. . "Nautilus"@es . "1100"^^ . . "Schlepphaken"@de . "Nautilus es una canci\u00F3n de Bob James, la cu\u00E1l puede ser escuchada en la estaci\u00F3n de radio Master Sounds 98.3 de Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas."@es . . . "Failed Experiment"@en . . "46"^^ . . "29"^^ . . . . . "5"^^ . . "400"^^ . "Nautilus lives on the edge. His is a life of clandestine meetings, shady characters and the constant fear of discovery, for Nautilus is an Autobot operating deep undercover as a Decepticon."@en . . . . "Bernadette"@en . . "POI_0402_POI3.png"@en . . . . . "We gave up worldly things to fight for a higher cause. Peace is more important than jewels or gold."@en . . . . . . . . . "Nautilus"@it . "* Podrzucenie i s\u0105 nak\u0142adane jednocze\u015Bnie, a nie sekwencyjnie. W rzeczywisto\u015Bci ca\u0142kowity czas trafiania efektu nie trwa sekund, tylko sekundy.\n* Bomba G\u0142\u0119binowa jako pocisk nie posiada wyznaczonej drogi.\n* Bomba G\u0142\u0119binowa przyspiesza z czasem, powoduj\u0105c, \u017Ce nie mo\u017Cna jej praktycznie przegoni\u0107. Wyj\u0105tek stanowi\u0105 sytuacje, gdy cel lub ; w takich sytuacja pocisk znika."@pl . "Nautilus is the only Navy Ship in The Big Harbour. He has the number 114 on his sides."@en . . "7"^^ . "Resident Evil: Dead Aim"@es . . . . . . . . . . "nautilus-wa Linuks-beisen GYI environm\u00E8nt f\u00FCr m\u00E4nneiji\u014B fayls. Jig\u00F9m-d\u00E8 v\u00F6r\u00E7ion wa 1:3.18.4.is.3.14.3-0ubuntu5. Nautilus is the official file manager for the GNOME desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the GNOME desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems. Several icon themes and components for viewing different kinds of files are available in separate packages. Changes for nautilus versions: \n* [ Andrea Azzarone ] \n* debian/patches/0001-desktop-canvas-view-scale-desktop-workarea.patch: Scale down workarea geometries to application pixels, so that icons are positioned correctly on hidpi setups \n* [ Iain Lane ] \n* debian/control{,.in}: Update Vcs-Bzr for stable branch."@en . "Gniew Tytana to efekt przy trafieniu b\u0119d\u0105cy tarcz\u0105 zadaj\u0105cy obra\u017Cenia w czasie."@pl . . . "Nautilus is the only Navy Ship in The Big Harbour. He has the number 114 on his sides."@en . "coin"@en . "1"^^ . . "One of the oldest species on earth and has remained relatively unchanged for 450 million years. This has earned them their other name living fossil. The Nautilus shell grows larger chambers throughout its life and so has become a symbol of renewal and expansion, with Nautilus shell being one of the known shapes that represent the golden mean. In Hindu myth it was used to symbolize many things, one of which was Shiva holding a Nautilus shell. While in Greek Myth Triton uses a horn similar to the Nautilus."@en . . "many"@pl . "100"^^ . "\"I suppose you got lost on your way to the usual meeting place.\""@en . . . "Nautilus"@it . "4.33"^^ . "3800"^^ . "Formed starting April 2007. this continent of 740+ regions was completed by July of the same year. The name was presented in a posting by Jack Linden to the Second Life Blog."@en . . . . . "The Nautilus was a miniature submarine that Alice Liddell and Jules Verne used when they plunged into the ocean."@en . "825"^^ . "Lv4"@en . "7"^^ . "5"^^ . "* Nautilus mo\u017Ce przyci\u0105ga\u0107 si\u0119 do terenu przeszk\u00F3d utworzonych przez graczy, np.: , , .\n* Je\u015Bli Zakotwiczenie zabije cel, trafiaj\u0105c go, to Nautilus nie przyci\u0105gnie si\u0119.\n* Zakotwiczenie posiada spory czas rzucania, ze wzgl\u0119du niskiej pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 pocisku. Przez ten czas efekty kontroli t\u0142umu nie przerywaj\u0105 umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci."@pl . "620"^^ . "\u30CE\u30FC\u30C6\u30A3\u30E9\u30B9"@en . . . "The Nautilus is the name of the submarine of Captain Nemo's. It is an evil weapon used for sinking ships."@en . "Submarine"@en . "The Nautilus is the submarine that was mentioned in the pages of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, written by Jules Verne. Nemo was the captain of the vessel, who had incredible adventures under the sea. The Toyman was able to enter the story of the book with a special machine he had built, and he was able to see the Nautilus."@en . . "Bala Totuga"@en . . "???"@en . . . . . . . . . "Nautilus - \u0142\u00F3d\u017A podwodna zamieszkiwana przez Kapitana Nemo. Zbudowana na kszta\u0142t ryby, przez co zosta\u0142a mylnie nazwana przez Kretesa \"blaszan\u0105 ryb\u0105\". Nie wiadomo kto j\u0105 zbudowa\u0142. Bazuje na Nautilusie z powie\u015Bci Julesa Verne'a pt. \"Dwadzie\u015Bcia tysi\u0119cy mil podmorskiej \u017Ceglugi\" i \"Tajemnicza wyspa\""@pl . . "The Nautilus is the submarine that was mentioned in the pages of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, written by Jules Verne. Nemo was the captain of the vessel, who had incredible adventures under the sea. The Toyman was able to enter the story of the book with a special machine he had built, and he was able to see the Nautilus."@en . . "A"@en . . . . . . . . "Nautilas (from the greek word for sailor) ia a commonly used name for anything in the Cephalopod family Nautilidae, which is the only extant of the superfamily Nautilaceae and it's suborder Nautilina. It is structured of six species and two genera in the genus Nautilus"@en . . "Magiczne"@pl . . . "Rei\u00DFende Flut"@de . . "4"^^ . "1533600.0"^^ . . . "1084.0"^^ . . . . . . "Once, Nautilus was a sailor commissioned by the Institute of War to explore the uncharted reaches of the Guardian's Sea. This expedition took him deep into unknown waters where he and his crew found a vast section of the ocean's rich blue waves were replaced by a black, oozing liquid that none of the crew could identify. Though their job was to investigate anything new that they found, no man aboard was willing to brave the murk except Nautilus. Only moments after he donned the hulking diver's suit and climbed over the ship's rail, something lurking in the muck grabbed hold of him. He clung to the side of the ship, but the thing below pulled him fiercely, rocking the entire ship. The other sailors grew afraid and made a terrible decision. As he stared and pled for help, they wrenched his g"@en . . "R\u00E9pliques"@fr . "Melee"@en . "Nautilus"@es . . . . . . . "Nautilus is one of the two enemies summoned by Corotrangul when it's fought during a Sea Quest. If not killed quickly, they self-destruct, dealing party-wide damage."@en . . . . . . ": Nautilus uderza w ziemi\u0119, sprawiaj\u0105c, \u017Ce obszar znajduj\u0105cy si\u0119 dooko\u0142a niego eksploduje trzykrotnie. Ka\u017Cdy wybuch zadaje obra\u017Cenia magiczne i na 1.5 sekundy."@pl . "Nautilus lance son ancre devant lui. S'il touche une unit\u00E9 ennemie, Nautilus se rapproche d'elle et la tire vers lui, infligeant pts de d\u00E9g\u00E2ts magiques et l'\u00E9tourdissant un court moment.\n\nSi l'ancre touche le d\u00E9cor, Nautilus se rapproche de l'ancre et le d\u00E9lai de r\u00E9cup\u00E9ration des r\u00E9duit de 50%."@en . . "Nautilus frappe le sol, provoquant 3 vagues d'explosions autour de lui. Chaque explosion inflige pts de d\u00E9g\u00E2ts magiques aux unit\u00E9s dans la zone et les ralentit de % pendant 1,5 secondes. Le ralentissement diminue peu \u00E0 peu.\n\nUne unit\u00E9 peut \u00EAtre touch\u00E9e par plus d'une explosion, mais chaque explosion au-del\u00E0 de la premi\u00E8re lui inflige alors 50% de d\u00E9g\u00E2ts en moins."@fr . "The Nautilus is the submarine commanded by Captain Nemo in Disney's 1954 film, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea."@en . . . "3500"^^ . "Naija can obtain a Pet Nautlius by defeating the Nautilus Prime guarding it in an area in the South-West of Home Waters."@en . "Member of the Talons of Peace, former leader of the Talons"@en . . . . "mana"@en . "%"@pl . . . "Ascidiacea"@it . . . "16"^^ . "Abordage"@fr . . "20"^^ . "inNautilus"@en . "24"^^ . . "Mana"@de . "Large Mega Particle Cannon"@en . . . "Crossbone Gundam"@en . "NAUTILUS"@de . . "Uncommon"@en . "433"^^ . "40"^^ . . . "Naija can obtain a Pet Nautlius by defeating the Nautilus Prime guarding it in an area in the South-West of Home Waters."@en . "C"@en . . . "*Unidentified clan\n*Scyre"@en . "Wrogie jednostki mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 trafione kilkukrotnie, ale obra\u017Cenia kolejnych fal zadaj\u0105 o 50% mniej obra\u017Ce\u0144.\n 1200"@pl . . . "Nautilus Aparece en Nombre en japon\u00E9s Base Altura Prop\u00F3sito de la criatura \u00DAltima edici\u00F3n: -- por [[User:|]] El Nautilus es un experimento fallido con base en una ascidia. Sin embargo, debido a la mala administraci\u00F3n de la instalaci\u00F3n, la criatura pudo escapar y reproducirse asexualmente en las alcantarillas."@es . . . "Elefante"@en . . "Son"@en . . ": Nautilus wypuszcza fal\u0119 uderzeniow\u0105, kt\u00F3ra pod\u0105\u017Ca za wrogim bohaterem, zadaj\u0105c obra\u017Cenia magiczne i podrzucaj\u0105c na 0.5 sekundy wrog\u00F3w, przez kt\u00F3rych przejdzie."@pl . "Nautilus"@en . "Once Upon a Time"@en . . . . "Paralyse"@en . . . . "__NOWYSIWYG__NautilusKategorie:Champion Hauptseiten"@de . . "600"^^ . "Piercing Beam"@en . "active"@en . . "Nautilas (from the greek word for sailor) ia a commonly used name for anything in the Cephalopod family Nautilidae, which is the only extant of the superfamily Nautilaceae and it's suborder Nautilina. It is structured of six species and two genera in the genus Nautilus"@en . . . "Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers"@en . "\u30CE\u30FC\u30C6\u30A3\u30E9\u30B9"@en . . . . . . "Nautilus schl\u00E4gt auf den Boden und sorgt daf\u00FCr, dass die Erde um ihn herum in drei Explosionen aufbricht. Jede Explosion verursacht Schaden und verlangsamt Gegner f\u00FCr 1,5 Sekunden.\n\nGegner k\u00F6nnen durch mehr als eine Explosion getroffen werden, erleiden durch weitere Explosionen aber 50 % weniger Schaden."@de . "beast - magic melee"@en . "Nautilus, Titan des Profondeurs est un champion dans League of Legends."@en . . "0"^^ . . . . "Armas Biol\u00F3gicas Fallidas"@es . . . "Nautilus is one of the two enemies summoned by Corotrangul when it's fought during a Sea Quest. If not killed quickly, they self-destruct, dealing party-wide damage."@en . . "Water"@en . . . "Ascidia"@es . . . . . "146"^^ . "Tortuga"@en . "Nautilus"@fr . "4"^^ . . "Obszarowe"@pl . "Male"@en . . "The Nautilus is the submarine commanded by Captain Nemo in Disney's 1954 film, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea."@en . . . "Zakotwiczenie"@pl . "315"^^ . . . . "It was named after the eponymous vessel from the novel 20,000 Leagues under the Sea by French author Jules Verne, whom Magnus knew personally. Magnus and Will Zimmerman used it to travel to the Bermuda Triangle to investigate the loss of contact with the merfolk. They later discover that a parasite that infested their brains had caused the creatures to tear each other apart."@en . . . "Bomba G\u0142\u0119binowa to umiej\u0119tno\u015B\u0107 obszarowa pod\u0105\u017Caj\u0105ca za celem do momentu trafienia."@pl . . "Nautilus lives on the edge. His is a life of clandestine meetings, shady characters and the constant fear of discovery, for Nautilus is an Autobot operating deep undercover as a Decepticon."@en . . . "The Lost Heir, The Hidden Kingdom, The Dark Secret,The Brightest Night, Escaping Peril"@en . . "180"^^ . . . . "The Nautilus is Sed's ship and is acquired at the end of Disc 3. Through events in the game the ship is eventually upgraded so that it can bypass the hypercurrants. The Nautilus won't however be able to punch through ice; only the White Boa is capable of that. Because it is much smaller than the White Boa it has the capability of being berthed inside of it."@en . "Podstawowe ataki Nautilusa zadaj\u0105 dodatkowe 2 + obra\u017Ce\u0144 fizycznych i unieruchamiaj\u0105 cele na sekund.\n\nTen efekt mo\u017Ce dotkn\u0105\u0107 danego przeciwnika tylko raz na sekund."@pl . . "blokuj\u0105 pojedyncz\u0105 fale."@pl . . . . . . . ": Nautilus otacza si\u0119 mroczn\u0105 energi\u0105, tworz\u0105c tarcz\u0119 absorbuj\u0105c\u0105 obra\u017Cenia przez 10 sekund."@pl . "Grenade ASM"@fr . . . "Desconocida"@es . . . . . "Nie"@pl . . . "EMA-07"@en . . "Nautilus"@hu . . . "Nautilus RVideo.ogv"@pl . . "blokuj\u0105 unieruchomienie, ale nie blokuj\u0105 obra\u017Ce\u0144."@pl . . "3"^^ . . "1"^^ . . . "Sea Squirt"@en . . . "10.0"^^ . "Nautilus entsendet eine Schockwelle in die Erde, die einen Gegnerischen Champion verfolgt. Bis sie ihr Ziel erreicht werden alle Nebenziele die sich Tiefenladung in den wegstellen hochgeschleudert und erleiden Schaden. Falls diese ihr Ziel erreicht bricht sie aus der Erde hervor und schleudert das Ziel und alle nah liegenden gegnerischen Einheiten f\u00FCr eine Sekunde in die Luft und verursacht magischen Schaden. Ab Stufe 11 wird das Prim\u00E4re Ziel nach dem es landet zus\u00E4tzlich bet\u00E4ubt."@de . . "Lv2"@en . "Nautilus IVideo.ogv"@pl . "1"^^ . "26"^^ . "The first time damage is dealt to nautilus in a turn, prevent that damage."@en . "30"^^ . . . "The Nautilus is the name of the submarine of Captain Nemo's. It is an evil weapon used for sinking ships."@en . . "Nautilus_Profile.png"@en . . "Zakotwiczenie to liniowa, koliduj\u0105ca umiej\u0119tno\u015B\u0107 mierzona b\u0119d\u0105ca \u015Blizgiem."@pl . . . "20000"^^ . . "Nautilus es una canci\u00F3n de Bob James, la cu\u00E1l puede ser escuchada en la estaci\u00F3n de radio Master Sounds 98.3 de Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas."@es . . . "22"^^ . . "Physical Attacks"@en . "80"^^ . "Nie"@pl . . "Nautilus provoque une onde de choc qui poursuit un champion ennemi. Elle inflige pts de d\u00E9g\u00E2ts magiques aux ennemis qu'elle traverse et les propulse dans les airs.\n\nL'onde de choc explose en touchant sa cible, lui infligeant pts de d\u00E9g\u00E2ts magiques et la propulsant dans les airs et l'\u00E9tourdissant pendant seconde."@fr . "Nautilus"@en . "4800"^^ . "Zorn des Titanen"@de . . "100"^^ . "Il Nautilus \u00E8 una B.O.W. creata dall'Umbrella Corporation. In seguito al fallimento dell'esperimento, questa creatura doveva essere distrutta nell'Umbrella Atlantic Facility, ma a causa di una scarsa gestione dell'infrastruttura il Nautilus riusc\u00EC a crescere ed a riprodursi asessualmente nei corsi d'acqua. Nonostante siano stati raccolti diversi dati sulla strana mutazione di questa creatura, le sue origini rimangono dubbie. Ad ogni modo si sa con certezza che il Nautilus derivi da una Ascidiacea, degli animali marini, sessili, microfagi filtratori, dal corpo a forma di otre. Nel corso del gioco saranno presenti solamente due Nautilus, entrambi presenti nei corsi d'acqua. Queste creatura non infliggeranno alcun danno a Bruce McGivern, ma continueranno a produrre dei Torpedo Kids."@it . "Nautilus:En realidad Nautilus es un invizimal que vive en la ola el mundo invizimal con el poder del oceano. Nautilus aunque sea de oceano sabe toda clase de hechizos magicos incluzo de fuego,roca,plantas,luz ect..... Nautilus en sus 3 evoluciones tiene una masa de agua pegada al cuerpo eso son hydras o leviatanes como vosotros querais llamarlas.thumb|360px Y lanza perlas bolas de energia,bolas de agua magia que le crecen de sus manos mejor dicho tentaculos como por arte de magia thumb|364pxEl ultimo de las fotos es Nautilus normal. El segundo de las fotos es Nautilus supremo. Y el primero osea el que esta mas cerca del texto el que esta al lado de esta letra es Nautilus definitivo. HABILIDADES: Sabe toda clase de magias. Tiene hydras. A medida que evoluciona tiene mas hydras. Es muy listo y sabe de todo lo que le preguntes y mas si le preguntas algo sobre magia. DEBILIDADES: No es muy bueno en pelea cuerpo a cuerpo como dice arriba solo sabe hacer hechizos,ataques magicos,y atacar de lejos. Fuerza:6-10 Magia: Inteligencia: Habilidad:7-10"@es . . "Nautilus"@pl . "Powalaj\u0105cy Cios"@pl . . . . "3"^^ . "The Nautilus was a Canmorian factory ship commanded by Captain Biddle. It was originally built of wood on a metal frame construction with two reciprocating steam engines that were later replaced by diesel engines. It was used as a troop transport by the Canmore Republic in its operations against the Kingdom of Chuiban. (HHA2.5: DLS)"@en . . "Common"@en . "None"@en . "825"^^ . . "Nautilus, Titan des Profondeurs est un champion dans League of Legends."@en . "Nautilus"@en . . . "Hamaon"@en . . "blokuj\u0105 umiej\u0119tno\u015B\u0107."@pl . . "Kateg\u00F3ria:Vizi j\u00E1rm\u0171vek Jules Verne halhatatlan v\u00EDz alatti j\u00E1rm\u0171ve, az irodalom els\u0151 mai \u00E9rtelemben vett modern tengeralattj\u00E1r\u00F3ja. Verne k\u00E9t reg\u00E9ny\u00E9ben, a Nemo kapit\u00E1nyban \u00E9s a Rejtelmes szigetben szerepel. Nev\u00E9t a Nautilus csig\u00E1r\u00F3l kapta. Verne a leg\u00FAjabb m\u0171szaki eredm\u00E9nyek figyelembe v\u00E9tel\u00E9vel \u00E1lmodta meg a Nautilust, amely m\u0171szaki alapelveiben alig k\u00FCl\u00F6nb\u00F6zik a ma is haszn\u00E1latosakt\u00F3l. A haj\u00F3t villanymotorok hajtj\u00E1k, telepei k\u00F6nnyen felt\u00F6lthet\u0151k. Rendelkezik zsilippel \u00E9s ablakokkal is. 50 csom\u00F3s sebess\u00E9gre k\u00E9pes, fed\u00E9lzet\u00E9n t\u00F6bb napra elegend\u0151 oxig\u00E9n van. A haj\u00F3 burkolata szinte s\u00E9rthetetlen, ak\u00E1r 16 000 m\u00E9teres m\u00E9lys\u00E9get is kib\u00EDr, \u00E9s ellen\u00E1ll az \u00E1gy\u00FAgoly\u00F3knak. Az \u00E9lelmez\u00E9st a v\u00EDzalatti vad\u00E1szatok teszik lehet\u0151v\u00E9. Verne kev\u00E9ss\u00E9 mutatta be a haj\u00F3t, mind\u00F6ssze annyit tudunk r\u00F3la, hogy va"@hu . "Mahabufu"@en . . "EMA-07"@en . "Quavarze"@en . . . . . "18"^^ . . "Extinct"@en . "Gniew Tytana"@pl . . "\u30CE\u30FC\u30C6\u30A3\u30E9\u30B9"@en . . . . . . "Nautilus Aparece en Nombre en japon\u00E9s Base Altura Prop\u00F3sito de la criatura \u00DAltima edici\u00F3n: -- por [[User:|]] El Nautilus es un experimento fallido con base en una ascidia. Sin embargo, debido a la mala administraci\u00F3n de la instalaci\u00F3n, la criatura pudo escapar y reproducirse asexualmente en las alcantarillas."@es . "Mass Production Type Quavarze"@en . . . "This creature can't attack."@en . . . . . "5"^^ . "10"^^ . "c. 2002"@en . "* Pr\u0105d Morski aktywuje si\u0119 w miejscu lokalizacji Nautilusa podczas u\u017Cywania umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci, i nie zale\u017Cy od jego aktualnej lokalizacji.\n* Spowolnienie po za os\u0142abieniem do 15% jest ponownie os\u0142abiane do 5.25%, z powodu nak\u0142adania si\u0119 go przez kilka fal."@pl . "Nautilus"@de . "Nautilus"@es . "One of the oldest species on earth and has remained relatively unchanged for 450 million years. This has earned them their other name living fossil. The Nautilus shell grows larger chambers throughout its life and so has become a symbol of renewal and expansion, with Nautilus shell being one of the known shapes that represent the golden mean. In Hindu myth it was used to symbolize many things, one of which was Shiva holding a Nautilus shell. While in Greek Myth Triton uses a horn similar to the Nautilus."@en . . "Unknown"@en . . . "cash"@en . . . . . . "200"^^ . "Nautilus"@it . . . "7500000"^^ . . . . . "ZorndesTitanen.jpg"@de . . "Nautilus is a green male SeaWing with black spiral patterns on his scales. He is the founder and ex-leader of the Talons of Peace, and the father (and only currently known relative) of Squid, one of the False Dragonets of Destiny. As leader of the Talons of Peace, Nautilus gave up his role to Riptide after the War of SandWing Succession. He said that he would do anything for peace. His personality is a bit snobbish as shown throughout the series."@en . . "Podczas istnienia tarczy, jego podstawowe ataki zadaj\u0105 dodatkowe obra\u017Cenia obra\u017Cenia magiczne w pobli\u017Cu Nautilusa w przeci\u0105gu 2 sekund.\n 350"@pl . "A shellfish relocated to the Sheba waters due to unnatural currents. Its main weapon is its body."@en . . . "C"@en . "Nautilus:En realidad Nautilus es un invizimal que vive en la ola el mundo invizimal con el poder del oceano. Nautilus aunque sea de oceano sabe toda clase de hechizos magicos incluzo de fuego,roca,plantas,luz ect..... Nautilus en sus 3 evoluciones tiene una masa de agua pegada al cuerpo eso son hydras o leviatanes como vosotros querais llamarlas.thumb|360px Y lanza perlas bolas de energia,bolas de agua magia que le crecen de sus manos mejor dicho tentaculos como por arte de magia thumb|364pxEl ultimo de las fotos es Nautilus normal. El segundo de las fotos es Nautilus supremo. HABILIDADES:"@es . . "Self-Destruct"@en . "Tiefenladung"@de . . "-"@en . . "Powalaj\u0105cy Cios to efekt przy trafieniu."@pl . "26"^^ . "75"^^ . "Pr\u0105d Morski"@pl . . "Nautilus"@en . "coin"@en . "Po dotarciu do celu Fala uderzeniowa wybucha, zadaj\u0105c obra\u017Cenia magiczne, podrzucaj\u0105c na 1 sekund\u0119 i og\u0142uszaj\u0105c go.\n 825"@pl . "950"^^ . "Fizyczne"@pl . . . . . "Elmeth"@en . . . . . . "__NOWYSIWYG__NautilusKategorie:Champion Hauptseiten"@de . . . . . . . . . "249860.0"^^ . "10.72M"@en . "Union of Allied Planets"@en . "1.001"^^ . "4500"^^ . . . . . . . "Nautilus is a green male SeaWing with black spiral patterns on his scales. He is the founder and ex-leader of the Talons of Peace, and the father (and only currently known relative) of Squid, one of the False Dragonets of Destiny. As leader of the Talons of Peace, Nautilus gave up his role to Riptide after the War of SandWing Succession. He said that he would do anything for peace. His personality is a bit snobbish as shown throughout the series."@en . "27"^^ . . "It was named after the eponymous vessel from the novel 20,000 Leagues under the Sea by French author Jules Verne, whom Magnus knew personally. Magnus and Will Zimmerman used it to travel to the Bermuda Triangle to investigate the loss of contact with the merfolk. They later discover that a parasite that infested their brains had caused the creatures to tear each other apart."@en . . . . "2240"^^ . . . "100"^^ . . "32"^^ . "2000"^^ . . "Water"@en . "Nautilus"@en . . . . . "Winter Turning"@en . "sek."@pl . "Divinidad"@en . "This map is required to obtain the Beginner Explorer title."@en . . . "Kateg\u00F3ria:Vizi j\u00E1rm\u0171vek Jules Verne halhatatlan v\u00EDz alatti j\u00E1rm\u0171ve, az irodalom els\u0151 mai \u00E9rtelemben vett modern tengeralattj\u00E1r\u00F3ja. Verne k\u00E9t reg\u00E9ny\u00E9ben, a Nemo kapit\u00E1nyban \u00E9s a Rejtelmes szigetben szerepel. Nev\u00E9t a Nautilus csig\u00E1r\u00F3l kapta. Verne a leg\u00FAjabb m\u0171szaki eredm\u00E9nyek figyelembe v\u00E9tel\u00E9vel \u00E1lmodta meg a Nautilust, amely m\u0171szaki alapelveiben alig k\u00FCl\u00F6nb\u00F6zik a ma is haszn\u00E1latosakt\u00F3l. A haj\u00F3t villanymotorok hajtj\u00E1k, telepei k\u00F6nnyen felt\u00F6lthet\u0151k. Rendelkezik zsilippel \u00E9s ablakokkal is. 50 csom\u00F3s sebess\u00E9gre k\u00E9pes, fed\u00E9lzet\u00E9n t\u00F6bb napra elegend\u0151 oxig\u00E9n van. A haj\u00F3 burkolata szinte s\u00E9rthetetlen, ak\u00E1r 16 000 m\u00E9teres m\u00E9lys\u00E9get is kib\u00EDr, \u00E9s ellen\u00E1ll az \u00E1gy\u00FAgoly\u00F3knak. Az \u00E9lelmez\u00E9st a v\u00EDzalatti vad\u00E1szatok teszik lehet\u0151v\u00E9. Verne kev\u00E9ss\u00E9 mutatta be a haj\u00F3t, mind\u00F6ssze annyit tudunk r\u00F3la, hogy van t\u00F6bb kabinja, egy ir\u00E1ny\u00EDt\u00F3f\u00FClk\u00E9je, egy k\u00F6nyvt\u00E1rja, \u00E9s egy szalonja. T\u00F6bb helyis\u00E9gr\u0151l nem esik sz\u00F3 a reg\u00E9nyben. Ez szinte korl\u00E1tlan szabads\u00E1got adott a filmek k\u00E9sz\u00EDt\u0151inek. A legextr\u00E9mebb megjelen\u00E9st \u00E9s felszerelts\u00E9get a Sz\u00F6vets\u00E9g c\u00EDm\u0171 steampunk feldolgoz\u00E1sban kapta. 1954. janu\u00E1r 21-\u00E9n Verne ir\u00E1nti tisztelet jel\u00E9\u00FCl kapta a vil\u00E1g els\u0151 nukle\u00E1ris \u00FCzem\u0171 tengeralattj\u00E1r\u00F3ja, az SSN-571 jel\u0171 haj\u00F3 a Nautilus nevet."@hu . . "75"^^ . . . "Bob James"@es . "Arana"@en . "2611.0"^^ . "\"Nautilus\" is the second episode of season 4, and the 70th produced hour of Person of Interest. It was broadcast on September 30, 2014."@en . "Nautilus frappe le sol, provoquant 3 vagues d'explosions autour de lui. Chaque explosion inflige pts de d\u00E9g\u00E2ts magiques aux unit\u00E9s dans la zone et les ralentit de % pendant 1,5 secondes. Le ralentissement diminue peu \u00E0 peu.\n\nUne unit\u00E9 peut \u00EAtre touch\u00E9e par plus d'une explosion, mais chaque explosion au-del\u00E0 de la premi\u00E8re lui inflige alors 50% de d\u00E9g\u00E2ts en moins."@en . . "18"^^ . "Nautilus"@en . "Elefante"@en . . . . . . "High-Vibration Wires"@en . . "85"^^ . . "mana"@fr . . "L"@en . "R\u00E9pliques"@en . . . . . "Nautilus; originally designated S/2175(Bernadette)01; was one of the moons of the planet Bernadette of the White Sun system."@en . . "Heart of Nightmares"@en . . . . "Abordage"@en . "NAUTILUS"@en . . . . "Sinks to the bottom of the ocean along with its crew except for Ned Land, Esmeralda, Pierre Aronnax, and Conseil"@en . "352"^^ . . . . "Pr\u0105d Morski to umiej\u0119tno\u015B\u0107 obszarowa."@pl . "23"^^ . . "Nie"@pl . "0"^^ . . . "Sanctuary"@en . . . . "2"^^ . "2002"^^ . "Epic Mickey"@en . "20120516"^^ . . . "Once, Nautilus was a sailor commissioned by the Institute of War to explore the uncharted reaches of the Guardian's Sea. This expedition took him deep into unknown waters where he and his crew found a vast section of the ocean's rich blue waves were replaced by a black, oozing liquid that none of the crew could identify. Though their job was to investigate anything new that they found, no man aboard was willing to brave the murk except Nautilus. Only moments after he donned the hulking diver's suit and climbed over the ship's rail, something lurking in the muck grabbed hold of him. He clung to the side of the ship, but the thing below pulled him fiercely, rocking the entire ship. The other sailors grew afraid and made a terrible decision. As he stared and pled for help, they wrenched his grip free of the rail. He tumbled to the ink, grabbing the anchor in futile desperation. As he sank, he could do nothing but watch as the dark outline of his ship faded away. Then everything went black. When Nautilus awoke, he was something different. The great iron suit was now somehow part of him, he could not tell where it ended and he began. All the details of his memory were fuzzy and indistinct but one fact remained clear: he was left here, alone in the sunless depths, to die. In his hands he still clutched the anchor that belonged to the men who had condemned him. Having no other purpose, he took this clue and trudged - too heavy to swim or run \u2013 in search of answers. He wandered without direction or sense of passing time in what felt like an eternal dream. By the time he stumbled upon the shores of Bilgewater, he could find no traces of the man he was. No house, no family, no life to which he could return. Terrified sailors who'd heard his tale directed Nautilus back to the Institute, but the summoners refused to relinquish the names of the others they commissioned. By then Nautilus had learned about the League of Legends and there he saw an opportunity to discover and punish those responsible for the time and life he lost."@en . . "2014-09-30"^^ . "Wr\u0119cz"@pl . "30"^^ . "Formed starting April 2007. this continent of 740+ regions was completed by July of the same year. The name was presented in a posting by Jack Linden to the Second Life Blog."@en . . . . . . "4"^^ . "Schlepphaken.jpg"@de . "270"^^ . . . "Nautilus; originally designated S/2175(Bernadette)01; was one of the moons of the planet Bernadette of the White Sun system."@en . . "Nie"@pl . "Nie"@pl . . "Abeja"@en . . . . . . . "Pierce Beam"@en . "ID.402/0930.14"@en . "120"^^ . "active"@fr . . . "Large Beam Cannon"@en . "Waldheinz 10:45, 11. Okt. 2010 (UTC) Kategorie:NAUTILUS Kategorie:EBOOK`s"@de . . "0"^^ . "Nautilus EVideo.ogv"@pl . "Pojedyncze"@pl . . . . "Nautilus lance son ancre devant lui. S'il touche une unit\u00E9 ennemie, Nautilus se rapproche d'elle et la tire vers lui, infligeant pts de d\u00E9g\u00E2ts magiques et l'\u00E9tourdissant un court moment.\n\nSi l'ancre touche le d\u00E9cor, Nautilus se rapproche de l'ancre et le d\u00E9lai de r\u00E9cup\u00E9ration des r\u00E9duit de 50%."@fr . "Water"@en . . . . "0"^^ . . . . . "Mediala"@en . "Distrutto"@it . . "The Nautilus was a Canmorian factory ship commanded by Captain Biddle. It was originally built of wood on a metal frame construction with two reciprocating steam engines that were later replaced by diesel engines. It was used as a troop transport by the Canmore Republic in its operations against the Kingdom of Chuiban. (HHA2.5: DLS)"@en . . "Alternate"@en . ": Nautilus ciska swoj\u0105 kotwic\u0105 do przodu. Je\u015Bli trafi wrog\u0105 jednostk\u0119, to przyci\u0105ga siebie i jednostk\u0119, zadaj\u0105c obra\u017Cenia magiczne i na chwile og\u0142uszaj\u0105c cel.\n\nJe\u015Bli Zakotwiczenie trafi na przeszkod\u0119 terenow\u0105, to Nautilus przyci\u0105gnie si\u0119 do niej, a czas odnowienia umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci zostanie skr\u00F3cony o 50%.\n 1100\n 2000"@pl . "Esperimento Fallito"@it . . "Nautilus, explaining the Talons of Peace to his son, Squid."@en . . . "29"^^ . "Nie"@pl . "Lv3"@en . . . "The Nautilus was a cave located within the territory owned by the Scyre. Before the Scyre lived in the Nautilus, it was the ancestral home of a clan that Phasma and her brother Keldo were a part of."@en . "2"^^ . . "Il Nautilus \u00E8 una B.O.W. creata dall'Umbrella Corporation. In seguito al fallimento dell'esperimento, questa creatura doveva essere distrutta nell'Umbrella Atlantic Facility, ma a causa di una scarsa gestione dell'infrastruttura il Nautilus riusc\u00EC a crescere ed a riprodursi asessualmente nei corsi d'acqua. Nonostante siano stati raccolti diversi dati sulla strana mutazione di questa creatura, le sue origini rimangono dubbie. Ad ogni modo si sa con certezza che il Nautilus derivi da una Ascidiacea, degli animali marini, sessili, microfagi filtratori, dal corpo a forma di otre."@it . . . . . . . "nautilus-wa Linuks-beisen GYI environm\u00E8nt f\u00FCr m\u00E4nneiji\u014B fayls. Jig\u00F9m-d\u00E8 v\u00F6r\u00E7ion wa 1:3.18.4.is.3.14.3-0ubuntu5. Nautilus is the official file manager for the GNOME desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the GNOME desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems. Several icon themes and components for viewing different kinds of files are available in separate packages. Changes for nautilus versions:"@en . . . "Creature"@en . "Lv5"@en . "22"^^ . . "The Nautilus is Sed's ship and is acquired at the end of Disc 3. Through events in the game the ship is eventually upgraded so that it can bypass the hypercurrants. The Nautilus won't however be able to punch through ice; only the White Boa is capable of that. Because it is much smaller than the White Boa it has the capability of being berthed inside of it."@en . "blokuje pojedyncze trafienie Gniewu Tytana."@pl . . "The Nautilus was a miniature submarine that Alice Liddell and Jules Verne used when they plunged into the ocean."@en . . . "Waldheinz 10:45, 11. Okt. 2010 (UTC) Kategorie:NAUTILUS Kategorie:EBOOK`s"@de . "Diarama"@en . . "Nautilus_Tile.png"@en . . . . "Grenade ASM"@en . . . . "Nautilus WVideo.ogv"@pl . . . "Ice Blade"@en . . . . "* Gniew Tytana resetuje licznik atak\u00F3w podstawowych Nautilusa.\n* Gniew Tytana nie posiada czasu rzucania i nie przerywa pozosta\u0142ych czynno\u015Bci Nautilusa.\n* Ataki podstawowe podczas Gniew Tytana zadaj\u0105 obra\u017Cenia w czasie, czyli na pocz\u0105tku po\u0142ow\u0119 i po 1 sekundzie drug\u0105.\n* Je\u015Bli tarcza zostanie zniszczona, to Gniew Tytana mo\u017Ce zosta\u0107 sztucznie przed\u0142o\u017Cony przez inne tarcze, np.: do maksymalnie 10 sekund."@pl . "Tiefenladung.jpg"@de . . "Nautilus wirft seinen Anker nach vorn. Trifft er einen Gegner, zieht er sich und seinen Gegner n\u00E4her zusammen. \n\nTrifft er Terrain, zieht er sich an die getroffene Stelle und die Abklingzeit von Schlepphaken wird um 50% verringert.\n*Wurfgeschwindigkeit: 2000"@de . "1"^^ . "Nautilus QVideo.ogv"@pl . "3"^^ . . "The Nautilus was a cave located within the territory owned by the Scyre. Before the Scyre lived in the Nautilus, it was the ancestral home of a clan that Phasma and her brother Keldo were a part of."@en . . . "Rei\u00DFendeFlut.jpg"@de . . "80"^^ . "Nemo's crew"@en . . . . . . "Nautilus - \u0142\u00F3d\u017A podwodna zamieszkiwana przez Kapitana Nemo. Zbudowana na kszta\u0142t ryby, przez co zosta\u0142a mylnie nazwana przez Kretesa \"blaszan\u0105 ryb\u0105\". Nie wiadomo kto j\u0105 zbudowa\u0142. Bazuje na Nautilusie z powie\u015Bci Julesa Verne'a pt. \"Dwadzie\u015Bcia tysi\u0119cy mil podmorskiej \u017Ceglugi\" i \"Tajemnicza wyspa\""@pl . "14390"^^ . . . . . "-"@en . . "41300"^^ . "blokuj\u0105 umiej\u0119tno\u015B\u0107 po za animacj\u0105 przyci\u0105gni\u0119cia Nautilusa."@pl . . . "2"^^ . "Nautilus"@en . . . "Bomba G\u0142\u0119binowa"@pl . . . . "100"^^ . . . "Tak"@pl . "\"Nautilus\" is the second episode of season 4, and the 70th produced hour of Person of Interest. It was broadcast on September 30, 2014."@en . . . "Nautilus provoque une onde de choc qui poursuit un champion ennemi. Elle inflige pts de d\u00E9g\u00E2ts magiques aux ennemis qu'elle traverse et les propulse dans les airs.\n\nL'onde de choc explose en touchant sa cible, lui infligeant pts de d\u00E9g\u00E2ts magiques et la propulsant dans les airs et l'\u00E9tourdissant pendant seconde."@en . "Tak"@pl . "Fire"@en . "25"^^ . . . . . "3"^^ . . .