. . . "Lanes"@de . "Lanes are an important gameplay mechanic in The Elder Scrolls: Legends. The most common lane mechanic is the Shadow lane, which provides one turn of cover to a Creature or Character for one turn after being played. There are more than 20 different Lanes in the game."@en . "Lanes are the main paths that minions follow in the course of a game. Lanes are defended by turrets, and in order to push the enemy into their base and destroy their inhibitors and Nexus, each successive turret in a lane must be destroyed before damage can be dealt to the next structure. Along each lane are located areas of brush for tactical maneuvering, such as juking and ganking. Controlling a lane is a key tactical component of gameplay; early lane control in a game can put your opponents at a disadvantage by keeping them away from your turrets and denying last hits on minions for much-needed gold."@en . . . . "Lanes are an important gameplay mechanic in The Elder Scrolls: Legends. The most common lane mechanic is the Shadow lane, which provides one turn of cover to a Creature or Character for one turn after being played. There are more than 20 different Lanes in the game."@en . "Right now, the general rule is that one champion goes top, one goes to the jungle, two go bottom, and one goes in the middle. If you are having trouble with the champion(s) you are facing, you should ask someone to switch with you. Around level 30 it starts to get more complicated. There are many combinations, the most popular format of metagame at the moment tends to follow a set pattern of one jungler, a 20px|link=Championattribute tanky DPS at top, an ability power reliant caster will go middle and the carry going bottom along with a support champion. This doesn't mean you won't play against different compositions however."@de . "Lanes"@en . . . . . . . "Right now, the general rule is that one champion goes top, one goes to the jungle, two go bottom, and one goes in the middle. If you are having trouble with the champion(s) you are facing, you should ask someone to switch with you."@de . . . . . "Lanes are the main paths that minions follow in the course of a game. Lanes are defended by turrets, and in order to push the enemy into their base and destroy their inhibitors and Nexus, each successive turret in a lane must be destroyed before damage can be dealt to the next structure. Along each lane are located areas of brush for tactical maneuvering, such as juking and ganking. Controlling a lane is a key tactical component of gameplay; early lane control in a game can put your opponents at a disadvantage by keeping them away from your turrets and denying last hits on minions for much-needed gold."@en .