. . . "yes"@en . . . "The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D was a Galaxy-class starship and the flagship of Starfleet. The fifth starship to be named Enterprise, she was commanded by Captain Jean-Luc Picard. With a total of 42 decks, the Enterprise-D was twice the length and had eight times the interior space of the Constitution-class ships of over a century earlier. She carried a combined crew and passenger load of 1,012. Defensive systems included 10 phaser banks, 250 photon torpedoes, and a high capacity shield grid; there are some 4,000 power systems in all aboard ship. Full acceleration time from reverse, sub-light impulse through nominal top warp speed, warp 9, was 0.03 milliseconds. The ship achieved maximum speed of warp 9.5 maximum when pursued by the entity known as \"Q\"; at warp 9.3 its engines had passed the red line. By Stardate 43205, she had already logged tens of thousands of light-years since setting out around Stardate 41153.7 after Jean-Luc Picard formally became her first captain on Stardate 41124. An average day aboard ship, according to Lieutenant Commander Data, included four birthdays, two personnel transfers, two chess tournaments, a secondary school play, four promotions, the celebration of the Hindu Festival of Lights \u2014 and a birth and wedding. Some 13 planets were represented among the ship's complement as of Stardate 44247. During the Borg incursion of 2366, Decks 23-25 were sliced open by the enemy during the final battle over Earth and requiring a refit at Earth Station McKinley which lasted 5-6 weeks. It was far less damage than the kamikaze warp-driven collision Commander Riker had readied as one last recourse, however. During that refit, the starship received a phaser upgrade as well as damage repair and a dilithium chamber articulation frame. It off-loaded the original three Runabouts and the first arriving officers at Deep Space Nine. The U.S.S. Enterprise-D was destroyed in 2371 after an attack by renegade Klingons breached her warp core. Although the saucer section separated before the breach, the force of the explosion caused the section to crash on the planet Veridian III. Fortunately, losses were minimal."@en . . "NCC-1701-D"@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) ist das f\u00FCnfte Raumschiff der F\u00F6deration und das sechste in der Geschichte der Sternenflotte mit dem Namen Enterprise. Sie ist eines der ersten und ber\u00FChmtesten Schiffe der Galaxy-Klasse. Nach dem Referenzwerk Die Technik der USS Enterprise ist die Enterprise das dritte Raumschiff der Galaxy-Klasse und das zweite Serienraumschiff nach der USS Yamato (NCC-71807), welche etwa ein Jahr vor der Enterprise in Dienst gestellt wurde. Sie ist das Flaggschiff der Sternenflotte und hat w\u00E4hrend ihrer achtj\u00E4hrigen Dienstzeit in den Bereichen Diplomatie, Forschung und Erstkontaktsituationen mehr geleistet, als jedes andere Schiff, das sich jemals im Dienst der Sternenflotte befunden hat."@de . "USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D), \u00E4r namnet p\u00E5 ett rymdskepp av Galaxy-klass som sattes i bruk \u00E5r 2364 och var aktivt fram tills dess f\u00F6rst\u00F6relse \u00E5tta \u00E5r senare. Rymdskeppet var federationens flaggskepp under de \u00E5tta \u00E5r som det var i bruk. Det \u00E4r ett i m\u00E4ngden av rymdskepp som b\u00E4r namnet Enterprise och kommend\u00F6r f\u00F6r USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) var Jean-Luc Picard."@sv . "Die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) (oder nur Enterprise-D) ist das Flaggschiff der Vereinigte F\u00F6deration der Planeten in einem Paralleluniversum. Die Enterprise geh\u00F6rt zu den Raumschiffen der Galaxy-Klasse und ist das sechste Schiff, das diesen Namen tr\u00E4gt. Im Comic Assimilation\u00B2 materialisiert die TARDIS an Bord der Enterprise, genauer auf dem Holodeck. Captain des Schiffes ist Jean-Luc Picard. Mit ihm und seiner Mannschaft m\u00FCssen der Elfte Doctor, Amelia Pond und Rory Williams eine Allianz der Cybermen und der Borg aufhalten."@de . "USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)"@es . "The Enterprise was commissioned in 2363. The ship was built in the Sol system at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in orbit over Mars; the vessel's warp drive was designed by Dr Leah Brahms with Commander Orfil Quinteros supervising the overall construction. While under construction, the starship's warp nacelle was the site of multiple murders which were not discovered until 2370. (TNG episodes: \"Booby Trap\", \"11001001\", \"Galaxy's Child\", \"Eye of the Beholder\"; TNG video game: Echoes From the Past)"@en . . . . . . . . . . "The Enterprise D looked really nice. It had pretty creme colored walls, and a nice beige carpet, and the bridge had a nice wood finish! After a couple of years, though, the crew realized that the wood finish sort of revealed the fact that they weren't on a real starship, but that they were actually on a studio set. So, they tried to get rid of it, but the director yelled at them, so it stayed. The original Enterprise had rocket thingies in the back that were like real rockets, but the Enterprise-D had thin blue light-up lights that turned on whenever they went to warp speed."@en . . . . . "USS Enterprise-D"@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Schiffswerft Utopia Planitia \u00FCber dem Mars"@de . . . . . . "Enterprise"@fr . . "La USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) era una nave stellare di Classe Galaxy ordinata nel 2363, (TNG: \"Solo in mezzo a noi\", \"Trappola spaziale\", \"Echi mentali\") la quinta nave della Flotta Stellare della Federazione che porta il nome Enterprise. Fu definita la Nave Ammiraglia della Federazione. L' Enterprise-D fu distrutta nel 2371. (Star Trek Generazioni)"@it . "The USS Enterprise-D was a Galaxy-class Federation starship in service during the 24th century, commanded by Captain Jean-Luc Picard. The fifth in a long line of ships to bear this name, the Enterprise-D was a ship of peace and exploration and not only carried many Starfleet officers on board but also their families. Picard assumed captaincy of the Enterprise-D in 2364, having hand-picked much of his senior staff, including Geordi LaForge, Tasha Yar and Will Riker as his First Officer. During their first year, the Enterprise-D successfully managed to avert a hostile take over of the Federation by an alien race that had infiltrated Starfleet at the highest levels."@en . . "The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) was a Galaxy-class Federation starship in service during the latter half of the 24th century. Launched from Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in 2363, under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. She was the fifth Federation starship to bear the name, and the flagship of Starfleet throughout her lifetime. (Star Trek: The Next Generation)"@en . . . . . "220"^^ . "USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)"@cs . . "Galaxy"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701-D to okr\u0119t klasy Galaxy nale\u017C\u0105cy do Floty Gwiezdnej Zjednoczonej Federacji Planet, pi\u0105ty okr\u0119t Floty nosz\u0105cy nazw\u0119 \"Enterprise\". Zbudowany w Utopia Planitia Starfleet Yards, zosta\u0142 oddany do s\u0142u\u017Cby w 2363 roku Czas Gwiezdny 40759.5. By\u0142 cz\u0119sto okre\u015Blany jako flagowy okr\u0119t Floty Gwiezdnej. Enterprise zosta\u0142 zniszczony w 2371 roku. (Star Trek Generations)"@pl . "2371"^^ . . . . "USS Enterprise"@de . . . . . "destroyed"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "January 2005"@en . . . . . . . "Die U.S.S. Enterprise (NCC 1701-D) war ein Raumschiff der Galaxy-Klasse, dass unter dem Kommando von Captain Jean-Luc Picard stand.thumb|318px|USS Enterprise-D Die U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D ist das f\u00FCnfte F\u00F6derationsschiff, dass den Namen \"Enterprise\" tr\u00E4gt. Schiffe der Galaxy-Klasse stellen die gr\u00F6\u00DFten, m\u00E4chtigsten und gewaltigsten - und bis zum Bau der Sovereign-Klasse sogar die l\u00E4ngsten - Raumer der Sternenflotte und der F\u00F6deration dar. Die Enterprise-D wurde im Jahr 2363 fertig gestellt und startete Anfang 2364, unter dem Kommando von Jean-Luc Picard, zu seiner ersten Tiefenraum-Mission. Zudem war die Enterprise-D erst das dritte Schiff dieser, zu dem Zeitpunkt, recht jungen Schiffsklasse. Die Captains der U.S.S. Galaxy NX-70637 und der U.S.S. Yamato NCC-71807 \u00FCbermittelten per Subraumfunk die besten Gl\u00FCck-w\u00FCnsche an Picard. Die Galaxy-Klasse ist so konzipiert, dass sie die Untertassen-Sektion von der Maschinen-Sektion abtrennen kann. Die Untertassen-Sektion fungiert dann entweder als eigenst\u00E4ndiges, warpunf\u00E4higes Schiff oder als \"Rettungsboot\"; beispielsweise bei einem unaufhaltsamen Warpkernbruch. Die Enterprise-D kann in extremen Situation bis zu 600 Photonentorpedos in verschiedenen Magazinen und Waffenkammern mit sich f\u00FChren. In der Regel betr\u00E4gt die Standard-Anzahl jedoch nur 250 St\u00FCck. Eine weitere Besonderheit der Galaxy-Klasse besteht darin, dass neben der rund 1000 Mann starken Besatzung etwa 200 Zivilisten und Kinder permanent an Bord leben. Deshalb gibt es sogar Schulen und Kinderg\u00E4rten an Bord. Zwar mussten dadurch nicht mehr so viele Familien f\u00FCr l\u00E4ngere Zeit getrennt leben, daf\u00FCr stieg aber das Gefahren-Risiko f\u00FCr die ganze Familie. Die U.S.S. Enterprise-D ist das erste F\u00F6derations-schiff, dass den Borg erstmalig begegnet war. Dieses Ereignis geht auf das Konto von Q, der die Enterprise-D 7000 Lichtjahre Richtung Delta-Quadranten geschickt hatte. Im Jahr 2369 diente das Flaggschiff der F\u00F6deration kurzzeitig als Tr\u00E4gerschiff der ersten drei neuentwickelten Runabout-Shuttles f\u00FCr die Raumstation Deep Space Nine. Im Jahr 2371 wird die Enterprise-D \u00FCber Veridian III zerst\u00F6rt. Kategorie:Sternenflotte Kategorie:Raumschiff"@de . . . "The USS Enterprise-D was a Galaxy-class Federation starship in service during the 24th century, commanded by Captain Jean-Luc Picard. The fifth in a long line of ships to bear this name, the Enterprise-D was a ship of peace and exploration and not only carried many Starfleet officers on board but also their families. Picard assumed captaincy of the Enterprise-D in 2364, having hand-picked much of his senior staff, including Geordi LaForge, Tasha Yar and Will Riker as his First Officer."@en . . "Enterprise-d_extreme_closeup.jpg"@nl . . . "baan om Mars in het Sol systeem. (TNG: \"Booby Trap\" \u2022 \"Eye of the Beholder\") De constructie stond onder toezicht van commandant Orfil Quinteros. (TNG: \"11001001\") Dr. Leah Brahms was verantwoordelijk voor het grootste gedeelte van ontwerp van het warpaandrijving systeem. (TNG: \"Booby Trap\" \u2022 \"Galaxy's Child\") De nacelle buis van het schip was de plaats van een meervoudige moord ten tijde van de constructie op Utopia Planitia. Walter Pierce, een lid van het constructieteam, werd jaloers op de nieuwe relatie van zijn oude geliefde. Hij vermoordde de twee officieren, Marla Finn en William Hodges en liet hun lichamen verdwijnen in een plasmastroom. Pierce pleegde daarna op dezelfde manier zelfmoord, waarbij hij een telepatische vingerafdruk achterliet in een scheidingsschot, die pas in 2370 werd ontdekt. (TNG: \"Eye of the Beholder\") De laatste fase van de constructie werd uitgevoerd op Aarde station McKinley. Kapitein Jean-Luc Picard nam op sterrendatum 41153.7 het commando van de Enterprise-D op zich op orders van schout-bij-nacht Norah Satie. (TNG: \"All Good Things...\")"@nl . . . . "2363"^^ . . . . . ";Klasse:Galaxy-Klasse\n;Registrierung:NCC-1701-D\n;Besatzung:1014\n;Dienstzeit:2363-2371"@de . . . "La USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) era una nave stellare di Classe Galaxy ordinata nel 2363, (TNG: \"Solo in mezzo a noi\", \"Trappola spaziale\", \"Echi mentali\") la quinta nave della Flotta Stellare della Federazione che porta il nome Enterprise. Fu definita la Nave Ammiraglia della Federazione. L' Enterprise-D fu distrutta nel 2371. (Star Trek Generazioni)"@it . . . . "USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D.jpg"@de . . . . . . . "yes"@en . . . "USS Enterprise"@en . . "Explorer"@en . . . . . . "2363"^^ . . . . . . . "USS Enterprise-D.jpeg"@de . . "USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)"@nl . . "Assimilation\u00B2"@de . . "Her first mission was to investigate Farpoint Station. On this mission the Enterprise had its first encounter with the being known as Q in which it was forced to max out its engines and perform a saucer separation. The Enterprise was also hijacked by the Bynars trying to save their world. When she first encountered the Borg (thanks to Q) three sections were removed and 18 people were killed. In the next encounter with the Borg 11 people were killed and deck 36 was damaged. After the encounter with the Borg the Enterprise spent 5 to 6 weeks at Earth Station Mckinley getting the damage repaired. The Enterprise served as the lead ship in a fleet assembled by Picard to stop any Romulan involvement during the Klingon Civil War. Later the Enterprise encountered and was trapped in a temporal causality loop, ending with the Enterprise crashing into the outdated USS Bozeman causing a wreck every time. The loop repeated for a total of 17 days. The Enterprise underwent a baryon sweep in 2369 during which a band of mercenaries tried to steal an explosive from the ships warp core, but was stopped by the executive officers of the Enterprise. The Enterprise was destroyed in 2371 after an attack by a Klingon Bird-of-Prey. The Enterprise had a total of 3 commanding officers, 4 first officers, 5 chief engineers, 2 tactical/security officers, and 2 chief medical officers during its tour of duty. She was replaced by the USS Enterprise-E and eventually the USS Enterprise-J."@en . . . . . . "Her first mission was to investigate Farpoint Station. On this mission the Enterprise had its first encounter with the being known as Q in which it was forced to max out its engines and perform a saucer separation. The Enterprise was also hijacked by the Bynars trying to save their world. When she first encountered the Borg (thanks to Q) three sections were removed and 18 people were killed. In the next encounter with the Borg 11 people were killed and deck 36 was damaged. After the encounter with the Borg the Enterprise spent 5 to 6 weeks at Earth Station Mckinley getting the damage repaired. The Enterprise served as the lead ship in a fleet assembled by Picard to stop any Romulan involvement during the Klingon Civil War. Later the Enterprise encountered and was trapped in a temporal caus"@en . "right|thumb|USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) La Enterprise-D fue construida en los astilleros de Utopia Planitia en la \u00F3rbita de Marte en el Sistema Solar. Su construcci\u00F3n fue supervisada por el Comandante Orfil Quinteros. La Dra. Leah Brahms fue responsable del dise\u00F1o de buena parte del sistema de propulsi\u00F3n de la Enterprise. La USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D era una nave Clase Galaxy y el buque insignia de la Flota Estelar. Quinta nave con el nombre de Enterprise, fue mandada por el Capit\u00E1n Jean-Luc Picard."@es . . . . . "L'USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D \u00E9tait un vaisseau spatial de classe Galaxy affili\u00E9 \u00E0 Starfleet, command\u00E9 par le capitaine Jean-Luc Picard. Ce navire fut le cinqui\u00E8me de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration \u00E0 porter le nom Enterprise. L' Enterprise-D fut d\u00E9truit en 2371 (\"Star Trek: Generations\")."@fr . . . . . . . . . "Die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) ist das f\u00FCnfte Raumschiff der F\u00F6deration und das sechste in der Geschichte der Sternenflotte mit dem Namen Enterprise. Sie ist eines der ersten und ber\u00FChmtesten Schiffe der Galaxy-Klasse. Nach dem Referenzwerk Die Technik der USS Enterprise ist die Enterprise das dritte Raumschiff der Galaxy-Klasse und das zweite Serienraumschiff nach der USS Yamato (NCC-71807), welche etwa ein Jahr vor der Enterprise in Dienst gestellt wurde."@de . "USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D), \u00E4r namnet p\u00E5 ett rymdskepp av Galaxy-klass som sattes i bruk \u00E5r 2364 och var aktivt fram tills dess f\u00F6rst\u00F6relse \u00E5tta \u00E5r senare. Rymdskeppet var federationens flaggskepp under de \u00E5tta \u00E5r som det var i bruk. Det \u00E4r ett i m\u00E4ngden av rymdskepp som b\u00E4r namnet Enterprise och kommend\u00F6r f\u00F6r USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) var Jean-Luc Picard. Dess f\u00F6rst\u00F6relse kom \u00E5r 2371 efter en strid mot systrarna Lursa och B'Etors Bird-of-prey. Enterprise vann slaget, men d\u00E5 dess warpk\u00E4rna var p\u00E5 v\u00E4g att explodera tvingades bes\u00E4ttningen evakuera skeppet genom en tefatsseparation och kraschlanda p\u00E5 Veridian III Denna sida \u00E4r inte komplett. Denna artikel har markerats som en sida som beh\u00F6ver mer information. Bes\u00F6k artikelns diskussionssida f\u00F6r att se vad som beh\u00F6ver \u00E5tg\u00E4rdas och [ redigera] g\u00E4rna artikeln f\u00F6r att hj\u00E4lpa till. Kategori:Memory-Alpha:Sidor som beh\u00F6ver ses \u00F6ver"@sv . . . . . . . . . . "53053"^^ . "fed"@en . . . "The Enterprise D looked really nice. It had pretty creme colored walls, and a nice beige carpet, and the bridge had a nice wood finish! After a couple of years, though, the crew realized that the wood finish sort of revealed the fact that they weren't on a real starship, but that they were actually on a studio set. So, they tried to get rid of it, but the director yelled at them, so it stayed. The original Enterprise had rocket thingies in the back that were like real rockets, but the Enterprise-D had thin blue light-up lights that turned on whenever they went to warp speed."@en . . . . "Die U.S.S. Enterprise (NCC 1701-D) war ein Raumschiff der Galaxy-Klasse, dass unter dem Kommando von Captain Jean-Luc Picard stand.thumb|318px|USS Enterprise-D Die U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D ist das f\u00FCnfte F\u00F6derationsschiff, dass den Namen \"Enterprise\" tr\u00E4gt. Schiffe der Galaxy-Klasse stellen die gr\u00F6\u00DFten, m\u00E4chtigsten und gewaltigsten - und bis zum Bau der Sovereign-Klasse sogar die l\u00E4ngsten - Raumer der Sternenflotte und der F\u00F6deration dar."@de . "USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)"@en . . "USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)"@pl . "The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D was a Galaxy-class starship and the flagship of Starfleet. The fifth starship to be named Enterprise, she was commanded by Captain Jean-Luc Picard. With a total of 42 decks, the Enterprise-D was twice the length and had eight times the interior space of the Constitution-class ships of over a century earlier. She carried a combined crew and passenger load of 1,012. Defensive systems included 10 phaser banks, 250 photon torpedoes, and a high capacity shield grid; there are some 4,000 power systems in all aboard ship."@en . . "Galaxy class aft.jpg"@it . . . . "USS"@fr . . . . . "The Enterprise was commissioned in 2363. The ship was built in the Sol system at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in orbit over Mars; the vessel's warp drive was designed by Dr Leah Brahms with Commander Orfil Quinteros supervising the overall construction. While under construction, the starship's warp nacelle was the site of multiple murders which were not discovered until 2370. (TNG episodes: \"Booby Trap\", \"11001001\", \"Galaxy's Child\", \"Eye of the Beholder\"; TNG video game: Echoes From the Past) The Enterprise transferred to Earth Station McKinley for final systems completion and shakedown, there on stardate 41153.7 Captain Jean-Luc Picard took command of the ship at the order of Rear Admiral Norah Satie. (TNG episode: \"All Good Things...\") The Star Trek The Expanded Universe RPG book All Our Yesterdays states that the ship was launched under Picard's command in 2363."@en . . "USS Enterprise"@en . . . . . . "The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) was a Galaxy-class Federation starship in service during the latter half of the 24th century. Launched from Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in 2363, under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. She was the fifth Federation starship to bear the name, and the flagship of Starfleet throughout her lifetime. (Star Trek: The Next Generation)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) (oder nur Enterprise-D) ist das Flaggschiff der Vereinigte F\u00F6deration der Planeten in einem Paralleluniversum. Die Enterprise geh\u00F6rt zu den Raumschiffen der Galaxy-Klasse und ist das sechste Schiff, das diesen Namen tr\u00E4gt. Im Comic Assimilation\u00B2 materialisiert die TARDIS an Bord der Enterprise, genauer auf dem Holodeck. Captain des Schiffes ist Jean-Luc Picard. Mit ihm und seiner Mannschaft m\u00FCssen der Elfte Doctor, Amelia Pond und Rory Williams eine Allianz der Cybermen und der Borg aufhalten."@de . . . . "Destroyed"@en . "2371"^^ . . . . . . "USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)"@de . . . "USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)"@it . . . . . . . "right|thumb|USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) La Enterprise-D fue construida en los astilleros de Utopia Planitia en la \u00F3rbita de Marte en el Sistema Solar. Su construcci\u00F3n fue supervisada por el Comandante Orfil Quinteros. La Dra. Leah Brahms fue responsable del dise\u00F1o de buena parte del sistema de propulsi\u00F3n de la Enterprise. La USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D era una nave Clase Galaxy y el buque insignia de la Flota Estelar. Quinta nave con el nombre de Enterprise, fue mandada por el Capit\u00E1n Jean-Luc Picard. Con un total de 42 cubiertas, la Enterprise-D ten\u00EDa una longitud doble y ocho veces el espacio interior de las naves de Clase Constitution del siglo anterior. Llevaba un conjunto de tripulaci\u00F3n y pasajeros de 1,012 personas. Sus dimensiones eran: 137.5 metros de altura, 467 metros de anchura y 641 metros de longitud. Sus sistemas defensivos incluyeron 10 bater\u00EDas phaser, 250 torpedos de fotones, y un escudo defensivo de alta capacidad; aproximadamente 4,000 sistemas de fuerza en total a bordo de la nave. right|thumb|Vista frontal de la USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) Su tiempo de aceleraci\u00F3n nominal era warp 9 en 0.03 milisegundos. No obstante esta nave alcanz\u00F3 la velocidad m\u00E1xima de warp 9.5 cuando fue perseguida por la entidad conocida como Q. Para la fecha estelar 43205, ya hab\u00EDa registrado decenas de miles de a\u00F1os luz desde su salida alrededor de la fecha estelar 41153.7. Jean-Luc Picard fue formalmente su primer capit\u00E1n en la fecha estelar 41124. Un d\u00EDa medio a bordo de la nave, seg\u00FAn el Vice comandante Data, inclu\u00EDa cuatro cumplea\u00F1os, dos transferencias de personal, dos torneos de ajedrez, un juego de escuela secundaria, cuatro promociones, la celebraci\u00F3n del Festival hind\u00FA de Luces \u2013 y un nacimiento y una boda. Aproximadamente 13 planetas estaban representados en la tripulaci\u00F3n de la nave. Seriamente da\u00F1ada en el enfrentamiento contra el Borg del a\u00F1o 2367, la nave necesit\u00F3 seis semanas de trabajo de reparaci\u00F3n en la estaci\u00F3n terrestre McKinley, donde se le instal\u00F3 una c\u00E1mara de dilitio defectuosa, causando una fuerte explosi\u00F3n en el motor warp que da\u00F1\u00F3 gran parte de la nave, por lo que necesit\u00F3 dos semanas adicionales de reparaciones. En un primer momento se sospech\u00F3 de un posible sabotaje, posibilidad que qued\u00F3 descartada posteriormente, al descubrir que imperceptibles irregularidades del casco fueron las responsables del accidente. Durante aquel reacondicionamiento, la nave recibi\u00F3 una mejora de phaser. La USS Enterprise-D fue destruida en 2371 despu\u00E9s de que un ataque de renegados Klingons destruy\u00F3 su motor warp. La mayor\u00EDa de la tripulaci\u00F3n se refugio en el Platillo que termino por aterrizar en Veridian III. La nave no pudo ser salvada y muchos miembros de la tripulaci\u00F3n fueron transferidos a la nueva USS Enterprise-E."@es . . . . "baan om Mars in het Sol systeem. (TNG: \"Booby Trap\" \u2022 \"Eye of the Beholder\") De constructie stond onder toezicht van commandant Orfil Quinteros. (TNG: \"11001001\") Dr. Leah Brahms was verantwoordelijk voor het grootste gedeelte van ontwerp van het warpaandrijving systeem. (TNG: \"Booby Trap\" \u2022 \"Galaxy's Child\") De laatste fase van de constructie werd uitgevoerd op Aarde station McKinley. Kapitein Jean-Luc Picard nam op sterrendatum 41153.7 het commando van de Enterprise-D op zich op orders van schout-bij-nacht Norah Satie. (TNG: \"All Good Things...\")"@nl . "NCC-1701-D"@it . . . . . . . . "USS Enterprise-D, These Are the Voyages.jpg"@nl . . "NCC-1701-D"@fr . "L'USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D \u00E9tait un vaisseau spatial de classe Galaxy affili\u00E9 \u00E0 Starfleet, command\u00E9 par le capitaine Jean-Luc Picard. Ce navire fut le cinqui\u00E8me de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration \u00E0 porter le nom Enterprise. L' Enterprise-D fut d\u00E9truit en 2371 (\"Star Trek: Generations\")."@fr . . . "2363"^^ . . . "NCC-1701-D"@en . . . . . . "NCC-1701-D"@en . "U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701-D to okr\u0119t klasy Galaxy nale\u017C\u0105cy do Floty Gwiezdnej Zjednoczonej Federacji Planet, pi\u0105ty okr\u0119t Floty nosz\u0105cy nazw\u0119 \"Enterprise\". Zbudowany w Utopia Planitia Starfleet Yards, zosta\u0142 oddany do s\u0142u\u017Cby w 2363 roku Czas Gwiezdny 40759.5. By\u0142 cz\u0119sto okre\u015Blany jako flagowy okr\u0119t Floty Gwiezdnej. Enterprise zosta\u0142 zniszczony w 2371 roku. (Star Trek Generations)"@pl . "310"^^ . . "USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)"@fr . . . . . . . . . . "Galaxy class aft.jpg"@en . "USS Enterprise"@it . "USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)"@sv . "Distrutta"@it . . . . . . . . .