"Torias Dax"@en . "Torias Dax"@it . "Torias Dax ist der erste Dax-Wirt, der der Sternenflotte beitritt. Er arbeitet als Shuttle-Testpilot. Bei einem Flug mit einem neuen Shuttle ereignet sich ein katastrophaler Systemfehler, was einen Absturz zur Folge hat. Bis zu seinem Absturz ist Torias mit Nilani Kahn verheiratet. (DS9: ) Offiziell f\u00E4llt Torias nach diesem Unfall f\u00FCr mindestens sechs Monate in einen koma\u00E4hnlichen Zustand. Tats\u00E4chlich wird der Symbiont nach dem Tod von Torias mit dem Wirt Joran Belar, der sich sp\u00E4ter als ungeeignet herausstellt, vereinigt. Um den Umstand der Vereinigung mit einem ungeeigenten Wirt zu vertuschen, wird die Erinnerung des Dax-Symbionten manipuliert und die Vereinigung mit Joran gel\u00F6scht. Die Unregelm\u00E4\u00DFigkeit wird dadurch erkl\u00E4rt, dass Torias Dax im Koma gelegen haben soll. (DS9: ) Torias Dax ist an vielen Kampfeins\u00E4tzen beteiligt. (DS9: ) Torias wird 2371 w\u00E4hrend Jadzias Zhian'tara von Julian Bashir verk\u00F6rpert. (DS9: )"@de . . "Torias combatt\u00E9 in molte battaglie. (DS9: \"L'assedio della AR-558\") Prima che fosse passato un anno dal congiungimento, venne ucciso in un accidente di navetta nel 2285. Secondo le registrazioni della Commissione per la Simbiosi Trill, rimase in coma per sei mesi prima di morire. Infatti, il simbionte era gi\u00E0 stato trasferito in un nuovo ospite, Joran Belar. (DS9: \"Equilibrio perduto\", \"Immagine residua\") Durante lo zhian'tara di Jadzia Dax nel 2371, Julian Bashir prest\u00F2 il proprio corpo alla personalit\u00E0 ed ai ricordi di Torias."@it . . "Male"@en . "2284"^^ . "Torias Dax fut le cinqui\u00E8me h\u00F4te du symbiote Dax. Torias fut mari\u00E9 \u00E0 une autre Trill, Nilani Kahn. (DS9: \"Rejoined\") Torias combattit pendant de nombreuses batailles. (DS9: \"The Siege of AR-558\") Torias fut tu\u00E9 dans un accident de navette en 2285, moins d'un an apr\u00E8s avoir eu son h\u00F4te. Selon les registres de la Commission de Symbiose Trill, il est rest\u00E9 dans le coma pendant six mois avant sa mort. En fait, le symbiote avait d\u00E9j\u00E0 \u00E9t\u00E9 transf\u00E9r\u00E9 \u00E0 un nouvel h\u00F4te, Joran Belar. (DS9: \"Equilibrium\", \"Afterimage\")"@fr . . "2285"^^ . . . . . "Torias Dax"@fr . "2285"^^ . . "Deceased"@en . "married"@en . . . . "Torias Dax was a male Trill pilot in the 23rd century. He was joined and became the fifth host of the Dax symbiont. He was married to another joined Trill, Nilani Kahn. (DS9: \"Rejoined\") Torias had something of a carefree attitude about life, indulging in simple pleasures. (DS9: \"Facets\") He had quite extensive battle experience. (DS9: \"The Siege of AR-558\") After marrying Nilani, he often remarked to her that she worried too much about him during his piloting. Like most of the other hosts, however, he had no musical talent. (DS9: \"Equilibrium\", \"Rejoined\")"@en . . "Torias Dax was a joined male Trill who lived in the 23rd century. Torias was the fifth host of the Dax symbiont."@en . . . . . . "Torias Dax"@de . . . . . . . . . "Torias Dax"@en . . . . . "Torias Dax"@en . "Julian Bashir as Torias Dax during Jadzia's zhian'tara"@en . "' Hosts"@en . . . . . . . . . "fed"@en . . . . . . . . . "Torias Dax ist der erste Dax-Wirt, der der Sternenflotte beitritt. Er arbeitet als Shuttle-Testpilot. Bei einem Flug mit einem neuen Shuttle ereignet sich ein katastrophaler Systemfehler, was einen Absturz zur Folge hat. Bis zu seinem Absturz ist Torias mit Nilani Kahn verheiratet. (DS9: ) Torias Dax ist an vielen Kampfeins\u00E4tzen beteiligt. (DS9: ) Torias wird 2371 w\u00E4hrend Jadzias Zhian'tara von Julian Bashir verk\u00F6rpert. (DS9: )"@de . . . . . "Torias Dax was a joined male Trill who lived in the 23rd century. Torias was the fifth host of the Dax symbiont."@en . . . "Torias Dax was a male Trill pilot in the 23rd century. He was joined and became the fifth host of the Dax symbiont. He was married to another joined Trill, Nilani Kahn. (DS9: \"Rejoined\") Torias had something of a carefree attitude about life, indulging in simple pleasures. (DS9: \"Facets\") He had quite extensive battle experience. (DS9: \"The Siege of AR-558\") After marrying Nilani, he often remarked to her that she worried too much about him during his piloting. Like most of the other hosts, however, he had no musical talent. (DS9: \"Equilibrium\", \"Rejoined\") Torias became joined in the mid-2280s. He considered himself extremely lucky to have been chosen to be joined \u2013 and that his memories would live on beyond his death, in Dax. (DS9: \"Facets\") However, before he had been joined for a full year, he was killed in a shuttlecraft accident in 2285. He was testing a shuttle's impulse engine prematurely, though he judged the risk was not great enough to wait. Despite Nilani's concerns, he executed the test. Dax would remember Torias' regret of not listening to her. (DS9: \"Rejoined\", \"Equilibrium\", \"Afterimage\") The Dax symbiont was then transferred to a new host, Joran Belar, however, because of the nature of Belar's experience with the symbiont over the next six months, the Trill Symbiosis Commission changed the records to indicate that Torias remained comatose for that time before he died in 2286. (DS9: \"Rejoined\", \"Equilibrium\", \"Afterimage\") During Jadzia Dax's zhian'tara in 2371, Julian Bashir embodied Torias's memories and personality. (DS9: \"Facets\") In 2375, Ezri Dax reflected on Torias' death, telling Jake Sisko how vividly she recalled the crash. (DS9: \"Shadows and Symbols\") In the same year, Joran Dax told Ezri that he was a part of her \"as much as Audrid, Torias \u2013 any of them\". (DS9: \"Field of Fire\") Furthermore, during the battle of AR-558, Ezri reflected that Torias had been in combat many times, along with Curzon Dax and Jadzia. (DS9: \"The Siege of AR-558\") Torias was played by Alexander Siddig during Jadzia's zhian'tara. According to the script for \"Afterimage\", his name was pronounced as \"tuh-RYE-us\". [1]"@en . "Torias combatt\u00E9 in molte battaglie. (DS9: \"L'assedio della AR-558\") Prima che fosse passato un anno dal congiungimento, venne ucciso in un accidente di navetta nel 2285. Secondo le registrazioni della Commissione per la Simbiosi Trill, rimase in coma per sei mesi prima di morire. Infatti, il simbionte era gi\u00E0 stato trasferito in un nuovo ospite, Joran Belar. (DS9: \"Equilibrio perduto\", \"Immagine residua\") Torias aveva un atteggiamento audace nei confronti della vita, pensando che essa fosse \"troppo breve per rinunciare ai piccoli piaceri\". Si considerava molto fortunato per esser stato scelto per il congiungimento - e che i suoi ricordi avrebbero vissuto dopo la sua morte, in Dax. (DS9: \"Viaggi nella memoria\") Durante lo zhian'tara di Jadzia Dax nel 2371, Julian Bashir prest\u00F2 il proprio corpo alla personalit\u00E0 ed ai ricordi di Torias. Nel 2375, Ezri Dax pens\u00F2 alla morte Torias, dicendo a Jake Sisko di ricordarsi chiaramente del momento dello schianto. (DS9: \"Ombre e simboli\") Nel 2375, Joran Dax disse a Ezri di essere una parte di lei \"cos\u00EC come Audrid, Torias - tutti gli altri\". (DS9: \"Campo di battaglia\")"@it . . "Torias Dax fut le cinqui\u00E8me h\u00F4te du symbiote Dax. Torias fut mari\u00E9 \u00E0 une autre Trill, Nilani Kahn. (DS9: \"Rejoined\") Torias combattit pendant de nombreuses batailles. (DS9: \"The Siege of AR-558\") Torias fut tu\u00E9 dans un accident de navette en 2285, moins d'un an apr\u00E8s avoir eu son h\u00F4te. Selon les registres de la Commission de Symbiose Trill, il est rest\u00E9 dans le coma pendant six mois avant sa mort. En fait, le symbiote avait d\u00E9j\u00E0 \u00E9t\u00E9 transf\u00E9r\u00E9 \u00E0 un nouvel h\u00F4te, Joran Belar. (DS9: \"Equilibrium\", \"Afterimage\") Torias avait une attitude insouciante envers la vie, qu'il consid\u00E9rait comme \"trop courte pour se priver des plaisirs simples\". Il se consid\u00E9rait comme tr\u00E8s chanceux d'avoir \u00E9t\u00E9 choisi pour recevoir un symbiote - et que ses souvenirs survivent en Dax au-del\u00E0 de sa propre mort. (DS9: \"Facets\") Pendant le zhian'tara de Jadzia Dax en 2371, Julian Bashir accueillit temporairement la m\u00E9moire et la personnalit\u00E9 de Torias. (DS9: \"Facets\") En 2375, Ezri Dax r\u00E9fl\u00E9chit sur la mort de Torias, et elle indiqua \u00E0 Jake Sisko qu'elle se rappelait vivement le crash. (DS9: \"Shadows and Symbols\") In 2375, Joran Dax dit \u00E0 Ezri qu'il \u00E9tait une partie d'elle \"au m\u00EAme titre que Audrid, Torias - tous les autres (h\u00F4tes)\". (DS9: \"Field of Fire\")"@fr . .