"When starting at Discovery Age (not Nomad) or higher, the player will have a random economic building near their starting position. In every map is a bay that contains Beluga Whales and salmon. Some of the lakes on the map have three salmon spawns where the AI may occasionally build boats and warships on them. There are also two Cree and Nootka settlements; the Nootka live in the west side and the Cree on the east. A Trade Route is also present on this map; it will either be placed horizontally or vertically; if it is horizontally, the trade route is usually a bent arc that contains anywhere from three to five trade sites, and if vertically, three trade sites instead."@en . . "Plac\u00E9e aux bords du fjord de la rivi\u00E8re Saguenay \u00E0 12 heures de bicyclette du mystique Lac Saint-Han et ses bleuets au chocolat, cette banlieue du village fant\u00F4me de Val-Jalbert fabrique du papier journal, de l'aluminium, du fromage en crottes saveur BBQ ainsi qu'une bi\u00E8re aussi longue que large. C\u2019est \u00E0 Saguenay que fut construit le premier et le seul pont en aluminium con\u00E7u sp\u00E9cifiquement pour des voitures d'aluminium comme la DeLorean. Il est \u00E9galement le dernier pont en aluminium construit."@fr . . . . "When starting at Discovery Age (not Nomad) or higher, the player will have a random economic building near their starting position. In every map is a bay that contains Beluga Whales and salmon. Some of the lakes on the map have three salmon spawns where the AI may occasionally build boats and warships on them. There are also two Cree and Nootka settlements; the Nootka live in the west side and the Cree on the east."@en . . "Saguenay"@en . . "Saguenay is a city of about 150,000 people in the Saguenay River valley of Quebec, Canada. The city was recently created out of the merger of Chicoutimi, Jonqui\u00E8re, La Baie, Shipshaw and Laterri\u00E8re."@en . . . "Plac\u00E9e aux bords du fjord de la rivi\u00E8re Saguenay \u00E0 12 heures de bicyclette du mystique Lac Saint-Han et ses bleuets au chocolat, cette banlieue du village fant\u00F4me de Val-Jalbert fabrique du papier journal, de l'aluminium, du fromage en crottes saveur BBQ ainsi qu'une bi\u00E8re aussi longue que large. C\u2019est \u00E0 Saguenay que fut construit le premier et le seul pont en aluminium con\u00E7u sp\u00E9cifiquement pour des voitures d'aluminium comme la DeLorean. Il est \u00E9galement le dernier pont en aluminium construit. Chaque ann\u00E9e de nombreux pays viennent prouver leur existence devant un public incr\u00E9dule au festival des Rythme du Monde; parmi les participants on compte le Chili du Sud, Trinidad-et-Lac-Bouchette et la Mer Caspienne."@fr . . . "Saguenay is a city of about 150,000 people in the Saguenay River valley of Quebec, Canada. The city was recently created out of the merger of Chicoutimi, Jonqui\u00E8re, La Baie, Shipshaw and Laterri\u00E8re."@en . . . . . "Saguenay"@fr . .