"Summon is an ability, power, or spell that allows the transporting of a creature from another place (in game world, other dimension, etc.) to the caster."@el . "Summon s\u00E3o personagens que podem ser magicamente invocado por Sora em Kingdom Hearts.Os Summons aparecem em Kingdom Hearts (game),Kingdom Hearts II e Kingdom Hearts:Chain of Memories."@pt . . . . "20.0"^^ . . . . . . . "Ultima V"@en . . . . "Summon"@en . . "Summon Items are found throughout the Kingdom Hearts universe. They are used to forge different magical aids called Summons that help Sora and his party in battle. In Kingdom Hearts, the items must be forged by the Fairy Godmother in Merlin's Study at Traverse Town before they can be used. Kingdom Hearts II brings back the summon item; in this iteration, Sora immediately obtains the summon when the item is found. In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, summons take the form of cards in Summon Cards. They can be combined with other cards to create powerful combos by stocking multiple Summons Cards of the same name."@en . "This article is a stub. You can help NWN2Wiki by [ expanding it]."@en . "Summon was a Mastery 1 universal spell which allowed a shugenja to create a small volume of the appropriate element. Void could not be summoned in this way."@en . . . . . . "Summon (\u53EC\u559A Sh\u014Dkan) is a skill that appears in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, and is unique to the Dark Priest, Summoner and Necromancer classes. This skill allows the user to summon Phantoms in The Sacred Stones, while in Radiant Dawn, only Feral Ones may be summoned. In Radiant Dawn, the skill is enemy-only as the only summoner is Izuka, who is an enemy unit. A Summoner may only call out one Phantom at a time, resulting in the Summon command only becoming usable after the first summoned Phantom is defeated."@en . "Summon is an ability, power, or spell that allows the transporting of a creature from another place (in game world, other dimension, etc.) to the caster."@en . "A type of fad in which the aim is to post a series of words or phrases in a particular order, without any mistakes or interruptions. A succesful summoning is often accompanied by an ASCII image of the character summoned. There are several summons which are or have been popular on Board 8."@en . . "AHeroEmerges-TF04-JP-VG.jpg"@en . . . "Summons are the spawns of Sulphur that appear wherever dark energies run high, especially around the Isle of Healing Waters and the Island of Evil. Their presence is considered an omen toward Sulphur's fast-approaching return and where they are most common, a Wraith usually isn't far behind. The Summon is a horror unit that, due to its nature as part of Sulphur, cannot be recruited nor will they appear in Random Dungeons. It is closely related to the Ghost and Whisp units and can learn all the same weapon skills that they can. It is a physically-orientated unit with low but balanced HP, ATK, and DEF. It's decent at Physical skills with Vital as support, but also dabbles a little in Magic. When encountered it will usually rely on allied monsters, as it is not particularly powerful in itself, and is really a minor annoyance."@en . . . . "Bringing the Golden Goliath to life"@en . . . "A summon is a creature that was magically drawn from another plane of existence, or simply from the nearby environment. A summon is compelled to do the bidding of the one who summoned it. Most summons have a time limit, after which the creature is returned to the place from which it came (it is unsummoned). In addition, a creature can be manually unsummoned at any time (by selecting the \"Unsummon\" option in the creature's radial menu). A summoned creature is also unsummoned when its summoner dies."@en . "Summon is a keyword action."@en . "KAL VAS CORP XEN"@en . . "See also: Characteristic, Summons equipment. A Summon (or Invocation) is a creature you create. It will fight for you (or otherwise aid you in some manner), but you cannot directly control its actions. Although Osamodas are summoning specialists, Sadidas and Enutrofs are secondary summoners, all classes except for Iop, Cra, Masqueraider, and Feca have access to at least one summon spell as a class spell, and all characters can obtain the summoning of a Class Dopple spell at level 200, also three special summon spells (Summoning of Chaferfu, Summoning of Arachnee and Cawwot (spell)) can be obtained by completing certain tasks. Monsters summoned by players (not other monsters) have their HP and basic characteristics increased by 1% per level of the caster, over the base value for that stat. For example, a level 5 Gobball, which has 70 base HP, would actually have 105 HP for a level 50 Osamodas and 140 HP for a level 100 Osamodas. Some spells have higher effects on summoned creatures (your own, an ally's, or an enemy's), such as Concentration and Unsummoning. By default, a character can only have one summon active. Using Summons equipment increases the number of allowed active summons. Upon reaching level 200, a character receives the spell to summon a Class Dopple."@en . . "The following is about the summoning a Gemling in gameboard."@en . . . "Summon"@fi . "150"^^ . "A Summon (\u53EC\uFF08\u3057\u3087\u3046\uFF09\u559A\uFF08\u304B\u3093\uFF09 Sh\u014Dkan) is an action which places a monster onto a Monster Zone. It can be performed either manually or with a card effect. Monsters are always Summoned face-up, unless Special Summoning with an effect like \"Morphing Jar 2\" which states that the monster is Special Summoned face-down. If a player conduct a Summon, due to any method, the player conducting that Summon will be the one who choose which appropriate Monster Zone the Monster would be placed on (unless specified otherwise)."@en . . "Summon"@en . . . . . . "Allows the user to summon Phantoms/monsters into battle."@en . . "-3"^^ . . . . . "Summon"@en . . . . . "Summon is an ability, power, or spell that allows the transporting of a creature from another place (in game world, other dimension, etc.) to the caster."@el . . . "Verb: Invocar"@en . "Summon"@en . . "Horror"@en . "See also: Characteristic, Summons equipment. A Summon (or Invocation) is a creature you create. It will fight for you (or otherwise aid you in some manner), but you cannot directly control its actions. Although Osamodas are summoning specialists, Sadidas and Enutrofs are secondary summoners, all classes except for Iop, Cra, Masqueraider, and Feca have access to at least one summon spell as a class spell, and all characters can obtain the summoning of a Class Dopple spell at level 200, also three special summon spells (Summoning of Chaferfu, Summoning of Arachnee and Cawwot (spell)) can be obtained by completing certain tasks."@en . "Types"@en . "\uC18C\uD658 Sohwan"@en . "Den h\u00E4r sidan g\u00E5r att ut\u00F6ka. Om du vet n\u00E5got mer, eller om du kan \u00F6vers\u00E4tta bra, g\u00F6r det. Druider och Sorcerers kan f\u00F6r 2000gp l\u00E4ra sig spellen \"Utevo Res\" n\u00E4r de har n\u00E5tt level 25. Med den kan de \u00E5kalla monster av olika slag. Spellen kostar olika mycket mana beroende p\u00E5 vad man f\u00F6rs\u00F6ker \u00E5kalla."@sv . . . . . "File:Summon.gif Summons are among the most well known and powerful abilities in the Golden Sun series. They consist of the user calling upon a powerful spirit to assist the user's party. The use of any summon requires that the party have the necessary number of Djinn of the proper element on standby at the time the character attempts the summon. These Djinn are subsequently placed into recovery. In general, the power of the summon increases with the number of Djinn required to use it. A few enemies have attacks that are treated as summons."@en . . "Che cosa \u00E8 un Summon? Il summon \u00E8 un animaletto che ti aiuta aiuta a combattere o cacciare. Come ottenerlo? Facile, basta andare al market e nella voce Summon Dolls comprare qualche evil raccoon. Consiglio di comprare 2-3 dolls perch\u00E9 non \u00E8 detto che si riesca ad evocarlo con una sola. Inoltre \u00E8 consigliabile evocarne 2, cos\u00EC mentre uno 'si riposa' (vedi pi\u00F9 avanti) potete usare l'altro! Per evocare/richiamare il summon premere F6 per il tuo primo pet e F7 per il secondo. Che fare dopo? Una volta che vi appare il summon cliccate su status->summons e mettete attributes su standby per evitare che il summon combatta senza ordine vostro (vi consiglio di lasciare sempre cos\u00EC) rischiando di morire (all'inizio \u00E8 debolissimo). Come faccio combattere il summon? Basta tener premuto il tasto SHIFT e cliccare il tasto sinistro del mouse sul mostro che deve essere ucciso. Se il mostro ha anche un attacco magico, premete il tasto destro per usarlo. Perch\u00E8 il mio summon scompare? Il summon resta fuori per un certo tempo. Se guardi nel menu Status->Summon, puoi vedere questo tempo detto SPT. Quando l'SPT finisce, il pet sparisce, e devi aspettare un po' di tempo prima di poterlo nuovamente evocare. Questa quantit\u00E0 di tempo \u00E8 detta SPRT. Quando l'SPRT \u00E8 finito, puoi evocare la tua summon nuovamente. L'SPT non si consuma se sei in citt\u00E0 o in field, si consuma solo negli Hunting Grounds (cio\u00E8 i dungeons, anche quelli delle citt\u00E0). Esiste qualcosa che non mi faccia consumare SPT? Si, basta usare la medicina Summon's Tonic - che si trova al market o all'Item Mall - che non vi fa consumare SPT per 48 min. Come applicare punti status al summon? Basta cliccare status->summoned e procedere come per il vostro personaggio. Io vi consiglio di applicare quasi tutti i punti bonus su Str (Strenght) e solo pochi punti in Agi. Devo nutrire il summon? Il summon non ha bisogno di nutrimento. Posso rinforzare il summon con qualche medicina? Si, basta comprare il Summon's Hyperpotion che ne aumenta attacco e difesa del 20% per 48 min. Se il mio summon \u00E8 ferito gravemente che faccio? Basta comprare Medicine for Summons al market. Se cliccate su status->summons e avete la spunta su Use Auto Recovery si cura da solo quando viene ferito; se p.es. la spunta \u00E8 sul 30% e il summon ha 100 punti vita massimi, se la vita del summon scende sotto i 30HP la recupera da solo (se avete la medicina nell'inventario). Lo stesso vale per le pozioni MP nel caso il summon possa fare magie. Perch\u00E8 c'\u00E8 scritto dead in rosso sull'icona del summon? Significa che il summon \u00E8 morto! Ma non disperare, lo puoi far rivivere in 2 modi: 1. \n* compra un numero di Summons Dolls del tuo pet uguale al suo livello, poi vai dall'NPC Vlad e clicca su Resurrection; 2. \n* compra un Resurrection Ticket al Market o da Clara e poi premi F6 o F7 a seconda di qual \u00E8 il summon morto. Che vantaggi si hanno a possedere un summon? Si ha pi\u00F9 drop quando uccidete un mostro col summon. Inoltre non si consuma cibo per il personaggio! 1. \n* Per prima cosa deve avere un livello sufficiente. Per controllare quanto richiede l'evoluzione successiva cliccate status->summons e accanto alla scritta Level: xx/100 c'\u00E8 un numero tra parentesi che lo indica. P.es. appena evocato il raccoon ha Level: 1 / 100 (Ev.3); questo significa che il vostro summon - che adesso \u00E8 al livello 1 - deve arrivare al livello 3 per potersi evolvere in qualcos'altro. 2. \n* Per le prime evoluzioni bisogna usare gli Evolution Ticket, mentre con i summons pi\u00F9 potenti le Blessing Stones. 3. \n* Andare dall'NPC Vlad e cliccate su Evolve. Conviene leggere i libri Summon Technique? Si, conviene per 2 motivi: 1. \n* aumenta la potenza del summon quando attacca; 2. \n* aumenta SPT totale. Vi ricordo che leggere i libri Summon Tech consuma skill points! Conviene avere un summon secondo te? Alcuni dicono che non conviene avere il summon perch\u00E9 \u00E8 molto costoso. Per me conviene: i soldi che si spendono per evolverli si recuperano in poco tempo!"@it . "Purple"@en . "Once a pet has been formed it may then be summoned. Most jobs can summon only one pet at a time however summoner class jobs may learn a skill that allows multiple pets to be summoned at the same time. To hide a summoned pet you must use the creature recall skill."@en . . . . "20"^^ . "Teleports the target 10-40 meters towards the user. Stuns target for ability duration, target cannot move or act."@en . . . . "Verb: Invoquer"@en . "A summon is a creature that was magically drawn from another plane of existence, or simply from the nearby environment. A summon is compelled to do the bidding of the one who summoned it. Most summons have a time limit, after which the creature is returned to the place from which it came (it is unsummoned). In addition, a creature can be manually unsummoned at any time (by selecting the \"Unsummon\" option in the creature's radial menu). A summoned creature is also unsummoned when its summoner dies. Neverwinter Nights limits characters to a single summon at a time (although certain scripting tricks can get around this); if an additional creature is summoned, the previous summon is unsummoned. This summoned creature counts towards the party size penalty, so it will reduce experience awards for kills. Killing a summoned creature does not grant experience points. Summoning spells leave an effect on the summoner, which means that a summoned creature could be unsummoned if the summoner is dispelled. This effect has the side-effect of blocking horse riding for the summoner (until the duration expires or the summoner rests). Unlike standard creatures, summoned creatures tend to have their loot stripped from them. This prevents summoning and killing for the sake of stocking up on items or gold. The paladin's summon mount feat, while having \"summon\" in its name, is technically not a summoning. A paladin's warhorse is not subject to the \"one summons\" limit, nor does it have an \"unsummon\" option in its radial menu. (To unsummon a paladin's warhorse, it needs to be assigned to itself using the \"assign mount\" option in the horse menu.) Most summoning spells belong to the conjuration school. A notable exception is the creation of undead (implemented in Neverwinter Nights as summoning undead), which belongs to the necromancy school. The other exceptions are for the summoning (perhaps viewed as creating) of animated weapons \u2013 Mordenkainen's sword (transmutation) and Shelgarn's persistent blade (evocation)."@en . "A type of fad in which the aim is to post a series of words or phrases in a particular order, without any mistakes or interruptions. A succesful summoning is often accompanied by an ASCII image of the character summoned. There are several summons which are or have been popular on Board 8."@en . "7"^^ . . . . . . . "Summon s\u00E3o personagens que podem ser magicamente invocado por Sora em Kingdom Hearts.Os Summons aparecem em Kingdom Hearts (game),Kingdom Hearts II e Kingdom Hearts:Chain of Memories."@pt . . "171"^^ . . . "-2400.0"^^ . "Move"@en . . "\u0179r\u00F3d\u0142o: Tsukuru Archive Autor: Michu 1. Wst\u0119p Je\u017Celi znudzi\u0142y wam si\u0119 standardowe fireballe, a na widok kolejnego heala dostajecie konwulsji - to dobry moment by wprowadzi\u0107 troch\u0119 urozmaicenia do waszej gry! Dzisiaj zajmiemy si\u0119 technik\u0105, kt\u00F3rej protoplast\u0105 by\u0142a znana chyba wszystkim seria Final Fantasy - summonem!. 2. Jak to ugry\u017A\u0107 Skrypt b\u0119dzie do\u015B\u0107 banalny - stworzymy umiej\u0119tno\u015B\u0107, kt\u00F3ra b\u0119dzie podczas walki przywo\u0142ywa\u0142a dodatkowego cz\u0142onka naszej dru\u017Cyny. Na samym pocz\u0105tku warto wi\u0119c takiego herosa stworzy\u0107 w zak\u0142adce Hero. Teraz w zak\u0142adce Skill tworzymy umiej\u0119tno\u015B\u0107 aktywowan\u0105 na Switch. Wa\u017Cne, \u017Ceby zaznaczy\u0107 tylko i wy\u0142\u0105cznie opcj\u0119 Battle. Nast\u0119pnie wybieramy jaki\u015B prze\u0142\u0105cznik i reszt\u0119 parametr\u00F3w mo\u017Cecie ustali\u0107 dowolnie. Teraz wracaj\u0105c do zak\u0142adki Hero uczymy naszego bohatera tej zdolno\u015Bci. 3. Zabawa z potworami W Monster Groups tworzymy now\u0105 stron\u0119 (mo\u017Cna skorzysta\u0107 z tej co ju\u017C jest) i ustawiamy jej warunek na: switch 'summon'(czy jak tam go nazwali\u015Bcie) ON. Dzi\u0119ki temu wszystko co zawrzecie poni\u017Cej b\u0119dzie aktywowane przez umiej\u0119tno\u015B\u0107 'Summon'. Teraz ju\u017C w komendach wybieramy Conditional Branch i switch-'przyzwano'-ON. Pami\u0119tajmy by zaznaczy\u0107 opcj\u0119 ELSE. Nast\u0119pnie w samym warunku wybieramy Switch Operations - Summon - OFF. Dzi\u0119ki temu, je\u017Celi mamy ju\u017C w dru\u017Cynie summona, nic si\u0119 nie stanie. W else natomiast ustawiamy dowolne efekty (tekst, animacj\u0119, cokolwiek) i dajemy Change Party - add member - Summon. Nast\u0119pnie zmieniamy prze\u0142\u0105cznika 'przyzwano' na ON. Ostatni\u0105 komend\u0105 niech znowu b\u0119dzie zmiana prze\u0142\u0105cznika 'summon' na OFF. Gotowe! =D 4. Czy aby napewno? U\u017Cywaj\u0105c takiego skryptu, po sko\u0144czonej walce summon pozostanie u nas w dru\u017Cynie. \u017Beby go usun\u0105\u0107 nale\u017Ca\u0142oby zrobi\u0107 specjalny warunek w Monster Groups, ale du\u017Co \u0142atwiej jest waln\u0105\u0107 Common Eventa sprawdzaj\u0105cego czy posta\u0107 \"Summon\" jest w dru\u017Cynie. Je\u017Celi tak, usu\u0144. I teraz ju\u017C naprawd\u0119 gotowe! =]"@pl . "Summons \u00E9 o termo usado para classificar criaturas poderosas e lend\u00E1rias, que geralmente s\u00E3o convocadas para ajudar em combate."@en . . . "Write the first paragraph of your page here."@en . "Summonit ovat kutsumaolentoja. Final Fantasyn-sarjoissa niiden nimi vaihtuu esim. FF8:sa on Guardian Force, FF10:s\u00E4 on Aeonit ja FF13:sa on Eidolonit."@fi . . . . . . . . . "Ultima IX"@en . . . "Garry Damrau"@en . "Invocation"@en . . . "Book of Lore"@en . "Che cosa \u00E8 un Summon? Il summon \u00E8 un animaletto che ti aiuta aiuta a combattere o cacciare. Come ottenerlo? Facile, basta andare al market e nella voce Summon Dolls comprare qualche evil raccoon. Consiglio di comprare 2-3 dolls perch\u00E9 non \u00E8 detto che si riesca ad evocarlo con una sola. Inoltre \u00E8 consigliabile evocarne 2, cos\u00EC mentre uno 'si riposa' (vedi pi\u00F9 avanti) potete usare l'altro! Per evocare/richiamare il summon premere F6 per il tuo primo pet e F7 per il secondo. Devo nutrire il summon? Il summon non ha bisogno di nutrimento."@it . . . . . . . "Summon Demon"@en . "Summons \u00E9 o termo usado para classificar criaturas poderosas e lend\u00E1rias, que geralmente s\u00E3o convocadas para ajudar em combate."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "DWD"@en . . . . "160"^^ . . "Summon another shadow into battle."@en . . "Summon is a spell used by Mumbo Jumbo in Mayahem Temple to bring the Golden Goliath to life, allowing you to control it for a limited amount of time to kick down the stone doors leading to the Jade Snake Grove and the Prison Compound. The Golden Goliath is also needed to get a Jiggy surrounded by quicksand inside Jade Snake Grove. It can also be used to break open the door to access the Code Chamber."@en . "\u53EC\u559A Zh\u00E0ohu\u00E0n/ Ziu6 wun6"@en . "Verb: Evocare"@en . . . . "\u0179r\u00F3d\u0142o: Tsukuru Archive Autor: Michu 1. Wst\u0119p Je\u017Celi znudzi\u0142y wam si\u0119 standardowe fireballe, a na widok kolejnego heala dostajecie konwulsji - to dobry moment by wprowadzi\u0107 troch\u0119 urozmaicenia do waszej gry! Dzisiaj zajmiemy si\u0119 technik\u0105, kt\u00F3rej protoplast\u0105 by\u0142a znana chyba wszystkim seria Final Fantasy - summonem!. 2. Jak to ugry\u017A\u0107 3. Zabawa z potworami 4. Czy aby napewno?"@pl . "Steal"@en . . . . "---"@en . "Enodoc"@en . . . . . "Summon (\u53EC\u559A Sh\u014Dkan) is a skill that appears in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, and is unique to the Dark Priest, Summoner and Necromancer classes. This skill allows the user to summon Phantoms in The Sacred Stones, while in Radiant Dawn, only Feral Ones may be summoned. In Radiant Dawn, the skill is enemy-only as the only summoner is Izuka, who is an enemy unit. In The Sacred Stones the summoned Phantoms are ethereal beings that vanish upon taking damage, lacking both Defense and Resistance, alongside possessing only 1 HP. Phantoms usually wield axes, and their Strength is dependent on the Magic stat of their respective Summoners. Phantoms also have the same movement type as fliers, so they can traverse nearly any type of terrain. A Summoner may only call out one Phantom at a time, resulting in the Summon command only becoming usable after the first summoned Phantom is defeated. In TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga, the Summon skill allows the user to wield special staves to summon various allied monsters onto the battlefield."@en . . . . "Ability text: Summon: Choose a minion within 3 spaces of this monster. Place that minion in an empty space adjacent to this monster."@en . . . "50"^^ . "The following is about the summoning a Gemling in gameboard."@en . . . . "Summon was a Mastery 1 universal spell which allowed a shugenja to create a small volume of the appropriate element. Void could not be summoned in this way."@en . . "A physical attack that forces the target to teleport towards the user. The target will be stunned momentarily after the teleport. Targets are less likely to succumb to disruption effects the more often they are used."@en . "Summon"@it . . . "Summon is a spell used by Mumbo Jumbo in Mayahem Temple to bring the Golden Goliath to life, allowing you to control it for a limited amount of time to kick down the stone doors leading to the Jade Snake Grove and the Prison Compound. The Golden Goliath is also needed to get a Jiggy surrounded by quicksand inside Jade Snake Grove. It can also be used to break open the door to access the Code Chamber."@en . . . "\u53EC\u559A"@en . "15.0"^^ . "Summon"@el . "Jump"@en . "Summon is a keyword action."@en . "Knoll Summoning a Phantom in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones."@en . "Banjo-Tooie (XBLA)"@en . "This is a truly potent spell, but it also has to be used with much caution. Casting it summons deadly daemons to destroy the enemies of the spellcaster in a bloody display. The downside of this spell however is, that once this is done, the daemons will turn against the spellcaster, as they are annoyed at being summoned. It is often safer to find a different way to deal with one's foes."@en . "Evocazione"@en . "Summonit ovat kutsumaolentoja. Final Fantasyn-sarjoissa niiden nimi vaihtuu esim. FF8:sa on Guardian Force, FF10:s\u00E4 on Aeonit ja FF13:sa on Eidolonit."@fi . . "Summon"@pt . . "This creature is usually allied with its summoner (the creature that cast the original spell), and will act in a way to benefit them. They are not directly controlled by the summoner. A summon created by a player will still be controlled by the game, in the same way as a monster, rather than directly under control of the player. This means that these summons will not always do exactly what the player wants them too. Usually, if their summoner is defeated, then the summon will be destroyed. There should be a \"Monstername summoned by Summonername\" in it's name. If it doesn't, it'll still be alive even if the summoner dies. The amount of summoned creatures a character can have active at any time depends on their Command characteristic. For Xelor's however, they need Command."@en . . . . "Summons are the spawns of Sulphur that appear wherever dark energies run high, especially around the Isle of Healing Waters and the Island of Evil. Their presence is considered an omen toward Sulphur's fast-approaching return and where they are most common, a Wraith usually isn't far behind."@en . . "This article is a stub. You can help NWN2Wiki by [ expanding it]."@en . "Summon"@sv . . "This is a truly potent spell, but it also has to be used with much caution. Casting it summons deadly daemons to destroy the enemies of the spellcaster in a bloody display. The downside of this spell however is, that once this is done, the daemons will turn against the spellcaster, as they are annoyed at being summoned. It is often safer to find a different way to deal with one's foes."@en . . . . "Ability text: Summon: Choose a minion within 3 spaces of this monster. Place that minion in an empty space adjacent to this monster."@en . . "Verb: Invocar"@en . "This creature is usually allied with its summoner (the creature that cast the original spell), and will act in a way to benefit them. They are not directly controlled by the summoner. A summon created by a player will still be controlled by the game, in the same way as a monster, rather than directly under control of the player. This means that these summons will not always do exactly what the player wants them too. The amount of summoned creatures a character can have active at any time depends on their Command characteristic. For Xelor's however, they need Command."@en . "Once a pet has been formed it may then be summoned. Most jobs can summon only one pet at a time however summoner class jobs may learn a skill that allows multiple pets to be summoned at the same time. To hide a summoned pet you must use the creature recall skill."@en . "A Summon (\u53EC\uFF08\u3057\u3087\u3046\uFF09\u559A\uFF08\u304B\u3093\uFF09 Sh\u014Dkan) is an action which places a monster onto a Monster Zone. It can be performed either manually or with a card effect. Monsters are always Summoned face-up, unless Special Summoning with an effect like \"Morphing Jar 2\" which states that the monster is Special Summoned face-down. If a player conduct a Summon, due to any method, the player conducting that Summon will be the one who choose which appropriate Monster Zone the Monster would be placed on (unless specified otherwise)."@en . "Guard"@en . "Sh\u014Dkan"@en . "Summon"@pl . . . "Summon can have several meanings: 1. \n* n. A creature/critter/object that has been summoned. 2. \n* Usually referred to as a pet, but not all critters in the pet class are summons. 3. \n* adj. Describes a power or power set that does the summoning. 4. \n* powersets are specifically designed to be built around summoning Henchmen. 5. \n* Many and powersets have summoning powers. 6. \n* Dark Miasma, Traps, Storm 7. \n* v. The act of summoning or calling. (to summon) 8. \n* eehhh"@en . "Den h\u00E4r sidan g\u00E5r att ut\u00F6ka. Om du vet n\u00E5got mer, eller om du kan \u00F6vers\u00E4tta bra, g\u00F6r det. Druider och Sorcerers kan f\u00F6r 2000gp l\u00E4ra sig spellen \"Utevo Res\" n\u00E4r de har n\u00E5tt level 25. Med den kan de \u00E5kalla monster av olika slag. Spellen kostar olika mycket mana beroende p\u00E5 vad man f\u00F6rs\u00F6ker \u00E5kalla."@sv . . . "Write the first paragraph of your page here."@en . . "Summon can have several meanings: 1. \n* n. A creature/critter/object that has been summoned. 2. \n* Usually referred to as a pet, but not all critters in the pet class are summons. 3. \n* adj. Describes a power or power set that does the summoning. 4. \n* powersets are specifically designed to be built around summoning Henchmen. 5. \n* Many and powersets have summoning powers. 6. \n* Dark Miasma, Traps, Storm 7. \n* v. The act of summoning or calling. (to summon) 8. \n* eehhh"@en . . . "5"^^ . . "Artwork of \"A Hero Emerges\", an example of a card that Summons a monster"@en . . "File:Summon.gif Summons are among the most well known and powerful abilities in the Golden Sun series. They consist of the user calling upon a powerful spirit to assist the user's party. The use of any summon requires that the party have the necessary number of Djinn of the proper element on standby at the time the character attempts the summon. These Djinn are subsequently placed into recovery. In general, the power of the summon increases with the number of Djinn required to use it. A few enemies have attacks that are treated as summons. Unlike Psynergy, summons always hit all enemies (with the exception of Coatlicue, which heals the party rather than attacking the enemy). They also temporarily enhance the summoner's elemental power in the elements corresponding to the Djinn necessary for the summon. Summons deal more damage against enemies with more HP, making them very effective against bosses."@en . . . . . . "Remove"@en . "Summon.jpg"@en . "Summon is an ability, power, or spell that allows the transporting of a creature from another place (in game world, other dimension, etc.) to the caster."@en . . . "Summon Items are found throughout the Kingdom Hearts universe. They are used to forge different magical aids called Summons that help Sora and his party in battle. In Kingdom Hearts, the items must be forged by the Fairy Godmother in Merlin's Study at Traverse Town before they can be used."@en . . . "Beschw\u00F6rung"@en . . "Kal Xen Corp resembles Kal Xen, but its summons has far greater complexity and power. Kal Xen Corp calls forth a daemon. But only an experienced wizard is able to devote the concentration needed to bind the daemon's allegiance and prevent it from turning on his party. Then, although the daemon cannot use its own powers of possession, it can hurl great balls of fire across long distance to smite foes. Mandrake root, gathered as near as possible to an entrance to dungeons, pits, and other vile holes, is the base of this spell. Add garlic, blood moss and the strongest spider silk. Mix the lot together letting the moisture of the root act as a binding. Now shape the mixture into the form of the winged daemon. Raise the icon to the sky, into this spell and hear it calling its own."@en . "Invoca\u00E7\u00E3o"@en . . . . . . "Celebratory Summons happen to celebrate a milestone in the game and are available only for a limited time. \n* Same lineup as Premium Summon with the addition of some cards. \n* File:Gemstone.png[300] Jewels per summon."@en . . "\u3057\u3087\u3046\u304B\u3093"@en . . . "Invocaci\u00F3n"@en . . "Summon another shadow into battle."@en . "Celebratory Summons happen to celebrate a milestone in the game and are available only for a limited time. \n* Same lineup as Premium Summon with the addition of some cards. \n* File:Gemstone.png[300] Jewels per summon."@en . "Verb: beschw\u00F6ren"@en .