"The Sorrow"@de . "Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots"@pt . "1910"^^ . "The Sorrow"@en . . . . . . "The Sorrow ist ein ehemaliges Mitglied der Cobra Unit, der mit den F\u00E4higkeiten eines Mediums belohnt war. Seine F\u00E4higkeit, mit gefallenen Soldaten kommunizieren zu k\u00F6nnen gab ihm Vorteile in Kriegen, wie beispielsweise das herausfinden feindlicher Positionen. Nach der Aufl\u00F6sung der Cobra Unit wurde Sorrow 1962 in Tselinoyarsk von The Boss w\u00E4hrend einer Mission get\u00F6tet. Sp\u00E4ter in der Story erf\u00E4hrt man noch, dass The Joy (The Boss) und The Sorrow ein Paar waren. Sie sind die Eltern von Ocelot."@de . "The Sorrow"@en . . "The Sorrow"@de . "The Sorrow is a Melodic metalcore band from Austria. They were formed in 2005 by Mathias Schlegl and Andreas M\u00E4ser from the band Disconnected and Dominik Immler and Tobias Sch\u00E4dler from the band Distance. In 2006, they signed a recording contract with Drakkar Records, and in 2007 released their debut album Blessings from a Blackened Sky."@en . "Michael"@es . "White"@en . "Gelb"@de . "Yasuhiro Masuda"@en . . "Ocelot"@pt . "Hideo Kojima"@de . . "The Boss"@en . "Michael (1910-1962), tambi\u00E9n conocido como The Sorrow fue uno de los miembros de la Unidad Cobra, el padre de Ocelot, y la pareja de The Boss. Como todos los miembros de la unidad Cobra, Michael ten\u00EDa unas habilidades especiales que lo caracterizaban. Se desconoce c\u00F3mo adquiri\u00F3 dichas habilidades, pero eran muy \u00FAtiles en el campo de batalla, estrat\u00E9gicamente hablando. Muri\u00F3 en 1962, asesinado en una misi\u00F3n por The Boss; Sorrow se sacrific\u00F3 por ella y por su hijo, ya que si The Boss no lo asesinaba, Los Fil\u00F3sofos matar\u00EDan a Adamska, el hijo de The Sorrow y The Boss."@es . . . "Caucasiano"@pt . "Ocelot"@en . . "50.0"^^ . . . "Sowjetiunion"@de . . "Grau"@de . . . . "The Sorrow (a tristeza) foi o \"Soldado Esp\u00EDrito Medium\" da Cobra Unit. Apesar de ele n\u00E3o ter habilidades de combate \u00FAnicas como os outros Cobras, ele \u00E9 dotado com os poderes de um medium. Ele tamb\u00E9m \u00E9 capaz de invocar os mortos e assumir as suas habilidades de combate, pegando o esp\u00EDrito deles em s\u00ED mesmo. Comunicar-se com outros soldados mortos tamb\u00E9m o d\u00E1 v\u00E1rias vantagens, como descobrir a posi\u00E7\u00E3o do inimigo. Como outros Cobras, seu codinome reflete a emo\u00E7\u00E3o que ele transmite durante a batalha."@pt . . "Morto"@pt . "The Sorrow was the \"Spirit Medium Soldier\" of the Cobra Unit. Although he had no actual unique combat abilities like the other Cobras, The Sorrow was gifted with the powers of a medium. He was able to summon the dead and assume their combat abilities by bringing their spirits into himself. Communicating with dead soldiers also gave him several advantages during a battle, such as learning of enemy positions. Like the other Cobras, his codename reflected the emotion he brought to the battlefield."@en . . . . "The Sorrow (a tristeza) foi o \"Soldado Esp\u00EDrito Medium\" da Cobra Unit. Apesar de ele n\u00E3o ter habilidades de combate \u00FAnicas como os outros Cobras, ele \u00E9 dotado com os poderes de um medium. Ele tamb\u00E9m \u00E9 capaz de invocar os mortos e assumir as suas habilidades de combate, pegando o esp\u00EDrito deles em s\u00ED mesmo. Comunicar-se com outros soldados mortos tamb\u00E9m o d\u00E1 v\u00E1rias vantagens, como descobrir a posi\u00E7\u00E3o do inimigo. Como outros Cobras, seu codinome reflete a emo\u00E7\u00E3o que ele transmite durante a batalha."@pt . . . "c. 1903 \u2013 c. 1912"@en . . . . "Soldado m\u00E9dium espiritual"@es . . . . "The Sorrow"@es . . "The Sorrow"@pt . . . . "Sovi\u00E9tico"@pt . "275"^^ . . . . "The Sorrow is a Melodic metalcore band from Austria. They were formed in 2005 by Mathias Schlegl and Andreas M\u00E4ser from the band Disconnected and Dominik Immler and Tobias Sch\u00E4dler from the band Distance. In 2006, they signed a recording contract with Drakkar Records, and in 2007 released their debut album Blessings from a Blackened Sky."@en . . "Yukitoshi Hori"@en . . . "The Sorrow ist ein ehemaliges Mitglied der Cobra Unit, der mit den F\u00E4higkeiten eines Mediums belohnt war. Seine F\u00E4higkeit, mit gefallenen Soldaten kommunizieren zu k\u00F6nnen gab ihm Vorteile in Kriegen, wie beispielsweise das herausfinden feindlicher Positionen. Nach der Aufl\u00F6sung der Cobra Unit wurde Sorrow 1962 in Tselinoyarsk von The Boss w\u00E4hrend einer Mission get\u00F6tet. The Sorrow hat viele versteckte Auftritte in Metal Gear Solid 3. So taucht er ab und an in Zwischensequenzen auf, um beispielsweise eine Frequenz zum \u00F6ffnen einer T\u00FCr zu zeigen. Dies setzt allerdings voraus, dass man R1 dr\u00FCckt, um in Snakes Blickfeld zu wechseln. Sorrow ist der merkw\u00FCrdigste aller Bossgegner, gegen die Snake antreten muss. W\u00E4hrend des Bosskampfes haben Attacken keinerlei Effekt, The Sorrow ist ja bereits tot. Er sendet eine Armee aus toten Soldaten auf Snake los, deren Gr\u00F6\u00DFe davon abh\u00E4ngig ist, wie viele Soldaten Snake w\u00E4hrend seiner Mission get\u00F6tet hat. Am Ende eines langen Flusses, den Snake entlang gehen muss, t\u00F6tet Sorrow ihn, man kann sich allerdings zur\u00FCck ins Leben holen, in dem man die Wiederbelebungspille benutzt. Sp\u00E4ter in der Story erf\u00E4hrt man noch, dass The Joy (The Boss) und The Sorrow ein Paar waren. Sie sind die Eltern von Ocelot."@de . "The Boss"@pt . "1962"^^ . . . . . . "Soldado esp\u00EDrita medium"@pt . "Michael (1910-1962), tambi\u00E9n conocido como The Sorrow fue uno de los miembros de la Unidad Cobra, el padre de Ocelot, y la pareja de The Boss. Como todos los miembros de la unidad Cobra, Michael ten\u00EDa unas habilidades especiales que lo caracterizaban. Se desconoce c\u00F3mo adquiri\u00F3 dichas habilidades, pero eran muy \u00FAtiles en el campo de batalla, estrat\u00E9gicamente hablando. Muri\u00F3 en 1962, asesinado en una misi\u00F3n por The Boss; Sorrow se sacrific\u00F3 por ella y por su hijo, ya que si The Boss no lo asesinaba, Los Fil\u00F3sofos matar\u00EDan a Adamska, el hijo de The Sorrow y The Boss."@es . . . "Caucasian"@en . . "300"^^ . "Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots"@en . . "Verstorben"@de . "Blue"@en . . . "David Thomas"@pt . "Azul"@pt . "1910"^^ . "The Sorrow"@es . . . . . "Red"@en . . . "Yukitoshi Hori"@pt . . . "The Sorrow was the \"Spirit Medium Soldier\" of the Cobra Unit. Although he had no actual unique combat abilities like the other Cobras, The Sorrow was gifted with the powers of a medium. He was able to summon the dead and assume their combat abilities by bringing their spirits into himself. Communicating with dead soldiers also gave him several advantages during a battle, such as learning of enemy positions. Like the other Cobras, his codename reflected the emotion he brought to the battlefield."@en . . "1962"^^ . . "Branco"@pt . . . . . "22"^^ . . "Spirit Medium Soldier"@en . . "Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater"@en . "Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater"@de .