. "Stress"@de . "2015-10-07"^^ . . . . "Lo stress (abbreviazione di stressato e dal verbo stressare) \u00E8 la malattia pi\u00F9 pericolosa per le casalinghe. Infatti se il marito della donna non vuole avere rapporti con lei diventa sempre pi\u00F9 emo, fino al punto di tagliarsi le vene o nel peggiore dei casi diventare pazza e uccidere tutta la sua famiglia. E anche la tua e tua madre solo perch\u00E9 ha un nome da schifo."@it . "Stress"@it . . . "In 2151, Phlox speculated that Sluggo didn't eat due to the stress of no longer being in his native argon-rich environment. (ENT: \"Fight or Flight\") According to T'Pol in 2153, Phlox was under extraordinary physical stress during his assimilation process by the Borg which could explain the voices he heard during this time. (ENT: \"Regeneration\") In 2153, Trip Tucker told Captain Jonathan Archer that Chef was worried about the crew. They were skipping meals and he suggested it would be either too much work or the Xindi mission. (ENT: \"Impulse\") According to Doctor Leonard McCoy's log, Captain Kirk showed signs of stress and fatigue just prior to his 2267 visit to the Shore Leave Planet. (TOS: \"Shore Leave\" ) While attempting to locate an older Arne Darvin on the USS Enterprise in 2268, Doctor Julian Bashir pretended to be doing a study on work-related stress, using \"Ensign\" Miles O'Brien as his test subject. (DS9: \"Trials and Tribble-ations\") By 2371, Starfleet Academy had a stress reaction test for its cadets. (DS9: \"Facets\") A therapy for stress-related muscle tension was the osteopathic pressure therapy. (VOY: \"Scientific Method\")"@en . "Als Stress bezeichnet man die k\u00F6rperliche und psychische Anspannung einer Person in einer f\u00FCr ihn belastenden Situation. F\u00FCr Klingonen ist eine Gefangenschaft schwerer zu ertragen als f\u00FCr Menschen. Durch diese Belastung stehen sie unter gro\u00DFem Stress. (DS9: ) Vulkanier k\u00F6nnen auch unter gro\u00DFen stresslichen Belastungen wochenlang ohne Schlaf auskommen. (TOS: } W\u00E4hrend der Gefangenschaft in Internierungslager 371 ist Dr. Bashir f\u00FCnf Tage in Einzelhaft. General Martok gibt sp\u00E4ter laut Vizedirektor Sloan einen Zeitraum von sieben Tagen an. Bashir ist der Meinung, dass dieser sich auf Grund des gro\u00DFen Stresses verz\u00E4hlt haben muss. (DS9: )"@de . . "schreibt man das noch mit '\u00DF' ? naja ist jedenfalls eine Art von Krankheit die man sich oft selber macht durch kirchliche Aktivit\u00E4t zum Beispiel... hat die Jasmin deswegen eigentlich immer (danke alte Leute) Arbeit ist immer ein Ausl\u00F6ser von Stress. Das Immunsystem ist geschw\u00E4cht und man schnappt viele viele neue Krankheiten auf oder baut d\u00E4mliche Radlunf\u00E4lle"@de . . . . . . . "Hyuk Shin, Tiffany Evans, Marco Reyes , DK"@en . . . . . "The stress property is used in CSS and certain HTML elements. This property is similar to the pitch-range property. It specifies the maximum output height of \"local peaks\" in the current voice's wave form. For example, English is a stressed language, and different parts of a sentence are assigned primary, secondary, or tertiary stress."@en . . . . "200.0"^^ . . . "The team, minus Bob, are in search of a fallen Chinese satellite. This quickly turns into an opportunity to capture one of the world's most wanted terrorists. Meanwhile, Bob is questioned about the Unit's role in the rescue of the hijacked plane. Molly decides to visit the Unit's psychiatrist about the shooting at her home. Kim is frustrating about moving and then comforts a woman who has just learned her husband has died in combat."@en . . . "Album Released Format Recorded Length Label Writers Producer Previous Next Stress is a Korean pop song by Taeyeon and is the fourth track in her I album."@en . . "Mafly"@en . . "Stress is a word used to describe several physiological reactions to a person's environment. It is rooted in the \"flight or fight\" response in all animals which results in an increase in adrenaline, a faster heart rate, an increase in blood pressure, faster respiration and a heightened sense of awareness. It is also interchangeably used to describe the factors that will bring on such reactions, which vary from person to person. Doctors often use stress as a diagnostic tool, for example, placing a patient on a tilt table to see if their heart rate becomes irregular, or putting a patient on a treadmill to increase their heart rate and respiration to determine their reaction. Although stress is a normal reaction, too much stress puts strain on the organs, leaving a person susceptible to several forms of heart disease and even the possibility of stroke. Tranquilizers used to be a common treatment for persons who suffered from high levels of anxiety, but their use has generally been phased out due to the possibility of the drugs either being addictive or habit forming. Doctors today are more likely to suggest lifestyle changes. Many patients dealing with high levels of stress often \"self-medicate\" with alcohol, which often leads to alcohol abuse and alcoholism."@en . . . . . . "Stress ist ein Synonym f\u00FCr Normalzustand. Das Leben des heutigen Normalb\u00FCrgers pendelt st\u00E4ndig zwischen mehr und weniger gestresst (Zitat: \"Mann, bin ich heute gestresst\" = \"Jo, geht es mir heute gut\"). Dieser Zustand wird nach Absprache der Politik mit den Konzernen k\u00FCnstlich erzeugt, weil er sich als das volkswirtschaftliche Optimum herausgestellt hat. Die Arbeitnehmer werden dabei w\u00E4hrend ihres Arbeitslebens zu einer maximalen Produktivit\u00E4t in der Form angehalten, dass der Herzinfarkt, Schlaganfall oder ein sonstiger Ersch\u00F6pfungstod m\u00F6glichst rasch nach Erreichen des Rentenalters eintritt. Allerdings nicht vorher, da sonst ein ung\u00FCnstiges Licht auf den Arbeitsgeber fallen k\u00F6nnte. Diese Rechnung ist etwa vergleichbar mit einer Waschmaschine, deren Haltbarkeit auf die Laufzeit der Garantie + einige wenige Tage ausgerichtet ist. Da die in diesem Zustand erreichte Produktivit\u00E4t ein Vielfaches des tats\u00E4chlichen Bedarfs betr\u00E4gt, besteht der Alltag von Managern und Mitarbeitern zu 90% aus Schwachsinn, der zur Kaschierung Neudeutsch auch als Challenge bezeichnet wird."@de . . . . "Stress ist ein Synonym f\u00FCr Normalzustand. Das Leben des heutigen Normalb\u00FCrgers pendelt st\u00E4ndig zwischen mehr und weniger gestresst (Zitat: \"Mann, bin ich heute gestresst\" = \"Jo, geht es mir heute gut\"). Diese Rechnung ist etwa vergleichbar mit einer Waschmaschine, deren Haltbarkeit auf die Laufzeit der Garantie + einige wenige Tage ausgerichtet ist. Da die in diesem Zustand erreichte Produktivit\u00E4t ein Vielfaches des tats\u00E4chlichen Bedarfs betr\u00E4gt, besteht der Alltag von Managern und Mitarbeitern zu 90% aus Schwachsinn, der zur Kaschierung Neudeutsch auch als Challenge bezeichnet wird."@de . . . . . "The team, minus Bob, are in search of a fallen Chinese satellite. This quickly turns into an opportunity to capture one of the world's most wanted terrorists. Meanwhile, Bob is questioned about the Unit's role in the rescue of the hijacked plane. Molly decides to visit the Unit's psychiatrist about the shooting at her home. Kim is frustrating about moving and then comforts a woman who has just learned her husband has died in combat."@en . . "Stress is a word used to describe several physiological reactions to a person's environment. It is rooted in the \"flight or fight\" response in all animals which results in an increase in adrenaline, a faster heart rate, an increase in blood pressure, faster respiration and a heightened sense of awareness. It is also interchangeably used to describe the factors that will bring on such reactions, which vary from person to person. Many patients dealing with high levels of stress often \"self-medicate\" with alcohol, which often leads to alcohol abuse and alcoholism."@en . "Questa magia \u00E8 un'abilit\u00E0 esclusiva dei Sabotatori, e causa un particolare status alterato che abbassa le resistenze elementali del bersaglio e rende pi\u00F9 facile la comparsa di altri status negativi, oltre a provocare pochi danni non elementali. Vedi anche: Stressga"@it . "Als Stress bezeichnet man die k\u00F6rperliche und psychische Anspannung einer Person in einer f\u00FCr ihn belastenden Situation. F\u00FCr Klingonen ist eine Gefangenschaft schwerer zu ertragen als f\u00FCr Menschen. Durch diese Belastung stehen sie unter gro\u00DFem Stress. (DS9: ) Vulkanier k\u00F6nnen auch unter gro\u00DFen stresslichen Belastungen wochenlang ohne Schlaf auskommen. (TOS: }"@de . . . "2015"^^ . . . . . "A ship is stressed while it has a stress token assigned to it. A stressed ship cannot execute red maneuvers or perform actions, even free actions. A ship receives one stress token when it executes a red maneuver and removes one stress token when it executes a green maneuver."@en . . "A ship is stressed while it has a stress token assigned to it. A stressed ship cannot execute red maneuvers or perform actions, even free actions. A ship receives one stress token when it executes a red maneuver and removes one stress token when it executes a green maneuver. \n* A ship can have more than one stress token assigned to it. \n* Stress tokens are not removed during the End phase. \n* When a ship executes a green maneuver, it removes one stress token from itself even if it moves through or overlaps an or another ship. \n* A stressed ship cannot execute red maneuvers or perform actions. If a stressed ship reveals a red maneuver, the ship executes a white 2 forward instead."@en . "SM Entertainment, KT Music"@en . . . . . . "Stress refers to a state occurring when there is a substantial imbalance between the physical and psychological demands placed on and individual and their capacity to deal with the demands. One who is stressed may feel overwhelmed."@en . . . . . . "Album Released Format Recorded Length Label Writers Producer Previous Next Stress is a Korean pop song by Taeyeon and is the fourth track in her I album."@en . . . "The stress property is used in CSS and certain HTML elements. This property is similar to the pitch-range property. It specifies the maximum output height of \"local peaks\" in the current voice's wave form. For example, English is a stressed language, and different parts of a sentence are assigned primary, secondary, or tertiary stress."@en . . . . . . "Stress refers to a state occurring when there is a substantial imbalance between the physical and psychological demands placed on and individual and their capacity to deal with the demands. One who is stressed may feel overwhelmed."@en . . . . . "Questa magia \u00E8 un'abilit\u00E0 esclusiva dei Sabotatori, e causa un particolare status alterato che abbassa le resistenze elementali del bersaglio e rende pi\u00F9 facile la comparsa di altri status negativi, oltre a provocare pochi danni non elementali. Vedi anche: Stressga"@it . "schreibt man das noch mit '\u00DF' ? naja ist jedenfalls eine Art von Krankheit die man sich oft selber macht durch kirchliche Aktivit\u00E4t zum Beispiel... hat die Jasmin deswegen eigentlich immer (danke alte Leute) Arbeit ist immer ein Ausl\u00F6ser von Stress. Das Immunsystem ist geschw\u00E4cht und man schnappt viele viele neue Krankheiten auf oder baut d\u00E4mliche Radlunf\u00E4lle"@de . "Stress"@en . . "Noun 1. Importance attached to a thing: to lay stress upon good manners. 2. Emphasis in the form of prominent relative loudness of a syllable or a word as a result of special effort in utterance. 3. Accent or emphasis on syllables in a metrical pattern 4. Emphasis in melody, rhythm 5. The physical pressure, pull, or force exerted on one thing by another; strain."@en . . . . . . . "Noun 1. Importance attached to a thing: to lay stress upon good manners. 2. Emphasis in the form of prominent relative loudness of a syllable or a word as a result of special effort in utterance. 3. Accent or emphasis on syllables in a metrical pattern 4. Emphasis in melody, rhythm 5. The physical pressure, pull, or force exerted on one thing by another; strain."@en . . . . "Lo stress (abbreviazione di stressato e dal verbo stressare) \u00E8 la malattia pi\u00F9 pericolosa per le casalinghe. Infatti se il marito della donna non vuole avere rapporti con lei diventa sempre pi\u00F9 emo, fino al punto di tagliarsi le vene o nel peggiore dei casi diventare pazza e uccidere tutta la sua famiglia. E anche la tua e tua madre solo perch\u00E9 ha un nome da schifo."@it . . . . "In 2151, Phlox speculated that Sluggo didn't eat due to the stress of no longer being in his native argon-rich environment. (ENT: \"Fight or Flight\") According to T'Pol in 2153, Phlox was under extraordinary physical stress during his assimilation process by the Borg which could explain the voices he heard during this time. (ENT: \"Regeneration\") In 2153, Trip Tucker told Captain Jonathan Archer that Chef was worried about the crew. They were skipping meals and he suggested it would be either too much work or the Xindi mission. (ENT: \"Impulse\")"@en .