"I film sono quei programmi che interrompono la pubblicit\u00E0 in televisione; sono come le gif animate, solo un po' pi\u00F9 lunghe, generalmente di 90 minuti circa. Si distinguono dalle partite di calcio perch\u00E9 nei film gli imbroglioni perdono sempre."@it . "Film"@en . . . "Film may refer to: \n* Diablo III: Wrath (a short film) \n* Diablo (Film) (information on the canceled Diablo film)"@en . "Clock Tower 3"@en . . . . . "Film is a recording medium consisting of thin sheets or strips of transparent or translucent material, such as polyester or acetate, coated with a light-sensitive emulsion."@en . . "Film is a term that encompasses motion pictures as individual projects, as well as the field in general. The origin of the name comes from the fact that photographic film (also called filmstock) has historically been the primary medium for recording and displaying motion pictures. Many other terms exist \u2014 motion pictures, the silver screen, photoplays, picture shows, flicks \u2014 and most commonly movies. Academics and the English-speaking international community prefer to use film or \"cinema\", due to the colloquial nature of these other terms. Films are produced by recording actual people and objects with cameras, or by creating them using animation techniques and/or special effects. They comprise a series of individual frames, but when these images are shown rapidly in succession, the illusion of motion is given to the viewer. Flickering between frames is not seen due to an effect known as persistence of vision \u2014 whereby the eye retains a visual image for a fraction of a second after the source has been removed. Perhaps of more relevance is what causes the perception of motion \u2014 a psychological effect identified as beta movement. Film is considered by many to be an important art form; films entertain, educate, enlighten and inspire audiences. The visual elements of cinema need no translation, giving the motion picture a universal power of communication. Any film can become a worldwide attraction, especially with the addition of dubbing or subtitles that translate the dialogue. Films are also artifacts created by specific cultures, which reflect those cultures, and, in turn, affect them."@en . "Press conference room"@en . . "Film encompasses individual motion pictures, the field of film as an art form, and the motion picture industry. Films are produced by recording images from the world with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or special effects. Films are cultural artifacts created by specific cultures, which reflect those cultures, and, in turn, affect them. Film is considered to be an important art form, a source of popular entertainment and a powerful method for educating \u2014 or indoctrinating \u2014 citizens. The visual elements of cinema gives motion pictures a universal power of communication. Some films have become popular worldwide attractions by using dubbing or subtitles that translate the dialogue. Traditional films are made up of a series of individual images called frames. When these images are shown rapidly in succession, a viewer has the illusion that motion is occurring. The viewer cannot see the flickering between frames due to an effect known as persistence of vision, whereby the eye retains a visual image for a fraction of a second after the source has been removed. Viewers perceive motion due to a psychological effect called beta movement. The origin of the name \"film\" comes from the fact that photographic film (also called film stock) had historically been the primary medium for recording and displaying motion pictures. Many other terms exist for an individual motion picture, including picture, picture show, photo-play, flick. A common name for film in the United States is movie, while the Europeans prefer cinema. Additional terms for the field in general include the big screen, the silver screen, the cinema and the movies."@en . . . "10"^^ . "Best Boy/Girl"@en . . "8"^^ . "9"^^ . "6"^^ . "has two piercings in left earlobe"@en . "7"^^ . "795"^^ . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . "The Film is a key sentimental item in Clock Tower 3. It is found in the Hamilton House, in the gilded box in Dick Hamilton's study. It can be used in the Rand House on a dead body in the kitchen. The nearby freed spirit will leave behind a photograph from Corroder's crime scene, which is needed to progress in the game."@en . . "2"^^ . . "Like books, films come in a wide variety of genres: \n* Adventure movie \n* Science-fiction \n* Fairy tale \n* Fantasy \n* Horror fiction \n* Musical \n* Comedy \n* Adult Movie \n* Action film \n* Thriller"@en . . "Notes"@en . "3"^^ . "In-game appearance"@en . "1"^^ . . "See a comprehensive list of Carmilla in adaptation. \n* Blood and Roses (1961) \n* The Vampire Lovers (1970)"@en . . . "As a Background Extra, it's important never to be heard or seen, unless the scene calls for clapping or the incoherent cheers of the mob. A healthy dose of anonymity will do you some good, since an introduction to stardom is just a few takes away!"@en . . . . . . . "TV Actor"@en . . "Key Grip"@en . . . "Film (\u6620\u753B Eiga) is the fourth episode of Garo: The Makai Flower."@en . "2005-04-07"^^ . "Film"@de . . . . "The Best Boy/Best Girl is often not the best and, as required by law, typically not a boy/girl. As a lackey to the Director, stars, it's your job to get it done regardless of the cost to personal dignity."@en . . . "Production Manager"@en . "Being the right hand of someone important is as good as actually being important! You'll need to mix and mingle with celebrities while taking care of tasks for you employer, which means you need to work your way onto lesser red carpets by upping your Celebrity status.\n\n will now get a slight point boost when gaining Celebrity Points."@en . . . . "1"^^ . . "Film is een nieuw carri\u00E8repad in De Sims 3: Na Middernacht. Deze carri\u00E8re is opgesplitst in twee takken: Acteren en regisseren. De carri\u00E8re benadrukt het beroemdheidssysteem, dat ge\u00EFntroduceerd werd in dit uitbreidingspakket, dit is een factor die de carri\u00E8re-prestaties be\u00EFnvloed. De Sims die aan deze carri\u00E8re beginnen gaan naar hun werk in een nieuwe rabbit hole, de film studio. Ze kunnen ook dingen voor hun werk doen in en rond de buurt, deze dingen zijn onder andere: Sims in de film carri\u00E8re kunnen ook awards winnen en filmscripts schrijven. Prestatie-mogelijkheden:"@nl . . "330"^^ . . . "Background Extra"@en . "Please visit the film you wish to view:"@en . . . "Reveals photograph"@en . "I film sono quei programmi che interrompono la pubblicit\u00E0 in televisione; sono come le gif animate, solo un po' pi\u00F9 lunghe, generalmente di 90 minuti circa. Si distinguono dalle partite di calcio perch\u00E9 nei film gli imbroglioni perdono sempre."@it . "2014-04-25"^^ . "The career puts emphasis on the Celebrity mechanic, also introduced with The Sims 3 Late Night, as it is a factor that influences job performance. Sims in the film career go to work at the new rabbit hole: Film studio, but are also able to do other career-related tasks around the neighborhood, much like the Medical career, or the careers added in The Sims 3: Ambitions. Some of these tasks include: \n* Promoting movies at bars \n* Promoting movies \n* Picking up food for shoots \n* Buying food for colleagues for when they are on their breaks. Sims in the film careers can win awards, similar to the ones in The Sims: Superstar. Sims in the career can also write movie scripts The movie studio rabbit hole name is Plumbob Pictures Backlot. The Options are: \n* Business as Usual \n* Work Hard \n* Slack Off \n* Meet Cast Members \n* Hang with Cast Members \n* Compliment The Director After the 5th level promotion, you're given a choice between the two branches: Acting or Directing."@en . "Film"@fr . "A compter du 20\u00E8me si\u00E8cle jusqu'au milieu du 22\u00E8me si\u00E8cle au moins, les r\u00E9alisateurs, acteurs et artistes \u00E9taient couronn\u00E9s par des r\u00E9compenses de cin\u00E9ma, lors de c\u00E9r\u00E9monies sp\u00E9cialis\u00E9es. (ENT: \"Home\") Les films produits avec un faible budget et g\u00E9n\u00E9ralement peu connus sont appel\u00E9s 'films de s\u00E9rie B'. Tom Paris et Rain Robinson sont fans de ce genre de films. (VOY: \"Future's End, Part I\") Durant le 22\u00E8me si\u00E8cle, Trip Tucker organisa une s\u00E9ance hebdomadaire de soir\u00E9e cin\u00E9ma \u00E0 bord de l'Enterprise NX-01, le vaisseau disposant d'une base de donn\u00E9es de 50 000 films. (ENT: \"Cold Front\")"@fr . "350"^^ . "Mood, Relations with co-workers, Celebrity Level"@en . . "Although the 2nd Unit Director doesn't shoot too many scenes involving actors, you do get to travel to remote and gorgeous locations and ride along in helicopter flyovers to capture those awe-inspiring credits sequences. You may not be directing what you want, but hey, you are directing !"@en . . "Show multiple great, documentary or arts' films daily in many languages. WUaS Film Theaters here:"@en . "Also Pittsburgh Movie and Movies"@en . "Yudai Yamaguchi"@en . . . . . "Personal Assistant"@en . "film"@de . "See a comprehensive list of Carmilla in adaptation. \n* Blood and Roses (1961) \n* The Vampire Lovers (1970)"@en . "Height"@en . . . . "Garo: The Makai Flower"@en . "This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the Universal Monsters Wiki. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's Film article. Take me to the Film article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the Universal Monsters Wiki main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. \n* #1 Create a article of our own for this page. \n* #2 On every page a Film link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article. Things to think about: \n* #1 Creating our own page for this article may add a superfluous amount of pages. \n* #2 Some of these article links may be on hundreds of pages that would need direct links. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . "ja"@de . . . "Mood, Relations with co-workers"@en . . . "Film"@en . . "Le voci su una possibile versione cinematografica di Friends si rincorrono sin da prima che il telefilm facesse la sua uscita dai palinsesti televisivi, nel 2004."@it . "150"^^ . "Le voci su una possibile versione cinematografica di Friends si rincorrono sin da prima che il telefilm facesse la sua uscita dai palinsesti televisivi, nel 2004."@it . . . . . . "720.0"^^ . . "Filmpiccy.jpg"@en . . "Film.png"@en . . "Distinguished Director"@en . . "The recipient of the yearly Best Director award is a foregone conclusion - you. If one of your films comes out in a season, other directors and studios panic like mice and delay showing their work as it is merely pedestrian in comparison to your masterpieces. It has been a long road, but one filled with glorious visuals and shockingly touching drama. You have arrived !"@en . "Film"@sk . . "Nothing goes to the director before meeting the express approval of the Script Writer. Every dramatic pause, monologue, and awkward \"face the camera\" scene is carefully penned by your expert hand. You're not just a writer anymore - you're a Celebrity writer !"@en . "Film (\u6620\u753B Eiga) is the fourth episode of Garo: The Makai Flower."@en . "Karier\u0119 na ca\u0142y etat mog\u0105 rozpocz\u0105\u0107 jedynie doro\u015Bli Simowie. Nie musz\u0105 mie\u0107 \u017Cadnej gwiazdki Osobisto\u015Bci. Miejsce pracy: Studio filmowe, chocia\u017C czasami zdarzaj\u0105 si\u0119 okazje wymagaj\u0105ce wyj\u015Bcie ze studia."@pl . . "Prize System"@en . . . "Karier\u0119 na ca\u0142y etat mog\u0105 rozpocz\u0105\u0107 jedynie doro\u015Bli Simowie. Nie musz\u0105 mie\u0107 \u017Cadnej gwiazdki Osobisto\u015Bci. Miejsce pracy: Studio filmowe, chocia\u017C czasami zdarzaj\u0105 si\u0119 okazje wymagaj\u0105ce wyj\u015Bcie ze studia."@pl . "The network is excited to see you as a Featured Actor in each and every one of their crime, court room, and hospital dramas, as well as a brief cameo in their feel-good family friendly comedy. You're such a charmer!"@en . "2"^^ . . . . . "Grey Agent # PVJ-495 a.k.a. \"Film\" was created by Whooness on Y!Gallery for the club Rookie Mistakes."@en . . "fr.film"@fr . . "Ice"@en . "Film ist ein bekanntes audiovisuelles Medium. Mit \"wie im Film\" bzw. als \"Film\" werde auch Drogentrips beschrieben, welche als befremdlich oder surreal empfunden wurden oder in denen der Trippende das Gef\u00FChl hatte von seinen Handlungen und Erleben entkoppelt zu sein, sich selbst mitunter nur als Zuschauer zu betrachten."@de . . . "Superstar Trailer"@en . "A film, also called a movie or motion picture, is a story conveyed with moving images. It is produced by recording photographic images with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or visual effects. The process of filmmaking has developed into an art form and industry."@en . . . . . "Mood"@en . . "200"^^ . "Filmwiki"@de . "Film"@it . "Evidence room"@en . "Assistant Director"@en . "Please visit the film you wish to view:"@en . . . . "No damage"@en . . . "Show multiple great, documentary or arts' films daily in many languages. WUaS Film Theaters here:"@en . . "Script Writer"@en . "The confines of household televisions are not sufficient for your budding stardom. The studio has pushed you to the big screen in theaters nationwide, albeit in a Supporting Actor role. Keep flashing those pearly whites at hotspots around town and soon you'll be so popular that your acting abilities won't even be taken into account!"@en . . . "5"^^ . "Film is a special type of ammunition used by the Research Camera in BioShock."@en . . . . . . "Film"@pl . "On the set."@en . "Film is a recording medium consisting of thin sheets or strips of transparent or translucent material, such as polyester or acetate, coated with a light-sensitive emulsion."@en . . "8"^^ . "Storyboardist"@en . "1028"^^ . "None"@en . . "Star Chart"@en . . . . "2007-02-20"^^ . . "Limited Time?"@en . "140"^^ . "thumb|right|200px|8mm-filmrull. Perforeringen langs kanten som brukes n\u00E5r projektoren drar filmen fram til neste bilderute. Film er fremstilling og gjengivelse av bevegelige, fotografiske bilder. Ordet har sin opprinnelse fra den tynne filmen eller hinna p\u00E5 celluloidstrimmelen som bildene ligger p\u00E5. I dag er filmindustrien en av verdens st\u00F8rste industrier, og de fleste filmene blir i dag laget i Hollywood i USA og Bollywood i India."@no . "Eintrag im WikiIndex ansehen Kategorie:Projektbeschreibungen Das Filmwiki ist ein Projekt zum Aufbau einer freien Datenbank zur Sammlung und Darstellung von Informationen rund um Filme, in der viele interessante Begriffe, Themen und Methoden beschrieben und erl\u00E4utert werden."@de . "Film is a pirate native to the Ice Ocean. Rumor has it that Film got his name when the great Gods looked around for a name and the first thing they saw was some film. Since then he has been known to many as Film. His favorite thing to do on Ice is Shipwrightery, which he is currently legendary aiming for ultimate soon. Bilging which is the only station he does at sea save for unique conditions. He also enjoys hanging out with friends, skeleton and zombie frays and poker. Film owns a shipyard on Cold Spring Island and an iron monger on the same island. He also manages Joedown's stalls, which is not his alt, just a friend. Film owns a fleet of ships and is always looking for more ships. He recently sold his villa on Diablo Island for unknown reasons. He is in the crew Toy Soldier, where he resides as a senior officer. He tries to stay out of the politics and remains friends with many people from warring flags. Pirates who see him on Ice should say hi and hearty him."@en . "De fa\u00E7on g\u00E9n\u00E9rale voir cat\u00E9gorie:film"@fr . "235"^^ . "Film"@nl . . . "Before the set is crafted and actors begin practicing lines, the scene must be storyboarded. This is a good time to hone your writing abilities and improve your Celebrity status, because your best idea is only as good as who you know.\n\n will now have an easier time getting through the barrier ropes. Celebrity requirements have been reduced by one."@en . "Un film, c'est un peu comme une photographie : tous deux sont rectangulaires et on reconna\u00EEt les objets dessus. N\u00E9anmoins, contrairement \u00E0 une photographie, le film bouge. Le film tire ainsi partie du fait que l'univers est en perp\u00E9tuel mouvement (H\u00E9raclite). Le film est \u00E0 la fois un proc\u00E9d\u00E9 m\u00E9canique, un art majeur, une bobine de plusieurs centaines de m\u00E8tres de long pour une largeur d'\u00E0 peine quelques centim\u00E8tres. Mais aussi c'est un excellent divertissement d'une dur\u00E9e d'environ quatre-vingt dix minutes \u00E0 l'intention des grands comme des plus petits..."@fr . "B1F west hall"@en . "Film - zabijacz czasu, alternatywna wersja Internetu. Ma nad nim przewag\u0119 w postaci braku j\u0119zyka pokemoniastego. Filmy ogl\u0105damy w telewizji lub kinie. Mo\u017Cemy tak\u017Ce kupi\u0107 p\u0142yt\u0119 DVD lub \u015Bci\u0105gn\u0105\u0107 film z Internetu."@pl . . "170"^^ . "This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the Universal Monsters Wiki. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's Film article. Take me to the Film article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the Universal Monsters Wiki main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. \n* #1 Create a article of our own for this page. \n* #2 On every page a Film link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article."@en . "Itaru Era & Yudai Yamaguchi"@en . "The career puts emphasis on the Celebrity mechanic, also introduced with The Sims 3 Late Night, as it is a factor that influences job performance. Sims in the film career go to work at the new rabbit hole: Film studio, but are also able to do other career-related tasks around the neighborhood, much like the Medical career, or the careers added in The Sims 3: Ambitions. Some of these tasks include: \n* Promoting movies at bars \n* Promoting movies \n* Picking up food for shoots \n* Buying food for colleagues for when they are on their breaks."@en . "Film may refer to: \n* Diablo III: Wrath (a short film) \n* Diablo (Film) (information on the canceled Diablo film)"@en . "Charisma"@en . . "160"^^ . "Key item"@en . . "Le Wiki Film est une base de critiques de films."@fr . "A film, also called a movie or motion picture, is a story conveyed with moving images. It is produced by recording photographic images with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or visual effects. The process of filmmaking has developed into an art form and industry. Films are made up of a series of individual images called frames. When these images are shown rapidly in succession, a viewer has the illusion that motion is occurring. The viewer cannot see the flickering between frames due to an effect known as persistence of vision, whereby the eye retains a visual image for a fraction of a second after the source has been removed. Most people use \"film\" and \"movie\" interchangeably. \"Film\" is more often used when considering artistic, theoretical, or technical aspects, as studies in a university class. \"Movies\" more often refers to entertainment or commercial aspects, as where to go for fun on a date. For example, a book titled \"How to Read a Film\" would be about the aesthetics or theory of film, while \"Lets Go to the Movies\" would be about the history of entertaining movies."@en . "Film is a pirate native to the Ice Ocean. Rumor has it that Film got his name when the great Gods looked around for a name and the first thing they saw was some film. Since then he has been known to many as Film. His favorite thing to do on Ice is Shipwrightery, which he is currently legendary aiming for ultimate soon. Bilging which is the only station he does at sea save for unique conditions. He also enjoys hanging out with friends, skeleton and zombie frays and poker."@en . . "4"^^ . . "23"^^ . . . . "Mariah Carey is also an accomplished acctress having appeared in a number of films and television programmes."@en . . . "The Film is a key sentimental item in Clock Tower 3. It is found in the Hamilton House, in the gilded box in Dick Hamilton's study. It can be used in the Rand House on a dead body in the kitchen. The nearby freed spirit will leave behind a photograph from Corroder's crime scene, which is needed to progress in the game."@en . . . "Featured Actor"@en . . . "thumb"@en . "70"^^ . "252"^^ . "Country of Origin"@en . . . . "7/29/14 - It was announced today that Warner Brothers Pictures had acquired the film rights to the Dragonriders of Pern series. 11/19/14 - Sarah Cornwell was hired as the screenwriter to adapt the first book to screenplay. 12/1/14 - Todd McCaffrey announces on his monthly email that he confirms the optioning of the film rights to Warner Brothers."@en . "brown"@en . "90"^^ . . "JamesWalter"@de . . . "Sea-green & Purple"@en . "S.T.A.R.S. office"@en . . . . "2310"^^ . "None"@en . "80"^^ . "Picture the scene: two muscly, stern browed Schwarzenegger lookalikes settle down in a darkened basement in New York, much wartime commotion on the streets. Al boots up the Internet. Al: Oh crap, there's no article about Film on this site. Jon: What's worse, we only have 24 hours to save the world from destruction. Al: Never mind that now, there's more pressing issues, like why the page cannot be displayed. Al frantically hits a 'refresh' button on his (rather strange and convoluted) keyboard Jon: Oh no, the network has little or no connectivity. What are we going to do? I think I'm going insane dammit! Gaaaargh! Al gets up hastily and grabs Jon by the neck Al: Pull yourself together, man. We can do this. All we need to do is think... Phone rings, Al looks round, drops an exhausted Jon to the floor. He moves over to the phone and picks up the receiver Al: Huh? OK, yeah. Bye. Jon: Who was that?! Al: It was the boss. He says that the Carbon Destructor Machine invented by Lord Doom has been initiated. We now have only 23 hours and 59 minutes until the world is destroyed. If we don't act fast, the chemist is gonna close and we won't be able to get any Kleenex. Jon: What are you talking about, Dave? We're just a couple of homeless guys who broke into a house, tied up the owners and came into the basement to get the latest subscription to supersluts.com. Al: Then who was that on the phone? Sinister growl reverberates through the basement. Al \"shoots\" at nothing in particular Jon: What are you doing? Al: Killing that stupid dog. Jon: With what? You're holding a carton of milk. Al: It's a lactose intolerant dog."@en . "actif"@fr . "610"^^ . . "Supporting Actor"@en . . "Slight point boost in gaining Celebrity Points"@en . "yes"@en . "Eyes"@en . "90"^^ . "36"^^ . "100"^^ . "Film studio.jpg"@pl . . . . "Rieke Hain"@fr . . "The set, crew, equipment and assets are all under your purview as Production Manager, which means you're on the line when poorly supervised explosive stunts go boom! If you keep schmoozing with Celebrities after hours and help produce films on time and on budget, stardom will be yours."@en . . "120"^^ . "Age"@en . . "52"^^ . "Film"@en . . "Inaktiv"@de . . "62"^^ . . "De fa\u00E7on g\u00E9n\u00E9rale voir cat\u00E9gorie:film"@fr . "Much like the movement of the camera, your career is seemingly on rails towards stardom and glory. However, for now your job is getting everything precisely in focus for the Director. Continue charming your fellow crew members and your career will come into focus!"@en . "Film is a special type of ammunition used by the Research Camera in BioShock."@en . . . . "744"^^ . "Each and every movie you grace with your presence breaks sales records. Whether it's 3D, 2D, silent, or animated, your acting ability and Celebrity status are unsurpassed. Filmgoers and your peers whisper not about whether you're the greatest actor alive, but if you're the best ever."@en . "30"^^ . "Limo carpool"@en . . . . . "21"^^ . . . . "Box in Dick's study"@en . "Like books, films come in a wide variety of genres: \n* Adventure movie \n* Science-fiction \n* Fairy tale \n* Fantasy \n* Horror fiction \n* Musical \n* Comedy \n* Adult Movie \n* Action film \n* Thriller"@en . . . . . . "40"^^ . "25"^^ . . . "The films are small canisters of photographic film that can be found in the RPD in both scenarios. In order to see the photo of the film, it has to be developed in the Dark Room. When developed, it can reveal the films A, B, C, or D."@en . "Film"@en . . . . "Greenhouse"@en . "1803"^^ . . "1216"^^ . "JARU"@de . "Filmwiki"@de . . "50"^^ . "Grey Agent # PVJ-495 a.k.a. \"Film\" was created by Whooness on Y!Gallery for the club Rookie Mistakes."@en . "126"^^ . . "Film were a limited-time currency released on October 4, 2016, for Act I of the Treehouse of Horror XXVII Event. When Act I ended on October 18, 2016, film were replaced by Clapboards."@en . "Director's Seat of Power"@en . "Picture the scene: two muscly, stern browed Schwarzenegger lookalikes settle down in a darkened basement in New York, much wartime commotion on the streets. Al boots up the Internet. Al: Oh crap, there's no article about Film on this site. Jon: What's worse, we only have 24 hours to save the world from destruction. Al: Never mind that now, there's more pressing issues, like why the page cannot be displayed. Al frantically hits a 'refresh' button on his (rather strange and convoluted) keyboard Jon: Oh no, the network has little or no connectivity. What are we going to do? I think I'm going insane dammit! Gaaaargh! Al gets up hastily and grabs Jon by the neck Al: Pull yourself together, man. We can do this. All we need to do is think... Phone rings, Al looks round, drops a"@en . . . . "7/29/14 - It was announced today that Warner Brothers Pictures had acquired the film rights to the Dragonriders of Pern series. 11/19/14 - Sarah Cornwell was hired as the screenwriter to adapt the first book to screenplay. 12/1/14 - Todd McCaffrey announces on his monthly email that he confirms the optioning of the film rights to Warner Brothers."@en . "The grind of a weekly, globally syndicated TV show is good for an aspiring actor. It's all about pacing, humility, and an almost excessive outpouring of charisma. Hit your marks and nobody will touch that dial."@en . "Type"@en . "Superstar Actor"@en . "Significant Other"@en . . "Can be bought and found in abundance. Can sometimes be salvaged from destroyed Security Cameras."@en . "Film"@pl . "Film were a limited-time currency released on October 4, 2016, for Act I of the Treehouse of Horror XXVII Event. When Act I ended on October 18, 2016, film were replaced by Clapboards."@en . "Na planie filmowym."@pl . "thumb|Serwowane nam przez CDA atrakcje Film - do CDA kilkakrotnie zosta\u0142 do\u0142\u0105czony film na dvd b\u0105d\u017A te\u017C vcd. Tym co \u0142\u0105czy\u0142o te filmy by\u0142o to i\u017C by\u0142y one kategorii b (lub te\u017C c- tu zdania s\u0105 podzielone). :)"@pl . . . "thumb|Serwowane nam przez CDA atrakcje Film - do CDA kilkakrotnie zosta\u0142 do\u0142\u0105czony film na dvd b\u0105d\u017A te\u017C vcd. Tym co \u0142\u0105czy\u0142o te filmy by\u0142o to i\u017C by\u0142y one kategorii b (lub te\u017C c- tu zdania s\u0105 podzielone). :)"@pl . "Kennan Davidson"@en . "Film"@fr . "Also Pittsburgh Movie and Movies"@en . . "Lead Actor"@en . "Writing"@en . "93"^^ . . . . . "Film"@no . "None"@en . "Event"@en . "Hair"@en . "Mood, Celebrity Level"@en . . "Cin\u00E9ma"@fr . "Film ist ein bekanntes audiovisuelles Medium. Mit \"wie im Film\" bzw. als \"Film\" werde auch Drogentrips beschrieben, welche als befremdlich oder surreal empfunden wurden oder in denen der Trippende das Gef\u00FChl hatte von seinen Handlungen und Erleben entkoppelt zu sein, sich selbst mitunter nur als Zuschauer zu betrachten."@de . . "New York, USA"@en . "Filmcultes"@fr . . . . "The films are small canisters of photographic film that can be found in the RPD in both scenarios. In order to see the photo of the film, it has to be developed in the Dark Room. When developed, it can reveal the films A, B, C, or D."@en . . . "Film is een nieuw carri\u00E8repad in De Sims 3: Na Middernacht. Deze carri\u00E8re is opgesplitst in twee takken: Acteren en regisseren. De carri\u00E8re benadrukt het beroemdheidssysteem, dat ge\u00EFntroduceerd werd in dit uitbreidingspakket, dit is een factor die de carri\u00E8re-prestaties be\u00EFnvloed. De Sims die aan deze carri\u00E8re beginnen gaan naar hun werk in een nieuwe rabbit hole, de film studio. Ze kunnen ook dingen voor hun werk doen in en rond de buurt, deze dingen zijn onder andere: \n* Films aanbevelen. \n* Films aanbevelen in bars. \n* Eten ophalen voor shoots \n* Eten kopen voor collega's terwijl ze lunchbreak hebben. Sims in de film carri\u00E8re kunnen ook awards winnen en filmscripts schrijven. Prestatie-mogelijkheden: \n* Gewoon je werk doen \n* Hard werken - Bevordert je prestaties maar verhoogt stress \n* . \n* . \n* . \n* ."@nl . "Film encompasses individual motion pictures, the field of film as an art form, and the motion picture industry. Films are produced by recording images from the world with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or special effects."@en . "M T W T F S S"@en . . . "100"^^ . "Eintrag im WikiIndex ansehen Kategorie:Projektbeschreibungen Das Filmwiki ist ein Projekt zum Aufbau einer freien Datenbank zur Sammlung und Darstellung von Informationen rund um Filme, in der viele interessante Begriffe, Themen und Methoden beschrieben und erl\u00E4utert werden."@de . "none"@en . "Un film, c'est un peu comme une photographie : tous deux sont rectangulaires et on reconna\u00EEt les objets dessus. N\u00E9anmoins, contrairement \u00E0 une photographie, le film bouge. Le film tire ainsi partie du fait que l'univers est en perp\u00E9tuel mouvement (H\u00E9raclite). Le film est \u00E0 la fois un proc\u00E9d\u00E9 m\u00E9canique, un art majeur, une bobine de plusieurs centaines de m\u00E8tres de long pour une largeur d'\u00E0 peine quelques centim\u00E8tres. Mais aussi c'est un excellent divertissement d'une dur\u00E9e d'environ quatre-vingt dix minutes \u00E0 l'intention des grands comme des plus petits..."@fr . . . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . "1"^^ . "Real Name"@en . . "Le Wiki Film est une base de critiques de films."@fr . "unlock the ability to write a screenplay on a computer"@en . . . "Film is a term that encompasses motion pictures as individual projects, as well as the field in general. The origin of the name comes from the fact that photographic film (also called filmstock) has historically been the primary medium for recording and displaying motion pictures. Many other terms exist \u2014 motion pictures, the silver screen, photoplays, picture shows, flicks \u2014 and most commonly movies. Academics and the English-speaking international community prefer to use film or \"cinema\", due to the colloquial nature of these other terms. Films are produced by recording actual people and objects with cameras, or by creating them using animation techniques and/or special effects. They comprise a series of individual frames, but when these images are shown rapidly in succession, the illusi"@en . "12"^^ . "Filmgoers raise eyebrows and the blogosphere is bustling with commentary on your specific contributions to your films. The entire movie doesn't fall under your guiding hand quite yet, but Sims know your mark of quality and innovation when they see it. It's just a matter of time Mr/Ms. Assistant Director !"@en . "Easier time getting past barrier ropes in club; Celebrity Star level restrictions reduced by one"@en . "Film - zabijacz czasu, alternatywna wersja Internetu. Ma nad nim przewag\u0119 w postaci braku j\u0119zyka pokemoniastego. Filmy ogl\u0105damy w telewizji lub kinie. Mo\u017Cemy tak\u017Ce kupi\u0107 p\u0142yt\u0119 DVD lub \u015Bci\u0105gn\u0105\u0107 film z Internetu."@pl . "thumb|right|200px|8mm-filmrull. Perforeringen langs kanten som brukes n\u00E5r projektoren drar filmen fram til neste bilderute. Film er fremstilling og gjengivelse av bevegelige, fotografiske bilder. Ordet har sin opprinnelse fra den tynne filmen eller hinna p\u00E5 celluloidstrimmelen som bildene ligger p\u00E5. De fleste filmer blir innspilte etter et manus, med skuespillere som fremf\u00F8rer manusets dialoger og handlinger. Regiss\u00F8ren har kontrollen over selve fremstillingen, som blir bevart ved hjelp av kamera og diverse lydutstyr. Resultatet blir en mengde scener, som blir klippet sammen til en helhet, og deretter vanligvis vist p\u00E5 kino eller TV. Det finnes ogs\u00E5 andre typer filmer, som animasjonsfilmer der rollefigurene er tegnet eller blir fremstilt ved hjelp av dukker, og dokumentarfilmer der hensikten er \u00E5 avbilde virkeligheten. I dag er filmindustrien en av verdens st\u00F8rste industrier, og de fleste filmene blir i dag laget i Hollywood i USA og Bollywood i India."@no . "A compter du 20\u00E8me si\u00E8cle jusqu'au milieu du 22\u00E8me si\u00E8cle au moins, les r\u00E9alisateurs, acteurs et artistes \u00E9taient couronn\u00E9s par des r\u00E9compenses de cin\u00E9ma, lors de c\u00E9r\u00E9monies sp\u00E9cialis\u00E9es. (ENT: \"Home\") Les films produits avec un faible budget et g\u00E9n\u00E9ralement peu connus sont appel\u00E9s 'films de s\u00E9rie B'. Tom Paris et Rain Robinson sont fans de ce genre de films. (VOY: \"Future's End, Part I\") Durant le 22\u00E8me si\u00E8cle, Trip Tucker organisa une s\u00E9ance hebdomadaire de soir\u00E9e cin\u00E9ma \u00E0 bord de l'Enterprise NX-01, le vaisseau disposant d'une base de donn\u00E9es de 50 000 films. (ENT: \"Cold Front\") En 2377, Tom Paris commen\u00E7a \u00E9galement \u00E0 organiser des s\u00E9ances de cin\u00E9ma \u00E0 bord de l'USS Voyager, gr\u00E2ce au holodeck du vaisseau. (VOY: \"Repression\") En 2375, alors qu'il vivait au Vic's Las Vegas Lounge dans le holodeck, Nog a regard\u00E9 de nombreux films des ann\u00E9es 1950. (DS9: \"It's Only a Paper Moon\") Dans une chronologie alternative en 1944, un officier allemand indiqua \u00E0 Jonathan Archer que les Am\u00E9ricains \u00E9taient bons pour faire des films, mais pas pour se battre. (ENT: \"Storm Front, Part I\") Les Denobuliens concevaient des m\u00E9trages similaires aux films et aux \u00E9missions t\u00E9l\u00E9vis\u00E9es terriens, des si\u00E8cles avant les humains, mais cet art tomba en d\u00E9su\u00E9tude car ils consid\u00E9raient que leur vie r\u00E9elle \u00E9tait plus int\u00E9ressante. Cependant, le Denobulien Dr. Phlox appr\u00E9ciait les soir\u00E9es cin\u00E9ma \u00E0 bord de l' Enterprise, tout en mangeant du popcorn. Malheureusement, Phlox avait l'habitude de d\u00E9tailler toutes les intrigues de l'histoire \u00E0 la personne assise \u00E0 ses c\u00F4t\u00E9s, ce qui irritait T'Pol. (ENT: \"Dear Doctor\")"@fr . "When the credits roll, it'll be your name that appears on screen first, regardless of alphabetical order. The film is about you, your talents, your face, and your Celebrity status. Pick your roles carefully and continue building your contact list around the set."@en . "820"^^ . "Resident Evil 2"@en . "Mariah Carey is also an accomplished acctress having appeared in a number of films and television programmes."@en .