"Z\u00F6ld, arany"@hu . "Arcona"@fr . . . "Arcona"@nl . . . . "Arcona"@hu . . . . . . "Arconowie"@es . "Arcona were big-eyed lizard aliens who were hopelessly addicted to salt, which had a powerful hallucinogenic effect on them. Going for a swim in the ocean caused them to O.D. Common table salt was addictive enough, but MSG was like crack cocaine to them. More adventurous Arcona used season salt and garlic salt. After years of offworld dealers profiting off the Arcona's addiction, the Galactic Republic finally intervened. They tried using paprika and cloves to rehabilitate the species, but to no avail. Even those rare Arcona who learned how to use the Force were not immune to this condition. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, one rather surly Jedi Knight mouthed off to Han Solo for prejudicing him in this manner. The main export of the Arconan homeworld was pepper."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Reptiel"@nl . "Mahag\u00F3ni \u00E9s \u00E9ben"@hu . "\u00C4r-k\u014Dn'-\u00E4"@nl . "Arcona"@nl . "Arcona were a sentient species of desert-dwelling humanoids that could be found in the galaxy. They had triangular heads with two large eyes set wide apart, and hands with three or four fingers. During the Clone Wars, an Arcona bounty hunter named El-Les assisted in the training of new clone troopers for the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic. Over twenty years later, shortly before the Battle of Yavin, a brown-skinned Arcona named Hem Dazon lived on Tatooine, where he had become stranded after spending all his money on salt and juri juice."@en . . . "Recruit Aasfrid Conagan,Commanding Officer Alex McMount, \nBrodlic Kzash,Director Crib Ulton, Master Of The Inferno Dante Phoenix,President Elm Aran, Captain Hermes Gemini, Kevin Chambers,\nKyel Veridas, Vesaan Raines"@en . . . . "three toes on each foot and two fingers and one thumb on each hand, all with talons approximately 3 to 4 inches in length. They have triangular heads, large glittering eyes, and the nose and mouth are merely three barely visible slits in the face."@en . . "\u30A2\u30EB\u30B3\u30FC\u30CA"@nl . . . "\u0410\u0440\u043A\u043E\u043D\u0446\u044B"@hu . "Caoba a \u00E9bano"@es . . "Arcona"@en . . . "Arconier"@nl . "Brown, green"@en . "The Arcona are scaleless reptiles, ranging between 1.7 to 2 meters tall. They are bipedal and humanoid in nature, with three toes on each foot and two fingers and one thumb on each hand, all with talons approximately 3 to 4 inches in length. They have triangular heads, large glittering eyes, and the nose and mouth are merely three barely visible slits in the face. The planet Cona, their homeworld, is a hot, dense world orbiting the blue giant Teke Ro. Cona has no axial tilt, and it has no seasons, as it's orbit about Teke Ro is a near perfect circle. The atmosphere of Cona is rich in nitrogen and hydrogen, but most of the world's oxygen is trapped in the ground. The air here contains large quantities of ammonia vapour, and free running water is extremely rare. The plantlife on Cona has evolved to survive on ammonia vapor, which it uses to create acids to break down the bedrock and free the trapped oxygen below. These plants then break down the ammonia into hydrogen and nitrogen, and capture the oxygen from the ground. They use hydrogen and oxygen to make water. Because everything they eat contains ammonia, the Arcona have developed a tolerance for it, and also require ammonia to create enzymes necessary for their very survival. The Arcona use ammonia particularly to supplement their circulatory systems and eliminate waste, disperse body heat and carry nutrients to their thick hides. In spite of this, the Arcona still have a dependency on water. They use their clawed hands and feet to dig up the plants and harvest water. Another interesting feature about the Arcona is the bulbous growth between their eyes, which looks similar to a nose. In fact, this is not an olfactory organ at all, but an acutely accurate heat sensing organ, useful in sensing and locating another creature, and as such, an excellent supplement to their weak eyes. The eyes of the Arcona are multi-faceted, much like an insect or spider. Each facet is designed to perceive a different colour or shade, and will alert the Arcona to slightest of movements. But, they have no ability to see three dimensions. Because of this weakness, the Arcona only see the world around them as an imperceptible blur of motion and colour. They must rely on their heat perception and other senses to bring their lives into an understandable focus. The Arcona place greater emphasis on the rights of the group than the rights of the individual. However, there are a few acceptable variations. The best example of this is an Arconan's devotion to it's offspring, placing far greater importance in it's own than the offspring of others in it's own clan. The Arcona reside in loose communities composed of several family nests. This society arose because of the need to protect the young from danger, for Cona is a dangerous place for the immature or uninitiated. Arcona parents must spend much of their time protecting their young from the jungles of Cona, or the hatchlings could trigger a spine trap, drink poison, or be eaten by carnivorous plants. Because of the long-term commitment involved in raising a nest of hatchlings, Arcona do not enter into the bond lightly. Males are generally the more finicky of the two genders, and when bonded, Arcona will bond for life. The hierarchy of the group is such - A community is usually built within 20 kilometers from a clearing. Every 20 days, all adult Arcona meet there and discuss community business. These meetings are led by the Nest Leader, a male who is chosen by popular vote and can be replaced at any time. Although they possessed a pre-industrial technology level before their world was discovered, the Arcona have since been completely acclimated into the general galactic populace successfully. They have established colonies on civilized and primitive planets, and, nowadays it is generally easy to find lots of Arcona in busy spaceports across the galaxy. The only negative side effect of the Arcona's entry into the galaxy is that they were soon introduced to sodium chloride, or salt, which produces a hallucinatory high in their optic nerves, but also destroys their ammonia pancreas, which produces a water saving enzyme. An Arcona who is addicted to the salt high is easily identified by the fact that his or her eyes have changed from green to gold. The Arconan government has since banded together to ban the import and sale of salt on Cona from off-world, but it is still far cheaper to import a few hundred grams of salt than it is to import a few hundred gallons of water."@en . . "[Source] Les Arconas sont originaire de la plan\u00E8te Cona dans la Bordure Int\u00E9rieure. Ils poss\u00E8dent une t\u00EAte tr\u00E8s sp\u00E9ciale permettant de facilement les reconna\u00EEtre. El-Les \u00E9tait un chasseur de primes Arcona durant la Guerre des Clones et Hem Dazon \u00E9tait un Arcona visible \u00E0 la cantina de Chalmun en 0 av.BY lorsque Obi-Wan Kenobi et Luke Skywalker s'y rendirent."@fr . . . "\"Clone Cadets\" Episode Guide - The Clone Wars"@en . . "Scaleless reptile, anvil-shaped head"@en . "Arcona"@nl . . "Arcona, sometimes singular Arconan, were scaleless reptiles with humanoid bodies. Hailing from the desert planet of Cona in the Teke Ro system, they had poor eyesight, despite their large eyes, and had a small organ between their eyes which, often mistaken for their nose, helped them to see. An Arcona's lifespan was roughly the same as a Human's. The Arcona lived in a family based community, where the males took care of the young, as the females were generally reckless and thrill-seeking. Despite not being a particularly technological species, by the time the Galactic Empire rose to power Arcona could be seen in every corner of the galaxy. They were also notorious for their easy addiction to common salt."@en . . . . . . . "Arcona waren koudbloedige humano\u00EFde reptielen, met driehoekige hoofden en grote, glinsterende ogen. De huid van de Arcona varieerde in kleur van zwartgrijs naar diep roodbruin. Ze kwamen van de planeet Cona, een hete woestijnplaneet met een atmosfeer bestaande uit stikstof, waterstof en ammonia. Alles wat de Arcona aten bevatte sporen van ammonia uit de atmosfeer van hun thuiswereld. Als de Arcona hun planeet verlieten, moesten ze steeds supplementen nemen, de zogenaamde dactyl ammonia kristallen, om er voor te zorgen dat hun lichaam afvalproducten kwijt kon. De Arcona-ogen bestonden uit duizenden kleine fotoreceptoren, die elk een kleur konden waarnemen. Gevolg hiervan was dat de Arcona wel beweging konden waarnemen, maar geen fijne structuren van elkaar konden onderscheiden. Ze gebruikten een knobbeltje tussen de ogen als aanvulling op hun zicht. In dit knobbeltje zat een zintuig dat zij konden gebruiken om warmtepatronen waar te nemen die door levende wezens werden uitgezonden; zo konden Arcona de meeste soorten identificeren aan de hand van hun warmtepatroon. Het reukorgaan zat in de tong van de Arcona. Zuurstof was zeldzaam op Cona, het lag opgeslagen in lagen in de grond. Alleen een aantal speciale planten kon bij deze lagen komen om de zuurstof te gebruiken voor de aanmaak van water. De Arcona hadden krachtige klauwen ontwikkeld om te kunnen graven naar deze planten, om op die manier het water in handen te krijgen. Ze hadden complete mijnen waarin zij naar de peulen van de planten zochten, en hadden een systeem ontwikkeld waarin zij er voor zorgden dat ze niet de hele plant kaal plukten zodat deze weer opnieuw peulen kon aanmaken."@nl . . . . . . "18"^^ . . "*Hem Dazon\n*Shlith-dan\n*Si Treemba\n*Izal Waz"@es . . . "*Reeg Brosna\n*Hem Dazon\n*El-Les"@en . . . "250"^^ . "tv-shows/clone-wars/clone-cadets"@en . . . "Inteligentes"@es . "Arcona"@es . . . "Tot 2,00 meter"@nl . "Arcona"@es . . . "Arcona"@fr . "Reptiles sin escamas, cabezas chatas con forma de yunque"@es . "Nincs"@hu . . . . "Bip\u00E9die"@fr . "Triangular head, eyes set wide apart, three- or four-fingered hands"@en . . . . "Arcona, sometimes singular Arconan, were scaleless reptiles with humanoid bodies. Hailing from the desert planet of Cona in the Teke Ro system, they had poor eyesight, despite their large eyes, and had a small organ between their eyes which, often mistaken for their nose, helped them to see."@en . . . "Arcona, sometimes singular Arconan, are scaleless reptile species with humanoid bodies. Hailing from the desert planet of Cona in the Teke Ro system, they have poor eyesight, despite their large eyes, and had a small organ between their eyes which, often mistaken for their nose, helped them to see. An Arcona's lifespan was roughly the same as a Human's. The Arcona lived in a family based community, where the males took care of the young, as the females were generally reckless and thrill-seeking. They are also notorious for their easy addiction to common salt."@en . . "Arcona"@es . . . . . . "Une paire, jaune \u00E0 bleu"@fr . "Arconier"@es . . . "Verte \u00E0 brune"@fr . . . . "Arcona waren koudbloedige humano\u00EFde reptielen, met driehoekige hoofden en grote, glinsterende ogen. De huid van de Arcona varieerde in kleur van zwartgrijs naar diep roodbruin. Ze kwamen van de planeet Cona, een hete woestijnplaneet met een atmosfeer bestaande uit stikstof, waterstof en ammonia."@nl . . . . . "Arconowie"@nl . . . . . . "Arcona"@hu . . . "Average Height: 2.5 meters Average Lifespan: 80 years With their huge, triangular shaped heads, emotionless multi-faceted eyes, and small, thin-lipped mouths, Arcona are disconcerting to behold. Often a drab, grey-maroon in color, they are not exceptionally hardy or strong, but they are quick and nimble. Hailing from Ardak, a swampy world in the Outer Rim near the Y'Toub system, the Arcona have spread out, finding homes as far as Thyferra. They are more often a space-faring race, and the Arcona that stay behind on their home world develop rather differently, both physically and mentally."@en . . "\u30A2\u30EB\u30B3\u30FC\u30CA"@es . "\u0410\u0440\u043A\u043E\u043D\u0446\u044B"@es . "Cona"@en . "1.7"^^ . . "Arcona can only be found on Kashyyyk, deep in the Etyyy - Hunting Grounds in the Arcona Compound area."@en . "Arcona"@es . . "ffffff"@es . . "\u0410\u0440\u043A\u043E\u043D\u0446\u044B"@nl . . . "Los arcona, a veces llamados arconano (a) en singular, eran reptiles sin escamas con cuerpos humanoides. Originarios del planeta desierto Cona en el sistema Teke Ro, ten\u00EDan una pobre visi\u00F3n a pesar de sus grandes ojos, y ten\u00EDan un peque\u00F1o \u00F3rgano entre sus ojos (a menudo confundido con su nariz) que los ayudaba a ver."@es . . "Arcona can only be found on Kashyyyk, deep in the Etyyy - Hunting Grounds in the Arcona Compound area."@en . "Az Arcona egy pikkelytelen h\u00FCll\u0151szer\u0171 faj volt humanoid testben. A Teke Ro rendszer Cona nev\u0171 sivatagi bolyg\u00F3j\u00E1r\u00F3l sz\u00E1rmaztak. Rossz l\u00E1t\u00E1suk volt a nagy szemeik ellen\u00E9re \u00E9s egy kis szerv helyezkedett el a k\u00E9t szem\u00FCk k\u00F6z\u00F6tt, amelyet sokan t\u00E9vesen az orruknak hittek, de ez seg\u00EDtett nekik a l\u00E1t\u00E1sban."@hu . "[Source] Les Arconas sont originaire de la plan\u00E8te Cona dans la Bordure Int\u00E9rieure. Ils poss\u00E8dent une t\u00EAte tr\u00E8s sp\u00E9ciale permettant de facilement les reconna\u00EEtre. El-Les \u00E9tait un chasseur de primes Arcona durant la Guerre des Clones et Hem Dazon \u00E9tait un Arcona visible \u00E0 la cantina de Chalmun en 0 av.BY lorsque Obi-Wan Kenobi et Luke Skywalker s'y rendirent."@fr . . . . . "Arcona"@nl . "120.0"^^ . . . . "Purple gold, yellow"@en . . . "\u30A2\u30EB\u30B3\u30FC\u30CA"@hu . "Green, gold"@en . . "Az Arcona egy pikkelytelen h\u00FCll\u0151szer\u0171 faj volt humanoid testben. A Teke Ro rendszer Cona nev\u0171 sivatagi bolyg\u00F3j\u00E1r\u00F3l sz\u00E1rmaztak. Rossz l\u00E1t\u00E1suk volt a nagy szemeik ellen\u00E9re \u00E9s egy kis szerv helyezkedett el a k\u00E9t szem\u00FCk k\u00F6z\u00F6tt, amelyet sokan t\u00E9vesen az orruknak hittek, de ez seg\u00EDtett nekik a l\u00E1t\u00E1sban. Az arconak v\u00E1rhat\u00F3 \u00E9lettartalma k\u00F6zel azonos volt az emberek\u00E9hez. Az arconak csal\u00E1d alap\u00FA t\u00E1rsadalomban \u00E9ltek, ahol a h\u00EDmek viselt\u00E9k az ut\u00F3dok gondj\u00E1t, \u00E9s a n\u0151st\u00E9nyek gyakran k\u00EDm\u00E9letlenek \u00E9s v\u00E9rszomjasak voltak. B\u00E1r nem voltak egy technol\u00F3giailag fejlett faj, a Galaktikus Birodalom idej\u00E9re a galaxis majdnem minden szeglet\u00E9ben megtal\u00E1lhat\u00F3ak voltak. Ismertek voltak a sima s\u00F3 ir\u00E1nti addikci\u00F3jukr\u00F3l."@hu . . . . . . . "Arcona"@hu . "Arcona"@en . . . . . . . . . "*Hem Dazon\n*Shlith-dan\n*Unut Poll\n*Si Treemba\n*Izal Waz\n*El-Les"@hu . "Intelligent"@nl . . "Arcona were big-eyed lizard aliens who were hopelessly addicted to salt, which had a powerful hallucinogenic effect on them. Going for a swim in the ocean caused them to O.D. Common table salt was addictive enough, but MSG was like crack cocaine to them. More adventurous Arcona used season salt and garlic salt. The main export of the Arconan homeworld was pepper."@en . . . . "150.0"^^ . . . . "Average Height: 2.5 meters Average Lifespan: 80 years With their huge, triangular shaped heads, emotionless multi-faceted eyes, and small, thin-lipped mouths, Arcona are disconcerting to behold. Often a drab, grey-maroon in color, they are not exceptionally hardy or strong, but they are quick and nimble. Hailing from Ardak, a swampy world in the Outer Rim near the Y'Toub system, the Arcona have spread out, finding homes as far as Thyferra. They are more often a space-faring race, and the Arcona that stay behind on their home world develop rather differently, both physically and mentally. Intellectually and physically Arcona respond to their environment. Being a genderless species, Arcona tend to be asocial, but their large, three-lobed brains give them excellent claw-eye coordination, which is increased by the visual acuity of their large eyes. This trait often manifests in excellent relationships with vehicles, especially those that require visual piloting rather than instrumental piloting."@en . "ffffff"@hu . "Arconier"@hu . . . . . . . . "Arcona"@es . "Los arcona, a veces llamados arconano (a) en singular, eran reptiles sin escamas con cuerpos humanoides. Originarios del planeta desierto Cona en el sistema Teke Ro, ten\u00EDan una pobre visi\u00F3n a pesar de sus grandes ojos, y ten\u00EDan un peque\u00F1o \u00F3rgano entre sus ojos (a menudo confundido con su nariz) que los ayudaba a ver. F\u00E1cilmente adictos a la sal, su esperanza de vida era similar a la de los humanos. Los arcona viv\u00EDan en comunidades basadas en la familia, donde los hombres se hac\u00EDan cargo de los j\u00F3venes ya que las mujeres eran generalmente temerarias y amantes de las emociones. A pesar de no ser una especie particularmente tecnol\u00F3gica, para cuando el Imperio Gal\u00E1ctico ascendi\u00F3 al poder los arcona se pod\u00EDan ver en toda la Galaxia."@es . . "Pikkely n\u00E9lk\u00FCli h\u00FCll\u0151k. Sz\u00E9les, \u00FCll\u0151 szer\u0171 fej"@hu . . . . . "Arcona were a sentient species of desert-dwelling humanoids that could be found in the galaxy. They had triangular heads with two large eyes set wide apart, and hands with three or four fingers. During the Clone Wars, an Arcona bounty hunter named El-Les assisted in the training of new clone troopers for the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic. Over twenty years later, shortly before the Battle of Yavin, a brown-skinned Arcona named Hem Dazon lived on Tatooine, where he had become stranded after spending all his money on salt and juri juice."@en . . "3.15576E9"^^ . "Arcona"@hu . "*El-Les\n*Hem Dazon\n*Jheeg"@fr . "theclonewars/guide/episode301.html"@en . . "Arcona"@hu . . . . "Arcona"@cs . "Black, mahogany"@en . "Arcona, sometimes singular Arconan, are scaleless reptile species with humanoid bodies. Hailing from the desert planet of Cona in the Teke Ro system, they have poor eyesight, despite their large eyes, and had a small organ between their eyes which, often mistaken for their nose, helped them to see. An Arcona's lifespan was roughly the same as a Human's. The Arcona lived in a family based community, where the males took care of the young, as the females were generally reckless and thrill-seeking. They are also notorious for their easy addiction to common salt. Cona has been a source of metals and minerals for galactic corporations for centuries, and in that time, a peculiar blight has hit the Arcona populace. The results of salt\u2014simple sodium chloride\u2014interacting with their optic nerves creates an addictive, hallucinatory array of colors in their vision. As a deadly side effect, the salt destroys their ammonium-utilizing pancreatic organ. Arcona salt addicts will do whatever they can to feed their addiction, while Arcona non-addicts will attack those smuggling salt to Cona. The female Arcona, which are generally less responsible than the male, form the bulk of the addict population. Addicts need 25 grams of salt per day, or they will suffer physiological pangs of withdrawal. Arcona salt addicts are easily recognized by the color of their eyes\u2014they are a glittering gold instead of the usual green color. Before they made contact with other beings, the Arcona were not technologically advanced. Although they eventually used sentient technology, they never developed any of their own. When scouts from the Old Republic first arrived on Cona, many Arcona were extremely enthusiastic about exploring the galaxy. Oftentimes, whole communities sought to travel off-world. As a consequence, Arconan colonies were quite common throughout the galaxy. After becoming used to other species\u2019 technology not present on Cona, the Arconan were commonly seen in every spaceport in the galaxy"@en . "Arconowie"@hu . "The Arcona are scaleless reptiles, ranging between 1.7 to 2 meters tall. They are bipedal and humanoid in nature, with three toes on each foot and two fingers and one thumb on each hand, all with talons approximately 3 to 4 inches in length. They have triangular heads, large glittering eyes, and the nose and mouth are merely three barely visible slits in the face."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "250"^^ . "1"^^ .