"Dept. Store Worker"@en . "Oni"@en . . "Establishing a Market"@en . "North-West Onigashima"@en . "Dept. Store Worker is a woman who works at the local Department Store in Onigashima. She wants her business to do well so she asks the player to gather supplies for her brand new items she is selling in her store. In the quest, Establishing a Market, she asks the player to gather materials to create mini lanterns to broaden the younger crowd willing to come buy from her store talking to different suppliers and retailers to develop this new product for her."@en . . "Dept. Store Worker standing in front of her shop"@en . "Dept. Store Worker is a woman who works at the local Department Store in Onigashima. She wants her business to do well so she asks the player to gather supplies for her brand new items she is selling in her store. In the quest, Establishing a Market, she asks the player to gather materials to create mini lanterns to broaden the younger crowd willing to come buy from her store talking to different suppliers and retailers to develop this new product for her."@en . . "Unknown"@en . . .