. "6"^^ . "Een Starfleet bergingsteam nadert Empok Nor"@nl . "Empok_Nor.jpg"@nl . . . "Empok Nor"@nl . "(1) Las fechas de emisi\u00F3n y rating/ranking corresponden a Estados Unidos"@es . . . . . "2375"^^ . . "24"^^ . "Empok Nor"@nl . "Empok Nor was een Cardassian ruimtestation dat zich in het Trivas systeem bevond en was bijna identiek aan Terok Nor, dat later bekend werd als Deep Space 9. In de 2370s was het reeds lange tijd verlaten en, zoals de gewoonte was, voorzien van boobytraps tegen niet-Cardassians. Op het station was een verkeerd afgelopen experiment uitgevoerd met psychotropische drugs om de, van nature al grote, vreemdelingenhaat bij de Cardassians te versterken. De proefpersonen waren drie leden van de Eerste orde, derde bataljon, die in stasetoestand op het station werden achtergelaten. Aan het einde van 2373 vertrok een Starfleet bergingsteam van Deep Space 9 naar Empok Nor voor reserveonderdelen, aangezien een het zusterstation te maken had gehad met een golf van technische defecten. Tijdens de missie werden twee van de proefpersonen tot leven gewekt, die vervolgens drie leden van het bergingsteam vermoordden voordat ze konden worden gestopt. Elim Garak werd eveneens blootgesteld aan de psyochotropische drug en doodde een vierde lid van het team voordat hij door Chief Miles O'Brien geneutraliseerd werd. De reserveonderdelen werden met succes geborgen. (DS9: \"Empok Nor\") Nog herinnerde Garak enkele maanden later nog eens aan de gebeurtenissen op Empok Nor en vertelde hem dat hij nooit meer zijn rug naar hem zou toekeren. (DS9: \"Rocks and Shoals\") In 2374 koos Quark Empok Nor als plaats voor de uitwisseling tussen de Ferengi en de Dominion van Keevan en Ishka, die door de Dominion gevangen was genomen. Keevan werd per ongeluk gedood v\u00F3\u00F3r de uitwisseling, maar Quark en de anderen konden de andere kant zolang overbluffen tot Ishka teruggekeerd was. Keevan's lichaam werd op het station achtergelaten. (DS9: \"The Magnificent Ferengi\") In 2375 bracht gul Dukat vijftig leden van de Cult van de Pah-wraiths naar het station zodat ze daar een gemeenschap konden opbouwen met hem als hun meester. Hij had kolonel Kira Nerys ontvoerd vanaf Deep Space 9 in een poging haar ook te bekeren. Dukat vluchtte van het station toen hij zijn volgers niet meer in de hand had en de overgebleven Cult leden besloten terug te keren naar Bajor met Kira aan boord van de USS Defiant. (DS9 :\"Covenant\")"@nl . . . . "Empok Nor"@en . . "Empok Nor"@fr . "Empok Nor"@cs . . . . . "ca. 969 meters"@en . . . . "Empok Nor was a Cardassian space station located in the Trivas system, abandoned in 2372 by the Cardassians. The station had been the site of experiments with psychotropic drugs upon Cardassian soldiers of the First Order, heightening their xenophobia and aggression. Empok Nor was also the site of a prisoner exchange between the Dominion and the Ferengi Alliance; the malfunctioning, remotely-controlled body of Keevan was left on the station, continually running into a bulkhead. (DS9: \"The Magnificent Ferengi\")"@en . "Empok Nor"@en . "100.0"^^ . "Empok Nor.JPG"@nl . . "thumb|308px[[Soubor:EmpokNor.jpg|thumb|Empok Nor v roce 2374.]] Empok Nor byla cardassijsk\u00E1 vesm\u00EDrn\u00E1 stanice stejn\u00E9 konstrukce jako Terok Nor/DS9 nach\u00E1zej\u00EDc\u00ED se v soustav\u011B Trivas. Je\u0161t\u011B p\u0159ed rokem 2370 byla opu\u0161t\u011Bna, av\u0161ak Cardassian\u00E9 zde p\u0159ipravili mnoho past\u00ED na ne-Cardassiany. Stanice pravd\u011Bpodobn\u011B mimo jin\u00E9 slou\u017Eila i jako v\u011Bdeck\u00E9 pracovi\u0161t\u011B, kde se vyv\u00EDjely psychotropn\u00ED drogy podporuj\u00EDc\u00ED p\u0159irozenou cardassijskou xenofobii. Mezi \"pokusn\u00E9 kr\u00E1l\u00EDky\", na nich\u017E byly tyto p\u0159\u00EDpravky testov\u00E1ny, pat\u0159ili i t\u0159i \u010Dlenov\u00E9 3. praporu 1. Cardassijsk\u00E9 legie, kte\u0159\u00ED na stanici z\u016Fstali ve st\u00E1zov\u00FDch komor\u00E1ch."@cs . . . . "thumb|308px[[Soubor:EmpokNor.jpg|thumb|Empok Nor v roce 2374.]] Empok Nor byla cardassijsk\u00E1 vesm\u00EDrn\u00E1 stanice stejn\u00E9 konstrukce jako Terok Nor/DS9 nach\u00E1zej\u00EDc\u00ED se v soustav\u011B Trivas. Je\u0161t\u011B p\u0159ed rokem 2370 byla opu\u0161t\u011Bna, av\u0161ak Cardassian\u00E9 zde p\u0159ipravili mnoho past\u00ED na ne-Cardassiany. Stanice pravd\u011Bpodobn\u011B mimo jin\u00E9 slou\u017Eila i jako v\u011Bdeck\u00E9 pracovi\u0161t\u011B, kde se vyv\u00EDjely psychotropn\u00ED drogy podporuj\u00EDc\u00ED p\u0159irozenou cardassijskou xenofobii. Mezi \"pokusn\u00E9 kr\u00E1l\u00EDky\", na nich\u017E byly tyto p\u0159\u00EDpravky testov\u00E1ny, pat\u0159ili i t\u0159i \u010Dlenov\u00E9 3. praporu 1. Cardassijsk\u00E9 legie, kte\u0159\u00ED na stanici z\u016Fstali ve st\u00E1zov\u00FDch komor\u00E1ch. Na sklonku roku 2373 vyslal kapit\u00E1n Sisko na Empok Nor t\u00FDm veden\u00FD \u0161\u00E9fin\u017Een\u00FDrem Milesem O'Brianem, kter\u00FD zde m\u011Bl z\u00EDskat n\u011Bkter\u00E9 n\u00E1hradn\u00ED d\u00EDly pot\u0159ebn\u00E9 na sestersk\u00E9 stanici DS9. Kdy\u017E ale skupina vstoupila na stanici, dva p\u0159e\u017Eiv\u0161\u00ED voj\u00E1ci ve st\u00E1zov\u00FDch komor\u00E1ch byli probuzeni a pod vlivem psychotropn\u00ED drogy zabili t\u0159i O'Brianovi in\u017Een\u00FDry, ne\u017E se je poda\u0159ilo zne\u0161kodnit. P\u016Fsoben\u00ED drogy byl vystaven i Elim Garak, kter\u00FD n\u00E1sledn\u011B zabil \u010Dtvrt\u00E9ho \u010Dlena t\u00FDmu. Teprve pot\u00E9 ho O'Brian zastavil a zachr\u00E1nil tak \u017Eivot Nogovi. (DS9: \"Empok Nor\") Po n\u011Bjak\u00E9 dob\u011B p\u0159ipomn\u011Bl Nog tuto ud\u00E1lost Garakovi, kdy\u017E mu \u0159ekl, \u017Ee se u\u017E nikdy neoto\u010D\u00ED k \u017E\u00E1dn\u00E9mu Cardassianovi z\u00E1dy. (DS9: \"Rocks and Shoals\") V roce 2374 si Quark vybral Empok Nor jako m\u00EDsto, kde se m\u011Bla uskute\u010Dnit v\u00FDm\u011Bna Vorty Keevana za Ishku, kterou unesl Dominion. Keevan byl sice ne\u0161\u0165astnou n\u00E1hodou zabit je\u0161t\u011B p\u0159edt\u00EDm, ne\u017E k vym\u011Bn\u011B do\u0161lo, ale Quark a jeho fereng\u0161t\u00ED spole\u010Dn\u00EDci dok\u00E1zali druhou stranu oblafnout a Ishku z\u00EDskat. Keevanovo t\u011Blo bylo zanech\u00E1no na stanici. (DS9: \"The Magnificent Ferengi\") Pozd\u011Bji, v roce 2375, p\u0159ivedl Dukat na Empok Nor pades\u00E1t \u010Dlen\u016F Kultu P\u0159\u00EDzrak\u016F, aby zde zalo\u017Eili komunitu, kterou by vedl. Nav\u00EDc unesl plukovn\u00EDka Kiru Nerys a sna\u017Eil se ji p\u0159esv\u011Bd\u010Dit, aby konvertovala. Kdy\u017E ztratil moc nad sv\u00FDmi b\u00FDval\u00FDmi p\u0159\u00EDvr\u017Eenci, ze stanice uprchl a zbyl\u00ED \u010Dlenov\u00E9 Kultu se v doprovodu Kiry vr\u00E1tili na Bajor na palub\u011B USS Defiantu. (DS9: \"Covenant\")"@cs . "2375"^^ . . . . "When an engineering team from Deep Space 9 arrived aboard the station in late 2373 to salvage for spare parts, the surviving two Cardassian soldiers emerged from stasis and proceeded to kill three members of the Starfleet team, before eventually being killed themselves by the remaining members. A fourth member of the team was killed by Elim Garak, who had also been exposed to the drug, but he was stopped by Chief Miles O'Brien. (DS9 episode: \"Empok Nor\")"@en . . . "Empok Nor \u00E9tait une station spatiale cardassienne au 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle."@fr . . . . "Empok Nor"@de . "Empok Nor"@fr . . . . "Empok Nor was a Cardassian space station located in the Trivas system, almost identical to Terok Nor (later known as Deep Space 9). The Cardassians abandoned it in 2372, leaving behind standard booby traps that target non-Cardassians. The station had been the site of a failed experiment that used psychotropic drugs to enhance the Cardassians' natural xenophobia. The test subjects, three members of the Third Battalion, First Order, were left on the station in stasis tubes. (DS9: \"Empok Nor\")"@en . "Verlaten"@nl . "2369"^^ . "Abandoned"@en . . . . "A Ferengi vessel approaches Empok Nor in 2374"@en . . "Empok Nor in 2374"@nl . . . "(1) Las fechas de emisi\u00F3n y rating/ranking corresponden a Estados Unidos"@es . . "Orbital Docking Station"@en . "Empok Nor was een Cardassian ruimtestation dat zich in het Trivas systeem bevond en was bijna identiek aan Terok Nor, dat later bekend werd als Deep Space 9. In de 2370s was het reeds lange tijd verlaten en, zoals de gewoonte was, voorzien van boobytraps tegen niet-Cardassians. Op het station was een verkeerd afgelopen experiment uitgevoerd met psychotropische drugs om de, van nature al grote, vreemdelingenhaat bij de Cardassians te versterken. De proefpersonen waren drie leden van de Eerste orde, derde bataljon, die in stasetoestand op het station werden achtergelaten."@nl . . . . "card"@en . "Empok_Nor, Empok Nor.jpg"@en . . . . . . . . "thumb|Empok Nor Empok Nor ist eine cardassianische Raumstation, die mit Terok Nor baugleich ist. Sie befindet sich im Trivas-System und wird 2372 wie zuvor Terok Nor von den Cardassianern aufgegeben. Zus\u00E4tzlich dazu wird sie von den Cardassianern mit Sprengfallen versehen, um eine weitere Benutzung zu verhindern. Sie ist h\u00F6chstens 3 Lichtjahre von Deep Space 9 entfernt. (DS9: ) Empok Nor wird au\u00DFerdem als \u00DCbergabeort gew\u00E4hlt, als das Dominion Ishka von Ferenginar gekidnappt hat und gegen den Vorta Keevan eintauscht (DS9: )."@de . "Empok Nor"@en . . "When an engineering team from Deep Space 9 arrived aboard the station in late 2373 to salvage for spare parts, the surviving two Cardassian soldiers emerged from stasis and proceeded to kill three members of the Starfleet team, before eventually being killed themselves by the remaining members. A fourth member of the team was killed by Elim Garak, who had also been exposed to the drug, but he was stopped by Chief Miles O'Brien. (DS9 episode: \"Empok Nor\") In 2374, Empok Nor was the location of a prisoner exchange between the Dominion and a group of Ferengi, led by Quark. (DS9 episode: \"The Magnificent Ferengi\") In 2375, Skrain Dukat brought fifty members of the Cult of the Pah-Wraiths to the abandoned station and established a community, which placed Dukat as their leader. In an attempt to convert Colonel Kira Nerys, Dukat had her kidnapped and brought to the station. Thankfully, Dukat's plan for a mass suicide resulted in failure when the members turned against their leader's control, and he was forced to abandon the station. The other cult members returned to Bajor aboard the USS Defiant. (DS9 episode: \"Covenant\") In 2376, Lieutenant Nog of Deep Space 9 and the Starfleet Corps of Engineers team from the USS da Vinci arrived on the station with plans to extract the station's fusion core and transport it to DS9 as a replacement for its destroyed fusion core. Unfortunately, the plan had to be abandoned when an Androssi salvage team was discovered to be at work on the station. After some heavy fighting, the team were able to gain control of the station, but damage to the core meant that it couldn't be extracted. Instead of admitting defeat, Nog hatched an ingenious plan to tow Empok Nor to the Bajoran system so that the core itself wouldn't have the stresses of being towed at warp speed. After gaining the support of a number of starships, the plan proved successful and Empok Nor was towed into the system next to its sister station. As well as having a new fusion core, DS9 had a massive supply of replacement parts just next door. Following the successful transplant of the core to Deep Space Nine, Empok Nor was moved into orbit around Cajara, the seventh planet in the Bajoran system. (SCE eBook: Cold Fusion; DS9 - Section 31 novel: Abyss) In 2377, major subspatial disturbances in the Bajor system were traced to Androssi devices left behind on Empok Nor. As these disturbances threatened DS9, Bajor and the Bajoran wormhole, a joint team from DS9 and the da Vinci boarded Empok Nor to investigate the problem. An Androssi device had dropped through a subspace hole and emerged into an alternate universe, where the inhabitants' attempts to identify the device were causing the disturbances. The combined efforts of Crewman Soloman, Lieutenant Nog and Commander Sonya Gomez were successful in communicating with the alternates and persuading them to stop their search, thus returning space in the Bajoran sector to normal. (SCE eBook: Lost Time) In 2409, Empok Nor was back in the Trivas system and used as the headquarters for the True Way. A starship crew was dispatched from Deep Space 9 to attack the station and capture Gul Madred. As they left, they destroyed the station's weapon emplacements to make it less attractive to such groups as the True Way. (STO - \"Cardassian Struggle\" mission: \"The Long Night\")"@en . . "Empok Nor"@es . . "inactive"@en . . . . . "Empok Nor was a Cardassian space station located in the Trivas system, almost identical to Terok Nor (later known as Deep Space 9). The Cardassians abandoned it in 2372, leaving behind standard booby traps that target non-Cardassians. The station had been the site of a failed experiment that used psychotropic drugs to enhance the Cardassians' natural xenophobia. The test subjects, three members of the Third Battalion, First Order, were left on the station in stasis tubes. (DS9: \"Empok Nor\") In late 2373, a Starfleet salvage team from Deep Space 9 was sent to Empok Nor for spare parts, because of a recent plague of technical failures on its sister station. During the mission, the two surviving soldiers in stasis were re-awakened and killed three members of the team before they were stopped. Elim Garak was also exposed to the psychotropic drug and killed a fourth member of the team before he was neutralized by Chief Miles O'Brien. Eventually the technology was successfully salvaged. (DS9: \"Empok Nor\") Nog reminded Garak of the events that took place on Empok Nor several months later, telling him that he would never turn his back on the Cardassian again. (DS9: \"Rocks and Shoals\") Later in 2374, Quark chose Empok Nor to be the site for the exchange between several Ferengi and the Dominion of Keevan for Ishka, who had been taken prisoner by the Dominion. Keevan was accidentally killed before the exchange was to take place, but Quark and the others managed to bluff the opposing side long enough for Ishka to be returned. Keevan's body was left aboard the station. (DS9: \"The Magnificent Ferengi\") Finally, in 2375, Dukat brought fifty members of the Cult of the Pah-wraiths to establish a community on Empok Nor with him as their master. He had Colonel Kira Nerys kidnapped from Deep Space 9 in an effort to convert her. Dukat fled the station when his control over his followers unraveled, and the remaining Cult members decided to return to Bajor with Kira aboard the USS Defiant. (DS9: \"Covenant\")"@en . . "thumb|Empok Nor Empok Nor ist eine cardassianische Raumstation, die mit Terok Nor baugleich ist. Sie befindet sich im Trivas-System und wird 2372 wie zuvor Terok Nor von den Cardassianern aufgegeben. Zus\u00E4tzlich dazu wird sie von den Cardassianern mit Sprengfallen versehen, um eine weitere Benutzung zu verhindern. Sie ist h\u00F6chstens 3 Lichtjahre von Deep Space 9 entfernt. (DS9: ) 2373 begibt sich ein Bergungskommando unter Leitung von Chief O'Brien auf die Station, um dringend ben\u00F6tigte Erstatzteile f\u00FCr Deep Space 9 zu besorgen. Das Team wird fast vollst\u00E4ndig von zur\u00FCckgelassenen Elitesoldaten des dritten Bataillons des Ersten Ordens get\u00F6tet (DS9: ). Empok Nor wird au\u00DFerdem als \u00DCbergabeort gew\u00E4hlt, als das Dominion Ishka von Ferenginar gekidnappt hat und gegen den Vorta Keevan eintauscht (DS9: ). 2375 dient Empok Nor der Pah-Geist-Sekte als Versammlungsort. Empok Nor wird von ihrem F\u00FChrer Dukat ausgesucht (DS9: )."@de . . . "Empok Nor was a Cardassian space station located in the Trivas system, abandoned in 2372 by the Cardassians. The station had been the site of experiments with psychotropic drugs upon Cardassian soldiers of the First Order, heightening their xenophobia and aggression. A salvage team from Deep Space Nine, a Nor-class station under the control of Starfleet, traveled to Empok Nor--only to find that not only had the station been booby-trapped in more obvious ways against non-Cardassians, but a group of drug-crazed soldiers had been placed in stasis as a deterrent as well. Elim Garak was accidentally exposed to the drug as well, and between him and the awakened soldiers, several members of the salvage team were killed, and all of them would have perished if not for Miles O'Brien. (DS9: \"Empok Nor\") Empok Nor was also the site of a prisoner exchange between the Dominion and the Ferengi Alliance; the malfunctioning, remotely-controlled body of Keevan was left on the station, continually running into a bulkhead. (DS9: \"The Magnificent Ferengi\") In 2375, Gul Dukat led a Pah-wraith cult aboard the station, one that was driven away after Dukat kidnapped Colonel Kira Nerys and brought her to the station. (DS9: \"Covenant\")"@en . "Empok Nor \u00E9tait une station spatiale cardassienne au 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle."@fr . . "ca. 1451 meters"@en .