"Sith Empire"@en . . "Fohargh a Sith Akad\u00E9mia egyik di\u00E1kja volt a Korribanon az \u00DAj Sith H\u00E1bor\u00FAk idej\u00E9n. Darth Bane m\u00E9g tanulm\u00E1nyai elej\u00E9n kih\u00EDvta Foharghot \u00E9s veres\u00E9get szenvedett t\u0151le. Alig v\u00E1rva a visszav\u00E1g\u00E1s lehet\u0151s\u00E9g\u00E9re, Bane \u00FAjra kih\u00EDvta a makurth-ot, most m\u00E1r tiszt\u00E1ban l\u00E9ve Fohargh faj\u00E1nak \u00E9jszakai \u00E9letm\u00F3dj\u00E1val. A p\u00E1rbaj sor\u00E1n Fohargh lekontr\u00E1zta Bane er\u0151teljes V. Form\u00E1ja, a Djem So t\u00E1mad\u00E1sait a Soresu v\u00E9dekez\u0151 III. Form\u00E1j\u00E1val. Ezut\u00E1n becsapta magasabb riv\u00E1lis\u00E1t azzal, hogy a Makashi II. form\u00E1j\u00E1ra v\u00E1ltott, \u00E9s siker\u00FClt egy csap\u00E1st bevinnie Banenak. Ezut\u00E1n a ringben elkezdte megal\u00E1zni Banet hasonl\u00F3 szavakkal, mint azt kor\u00E1bban apja tette. Ez volt az a pont, amikor Bane az Er\u0151t haszn\u00E1lva Foharghot \u00E1trep\u00EDtette a ringen. Bane annyira megm\u00E1rt\u00F3zott a S\u00F6t\u00E9t Oldalban ekkor, hogy \u00E9szre sem vette, \u00E9s a hal\u00E1lig szorongatta ellenfel\u00E9t. Ez a jelenet az Akad\u00E9mia legjobb di\u00E1kj\u00E1nak, Siraknak a figyelm\u00E9t is felkeltette. \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* Kateg\u00F3ria:Makurthok Kateg\u00F3ria:H\u00EDmnem\u0171ek Kateg\u00F3ria:Sithek"@hu . . "Fohargh"@fr . "Fohargh"@hu . . . . . . . . "Unknown"@en . "Fohargh"@en . . . "F\u00E9rfi"@hu . . . . "Fohargh"@en . "Fohargh"@hu . "Deceased"@en . "[Source] Si les Makurths sont relativement peu connus dans la galaxie, il y a un qui faillit bien devenir c\u00E9l\u00E8bre en portant le titre de Seigneur Sith ; un titre que Fohargh n'eut cependant pas le temps de porter avant que Dark Bane ne s'occupe de son cas."@fr . . . . . . "Fohargh"@en . "Masculin"@fr . . . . "Fohargh was a Makurth male student at the Sith Academy on Korriban during the New Sith Wars. He attended the Academy alongside such notable apprentices as Bane, whom he bested in a lightsaber training duel early on in the Human's own tenure. However, their next encounter would result in Fohargh's own death."@en . . "Fohargh"@hu . . . . "Fohargh"@fr . . "1001"^^ . . "Fohargh"@en . "Sith"@en . . "Fohargh was a Makurth Male Sith apprentice."@en . . "Sith"@fr . "Fohargh"@fr . . . . . . "Male"@en . "Fohargh"@fr . "[Source] Si les Makurths sont relativement peu connus dans la galaxie, il y a un qui faillit bien devenir c\u00E9l\u00E8bre en portant le titre de Seigneur Sith ; un titre que Fohargh n'eut cependant pas le temps de porter avant que Dark Bane ne s'occupe de son cas."@fr . . . . "Fohargh"@en . "Fohargh"@en . "1001"^^ . "\u0424\u043E\u0433\u0430\u0440"@en . . "Fohargh a Sith Akad\u00E9mia egyik di\u00E1kja volt a Korribanon az \u00DAj Sith H\u00E1bor\u00FAk idej\u00E9n. Darth Bane m\u00E9g tanulm\u00E1nyai elej\u00E9n kih\u00EDvta Foharghot \u00E9s veres\u00E9get szenvedett t\u0151le. Alig v\u00E1rva a visszav\u00E1g\u00E1s lehet\u0151s\u00E9g\u00E9re, Bane \u00FAjra kih\u00EDvta a makurth-ot, most m\u00E1r tiszt\u00E1ban l\u00E9ve Fohargh faj\u00E1nak \u00E9jszakai \u00E9letm\u00F3dj\u00E1val. \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* Kateg\u00F3ria:Makurthok Kateg\u00F3ria:H\u00EDmnem\u0171ek Kateg\u00F3ria:Sithek"@hu . "Fohargh"@hu . "Fohargh"@fr . . "Fohargh"@fr . "Fohargh was a Makurth Male Sith apprentice."@en . . . . . . "Fohargh was a Makurth male student at the Sith Academy on Korriban during the New Sith Wars. He attended the Academy alongside such notable apprentices as Bane, whom he bested in a lightsaber training duel early on in the Human's own tenure. However, their next encounter would result in Fohargh's own death. The Makurth readily accepted Bane's challenge to a rematch, and during the duel, was soon able to overcome his opponent by striking his fighting arm and rendering it useless. However, as Fohargh mocked his seemingly defeated opponent, Bane surrendered himself to the dark side of the Force and slew the Makurth, strangling the life from him on the rooftop of the Korriban Academy."@en . "Fohargh"@hu . . "Fohargh"@hu . .