. . "79 (seventy-nine) is a positive integer following 78 and preceding 80. Its ordinal form is written \"seventy-ninth\" or 79th."@en . . . "78"^^ . . . "79"^^ . . . . . . . . "1.4"^^ . . . "Sowohl Diana als auch Julian fl\u00FCchten an Heiligabend vor ihren Familien und treffen sich zuf\u00E4llig im Bootshaus, wo sie unfreiwillig zusammengesperrt werden. Nach einem kurzen Moment der Panik lassen sie ihren Emotionen freien Lauf. Jutta wei\u00DF sich nicht anders zu helfen, als nach Dieters t\u00E4tlichem Angriff das Weite zu suchen. Es tut ihr gut, in Keule einen einf\u00FChlsamen Mann zu finden, der sie sch\u00E4tzt und bewundert... Nadja ist sauer, dass Richard sie mit der Wohnung ausgetrickst hat, denn sie will nicht, dass er sich noch weiter in ihr Leben einmischt. Um nicht weiter Tr\u00FCbsal zu blasen, schl\u00E4gt Nadja Ben eine spontane Weihnachtsparty vor. Der ist begeistert, und so finden sich diverse Singles zum fr\u00F6hlichen Fest ein..."@de . "Number 79 was an item on The List"@en . . . "80"^^ . "79"^^ . . . "El setenta y nueve (79) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al setenta y ocho y precede al ochenta. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . . . . "\"79\" was a well known clan wars leader previous to EOC and still remains somewhat active in the runescape community. 79 used to be a pretty well-known youtuber, but has quit making videos and has since shut down his account."@en . . . . "Last episode of the 70s column."@en . . . . . "79 \u2013 linia tramwajowa zast\u0119pcza, kt\u00F3ra w swojej historii kursowa\u0142a pi\u0119ciokrotnie."@pl . "DStitle.jpg"@en . . . "79 (seventy-nine) is a positive integer following 78 and preceding 80. Its ordinal form is written \"seventy-ninth\" or 79th."@en . "80"^^ . . "1966-10-13"^^ . ""@en . "79"@es . "[[Category:th century| *]] [[Category:s| *]] [[Category:th century decades]] On 24 August 79, the Tenth Doctor caused Mount Vesuvius to erupt, killing thousands of Pompeii's residents as well as the invading Pyroviles when faced with the alternative of the Pyroviles turning Earth into a molten wasteland and erasing humankind's extant future. He had no choice but to let this happen, well aware he was creating a fixed point in time which would be forever ingrained in human history. Donna Noble shared the burden of setting off the eruption with him, knowing what effect this would have on the Doctor if he committed the act alone. Thanks to Donna's pleading, he saved one of the town's families, the Caecilius family. (TV: The Fires of Pompeii) The Seventh Doctor and Melanie Bush likewise arrived in Pompeii and witnessed the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, but the Doctor remained completely ignorant of the presence of both his future self and the Pyroviles in the city. (AUDIO: The Fires of Vulcan) Multiple visits were made by the 51st century ex-Time Agent and con artist Jack Harkness. (TV: The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances) A time disruption briefly changed history so that Vesuvius took longer to erupt, allowing the city's populace to evacuate in their boats. (PROSE: The Algebra of Ice)"@en . . . ""@en . . "80.0"^^ . . . "red"@en . . . . "Bawz_b_20061222_0079_awz_216x136.jpg"@de . "79"@en . "4"^^ . "#79 is the seventy-ninth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series."@en . "Last episode of the 70s column."@en . "79"^^ . "El setenta y nueve (79) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al setenta y ocho y precede al ochenta. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . "\"79\" was a well known clan wars leader previous to EOC and still remains somewhat active in the runescape community. 79 used to be a pretty well-known youtuber, but has quit making videos and has since shut down his account."@en . . . . "Episode 79"@en . "Incomplete"@en . "Burke and Mrs. Johnson meet. She claims Mr. Wells didn't see her (because he couldn't see the nose on his own face) and is incensed at the verdict that Bill Malloy's death was ruled accidental. Burke tells her to soft-pedal her hatred, lest it alert someone they don't name. Burke gets a call and learns that Sam and Roger were arguing about something, which he posits had something to do with Malloy's death. Mrs. Johnson reports that Bill had no use for Roger and thought Sam's wasting away was a shame."@en . . "79"@ru . . "79"^^ . "79"@pl . . "413.3"^^ . "79 \u2013 linia tramwajowa zast\u0119pcza, kt\u00F3ra w swojej historii kursowa\u0142a pi\u0119ciokrotnie."@pl . "The year 79 AD."@en . "1966-10-06"^^ . "79"^^ . "1967"^^ . . "[[Category:th century| *]] [[Category:s| *]] [[Category:th century decades]] On 24 August 79, the Tenth Doctor caused Mount Vesuvius to erupt, killing thousands of Pompeii's residents as well as the invading Pyroviles when faced with the alternative of the Pyroviles turning Earth into a molten wasteland and erasing humankind's extant future. He had no choice but to let this happen, well aware he was creating a fixed point in time which would be forever ingrained in human history. Donna Noble shared the burden of setting off the eruption with him, knowing what effect this would have on the Doctor if he committed the act alone. Thanks to Donna's pleading, he saved one of the town's families, the Caecilius family. (TV: The Fires of Pompeii)"@en . . . . . . "78"^^ . . . . "79"@ko . "#79 is the seventy-ninth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series."@en . . "Killed cat trying to see if..."@en . . . . . "22122006"^^ . "Sowohl Diana als auch Julian fl\u00FCchten an Heiligabend vor ihren Familien und treffen sich zuf\u00E4llig im Bootshaus, wo sie unfreiwillig zusammengesperrt werden. Nach einem kurzen Moment der Panik lassen sie ihren Emotionen freien Lauf. Jutta wei\u00DF sich nicht anders zu helfen, als nach Dieters t\u00E4tlichem Angriff das Weite zu suchen. Es tut ihr gut, in Keule einen einf\u00FChlsamen Mann zu finden, der sie sch\u00E4tzt und bewundert... Nadja ist sauer, dass Richard sie mit der Wohnung ausgetrickst hat, denn sie will nicht, dass er sich noch weiter in ihr Leben einmischt. Um nicht weiter Tr\u00FCbsal zu blasen, schl\u00E4gt Nadja Ben eine spontane Weihnachtsparty vor. Der ist begeistert, und so finden sich diverse Singles zum fr\u00F6hlichen Fest ein..."@de . "Number 79 was an item on The List"@en . . . "Burke and Mrs. Johnson meet. She claims Mr. Wells didn't see her (because he couldn't see the nose on his own face) and is incensed at the verdict that Bill Malloy's death was ruled accidental. Burke tells her to soft-pedal her hatred, lest it alert someone they don't name. Burke gets a call and learns that Sam and Roger were arguing about something, which he posits had something to do with Malloy's death. Mrs. Johnson reports that Bill had no use for Roger and thought Sam's wasting away was a shame. At the diner, Maggie tells Sam that folks have stopped talking about Malloy for the most part. She asks what he and Roger were talking about, and when she jokes about it, he flips. Burke tells Mrs. Johnson what her REAL duties are to be at Collinwood. She asks him about Victoria Winters, about whom Bill occasionally spoke. Burke tells her Victoria's back story and reasserts the idea that it is odd Mrs. Stoddard would hire someone she never met. Mrs. Johnson doesn't think it's so odd, she remembers 18 years prior when Collinwood had a large staff, prior to Paul Stoddard's leaving. Mrs. Johnson posits a perfectly reasonable explanation for Elizabeth's hiring Victoria. Mrs. Johnson and Burke plan to hate each other publicly. Sam is still in ill-humor. Maggie is still creeped out by Mrs. Johnson, who is not interested in Maggie's perfect menus. Maggie doesn't trust her still. Burke shows up and chats with Sam about--what else?--Malloy's death's verdict. Sam asserts that nobody had anything to do with Malloy's death, which sets Sarah off. She accuses Burke of being responsible for Bill's death because of 'stirring up trouble'. David comes in and defends Devlin. David sees himself and Burke as kindred spirits. He wants to kill everybody. Sam asks Mrs. Johnson if she meant what she said and reports on the change brought about in Malloy by Burke's return. Bill was determined to stop Burke to help Mrs. Stoddard. Sarah is willing to abide by the Coroner\u2019s verdict, but blames his state of mind which led to his falling off a familiar path to Burke's trouble-stirring. David asks Burke if Elizabeth's statements about Burke were/are true. He tells Devlin that he's been forbidden to see Burke. David is reminded of the fact that it was his suggestion that Burke buy Collinwood. David makes small talk and purports that he'll be beaten for his visit to Burke as he surreptitiously returns Burke's photograph. He claims things will get worse for him when Mrs. Johnson starts working as his \"jailer\". Burke points out what a nice thing it is that Mrs. Johnson might have something to do and defends her anti-Burke outburst. David admits he \"borrowed\" Burke's picture, which Burke purports was there all the time and he was going to give to David as a gift anyway. Mrs. Johnson likes Maggie's toast and wants another piece at the table. Sam tells Maggie to be polite to Mrs. Johnson because she's gone through a lot. Maggie says that Mrs. Johnson is \"all right\". David comes downstairs and apologizes to Mrs. Johnson. She says she may have been harsh toward Burke; Burke and Mrs Johnson feel their playacting is a success."@en . . . "List Number 79"@en . . . . "Das Jahr 79 n. Chr. geh\u00F6rt nach irdischer Zeitrechnung zum 1. Jahrhundert, welches man der antiken Epoche zuordnet. Zwei Mal besucht der Siebte Doctor die Stadt Pompeii kurz vor dem verheerenden Vulkanausbruch im August 79: einmal in dem H\u00F6rspiel The Fires of Vulcan mit Melanie Bush und einmal in dem Roman The Algebra of Ice mit Ace. Die TARDIS materialisiert erneut in Pompeii, einen Tag vor dem Ausbruch des Vesuv. Es sind der Zehnte Doctor und Donna Noble, die den Ausbruch des Vulkans in Gang setzen m\u00FCssen, um so die gesamte Menschheit vor den Pyrovile zu retten (The Fires of Pompeii)."@de . "79"@ko . "The year 79 AD."@en . . "78.0"^^ . "79"@de . "79"@ko . . . . . "5"^^ . . . "Hammerhead"@en . "Das Jahr 79 n. Chr. geh\u00F6rt nach irdischer Zeitrechnung zum 1. Jahrhundert, welches man der antiken Epoche zuordnet. Zwei Mal besucht der Siebte Doctor die Stadt Pompeii kurz vor dem verheerenden Vulkanausbruch im August 79: einmal in dem H\u00F6rspiel The Fires of Vulcan mit Melanie Bush und einmal in dem Roman The Algebra of Ice mit Ace. Die TARDIS materialisiert erneut in Pompeii, einen Tag vor dem Ausbruch des Vesuv. Es sind der Zehnte Doctor und Donna Noble, die den Ausbruch des Vulkans in Gang setzen m\u00FCssen, um so die gesamte Menschheit vor den Pyrovile zu retten (The Fires of Pompeii)."@de .