Sesame Street special The Street We Live On, before entering regular rotation."@en . . . . "Femenino"@es . . . . "Ming"@en . . "Mobile Suit Gundam 00~9~10"@en . . "Ming 2"@en . . . "Kobieta"@pl . . "Ming"@es . "Ming was Dr. Matsumori's lover. She died while giving birth to a clone. She is one of four characters in the series who could conceivably have been the Dr. M referred to by Toyota, along with Dr. Allison Mann and both of her parents. She believes in the controversial theory of morphic resonance which may have been a contributing factor to the gendercide."@en . . . . . . "Brak"@pl . . "Ming"@fr . . "Ming ist ein kleines Sonnensystem mit drei und einem Asteroideng\u00FCrtel. Voraussetzung: Priorit\u00E4t: Sur'Kesh (Mass Effect 3)"@de . "Ming.png"@pl . . "Ming 3"@en . . . "Blue"@en . . . "Nickelodeon"@en . "Human"@en . . . . . "Gold"@en . "Ming era una guardia de la prisi\u00F3n de la Capital de la Naci\u00F3n del Fuego, y fue especialmente amable y comprensiva con Iroh cuando este fue llevado a la prisi\u00F3n. Ella le tom\u00F3 aprecio a Iroh porque le recordaba a su padre. Ten\u00EDa una apreciaci\u00F3n por los tipos ex\u00F3ticos de t\u00E9."@es . "Nickelodeon"@en . . "*Original: Serena Williams"@es . "premi\u00E8re"@fr . . . . . "Brown"@en . "Gevangenis bewaker"@nl . "Ming ist ein kleines Sonnensystem mit drei und einem Asteroideng\u00FCrtel. Voraussetzung: Priorit\u00E4t: Sur'Kesh (Mass Effect 3)"@de . . "3"^^ . . "Confucian"@en . "napary. By\u0142a najmilsz\u0105 osob\u0105 dla Iroh'a w czasie jego pobytu w wi\u0119zieniu."@pl . "Ming"@es . "Anno Domini"@en . . . "Teniente Primero"@es . . . "Blue"@en . . "MNG"@en . "Altanorch est la troisi\u00E8me plan\u00E8te orbitant autour de l'\u00E9toile Ming. Article principal: Altanorch"@fr . "Killed in Action"@en . "Ming era una guardia de la prisi\u00F3n de la Capital de la Naci\u00F3n del Fuego, y fue especialmente amable y comprensiva con Iroh cuando este fue llevado a la prisi\u00F3n. Ella le tom\u00F3 aprecio a Iroh porque le recordaba a su padre. Ten\u00EDa una apreciaci\u00F3n por los tipos ex\u00F3ticos de t\u00E9."@es . "O"@fr . . . . "Luminosity Sol N/A Planets Moons 0 Asteroid Belts 0 Asteroids 0 Objects 0 Location: Milky Way / Gemini Sigma / Ming Ming is a small system with three and an asteroid . Prerequisite: Priority: Sur'Kesh (Mass Effect 3) It is described as an \"energetic blue giant\"; the mass is derived from rounding up the minimum Keplerian ratio allowed by Parag. It is probably named for the Chinese Ming Dynasty\uFF08\u660E\u671D)."@en . "\u30DF\u30F3"@es . . "*Vuurnatie\n*Iroh"@nl . "Captain Groman's oriental manservant aboard the freighter Evening Star. Portrayed by Fugi [Episodes #27 & 28: \"Ship of Spies, Part 1\" and \"Ship of Spies, Part 2\"]."@en . . "Ming (\u30DF\u30F3), es un personaje ficticio de Mobile Suit Gundam 00. Ming es un piloto de mobile suits de la HRL, con el rango de teniente primero. Se desempe\u00F1a como subcomandante en el equipo de mobile suits de Sergei Smirnov."@es . "Ming (\u30DF\u30F3 Ming?) is a fictional character in Mobile Suit Gundam 00. Ming is a Human Reform League mobile suit pilot with the rank of 1st Lieutenant. He serves as deputy commander of Sergei Smirnov's mobile suit team."@en . "G\u00E9meaux Sigma"@fr . "Altanorch est la troisi\u00E8me plan\u00E8te orbitant autour de l'\u00E9toile Ming. Article principal: Altanorch"@fr . . . "Ming nie pojawi\u0142a si\u0119 w \u017Cadnym odcinku, ale zosta\u0142a wspomniana w Zip It. Jest by\u0142ym pracownikiem \"Tech Town\"."@pl . "Ming"@de . . "59366"^^ . "N/A"@en . . "braun"@de . "Parag"@fr . . . "Tim Hurdle"@en . . "2276"^^ . . "Brak"@pl . "Captain Groman's oriental manservant aboard the freighter Evening Star. Portrayed by Fugi [Episodes #27 & 28: \"Ship of Spies, Part 1\" and \"Ship of Spies, Part 2\"]."@en . "100.0"^^ . "Green"@en . "Gef\u00E4ngnisw\u00E4rterin"@de . . "Op de dag van de zonsverduistering zei Iroh tegen Ming dat ze er niet best uitzag. Ze kon beter naar huis gaan. Hoewel Ming zich prima voelde, deed ze wat Iroh zei, alsof ze vermoedde dat er iets groots zou gebeuren in de gevangenis en Iroh haar daar niet in wilde betrekken. Later die dag zou Iroh ontsnappen en de toestand van Poon, toen Zuko de man sprak, getuigt ervan dat Iroh niet zachtzinnig is geweest tijdens zijn uitbraak. Ming had hier echter geen last van, omdat ze op het moment van de uitbraak niet in de gevangenis was. Ze was vertrokken, zoals Iroh had gevraagd."@nl . "Ming was Dr. Matsumori's lover. She died while giving birth to a clone. She is one of four characters in the series who could conceivably have been the Dr. M referred to by Toyota, along with Dr. Allison Mann and both of her parents. She believes in the controversial theory of morphic resonance which may have been a contributing factor to the gendercide."@en . . . "Br\u0105zowe"@pl . "Ming"@fr . "\u51A5"@en . . . "~100000"@de . "Ming is a select-able nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. Its government type is a Celestial Empire."@en . . . "System View"@en . "~100000"@en . . "3"^^ . . "31"^^ . . . . "Luminosity Sol N/A Planets Moons 0 Asteroid Belts 0 Asteroids 0 Objects 0 Location: Milky Way / Gemini Sigma / Ming Ming is a small system with three and an asteroid . Prerequisite: Priority: Sur'Kesh (Mass Effect 3) It is described as an \"energetic blue giant\"; the mass is derived from rounding up the minimum Keplerian ratio allowed by Parag. It is probably named for the Chinese Ming Dynasty\uFF08\u660E\u671D)."@en . "Human Reform League"@en . "O"@en . "Liga de Reforma Humana"@es . "Ming"@nl . "Create musical atmospheres"@en . "Vrouwelijk"@nl . "Goud"@nl . "=Archivo:Ming1.jpg"@es . "Medic Ming of the Space Marine Corps was part of the second assault wave in the Stroggos Campaign. He served aboard the USS Hannibal."@en . "Feuernation, Iroh"@de . . "No"@en . . "Large drill mounted on a lifting arm"@en . . . . . . "Systemansicht"@de . . . . . . . . "Altanorch"@fr . "1"^^ . "Nanjing"@en . "\"The Day of Black Sun, Part 1: The Invasion\""@en . "HRL Chobu Squadron"@en . "International Tag Team Terror Champion"@en . . . . "Antiroprus"@en . "Takashi \u014Chara"@en . "Humano"@es . . "Ming ist eine Gef\u00E4ngnisw\u00E4rterin in dem Gef\u00E4ngnis der Feuernation, in dem Iroh gefangen war."@de . . "59.366"^^ . "Jianghuai"@en . "Ming (\u30DF\u30F3), es un personaje ficticio de Mobile Suit Gundam 00. Ming es un piloto de mobile suits de la HRL, con el rango de teniente primero. Se desempe\u00F1a como subcomandante en el equipo de mobile suits de Sergei Smirnov."@es . . "Prison guard"@en . . "2"^^ . "2004"^^ . . "Ming"@nl . . . "Br\u0105zowe"@pl . "300"^^ . "Ming Dienasty"@en . "Fire Nation, Iroh"@en . ""@en . . "Milchstra\u00DFe"@de . "Takashi \u014Chara"@es . "napary. By\u0142a najmilsz\u0105 osob\u0105 dla Iroh'a w czasie jego pobytu w wi\u0119zieniu."@pl . . . "Ming ist eine Gef\u00E4ngnisw\u00E4rterin in dem Gef\u00E4ngnis der Feuernation, in dem Iroh gefangen war."@de . . . . "Deputy Commander, Mobile Suit Pilot"@en . "~100000"@fr . . . . "The Ming Dynasty covers one half of Chin, whilst the other half is covered by the Lao Dynasty."@en . "2307"^^ . . "Ming was the base name given to a series of robots across the history of Robot Wars. The team competed with the Ming robots from Series 3-7 whilst also entering in the first series of Robot Wars Extreme. Ming was named after a villain from Flash Gordon, and the team wore outfits in later series to fit the theme. The series featured four robots during its time, and also entered Zorro in Series 7."@en . . "seconde"@fr . . . . . "310"^^ . . "Minor character, support character"@en . "Female"@en . . "Ming's job was to bring in Iroh's food at meal time. She would sneak in his favorite foods and sometimes even extra shares, like some white jade tea or another bowl of rice. Iroh stated that it was her \"little gestures of kindness that [made his] days in prison bearable\". On the Day of Black Sun, out of concern for her well-being and willing to protect her, Iroh told Ming that she should take the rest of that day off to go home and rest. He made it clear to her that she should not be at the prison when the eclipse came around."@en . "O"@de . "Gemini Sigma"@de . . . . "Altanorch"@en . . "Ming was the base name given to a series of robots across the history of Robot Wars. The team competed with the Ming robots from Series 3-7 whilst also entering in the first series of Robot Wars Extreme. Ming was named after a villain from Flash Gordon, and the team wore outfits in later series to fit the theme. The series featured four robots during its time, and also entered Zorro in Series 7."@en . . "erste"@de . . "Blada"@pl . "Masculino"@es . . . "First Lieutenant,"@en . "Zwart"@nl . . . "Negro"@es . "Medic Ming of the Space Marine Corps was part of the second assault wave in the Stroggos Campaign. He served aboard the USS Hannibal."@en . "Alistair Abell"@en . "1"^^ . "dritte"@de . . . "36747.0"^^ . . . . "3.0"^^ . . . . . "Ming"@en . . "3"^^ . "\"El D\u00EDa del Sol Negro, Primera Parte: La Invasi\u00F3n\""@es . "2276"^^ . . . . . "31"^^ . . . "Ming nie pojawi\u0142a si\u0119 w \u017Cadnym odcinku, ale zosta\u0142a wspomniana w Zip It. Jest by\u0142ym pracownikiem \"Tech Town\"."@pl . . . . "\u660E"@pl . "Episodio #9 - #10"@es . . . "second"@en . . . "Male"@en . "Subcomandante"@es . "Ming's job was to bring in Iroh's food at meal time. She would sneak in his favorite foods and sometimes even extra shares, like some white jade tea or another bowl of rice. Iroh stated that it was her \"little gestures of kindness that [made his] days in prison bearable\". On the Day of Black Sun, out of concern for her well-being and willing to protect her, Iroh told Ming that she should take the rest of that day off to go home and rest. He made it clear to her that she should not be at the prison when the eclipse came around."@en . "Ming (\u51A5) is a drumming member of the music band \"Dong Cheng Wei\", who serves as part of the Iron Imperial Army that protects the order of the universe as well as the safety of the Iron Dimension."@en . "2307"^^ . . "troisi\u00E8me"@fr . . "Drums"@en . . "1"^^ . "Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is 36747D"@en . . . . . . "Ming.9.png"@de . "Ming"@de . ""@en . . . "fuego"@es . . "One of the most enigmatic sentients in existence, the Ming are a crystalline life-form that seem to have no sense of linear time as we do instead seeing all points in time in the one. Communicating with the Ming is often nearly impossible if not painfully confusing."@en . "Brak"@pl . . . "\u660E"@nl . "Ming Dienasty"@en . . "1"^^ . . "Ming"@es . "The Ming Dynasty covers one half of Chin, whilst the other half is covered by the Lao Dynasty."@en . . . "None"@en . . .