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Dick Vitale
As a diaper dandy, Dickie was born to a family of royal Dukes from the planet Marklar, baby! He was one of the most energetic family members, and he was one of the only ones not to speak the Dukian Marklar language, baby! He NEVER referred to anything as "Marklar," baby! However, this made him an outcast amongst the rest of the Marklars, baby! He was often spit on by them, baby! He simply referred to everything as "baby" or "Duke," baby! It was a dipsy-doo dunk-er-roo, baby!
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As a diaper dandy, Dickie was born to a family of royal Dukes from the planet Marklar, baby! He was one of the most energetic family members, and he was one of the only ones not to speak the Dukian Marklar language, baby! He NEVER referred to anything as "Marklar," baby! However, this made him an outcast amongst the rest of the Marklars, baby! He was often spit on by them, baby! He simply referred to everything as "baby" or "Duke," baby! It was a dipsy-doo dunk-er-roo, baby! Dickie V quickly became a fan of the Earth Sports Programming Network, baby! He especially enjoyed college basketball, baby! He quickly became a fan of the Duke Blue Devils, baby! However, most of the Marklars were intelligent and were real men, and were thus either Maryland, Wake Forest, or North Carolina fans, baby! They knew that Duke was second rate, baby! That Duke weren't P.T.P.'ers, baby! As a result, they would often make fun of Dickie V, baby! They didn't have as much money as him, and of course the more money you have the less cool you are, baby! Soon, however, the South Park kids came to Marklar, baby! They brought their refugees from Africa, baby! He also realized that Eric Cartman is a fatass, baby! Once Dick Vitale said that he is from the future and said the aliens on Marklar have yummy chocolate pudding, baby! He's the gay birth child of Steve Urkel and Sanjaya Malakar, baby!