. "Blend,"@en . . "Blue"@en . . . . . . . . . "Rockin' K.K."@en . "+15 Bewegungstempo"@de . . "Gemini"@en . "pudgy"@en . . "Bertram"@en . "Bollito"@en . "95"^^ . . . "Male"@en . . . . . . . . "There's no such thing as a free lunch."@en . . "Peebo Pudgemeyer, best known as Pudge, is the tritagonist of Cats Don't Dance. He is a juvenile penguin who wears four outfits in all, including both the sailor outfit and the formal suit he wore to the premiere of L'il Ark Angel. Ever since Danny Cat helped him load a block of ice onto a flatbed and showed him his dancing skills, Pudge has been best friends with Danny and (presumably) looked up to him as a big brother figure. It isn't until the entry to the studio that his name is revealed. He, unlike most of the animals, is bottomless (meaning that he doesn't wear any bottom clothing). Pudge is voiced by Matthew Herried."@en . "Pudge"@en . . . . . . . "Chef"@en . . . . . . . "Historical"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Peebo Pudgemeyer, best known as Pudge, is the tritagonist of Cats Don't Dance. He is a juvenile penguin who wears four outfits in all, including both the sailor outfit and the formal suit he wore to the premiere of L'il Ark Angel. Ever since Danny Cat helped him load a block of ice onto a flatbed and showed him his dancing skills, Pudge has been best friends with Danny and (presumably) looked up to him as a big brother figure. It isn't until the entry to the studio that his name is revealed. He, unlike most of the animals, is bottomless (meaning that he doesn't wear any bottom clothing). Pudge is voiced by Matthew Herried."@en . "+8 St\u00E4rke"@de . "6"^^ . "-40.0"^^ . "Just a little bit of milk,"@en . . . . . "+150 Gold/Min."@de . . . "Squirrel"@en . . . . . . . "Mint"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "In the first Lilo & Stitch movie. There was a deleted scene where Lilo allows Stitch to meet Pudge. Unfortunately things go bad and a flock of segulls attack pudge as Lilo desperately tries to shoo them off, screaming as Stitch for help. Stitch in turn merely sits and laughs. Afterwards, Lilo is left holding the lifeless body of Pudge and burries him on the beach next to her parrent's graves. Finally realizing what he had done, Stitch runs off to hide and cry. Lilo follows and comforts him now that he finally understands the concept of loss and death."@en . . . . "Blowing bubbles"@en . . . "64"^^ . "+120 Schaden mit Rot"@de . . "Bird"@en . . . . "+2 Manaregeneration"@de . "--06-11"^^ . . "A nouveau-riche retreat"@en . . . "Pudge"@en . . . "+5 R\u00FCstung"@de . "Pudge, der Butcher (Metzger), ist ein Nahkampf-St\u00E4rke-Held aus DotA und Dota 2. Pudge geh\u00F6rt zu den st\u00E4rksten und effizientesten Helden des Spiels, um gegnerische Heldinnen und Helden zu t\u00F6ten und eignet sich daher als n\u00FCtzlicher Ganker. Sonst kann er im Spiele die Rolle eines Disablers und Durablers \u00FCbernehmen. Seine drei aktiven F\u00E4higkeiten lassen sich im Kampfe hervorragend miteinander kombinieren, um Gegner schnell zu t\u00F6ten. Meat Hook eignet sich, um gegnerischen Heldinnen und Helden am Rande von Lanes oder im Jungle aufzulauern und sie zu sich zu ziehen oder Verb\u00FCndete aus brenzligen Situationen zu retten. W\u00E4hrend Gegner reinen Schaden erhalten, sch\u00E4digt die F\u00E4higkeit Verb\u00FCndete nicht. Rot schadet Pudge zwar selbst, verwundet dabei aber auch alle umstehenden Einheiten des Gegners und "@de . . . . "Keep it real. Yeah."@en . "\u304D\u3093\u305E\u3046"@en . . "Pudge"@de . . . "Chichi-Print Tee"@en . . "Pudge was a member of Bogg's crew."@en . . . "+1,75 St\u00E4rke pro Instanz f\u00FCr Flesh Heap"@de . "Kinzou"@en . . . "Amiibo_064_Pudge.png"@en . "Pudge, der Butcher (Metzger), ist ein Nahkampf-St\u00E4rke-Held aus DotA und Dota 2. Pudge geh\u00F6rt zu den st\u00E4rksten und effizientesten Helden des Spiels, um gegnerische Heldinnen und Helden zu t\u00F6ten und eignet sich daher als n\u00FCtzlicher Ganker. Sonst kann er im Spiele die Rolle eines Disablers und Durablers \u00FCbernehmen. Seine drei aktiven F\u00E4higkeiten lassen sich im Kampfe hervorragend miteinander kombinieren, um Gegner schnell zu t\u00F6ten. Meat Hook eignet sich, um gegnerischen Heldinnen und Helden am Rande von Lanes oder im Jungle aufzulauern und sie zu sich zu ziehen oder Verb\u00FCndete aus brenzligen Situationen zu retten. W\u00E4hrend Gegner reinen Schaden erhalten, sch\u00E4digt die F\u00E4higkeit Verb\u00FCndete nicht. Rot schadet Pudge zwar selbst, verwundet dabei aber auch alle umstehenden Einheiten des Gegners und verlangsamt sie. Alternativ kann man Rot, \u00E4hnlich wie den Bloodstone, zum Selbstmord verwenden, damit Gegner keinen gro\u00DFen Zuwachs an Erfahrungspunkten oder Gold aus Pudges Tod erhalten. Die einzige passive F\u00E4higkeit von Pudge ist Flesh Heap. Sie erm\u00F6glicht es Pudge, dauerhafte Resistenz gegen Magie sowie zus\u00E4tzliche St\u00E4rkepunkte zu erhalten, wenn gegnerische Helden in seinem Umkreise get\u00F6tet werden. Dabei kriegt Pudge auch die Kills angerechnet, die er vor dem Erlernen der F\u00E4higkeit geschehen sind. Sein Ultimate Dismember wirkt kanalisierend und setzt gegnerische Einheiten fest, die \u00FCber kurze Zeit massiven Schaden auf Basis von Pudges St\u00E4rke erhalten. Pudge heilt sich durch den ausgeteilten Schaden des Ultimates selbst. Durch Aghanim's Scepter werden der Schaden und die Abklingzeit von Meat Hook verbessert."@de . . "One spoonful of sugar"@en . "Tombolo"@en . "Green Ring Shirt"@en . . . "6"^^ . "Paper"@en . "Gradub"@en . . "Pudge was a member of Bogg's crew."@en . . . "In the first Lilo & Stitch movie. There was a deleted scene where Lilo allows Stitch to meet Pudge. Unfortunately things go bad and a flock of segulls attack pudge as Lilo desperately tries to shoo them off, screaming as Stitch for help. Stitch in turn merely sits and laughs. Afterwards, Lilo is left holding the lifeless body of Pudge and burries him on the beach next to her parrent's graves. Finally realizing what he had done, Stitch runs off to hide and cry. Lilo follows and comforts him now that he finally understands the concept of loss and death. Though it is obvious that this scene was deleted due to it's dark nature, many agree that a scene like this is just what the movie needed. Whether or not it would ruin the movie's innocence is a question that still remains. Regardless, this scene is not currently canon, so many fans can relax knowing that pudge remains alive in the official storyline."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Midge"@en . . "Amiibo_card_back.png"@en . . . . "Cub"@en . "Bald"@en . .