. "It's All Downhill From Here"@en . . . . . . . . . "Bring leaves up ahill, race down"@en . . "This is the fifteenth Total Drama Valley episode by Brekclub85. In the boys\u2019 cabin, Chomper, Petrie, Rory, and Shorty were playing a game they had learned from the humans: pillow fighting. Well, to be more accurate, it was more just Chomper, Rory, and Shorty (Who was holding his pillow in his mouth), as Petrie was a little too small for this game.\u201CWatch your back Chomper,\u201D laughed Rory, the fast biter bopping the rex on the head. \u201CHey,\u201D Chomper chuckled, flinging his pillow across the cabin. Shorty managed to dodge it, but it hit Petrie head on. \u201CSorry Petrie,\u201D Chomper apologized. CC CC CC CC CC CC"@en . "1"^^ . . . . . . "15"^^ . "It's All Downhill From Here"@en . "This is the fifteenth Total Drama Valley episode by Brekclub85. In the boys\u2019 cabin, Chomper, Petrie, Rory, and Shorty were playing a game they had learned from the humans: pillow fighting. Well, to be more accurate, it was more just Chomper, Rory, and Shorty (Who was holding his pillow in his mouth), as Petrie was a little too small for this game.\u201CWatch your back Chomper,\u201D laughed Rory, the fast biter bopping the rex on the head. \u201CHey,\u201D Chomper chuckled, flinging his pillow across the cabin. Shorty managed to dodge it, but it hit Petrie head on. \u201CSorry Petrie,\u201D Chomper apologized. CC Petrie: Me can\u2019t help it. Me not that big now. \u201CIt alright Chomper, me just want some sleep,\u201D Petrie replied. Rory noticed Petrie looked a little depressed. \u201CYou still upset about Tera getting voted off?\u201D he asked. \u201CYeah,\u201D Petrie replied. \u201CMe just don\u2019t get it.\u201D Shorty nodded. Although he wasn\u2019t particularly fond of Tera, he was certain that everyone had voted off Guido back in episode 11. He couldn\u2019t figure it out. Meanwhile, things were happening in the girls\u2019 cabin. Ali and Tippy were just having a chat, Rita was playing a one-man game of Toss the Seed, and Ducky and Cera were sitting on Cera\u2019s bunk. Ducky thought the game Rita was playing looked fun. \u201CCould I play?\u201D she asked politely, but Cera suddenly interrupted. \u201CNo! Um\u2026I mean, you\u2019ll need all your strength for the next challenge, right Ducky?\u201D she said. Ducky paused for a moment. CC Ducky: Cera is very smart, she is, she is. I guess I should do what she said. Ali sighed at seeing Ducky listen to Cera. \u201CTippy wishes Ducky would smarten up about Cera,\u201D the spiketail commented. \u201CYeah, Ducky is nice,\u201D Ali added. Another thing that was on the players\u2019 minds was that they heard another former TDI camper would guest star this episode, and they were wondering what he (or she) could be like. \u201CWell, all the humans we\u2019ve met so have been cool, but really weird,\u201D Ali said. THE NEXT MORNING\u2026.. The Final Nine were at the Mess Hall, eating breakfast. Cera, Tippy, Shorty, Ali, Ducky, and Petrie were so used to seeing Rory, Chomper, and Rita eat meat by now it didn\u2019t even bother them anymore. Though they still dreaded the sight of Chris walking in about to announce the next challenge, they knew they couldn\u2019t avoid it. \u201CGood morning players,\u201D he grinned. \u201CBefore I reveal the next challenge, let me introduce yet another former TDI camper\u2026\u2026Tyler!\u201D A teenage male wearing mostly red clothes and what the humans called a \u201Csweat band/headband\u201D, came into the Mess Hall. \u201CAll right! This is going to be awesome!\u201D Tyler cheered, jumping up and down. In the process, he accidentally bumped his head on the doorframe. \u201COw!\u201D he yelled, rubbing it. CC Ali: Ok, that was a bad introduction, but I\u2019m sure he\u2019ll be nice. After his little accident, Tyler began to more properly introduce himself. \u201CHey, I\u2019m Tyler, and I LOVE sports!\u201D \u201CWhat are sports?\u201D Rory asked. \u201CYa know\u2026games with physical activity,\u201D Tyler replied. \u201COh yeah,\u201D Rory replied, and all of the 9 remaining dinos shared a laugh, even Cera. Then, Chris clapped his hands to get everyone\u2019s attention. \u201CSpeaking of sports, some informants we have back in the Great Valley says an AW-SUM X-treme game with you dudes is leaf riding, correct?\u201D Rita, Rory, Chomper, Ali, Tippy, and Shorty nodded, while Cera, Ducky, and Petrie looked confused. \u201CActually, more of the leafeaters in the Mysterious Beyond and sharpteeth know more about it,\u201D Chomper explained. \u201CYou take some GIANT leaves, stick together with sticky stuff, then race them down big hills.\u201D \u201CThat sounds gr\u2026AGH!\u201D Tyler started to say but turned to panic looking at Chomper and Rita. \u201CWhat, you scared of sharpteeth?\u201D Rita asked with a laugh. \u201CNo\u2026t-rexes are like chickens,\u201D he said nervously. \u201CWhat\u2019s a chicken?\u201D the dinos asked confused. (AUTHOR\u2019S NOTE: If you don\u2019t understand the chicken thing, rewatch the Phobia Factor of TDI. Tyler\u2019s greatest fear is supposed to be chickens.) \u201COk dudes, follow me to your next challenge!\u201D Chris laughed. The players + Chris, Chef, and Tyler walked out of the Mess Hall and through the main filming area. Then walked into the Mysterious Beyond, and since the walk took quite a while, the producers decided to speed up the footage and add \u201Cfrantic\u201D music to the background to make it seem more exciting. Eventually, they stopped at the base of a mountain and lots of leaves were nearby. The leaves came in many different shapes, colors, and consistencies. \u201CYour next challenge is made up of two parts,\u201D Chris began to explain. \u201CEach of you has to collect every leave you need to make your own custom-made leaf rider!\u201D \u201CThat sounds great!\u201D Rita cheered CC Rita: I love leaf-riding. Almost as much as I love Chomper\u2026 \u201CHowever,\u201D Chris said, about to make the obvious \u201CHard part\u201D of the challenge. \u201CYou only have two minutes to pick out your leaves. Then you must proceed to the top of what you dinos call Race Mountain without dropping a single leaf. If you do, you can\u2019t enter the final race for invincibility.\u201D Everyone gulped except for Cera. CC Cera: You\u2019re about to see how an alliance can really help you beat everyone else. The leaf-gathering portion of the contest was simple enough, though only for Chomper, Ducky, Petrie, Rita, and Rory. Mainly, because they had arms. Shorty, Ali, Tippy, and Cera were having a hard time. \u201CHow can I keep all these stupid leaves on my back?\u201D Shorty complained. The four-footers would have a hard time here, except for Cera, who had a plan. \u201CHey Ducky?\u201D she asked, in fake politeness, but Ducky couldn\u2019t tell it was fake. \u201CYes Cera?\u201D she replied. \u201CI was wondering\u2026if you could carry my leaves up for me please?\u201D Ducky thought for a moment. Her hands were already mostly full, but she Was in Cera\u2019s alliance. \u201CSure Cera, I\u2019d be glad to, yup yup yup.\u201D Cera grinned and handed her some fancy blue leaves she was going to use. Ali and Shorty looked angry at Cera\u2019s tactics, but it gave them an idea. \u201CHey Tyler,\u201D Shorty asked, \u201Ccould you carry our leaves for us?\u201D \u201CYeah, I don\u2019t want to see that mean threehorn win the game,\u201D Ali added. Ali didn\u2019t like playing unfairly, but this technically wasn\u2019t against the rules. Chris then blew his whistle. \u201CAll right, time to head to the top!\u201D he called. Chirs then fired his starting gun at the side of the rock to make sure no flying dinosaurs would get hit. However, the bullet ricocheted back and Petrie just barely managed to dodge it. CC Petrie: Me think that was too close. When the dash towards the top of the mountain started, Rita was smiling confidentially. \u201CI\u2019m great at leaf-riding,\u201D she bragged to Cera. Cera was a fast learner, however. Ducky was trying her best to hold both her and Cera\u2019s leaves up, with a blowing wind this was proving to be difficult. Elsewhere, after only a few seconds of running, Tyler grew tired fast. \u201CI don\u2019t believe this..\u201D Shorty said, closing his eyes. CC Shorty: Noah and that crazy girl Izzy were OK, but this Tyler kid is just pathetic. Rory was having no trouble carrying his leaves. \u201CI\u2019m gonna make it to the race for sure,\u201D he smiled, when he noticed a ground crawler on top of one of his leaves. \u201CYum,\u201D he smiled, trying to grab it with his teeth, but in the process, knocked the leaves out of his hands. \u201COh crud,\u201D he muttered. \u201CRory has been eliminated from the race!\u201D Chris announced. Rory shrugged and walked up, he still wanted to watch. The top was nearing. Tippy had decided to carry her own leaves, since wanted to prove to Cera that she was tougher than her. \u201CTippy can make it..\u201D she said, trying to maintain her balance. Tyler meanwhile, was exhausted. \u201CI can\u2019t go on\u2026\u201D he panted, then fell over. \u201CShorty and Ali have been eliminated from the race!\u201D Chris laughed. CC Shorty: Man, that was weak. CC Ali: I\u2019m not mad at Tyler or anything, but I\u2019ll probably agree with whatever Shorty just confessed. Everyone else arrived at the top. \u201CChomper, Cera, Tippy, Ducky, Petrie, and Rita are now are all eligible for the final race for individual invincibility! Now, for the most shocking twist ever!\u201D Everyone went wide-eyed. \u201CWhat are you talking about?\u201D Chomper asked. Chris let out a minor psychopathic laugh. \u201CThere will be no Bonfire Ceremony tonight.\u201D Everyone let out a relieved look. \u201CBecause\u2026the last person whose riding leaf crosses the finish line will automatically go down the Tunnel of Shame!\u201D Now everyone gulped. \u201CYou have 15 minutes to make each of you riding leaves. Better spend that time wisely\u2026.\u201D. Chomper, Tippy, and Rita began building their rides, while Ducky was working on hers, as well as helping Cera with hers. Cera was making Ducky do most of the work while she just put the leaves in position while Ducky applied the sticky sap to attach the big leaves to each other. Petrie, however, was having much trouble with his. \u201CMe can\u2019t do this,\u201D the flyer said nervously. \u201CIt hard, and me kind of scared of going very fast!\u201D Rita had already finished her leaf rider, so she decided to help Petrie out. CC Rita: Any friend of Chomper\u2019s is a friend of mine, so yeah, I\u2019d gladly lend Petrie a hand. \u201CNeed any help Petrie?\u201D Rita asked. Petrie looked at the sharptooth. \u201CSure Rita, that would be nice. Me never done this before.\u201D Rita thought for a moment. \u201CWe still have time before the race right? I know a great place right by here where we can practice.\u201D Petrie nodded happily. \u201CSure, that would be nice.\u201D Rita grabbed her riding leaf and followed Petrie to a place about 50 feet across from where they were. \u201CWhat is this hill called?\u201D Petrie asked. \u201CUh\u2026Death Hill,\u201D Rita replied. Petrie looked like her was about to freak. \u201CDon\u2019t worry, it\u2019s a name the other sharpteeth came up with to make it sound more exciting than it is.\u201D Back where everyone else was, time had run out. \u201CHas anybody seen Petrie or Rita?\u201D Chris asked. \u201CThey went that way, but I didn\u2019t see where they stopped,\u201D Ali responded. \u201CI guess they\u2019ve been eliminated from the race,\u201D Chris said. He looked at Cera, Ducky, Tippy, and Chomper. \u201CDown to you four. Racers, get ready at the starting line!\u201D The 4 racing players went to the starting line. They looked down the steep downhill path, they could see obstacles along the way. \u201COh boy,\u201D said Tippy. Cera was whispering to Ducky. \u201CNow we just need to make sure that I come in first, and that you don\u2019t come in last,\u201D she strategized. \u201CBut\u2026can\u2019t I try to come in first?\u201D Ducky asked. \u201CBut I\u2019m the one who comes up with our plans, I can\u2019t risk being eliminated.\u201D \u201CGood point Cera, it is, it is,\u201D Ducky replied. Meanwhile, Rita was about to teach Petrie how to leave ride. \u201CJust hold on tight,\u201D she instructed. Petrie was so nervous by the thought of the game he dug his little claws into the leaves so hard, they got stuck. \u201CHere we go,\u201D said Rita starting down the hill. But then they looked down the hill, and saw that it looked VERY dangerous. \u201CWhoops,\u201D Rita said, in nervous realization. CC Rita: Oh yeah, it was Doom Hill that wasn\u2019t really scary, my mistake. \u201CWAH!\u201D the sharptooth and flyer screamed as they started down the scary hill. Pointy rocks were nearby, but Rita managed to steer them out of the way just in time. \u201CGO!\u201D Called Chris, who had said \u201CScrew it\u201D to his starting gun. Ali, Shorty, and Rory were watching the race from the TDI helicopter, Shorty and Ali were eating treestars while Rory was eating a few ground crawlers. The first portion of the race was simple, go down a path while dodging a few stalagmites. \u201CThis is fun,\u201D Chomper smiled, standing on two feet. (Imagine them surfing, this is what they look like on their riding leaves.) Tippy and Cera were tied for the lead, Ducky in 2nd, and Chomper bringing up the rear. Soon, a more tricky obstacle came up. There was a little ramp made by a rock formation, and if you didn\u2019t hit it, you wouldn\u2019t land on the next portion. Cera applied extra weight, allowing her to gain more speed and make the gap. Ducky and Tippy got lucky on the jump. Chomper, however, when he went off the rocky ramp, his riding leaf grazed the edge of the landing and knocked him off. \u201COw,\u201D Chomper muttered, his leaf rider smashed. CC Chomper: Going home won\u2019t be so terrible, right? I had a good run. Back down Death Hill, Petrie and Rita were screaming at the top of their lungs. Then, they also saw a big rock ramp\u2026but it was a daredevil style jump over a large pit. \u201CHOLD ON!\u201D Rita yelled. The riding leaf was going at such a fast speed it hit the ramp and made the jump. Petrie looked down, and his heart practically stopped. Underneath were several big sharpteeth! \u201CHi mom!\u201D Rita waved to one as they made the jump safely and continued down Death Hill uncontrollably. Back at the main race, a little waterfall was pouring onto the hill, making seeing at this point difficult. Cera managed to swerve away, as did Ducky. Tippy was unable to gain control of her riding leaf in time, and the force of the water knocked her off. \u201CDarn it,\u201D Tippy muttered. \u201COh great, Cera\u2019s gonna win again,\u201D Ali said annoyed from the TDV helicopter. Rory looked concerned. \u201CSeriously, did you guys see where Rita and Petrie went? I\u2019m very worried.\u201D Meanwhile, Petrie and Rita had entered a cave that was on Death Hill. \u201CWhat next?!\u201D Petrie screamed. He soon got his answer. There as about a 90 degree angle drop coming up! \u201CWE\u2019RE GONNA DIE!\u201D they screamed. Luckily, however, the drop was about only 30 feet, but they did land in fast-moving water. \u201CHold on!\u201D Rita instructed. The finish line was near. Ducky was in the lead, but she remembered the instructions Cera had given her, so the swimmer began to slow down. \u201COh great,\u201D said Ali again. \u201CWhat\u2019s bad about her?\u201D Tyler asked. \u201CYou have no idea,\u201D Shorty responded. Cera crossed the finish line first, Ducky soon following. \u201CYou did it Cera, you did you did!\u201D Ducky smiled, \u201CYou won invincibility, and I\u2019m safe too.!\u201D Chomper and Tippy soon came down on foot, Chomper looking slightly sad. \u201CI\u2019ll miss you Chomper, I will, I will,\u201D Ducky said. However, just then, Chris came by on the copter with Tyler, Ali, Shorty, and Rory. \u201CDucky, since the race ended, you made 3 statements. Only 1 of them is actually true.\u201D \u201CHuh?\u201D the little swimmer asked confused. \u201CCera does have invincibility because her riding leaf was the first to cross the finish line\u2026.. Howver, since Chomper and Tippy\u2019s riding leaves were smashed, they technically never crossed the finish line at all. So, that means Ducky: Tunnel of Shame time for you!\u201D Chris laughed. \u201CWhat?\u201D said Ducky in confused shockness. Cera came up to her. \u201CSorry about this, I could only save you if I gave you my invincibility.\u201D \u201CBut can\u2019t you give me it?\u201D Ducky asked. \u201CToo risky, hope you can understand that,\u201D replied Cera. Ducky suddenly felt betrayed. She felt\u2026angry! \u201CYou mean I have been helping all this time and you weren\u2019t even going to help back?\u201D Ducky asked angrily. \u201CNot really,\u201D replied Cera. \u201CEveryone was right!\u201D Ducky yelled. \u201CMyra, Ali, and Tippy were all right about you! You\u2019re nothing but a meanie user, you are, you are!\u201D \u201CSo what,\u201D replied Cera. CC Ducky: I cannot believe she said that, I can\u2019t I can\u2019t! \u201CThat was harsh,\u201D Shorty said to Cera. \u201CHey, I know how you treated Guido,\u201D Cera replied. \u201CI least I didn\u2019t use the little runt!\u201D Shorty retorted. \u201CWhatever\u2026\u201D Cera concluded. Just then, they heard two voices screaming. Out of a little tunnel on the mountain wall emerged Petrie and Rita. \u201CLOOK OUT BELOW!\u201D they yelled. The sharptooth and flyer hit the ground, the impact sending Petrie free from the riding leaf. \u201CMe thought I would die\u2026.\u201D Petrie said, nearly out of breath. \u201CChomper, I never thought I\u2019d see you again,\u201D Rita said, hugging the little sharptooth. Chomper blushed, but he still felt angry about Cera and bad for Ducky. SOME TIME LATER\u2026. Tyler had said goodbye to the dinos, and returned to 2008 in the TDV time machine. Everyone gathered to say goodbye to Ducky at the Tunnel of Shame. \u201CGoodbye Ducky,\u201D Tippy said, hugging the swimmer. \u201CIf it makes you happy, Tippy wouldn\u2019t have voted you off if it wasn\u2019t for this.\u201D \u201CThank you Tippy,\u201D Ducky smiled back. Ali waved with her foot, and even Shorty as well. \u201CMe miss you Ducky,\u201D said Petrie. \u201CEh, it\u2019ll be ok,\u201D Ducky replied. She came to Chomper, Rita, and Rory. She gave the 3 of them hugs, it didn\u2019t make her feel uncomfortable. As she was about to leave, she looked at Cera. \u201CGoodbye Cera, I hope you get everything you deserve, I do, I do.\u201D She laughed, walking down the TOS."@en .