"89"^^ . . . . "93"^^ . . . . "84"^^ . "Rearing Elephant"@en . . "3517"^^ . . "1643"^^ . . . "213"^^ . . . . "Commandant was rank in several militaries in the galaxy."@en . "79"^^ . . . . "2.0"^^ . . "3401"^^ . "66"^^ . . "71"^^ . "[Source] Dans une arm\u00E9e, le poste de commandant \u00E9tait un poste de hautes responsabilit\u00E9s pour une personne dirigeant de nombreuses troupes. On peut notamment citer les commandants clones de la Grande Arm\u00E9e de la R\u00E9publique o\u00F9 les commandants de l'Arm\u00E9e Imp\u00E9riale."@fr . . . . . "177"^^ . "Commandant was a title carried by numerous individuals, notably within the Imperial Army, given to those officials who had some degree of command over others. Overseers of Imperial Academies generally held this rank. During the Clone Wars, Osi Sobeck was the commandant of the Separatist prison the Citadel. Cumberlayne Aresko carried this title in his duties as an officer at the Imperial Academy on Lothal, the Academy for Young Imperials. Brendol Hux, overseer of the Arkanis Academy, also carried this title and established a secretive group known as the Commandant's Cadets."@en . . "182"^^ . "1546"^^ . . "170"^^ . "Commandant is a title that has been used in many organizations across the galaxy. Among those to have used the term, are Klingons, the Kradin, and Humans. Typically, the title is applied to someone who is in charge of a group of personnel, such as an assault force, training faculty, or prison guards. Starfleet uses the title for the officer in charge of Starfleet Academy, and is known as the Commandant of Starfleet Academy. The Mirror-Starfleet uses this as well, to denote those equivallent to Commander-usually in charge of a starship's platoon for away team missions. (TOS movie: Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; DS9 episode: \"Paradise Lost\"' VOY episode: \"Nemesis\"; ST novel: Spectre)"@en . "40"^^ . "166"^^ . "167"^^ . . . "158"^^ . "159"^^ . "6.0"^^ . "148"^^ . "149"^^ . . "137"^^ . . . "142"^^ . . . . "256"^^ . "The Commandant is a powerful follower of Lord Lucien Fairfax and the first surviving subject of an experiment by Lucien to implant shards of The Spire into a human, empowering them with Will power. Though initially the process was unsuccessful, resulting in deaths and gross disfiguration, Lucien was able to gradually improve the results, making his first prototype. As the years passed, Lucien perfected his experiment, creating many different Commandants. The first, however, remained his most loyal and was assigned to capture Garth, the Hero of Will, which he eventually managed. Afterward, he was assigned as the Spire Guard Commander. The Hero was required to report to him during much of their time in The Spire. When the Hero first meets the Commandant he/she is ordered to obey his commands. Disobeying caused the collar around the Hero's neck to paralyse him/her and drain experience. After which ever choices the Hero makes the Commandant then proceeds to physically assault the Hero and orders him/her to thank him for it. While he is the first of his kind encountered, the player encounters many other Commandant-like enemies after leaving the Spire. These new Spire Soldiers are distinguished by the presence of hats and masks, but are otherwise the same enemy."@en . "Commandant is een militaire rang, gelijk in hoogte aan wat bij de meeste andere beschavingen in dienst wordt gebruikt. Deze rang ligt tussen de rang van luitenant en kapitein in. Vaak word deze rang gegeven aan officieren die het commando hebben van een afdeling, of de bevelhebbers van kleine sterrenschepen of Sterrenbasis. Volgens de marinetraditie is het de gewoonte om de ook een commandant met kapitein aan te spreken als deze het bevel voert en op het dek van het schip is. Commandant is gelijkwaardig aan de infanterierang van luitenant-kolonel of de ondercommandant rang van het Romulan sterrenrijk en het Vulcan hoge commando. Deze rang bestaat in verschillende vormen in de rangsystemen van andere culturen, zoals de Klingon defensiemacht. In het Romulan rijk, staat de rang van commandant hoger op de trede dan bij Starfleet en is vergelijkbaar met de Starfleet kapitein. Bij de Xindi-Reptilian, heeft een commandant het bevel over een eskader of een regiment. Voordat een commandant zijn promotie krijgt bij Starfleet dient hij eerst de brug officierentest uit te voeren. Als een commandant in de loop der tijd bewezen heeft klaar te zijn voor de moeilijke en gewilde taak van kapitein, kunnen ze hiervoor in aanmerking komen. (TNG: \"Thine Own Self\")"@nl . "Commandant ist ein ziviler Dienstgrad. Er scheint dem deutschen Kommandanten oder dem Major zu entsprechen."@de . "245"^^ . "2551"^^ . "Commandant was a title carried by numerous individuals, notably within the Imperial Army, given to those officials who had some degree of command over others. Overseers of Imperial Academies generally held this rank. During the Clone Wars, Osi Sobeck was the commandant of the Separatist prison the Citadel. Cumberlayne Aresko carried this title in his duties as an officer at the Imperial Academy on Lothal, the Academy for Young Imperials. Brendol Hux, overseer of the Arkanis Academy, also carried this title and established a secretive group known as the Commandant's Cadets."@en . "5.0"^^ . "De commandant is de plaatsvervanger van de leider. Wanneer de leider zijn negende leven heeft verloren, wordt de commandant de nieuwe leider. Hij moet dan voor maanhoog zijn eigen commandant kiezen en reist dan met zijn medicijnkat naar Moedermuil. In Moedermuil gaat hij samentongen met de SterrenClan en ontvangt hij zijn negen levens en krijgt hij het achtervoegsel ster. Een commandant moet minstens \u00E9\u00E9n leerling hebben (gehad). De taak van de commandant is het organiseren van patrouilles en soms overlegt hij het \u00E9\u00E9n en ander met de leider. Ook als de huidige commandant sterft, moet er voor maanhoog een nieuwe commandant door de leider worden benoemd."@nl . "239"^^ . "224"^^ . "4773"^^ . "2898"^^ . . "2010"^^ . . "4.0"^^ . . . . "222"^^ . "Standard 75x75 collect carvings woodendragon.gif"@en . . "213"^^ . "2473"^^ . . "202"^^ . "Standard 75x75 collect carvings rearingelephant.gif"@en . . "2938"^^ . . "192"^^ . . "4676"^^ . "Commandant(e) est un terme qui regroupe des conditions aussi vari\u00E9 qu'Empereur(e), President(e), Maire, Ma\u00EEtre, Deput\u00E9, Matriarche, Patriarche, Dragon bleu nain trigonocephale du maroc... Il sert de formule de politesse dans l'assembl\u00E9e galactique."@fr . . "197"^^ . "Commandant is a rank and title used by various organisations across the galaxy. Starfleet Academy had used the title commandant to refer to high ranking officers in charge of the Academy. (TNG: \"Coming of Age\"; DS9: \"Paradise Lost\") The Federation Marine Corps was run by the Commandant of the Federation Marine Corps. (Star Trek: Remington) The Bajoran Militia was run by the Commandant of the Bajoran Militia. (The War of the Masters: \"The Only Way to Go\"))"@en . . "9.0"^^ . "316"^^ . . . "1063"^^ . . . . "This is the fourth tier in Bangkok"@en . "4251"^^ . "1932"^^ . "298"^^ . "10.0"^^ . . . "Commandant is a rank and title used by various organisations across the galaxy. Starfleet Academy had used the title commandant to refer to high ranking officers in charge of the Academy. (TNG: \"Coming of Age\"; DS9: \"Paradise Lost\") The Federation Marine Corps was run by the Commandant of the Federation Marine Corps. (Star Trek: Remington) The Bajoran Militia was run by the Commandant of the Bajoran Militia. (The War of the Masters: \"The Only Way to Go\")) The title of commandant was held by the commanding officers of shipyards in the early 25th century in both Federation Starfleet and Lyran Starfleet. (Star Trek: False Vacuum; Bait and Switch: \"Shakedown Shenanigans\")"@en . . . "Titre militaire"@fr . "Commandant ( or ) is a title often given to the officer in charge of a military (or other uniformed service) training establishment or academy. This usage is common in anglophone nations. In some countries it may be a military or police rank. It is also often used to refer to the commander of a military prison or prison camp (including Nazi concentration camps and prisoner of war camps)."@en . "4270"^^ . . . "This is the fourth tier in Bangkok"@en . . "*R\u00E9publique Galactique\n*Conf\u00E9d\u00E9ration des Syst\u00E8mes Ind\u00E9pendants\n*Empire Galactique\n*Alliance Rebelle\n*Nouvelle R\u00E9publique\n*Premier Ordre\n*R\u00E9sistance"@fr . "4024"^^ . . "4025"^^ . "4026"^^ . "266"^^ . "4027"^^ . "thumb|left|180px|kolya exemple de comandentUn commandant est un titre qui se r\u00E9f\u00E8re habituellement \u00E0 une personne qui dirige un groupe de soldat."@fr . "4028"^^ . . . "Commandant ist ein ziviler Dienstgrad. Er scheint dem deutschen Kommandanten oder dem Major zu entsprechen."@de . . . . "4022"^^ . "4023"^^ . . . . . . . . "3265"^^ . "Lotus Bloom"@en . "The Commandant of Tentir is the commander of the randon academy. He or she serves for a year; the position is rotated between the nine members of the Randon Council."@en . "2319"^^ . . . . . . "De commandant is de plaatsvervanger van de leider. Wanneer de leider zijn negende leven heeft verloren, wordt de commandant de nieuwe leider. Hij moet dan voor maanhoog zijn eigen commandant kiezen en reist dan met zijn medicijnkat naar Moedermuil. In Moedermuil gaat hij samentongen met de SterrenClan en ontvangt hij zijn negen levens en krijgt hij het achtervoegsel ster. Een commandant moet minstens \u00E9\u00E9n leerling hebben (gehad). De taak van de commandant is het organiseren van patrouilles en soms overlegt hij het \u00E9\u00E9n en ander met de leider. Ook als de huidige commandant sterft, moet er voor maanhoog een nieuwe commandant door de leider worden benoemd."@nl . . "7.0"^^ . "Standard 75x75 collect carvings lotusbloom.gif"@en . "3768"^^ . . . . . . "[Source] Dans une arm\u00E9e, le poste de commandant \u00E9tait un poste de hautes responsabilit\u00E9s pour une personne dirigeant de nombreuses troupes. On peut notamment citer les commandants clones de la Grande Arm\u00E9e de la R\u00E9publique o\u00F9 les commandants de l'Arm\u00E9e Imp\u00E9riale."@fr . "Commandant is een militaire rang, gelijk in hoogte aan wat bij de meeste andere beschavingen in dienst wordt gebruikt. Deze rang ligt tussen de rang van luitenant en kapitein in. Vaak word deze rang gegeven aan officieren die het commando hebben van een afdeling, of de bevelhebbers van kleine sterrenschepen of Sterrenbasis. Volgens de marinetraditie is het de gewoonte om de ook een commandant met kapitein aan te spreken als deze het bevel voert en op het dek van het schip is. Commandant is gelijkwaardig aan de infanterierang van luitenant-kolonel of de ondercommandant rang van het Romulan sterrenrijk en het Vulcan hoge commando."@nl . "Black Market Ammo"@en . "1449"^^ . "2338"^^ . . . . . "5526"^^ . . . . "56"^^ . . . "1.0"^^ . . "Deceased"@en . . "426"^^ . . "2763"^^ . . . "Standard 75x75 collect carvings woodenwallcarving.gif"@en . "1353"^^ . "5564"^^ . . . . . . "Decorative Nightstand"@en . "The Commandant of Tentir is the commander of the randon academy. He or she serves for a year; the position is rotated between the nine members of the Randon Council."@en . . . . . . . "1836"^^ . . . . . "Standard 75x75 collect carvings stonebuddha.gif"@en . . "8.0"^^ . "Commandant was a military title. An equivalent was used by Starfleet and the Kradin. The Vori programmed a commandant as the primary villain in a simulation built to train Vori soldiers in a war against the Kradin. (VOY: \"Nemesis\") The commandant of Starfleet Academy was the officer in charge of cadets' education, and also oversaw the activities of the various squads. In 2364, this position was offered by Admiral Gregory Quinn to Captain Jean-Luc Picard, but it was turned down. (TNG: \"Coming of Age\" ) By 2372, a Bolian rear admiral was in the post. (DS9: \"Paradise Lost\") The term \"commandant\" was also used in crediting a Klingon in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country and a Krenim commandant in VOY: \"Year of Hell, Part II\". They were not referred to by the title on screen."@en . . . . . . . "1855"^^ . . . "3614"^^ . . "5024"^^ . "Le compte Commandant est un service payant qui vous permet d'ajouter de nouvelles fonctionnalit\u00E9s \u00E0 OGame, qui ne sont pas accessibles aux utilisateurs normaux. L'amiral de la flotte est un v\u00E9t\u00E9ran de guerre et un strat\u00E8ge redout\u00E9. M\u00EAme lorsque le combat acharn\u00E9, il garde le sang froid n\u00E9cessaire pour dominer la situation et est en contact permanent avec les amiraux sous ses ordres. Un empereur responsable ne saurait se passer de l'amiral de la flotte pour coordonner ses attaques et peut lui faire une telle confiance qu'il peut envoyer plus de flottes en combat. Effet : Nombre max. de flottes +2 L'ing\u00E9nieur est un sp\u00E9cialiste de la gestion d'\u00E9nergie. En temps de paix, il optimise l'efficacit\u00E9 des r\u00E9seaux d'\u00E9nergie des colonies. En cas d'attaque, il coordonne l'alimentation en \u00E9nergie des syst\u00E8mes critiques de la d\u00E9fense plan\u00E9taire et r\u00E9duit les surtensions, ce qui r\u00E9duit le nombre d'unit\u00E9s completement d\u00E9truites lors du combat. Effet : Diminue de moiti\u00E9 les pertes de d\u00E9fense en cas d'une attaque, +10% plus d'\u00E9nergie. Le g\u00E9ologue est un expert reconnu en astromin\u00E9ralogie et en astrocristallographie. Avec son \u00E9quipe d'experts en m\u00E9tallurgie et d'ing\u00E9nieurs chimiste, il assiste les gouvernements interplan\u00E9taires dans la recherche de nouvelles sources de mati\u00E8res premi\u00E8res et optimise le raffinage de celles-ci. Effet : +10% de prod. de mines Les guildes de technocrates sont des scientifiques au g\u00E9nie reconnu. On les trouve aux endroits o\u00F9 la technique atteint ses limites. Personne ne parviendra \u00E0 d\u00E9chiffrer le cryptage d'un technocrate, sa seule pr\u00E9sence inspire les chercheurs de tout l'empire. Effet : +2 de niveau d'espionnage, 25% de r\u00E9duction de temps de recherche."@fr . "Commandant"@en . . . "3.0"^^ . "Commandant is a title that has been used in many organizations across the galaxy. Among those to have used the term, are Klingons, the Kradin, and Humans. Typically, the title is applied to someone who is in charge of a group of personnel, such as an assault force, training faculty, or prison guards."@en . . . . . "Fable II"@en . . . . . . "Commandant(e) est un terme qui regroupe des conditions aussi vari\u00E9 qu'Empereur(e), President(e), Maire, Ma\u00EEtre, Deput\u00E9, Matriarche, Patriarche, Dragon bleu nain trigonocephale du maroc... Il sert de formule de politesse dans l'assembl\u00E9e galactique."@fr . . . "Wall Carving"@en . . . "Commandant"@de . . "3188"^^ . . . . . . . . "4038"^^ . "Commandant was a military title. An equivalent was used by Starfleet and the Kradin. The Vori programmed a commandant as the primary villain in a simulation built to train Vori soldiers in a war against the Kradin. (VOY: \"Nemesis\") The commandant of Starfleet Academy was the officer in charge of cadets' education, and also oversaw the activities of the various squads. In 2364, this position was offered by Admiral Gregory Quinn to Captain Jean-Luc Picard, but it was turned down. (TNG: \"Coming of Age\" ) By 2372, a Bolian rear admiral was in the post. (DS9: \"Paradise Lost\")"@en . . . . . "thumb|left|180px|kolya exemple de comandentUn commandant est un titre qui se r\u00E9f\u00E8re habituellement \u00E0 une personne qui dirige un groupe de soldat."@fr . . "60"^^ . "11.0"^^ . "61"^^ . "9042"^^ . . "56"^^ . . "2628"^^ . "Human"@en . "52"^^ . "53"^^ . . . "3092"^^ . "49"^^ . . . . "46"^^ . "42"^^ . . . "Dragon Statue"@en . . . "Fable II"@en . "3105"^^ . "39"^^ . . . . "92"^^ . "Prefix Title earned by gaining +40,000 (Ally) faction with the Freeport Militia in West Freeport."@en . "*Ahsoka Tano\n*Bragh\n*Braylen Stramm\n*Ciena Ree\n*Jun Sato\n*Korr Sella\n*Kyrsta Agate\n*Luke Skywalker\n*Poe Dameron\n*Riff Tamson\n*Tiaan Jerjerrod\n*Wedge Antilles"@fr . "95"^^ . "89"^^ . . "Standard 75x75 collect carvings floraldesign.gif"@en . . "85"^^ . . . "80"^^ . . "82"^^ . . . "77"^^ . "78"^^ . . . "75"^^ . "Prefix Title earned by gaining +40,000 (Ally) faction with the Freeport Militia in West Freeport."@en . . "71"^^ . . . "62"^^ . "66"^^ . "67"^^ . "$B"@en . . "Male"@en . . "121"^^ . "118"^^ . "2126"^^ . . "113"^^ . . . "104"^^ . . . "106"^^ . . . "100"^^ . . "Commandant ( or ) is a title often given to the officer in charge of a military (or other uniformed service) training establishment or academy. This usage is common in anglophone nations. In some countries it may be a military or police rank. It is also often used to refer to the commander of a military prison or prison camp (including Nazi concentration camps and prisoner of war camps)."@en . "Commandant"@en . "99"^^ . . "156"^^ . "4019"^^ . "Stone Buddha"@en . . . . . . "7651"^^ . . . "Commandant"@nl . "1256"^^ . . "Standard 75x75 collect carvings nightstand.gif"@en . "1700"^^ . . "Commandant"@fr . "142"^^ . . . . . . "Commandant was rank in several militaries in the galaxy."@en . . . "124"^^ . "135"^^ . "128"^^ . "Boost blackmarketammo 75x75 01.gif"@en . "*Cumberlayne Aresko\n*Pell Baylo\n*Deenlark\n*Dessard\n*Brendol Hux\n*Hurron\n*Theodane Sardo\n*Osi Sobeck\n*Stradd"@en . "126"^^ . . "130"^^ . . . "114"^^ . "Floral Statue"@en . "2165"^^ . . "118"^^ . "119"^^ . "107"^^ . "3015"^^ . "Le compte Commandant est un service payant qui vous permet d'ajouter de nouvelles fonctionnalit\u00E9s \u00E0 OGame, qui ne sont pas accessibles aux utilisateurs normaux. L'amiral de la flotte est un v\u00E9t\u00E9ran de guerre et un strat\u00E8ge redout\u00E9. M\u00EAme lorsque le combat acharn\u00E9, il garde le sang froid n\u00E9cessaire pour dominer la situation et est en contact permanent avec les amiraux sous ses ordres. Un empereur responsable ne saurait se passer de l'amiral de la flotte pour coordonner ses attaques et peut lui faire une telle confiance qu'il peut envoyer plus de flottes en combat. Effet : +10% de prod. de mines"@fr . "108"^^ . . "The Commandant is a powerful follower of Lord Lucien Fairfax and the first surviving subject of an experiment by Lucien to implant shards of The Spire into a human, empowering them with Will power. Though initially the process was unsuccessful, resulting in deaths and gross disfiguration, Lucien was able to gradually improve the results, making his first prototype. As the years passed, Lucien perfected his experiment, creating many different Commandants. The first, however, remained his most loyal and was assigned to capture Garth, the Hero of Will, which he eventually managed. Afterward, he was assigned as the Spire Guard Commander. The Hero was required to report to him during much of their time in The Spire. When the Hero first meets the Commandant he/she is ordered to obey his commands"@en . "111"^^ . "3478"^^ . "1160"^^ . "96"^^ . . "102"^^ . . "103"^^ . "170"^^ . "88"^^ .