"Aperture Science Crusher"@en . "The Aperture Science Crusher, referred to as a mashy spike plate by Wheatley, is a variation of the Aperture Science Panel with extensive redesigns, with the sole purpose of killing Test Subjects through impaling. The Crushers are a rare testing element and a defective product smasher near the entrance to the Incinerator Room of the Aperture Science Enrichment Center in Portal 2."@en . . . . "Aperture Science Crusher"@en . . . . . . "Dynamic structural element"@en . . . "The Aperture Science Crusher, referred to as a mashy spike plate by Wheatley, is a variation of the Aperture Science Panel with extensive redesigns, with the sole purpose of killing Test Subjects through impaling. The Crushers are a rare testing element and a defective product smasher near the entrance to the Incinerator Room of the Aperture Science Enrichment Center in Portal 2."@en . "true"@en . . "* GLaDOS\n* Wheatley\n* Chell\n* ATLAS and P-body"@en . . . . . .