. "Chispazo"@de . . . . . "2"^^ . . "Le plasma \u00E9tait un mat\u00E9riau trouvable dans la galaxie, notamment sur la plan\u00E8te Naboo, ou des plantes appel\u00E9s Locap siphonnaient le plasma pr\u00E9sent dans les roches. Certains Gungans recueillaient ainsi ce plasma. Le plasma \u00E9tait utilis\u00E9 : \n* Dans l'armement afin d'en faire des objets explosif et des cartouches de plasma. Il \u00E9tait aussi utilis\u00E9 avec le gaz tibanna dans les blasters, en effet le gaz tibanna servait \u00E0 d\u00E9clencher une \u00E9tincelle de plasma, afin de faire tirer les blasters. \n* Dans les outils, comme sur le cutter \u00E0 plasma Q-1041. \n* Dans les ponts \u00E0 plasma. \n* Pour alimenter les bulles sous-marine Gungan. \n* Dans les lames des sabres laser. \n* Dans les boomas. On peut supposer qu'il \u00E9tait aussi utilis\u00E9 afin d'alimenter les boucliers d\u00E9flecteur."@fr . . "35"^^ . . "Die Plasma-F\u00E4higkeit, oder auch Elektro-F\u00E4higkeit genannt, kann Kirby bekommen, wenn er einen elektrischen Gegner wie Plasma Wisp, Britzzel oder Master Green einsaugt. Mit dieser F\u00E4higkeit kann Kirby ein Elektrofeld um sich aufbauen und so seinen Gegnern elektrische Schl\u00E4ge verpassen. Aber Kirby muss sich immer aufladen. Im Anime erh\u00E4lt Kirby die F\u00E4higkeit, indem er z.B. Squishys Stromattacke oder entweichende Elektrizit\u00E4t einsaugt."@de . . . . "None"@en . . "Plasma nebo elektro-plasma je druh energie, kter\u00E1 se vyu\u017E\u00EDv\u00E1 jak v syst\u00E9mu warp pohonu, tak t\u0159eba ve zbran\u00EDch, ale plasma existuje ve vesm\u00EDru v r\u016Fzn\u00FDch a \u010Dasto velmi odli\u0161n\u00FDch form\u00E1ch. Plasma tvo\u0159\u00ED tak\u00E9 konven\u010Dn\u00ED slune\u010Dn\u00ED v\u00EDtr, \u010Di mlhoviny a v\u0161ak jde o r\u016Fzn\u00E9 druhy plasmy."@cs . "9"^^ . "Plasma"@en . . . . . . . "Plasma"@fr . . . . . "In physics, studies of plasma included plasma dynamics and plasma physics. (TNG: \"Peak Performance\" , \"True Q\" ) Individuals who specialized in these fields, and more, include plasma specialists and EPS control specialists. (TNG: \"The Game\" ; ENT: \"The Forgotten\")"@en . "Electric"@en . . . "The Covenant military uses plasma as a weapon form to great effect, containing and guiding it in the form of a single bolt, beam, or continuous stream. Plasma-based weapons are the most common armament of Covenant infantry and vehicular forces, and the main armament of their warships, dominating almost the entire weapon arsenal. Small arms are designed to deplete shielding or melt infantry armor, while heavier weapons can destroy vehicles or buildings. The largest are mounted onto capital ships and are used for orbital bombardment and ship-to-ship combat, and can reduce a ship's hull to a pile of molten metal floating in space. When a plasma weapon is charging, a high quantity of beta particle radiation is emitted. For industrial applications, the Covenant terraforms planets as to convert them to plasma."@en . . . . . "Resist"@en . . "Pla-"@fi . . . . "\u041F\u043B\u0430\u0437\u043C\u0430"@es . . . . . . . . . . . "This map shows exactly which systems have each kind of plasma. Those represented by a white sphere do not have any plasma at all."@en . . "Plasma Discharge\\Innate\nFog Breath\\29\nMegidoplasma\\ 31"@en . . "Das Wort Plasma (griechisch: ) hat mehrere Bedeutungen: \n* In der Medizin versteht man unter dem Plasma den Teil des Blutes, in dem die roten und wei\u00DFen Blutk\u00F6rperchen schwimmen (Blutplasma). \n* In der Physik ein vollst\u00E4ndig oder teilweise ionisiertes Gas, siehe Plasma (Physik). \n* Desweiteren ist es eine, orthographisch nicht ganz korrekte, Aufforderung zur Einleitung des oralen Gechlechtsverkehrs"@de . . . . . . . . "Le plasma \u00E9tait un mat\u00E9riau trouvable dans la galaxie, notamment sur la plan\u00E8te Naboo, ou des plantes appel\u00E9s Locap siphonnaient le plasma pr\u00E9sent dans les roches. Certains Gungans recueillaient ainsi ce plasma. Le plasma \u00E9tait utilis\u00E9 : On peut supposer qu'il \u00E9tait aussi utilis\u00E9 afin d'alimenter les boucliers d\u00E9flecteur."@fr . . . "Turaga"@de . "Plasma weaponry is any firearm designed to use plasma as a weapon. It is a type of the energy weaponry."@en . . . . . . . . . "GNU GPL 2 or later"@en . . . "Kategorie:Elemente Plasma ist eine Elementare Kraft."@de . . . . . "Plasma es una de las Habilidades de copia de Kirby y se parece mucho a L\u00E1ser. No hay que confundirla con Chispazo porque no es lo mismo al 100% ya que Chispazo lo que hace es crear una barrera el\u00E9ctrica alrededor de Kirby y Plasma lanza plasma y puede crear una barrera plasm\u00E1tica solo que m\u00E1s peque\u00F1a y menos potente. Es la segunda habilidad m\u00E1s r\u00E1pida para el verdadero coliseo de Kirby Super Star Ultra en 4:57 minutos, despu\u00E9s Martillo con 3:42 minutos. Si mueves r\u00E1pidamente los controles se cargar\u00E1 el ataque, al cargarse al m\u00E1ximo Kirby se cubrir\u00E1 con una capa de electricidad que da\u00F1a a los enemigos por lo que es un buen m\u00E9todo de defensa, sin embargo si no te mueves al tiempo se debilita la capa hasta desaparecer y va perdiendo potencia y el escudo."@es . "This Plasma, necessary for spiritual beings to manifest in the mortal world, is all that remains of defeated spirits."@en . "Pahrak-Kal abriendo una entrada hacia los Bahrag con su escudo de plasma"@es . . "Etincelle"@de . "Dark-Neutral"@en . . . . . . . . . "Plasma was an Elemental Power."@en . "Elemental"@en . "Plasma(Heroes Reborn); Iron-man-v2-07-12-tpb-136.jpg"@en . . . . "Plasma is one of the many secondary Elemental Powers."@en . "Elemento"@es . . . "Once-King Dalton uses Plasma in battle."@en . . . . "Plasma is a big green dangerous and fearless stickman that is made out of Plasma chemicals, that's how he got his name. He also finishes off most enemies with his Plasma Ray Gun it can also be turned into a chainsaw it is called a gunsaw. Believe it or not he is a good guy that kills bad guys with the POWER OF PLASMA!"@en . "In physics, studies of plasma included plasma dynamics and plasma physics. (TNG: \"Peak Performance\" , \"True Q\" ) Individuals who specialized in these fields, and more, include plasma specialists and EPS control specialists. (TNG: \"The Game\" ; ENT: \"The Forgotten\")"@en . "1"^^ . . . . . "2"^^ . "Plasma is an ionized gaseous state of matter, which is commonly observed in arcs of electricity traveling through matter. In the plasma stage, matter can reach temperatures of over 3 million Kelvin and thus can't be contained in normal containers. Instead the plasma is usually contained with magnetic force fields used in plasma canisters and plasma infusers. The plasma can then be transferred through EPS conduits found in a starship's power transfer grid. (TNG reference: Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual)"@en . . "Plasma es un Elemento en el Universo Matoran."@es . . . . "El t\u00E9rmino plasma se puede referir a: \n* la tecnolog\u00EDa de plasma, \n* el sistema de defensa ca\u00F1\u00F3n de plasma."@es . "SteinNeu"@de . "Plasma is an energy carrying substance and transmission device in The Lower Elements. Even for the advanced technologies of Haven, Plasma is only used in a few very large and wealthy businesses, such as Koboi Labs. It also might be used in Police Plaza. It is used to power the DNA cannons in Koboi labs and presumably police plaza. It is hinted that it is radioactive as in the Arctic incident Mulch Diggums refers to it as so much radioactive slop when deactivated."@en . . "Elementti"@fi . "The allotted time and the size of the success area will vary, depending on the type of plasma. It is not always necessary to click on the first swipe, unless there simply isn't enough time. The orange bar will move back and forth along the path until either you stop it, or time runs out."@en . . "Plasma is one of the three types of ammo for ranged weapons. Plasma does less damage than either Slug or Laser weapons, but it deals damage in an area, allowing it to hurt multiple enemies at once. Plasma damage is commonly called Hybrid damage in-game."@en . "\uD50C\uB77C\uC988\uB9C8"@en . . "Kategorie:Elemente Plasma ist eine Elementare Kraft."@de . . . . . . . . . . "Plasma is a type of energy weapon used by the Advent. It is found on a variety of vessels, as well as on the Advent's Transcencia Star Base. Plasma is ionized gas, generally superheated; it appears that Advent weapons fire gouts of plasma to melt enemy hulls. Plasma cannons generally deal more damage than Laser, but also have a slower rate of fire. Increases in the amount of damage caused can be researched in the Hostility Tree. An increase in the rate of fire can also be researched and a further increase in the amount of damage caused by their Star Base can be researched in the Security Tree."@en . . "8"^^ . "63"^^ . . "19"^^ . . "Plasma is super-heated, ionized gas such as that found in a solar flare or fusion reactor."@en . "PLASMA ; is considered to be 4th state of matter which came into existence througn bose einsten condensate. it is considered to be a fast moving particle"@en . "Plasma is the brawler from vestroia, ressurected by naga separating the cores, and fell from the warphole in a block of metal obsidian cerrofoam(vestroian darkus metal intended for armour),which became his Full-Body armour later on.he was one of the few who was born on vestroia.he first uses Hydranoid,which evolves into Dual Hydranoid, then Alpha Hydranoid,and then evolutes it into Hadesnoid,fusing it with the darkus attribute energy that he had once seen.he is currently the leader of Team Alpha,which is a group of vestroians.the attribute energy was given back to Exedra After Hadesnoid evolved.His Brothers are \u2022 Ventus Brawler Krosos a.k.a.(Lloyd Xavier)(Green mint,Blue-Green) \u2022 Aquos Brawler Aknos a.k.a.(Leroy Xavier)(Sky blue,Light Blue) \u2022 Darkus Brawler Phaser a.k.a.(Ethan Xavier)(Indigo,Purple) As a vestroian,Plasma could generate power or magic on his own similar to Gundalians. Anarchy Ether: Red and black bolts made of the Darkus Ether encircle and arce towards the enemy that Plasma is directing it to. Shadow Usage: Could create or battle with shadows. Swift Heal: Heals more faster than average Humans and Neathian/Gundalians. \"Please.just leave.\"(To dan in his realm) \"I'm not that into it\".(To Baron when asked to brawl with him) \"You talk way too much\".(To shadow when showing off) \"Attack full central\". \"Or is it Defend full central\"? (To Mega Hadesnoid when attacking/defending Vestpalace)"@en . . . "Element Flaemis + Vermin Mothman + Jaki Gremlin"@en . . . . . "Plasma weaponry is any firearm designed to use plasma as a weapon. It is a type of the energy weaponry."@en . "Plasma"@de . "Das Plasma ist der vierte Aggregatzustand, den Materie annehmen kann. Wenn man Materie nach dem Erreichen des Siedepunktes weiter Energie zuf\u00FChrt, dann wird es erst zu einem ionisiertem Gas und dann zu sogenanntem Plasma. In diesem Zustand l\u00F6sen sich die Elektronen vollst\u00E4ndig vom Atomkern und bewegen sich frei durch die Materie. Demzufolge kann man Plasma als vollst\u00E4ndig ionisiertes Gas betrachten. (Star Trek VI: Das unentdeckte Land) 2376 vermutet Seven of Nine, dass Plasmafl\u00F6he die USS Voyager infiziert haben und dort nach ihrer Nahrungsquelle Plasma suchen. (VOY: )"@de . "None."@en . . "Kirby Super Star Ultra artwork"@en . "Plasma is a big green dangerous and fearless stickman that is made out of Plasma chemicals, that's how he got his name. He also finishes off most enemies with his Plasma Ray Gun it can also be turned into a chainsaw it is called a gunsaw. Believe it or not he is a good guy that kills bad guys with the POWER OF PLASMA!"@en . . "\u30D7\u30E9\u30BA\u30DE"@es . . . . . . . "\u30D7\u30E9\u30BA\u30DE"@en . . "30"^^ . . . . . "[[Kuva:Pahrak-Kal Plasma.png|thumb|right|300px|Pahrak-Kal omien Plasmavoimiensa nielaisemana.]] Plasma on yksi Bionicle-maailman elementeist\u00E4."@fi . . . . . . . . . "250"^^ . . "11"^^ . . "Plasma is one of the three types of ammo for ranged weapons. Plasma does less damage than either Slug or Laser weapons, but it deals damage in an area, allowing it to hurt multiple enemies at once. Plasma damage is commonly called Hybrid damage in-game."@en . . . . . . . . . "8"^^ . "Es un alien echo de plasma, puede controlar el plasma, Plasma es de la misma especie y planeta que Mega Ca\u00F1on y eso que tienen mucha diferencia"@es . . "-"@en . . . . "Plasma is sucked like crack by fregeni vampires and is then sold and a $%^%$#$%^%$#$%^&ing price to star fleet to run their ships impulse humpers, which help the crew hump and 25 humps per second."@en . . "The allotted time and the size of the success area will vary, depending on the type of plasma. It is not always necessary to click on the first swipe, unless there simply isn't enough time. The orange bar will move back and forth along the path until either you stop it, or time runs out."@en . . . "He will give you either vague or completely obvious advice. His fortune telling usually costs 10 ryo."@en . . . . . "Su-"@es . . "Andere"@de . . . "This theme was originally planned to just be a rip of brushed-metal in green, but it has since evolved. Since this is my first theme, I used the actual theme.jl from brushed-metal, but i have since modified it to fit my theme. I'm giving credit where credit is due; thanks whoever wrote brushed-metal :)"@en . "Various"@en . . "Plasma is a type of energy weapon used by the Advent. It is found on a variety of vessels, as well as on the Advent's Transcencia Star Base. Plasma is ionized gas, generally superheated; it appears that Advent weapons fire gouts of plasma to melt enemy hulls. Plasma cannons generally deal more damage than Laser, but also have a slower rate of fire. Increases in the amount of damage caused can be researched in the Hostility Tree. An increase in the rate of fire can also be researched and a further increase in the amount of damage caused by their Star Base can be researched in the Security Tree."@en . . "Plasma ist der vierte, hochenergetische Aggregatzustand von Materie.thumb|Blitze bestehen aus Plasma"@de . . . "Plasma es una de las Habilidades de copia de Kirby y se parece mucho a L\u00E1ser. No hay que confundirla con Chispazo porque no es lo mismo al 100% ya que Chispazo lo que hace es crear una barrera el\u00E9ctrica alrededor de Kirby y Plasma lanza plasma y puede crear una barrera plasm\u00E1tica solo que m\u00E1s peque\u00F1a y menos potente. Es la segunda habilidad m\u00E1s r\u00E1pida para el verdadero coliseo de Kirby Super Star Ultra en 4:57 minutos, despu\u00E9s Martillo con 3:42 minutos. Si mueves r\u00E1pidamente los controles se cargar\u00E1 el ataque, al cargarse al m\u00E1ximo Kirby se cubrir\u00E1 con una capa de electricidad que da\u00F1a a los enemigos por lo que es un buen m\u00E9todo de defensa, sin embargo si no te mueves al tiempo se debilita la capa hasta desaparecer y va perdiendo potencia y el escudo. Hoy en d\u00EDa, Plasma es sustituido por Chispazo."@es . "Plasma"@cs . "Silver"@fi . "DarkOrange"@fi . . . . "Material"@en . "None."@en . . . "Makuta"@de . . "Nel Plasma, come nell'Aria Congelante, l'Influenza Cosmica agisce sulla velocit\u00E0 degli elettroni. Questo potere aumenta la velocit\u00E0 di rivoluzione dell'elettrone attorno al nucleo con diversi risultati: 1. \n* si ha innanzitutto un aumento della temperatura e una produzione di calore. 2. \n* il bersaglio pu\u00F2 poi fondere/sublimare o incendiarsi. 3. \n* se il bersaglio \u00E8 l'aria, la fiammata creata pu\u00F2 essere manipolata e indirizzata contro un avversario."@it . . . . . . . "10"^^ . . . "-"@en . . "-"@en . . "This map shows exactly which systems have each kind of plasma. Those represented by a white sphere do not have any plasma at all."@en . . . . "Foul"@en . "El t\u00E9rmino plasma se puede referir a: \n* la tecnolog\u00EDa de plasma, \n* el sistema de defensa ca\u00F1\u00F3n de plasma."@es . "El Consorcio Zann utilizaba varias naves y veh\u00EDculos equipados con ca\u00F1ones de plasma dise\u00F1ados para disparar dos tiros en espiral alrededor de la otra y causar un da\u00F1o masivo. Las naves Yuuzhan vong disparaban bolas de plasma. Los Blaster y disruptores disparaban plasma magn\u00E9ticamente contenido. En las minas en Oovo 4 una herramienta llamada Gasificador convert\u00EDa la roca en plasma. Los sables de luz tambi\u00E9n se hicieron de plasma."@es . . . . . . . . "35"^^ . . . . . "Death Has Its Applications"@en . "Plasma"@fr . . . "Jason Hight"@en . . . . . . . . . "\u30B9\u30D1\u30FC\u30AF"@de . . . . "The Covenant military uses plasma as a weapon form to great effect, containing and guiding it in the form of a single bolt, beam, or continuous stream. Plasma-based weapons are the most common armament of Covenant infantry and vehicular forces, and the main armament of their warships, dominating almost the entire weapon arsenal. Small arms are designed to deplete shielding or melt infantry armor, while heavier weapons can destroy vehicles or buildings. The largest are mounted onto capital ships and are used for orbital bombardment and ship-to-ship combat, and can reduce a ship's hull to a pile of molten metal floating in space. When a plasma weapon is charging, a high quantity of beta particle radiation is emitted. For industrial applications, the Covenant terraforms planets as to convert "@en . "Leila O'Toole; Leila O'Toole from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 3 5.jpg"@en . . . "Electric Shock"@en . . . "Sup\u0101ku / Purazuma"@de . . "Plasma is one of the many secondary Elemental Powers."@en . "10"^^ . . . . . . "Plasma"@es . . "33"^^ . "Plasma, was an Elemental Power wielded by several different species within the Matoran Universe."@en . . "All plasmas have one thing in common: plasmas are not affected by gravity, wind, or air, of any direction or power. However, they can move, but every type of plasma moves according to its own pattern. \n* Charged laser moves depending on the direction of the mouse. If the mouse is pointing left, then the charged laser will move left until something stops it. When interacting with metal or mercury, the charged laser will change direction depending on the location of pixels of the mirror. The changes will only occur depending on the eight possible formations of the mirror directly next to the laser. \n* Thunder moves in a pre-set pattern depending on where it was created. The pattern looks somewhat like a lighting bolt. This can be best seen when on BG-TG. When charged thunder leaves metal"@en . "Plasma is the liquid component of blood. It is produced by taking whole blood and, by using a centrifuge, separating out the red blood cells, white blood cells and antibodies. Plasma has advantages over both a whole blood transfusion and using intravenous saline. Unlike whole blood, it does not have to be typed before a transfusion. It also stores for longer periods than whole blood. Unlike saline, it is likely not to displace blood cells or put additional stress on the kidneys."@en . "Die Plasma-F\u00E4higkeit, oder auch Elektro-F\u00E4higkeit genannt, kann Kirby bekommen, wenn er einen elektrischen Gegner wie Plasma Wisp, Britzzel oder Master Green einsaugt. Mit dieser F\u00E4higkeit kann Kirby ein Elektrofeld um sich aufbauen und so seinen Gegnern elektrische Schl\u00E4ge verpassen. Aber Kirby muss sich immer aufladen. Im Anime erh\u00E4lt Kirby die F\u00E4higkeit, indem er z.B. Squishys Stromattacke oder entweichende Elektrizit\u00E4t einsaugt."@de . . . . . . "[[Kuva:Pahrak-Kal Plasma.png|thumb|right|300px|Pahrak-Kal omien Plasmavoimiensa nielaisemana.]] Plasma on yksi Bionicle-maailman elementeist\u00E4."@fi . . "Plasma"@en . . . "El Consorcio Zann utilizaba varias naves y veh\u00EDculos equipados con ca\u00F1ones de plasma dise\u00F1ados para disparar dos tiros en espiral alrededor de la otra y causar un da\u00F1o masivo. Las naves Yuuzhan vong disparaban bolas de plasma. Los Blaster y disruptores disparaban plasma magn\u00E9ticamente contenido. En las minas en Oovo 4 una herramienta llamada Gasificador convert\u00EDa la roca en plasma. Los sables de luz tambi\u00E9n se hicieron de plasma."@es . . "28"^^ . . . . "A Vampire drinking a Plasma pack"@en . "Plasma is sucked like crack by fregeni vampires and is then sold and a $%^%$#$%^%$#$%^&ing price to star fleet to run their ships impulse humpers, which help the crew hump and 25 humps per second."@en . . "Alita's debut use of plasma against Makaku in Battle 5."@en . "Plasma is the Sim-equivalent of blood. It is used by vampires in The Sims 3: Late Night and The Sims 4: Vampires to satisfy their thirst motive, which they have instead of hunger."@en . "He will give you either vague or completely obvious advice. His fortune telling usually costs 10 ryo."@en . "El Plasma es un estado de la materia en la que no existen enlaces intramoleculares."@es . "Plasma Wisp"@en . . . . . . . . "Plasma on yksi Bionicle-maailman elementeist\u00E4. Sen etuliite on Pla."@fi . . "Member of Recios"@en . . "Plasma"@en . "275"^^ . "In fact, Plasma is not a person at all, but a focused energy field that is controlled by his \"sidekick\", Arnem Abacus. Plasma was an idea of Richard Elson that was tweaked by Nigel Kitching so that it would work in a story."@en . . "Platinum crown with a greenish blue gem at the crest with large plumes of yellow-green plasma. Kirby turns pale in Kirby Super Star and green in its remake."@en . "Plasma is an used by Once-King Dalton in Chrono Trigger. He and the Tech are exclusive to the DS version of the game."@en . . . . "3"^^ . "7"^^ . . . . . "Plasma"@es . . "Plasma ist der vierte, hochenergetische Aggregatzustand von Materie.thumb|Blitze bestehen aus Plasma"@de . . . . "Plasma"@es . . "Plasma"@es . . . . "Plasma was an Elemental Power."@en . . "1.9"^^ . . . "Comic Plasma.png"@de . . . . . . . . . "\uD50C\uB77C\uC988\uB9C8"@fr . "5"^^ . "Plasma is a class of weapons in Random Kingdom. Special rules apply to Plasma weapons. The way plasma weapons function has been taken from the SML3 Plasma Rifle in Oni: plasma is encased in a magnetic field that is then accelerated in the direction of firing. When colliding with solid matter, the magnetic field collapses and the plasma gets in contact with the matter, inflicting damage (Note that the method of encasing energy in a magnetic field and inflicting damage through the magnetic field collapsing upon impact is also present in the RaySaber, the functionality of which was taken from Gundam). Although this principle is nigh-universal, some plasma weapons employ, or allow to employ, it in different ways - projecting streams of plasma in a cone or beam shape, for example."@en . "Plasma is a feature added in the Metal Gear Solid Pack for LittleBigPlanet, and comes directly with later games. Like spikes and electricity, this hazardous device will kill you on contact. It looks a lot like electricity, except there is more moving white on plasma than electricity. This appears in many of the Metal Gear Solid levels in the form of the plasma turrets. In LittleBigPlanet 2, the player can now change material to have the properties of plasma. You can also change its color to fit in with the style of the scene."@en . "Phys x1 hit, 1 enemy"@en . . . . "Fiend"@en . "Plasma ist einer der vielen Elementarkr\u00E4fte im Matoraner-Universum. Plasma wird durch die Farben Orange und Wei\u00DF repr\u00E4sentiert."@de . . . . . "Plasma is the fourth state of matter. It is actually gases that are stripped of their electrons, becoming ionised gas. This kind of plasma are not those that you find in your plasma televsion. They are very rare and are only found in extreme temperatures, like outer space."@en . . . . . . "None"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "172"^^ . "Plasma is a creature made solely of positive ions and electrons. Manifested by the control box held by Arnem Abacus, Plasma was ordered to guard the prisons of the Metropolis Zone to ensure the prisoners were taken to a Badnik Processing Plant. His attentions turned to Sonic the Hedgehog when Sonic, Amy Rose and Johnny Lightfoot broke the citizens out of jail. Being made of energy, Sonic found it impossible to touch Plasma, yet could be subjected by Plasma's energy attacks. He was eventually defeated when Amy attacked Abacus and destroyed the control box. Plasma was revived by Doctor Robotnik when he was a God, but the creature still needed Abacus to keep him alive. It was the collision between himself and Commander Brutus that condemned himself and his villainous colleagues to an early grave. In this guise, Plasma had white eyes, as opposed to his earlier red-eyed appearance. He returned one more time (with red eyes) as a foe summoned by Violet Witchbrew to terrorise her native Hill Top Zone. Sonic and Tails prepared to fight Plasma (and many other enemies) but Plasma was erased by Agiatha Witchbrew. Arnem could not be seen this time, although he may have been obscured by a Trooper blockade. A sentence of graffiti appeared on a pin-up in the Christmas Special 2012, quoting Plasma's \"I am Plasma, master of electrons\" quote in his original story. Its appearance suggests that Plasma may have been revived during Robotnik's new invasion of Mobius. This theory was given more ground when a poster of him appeared on the side of a skyscraper in the Metropolis Zone."@en . . . . . . . "center"@de . . . . . . . . "Primario: Naranjo"@es . . "In fact, Plasma is not a person at all, but a focused energy field that is controlled by his \"sidekick\", Arnem Abacus. Plasma was an idea of Richard Elson that was tweaked by Nigel Kitching so that it would work in a story."@en . . . . . "Plasma"@en . "Member of Recios"@en . . "-"@en . . . . . . . "Plasma, was an Elemental Power wielded by several different species within the Matoran Universe."@en . . . . . "Toa"@de . . "Plasma"@fi . . . . . . . "Plasma"@en . . . . . "Plasma is an ionized gaseous state of matter, which is commonly observed in arcs of electricity traveling through matter. In the plasma stage, matter can reach temperatures of over 3 million Kelvin and thus can't be contained in normal containers. Instead the plasma is usually contained with magnetic force fields used in plasma canisters and plasma infusers. The plasma can then be transferred through EPS conduits found in a starship's power transfer grid. (TNG reference: Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual) In 2254 the IKS Varchas was able to follow a plasma trail from the damaged shuttlecraft Icarus to its crashsite on the planet Prairie. (EV comic: \"The Flat, Gold Forever\")"@en . "All Opponents"@en . "Plasma is a class of weapons in Random Kingdom. Special rules apply to Plasma weapons. The way plasma weapons function has been taken from the SML3 Plasma Rifle in Oni: plasma is encased in a magnetic field that is then accelerated in the direction of firing. When colliding with solid matter, the magnetic field collapses and the plasma gets in contact with the matter, inflicting damage (Note that the method of encasing energy in a magnetic field and inflicting damage through the magnetic field collapsing upon impact is also present in the RaySaber, the functionality of which was taken from Gundam). Although this principle is nigh-universal, some plasma weapons employ, or allow to employ, it in different ways - projecting streams of plasma in a cone or beam shape, for example. Plasma weapons's accuracy is counted under the gunnery skill, as the projectile travels in a straight line. The damage inflicted by plasma weapons has an effectiveness profile similar to that of Fire damage (with which it shares other characteristics), but materials more resitant to fire, such as brick or metal, are far less durable against plasma damage, likely because of the greater heat."@en . "Es un alien echo de plasma, puede controlar el plasma, Plasma es de la misma especie y planeta que Mega Ca\u00F1on y eso que tienen mucha diferencia"@es . "Plasma is the liquid component of blood. It is produced by taking whole blood and, by using a centrifuge, separating out the red blood cells, white blood cells and antibodies. Plasma has advantages over both a whole blood transfusion and using intravenous saline. Unlike whole blood, it does not have to be typed before a transfusion. It also stores for longer periods than whole blood. Unlike saline, it is likely not to displace blood cells or put additional stress on the kidneys."@en . . . . . "Plasma is one of the five fundamental energy types."@en . "Plasma on yksi Bionicle-maailman elementeist\u00E4. Sen etuliite on Pla."@fi . . "Plasma"@sv . "Plasma is the Sim-equivalent of blood. It is used by vampires in The Sims 3: Late Night and The Sims 4: Vampires to satisfy their thirst motive, which they have instead of hunger."@en . . . . . . "Plasmas are an alien race.They come from their planet which is Plasm.Their primary power is telekinesis.They are very intelligent species.they have telepathy,time travel,teleportation abilities.They can also give out an energy that work like electricity,they can harm or even heal people.Plasmas are dark blue in color and and have a third eye which can give off a very strong beam capable of destroying anything."@en . . . "28"^^ . . . . . . "Plasma"@de . "El Plasma es un estado de la materia en la que no existen enlaces intramoleculares."@es . . . . . . . . "Xita - Rotten Trees."@en . "Plasma (\u30D7\u30E9\u30BA\u30DE Purazuma?) is a superheated high energy matter that can be used by several characters. It is one of the most destructive capabilities to appear in the series and is nearly impossible to defend against unless the target can generate an electromagnetic field."@en . . . "Los Plasmas son esp\u00EDritus malignos que se manifiestan a trav\u00E9s de la electricidad y los rayos, por lo general en forma de murci\u00E9lagos-c\u00EDclopes gigantes. Tienen la capacidad de adoptar la forma de su adversario, lo que les permite copiar su comportamiento, acciones e incluso ataques. Entre otras cosas, son destacables por la sorprendente habilidad de dividirse en dos individuos id\u00E9nticos, cada uno con poderes completos, aunque esto suele ocurrir s\u00F3lo cuando son atacados con una espada; la \u00FAnica forma segura para evitar esta multiplicaci\u00F3n es eliminar todos los Plasmas presentes al mismo tiempo. Son inmunes a la Nightmare-\u03B2 debido a su capacidad de manipular la energ\u00EDa del ambiente, permiti\u00E9ndoles refractar la luz. Por motivos similares, son pr\u00E1cticamente inmunes a Alastor. frame|plasma"@es . . . . . . . "5"^^ . . . "Plasma is somewhat similar to Spark in the sense that the two abilities focus on green electricity/plasma. The differences between the two is similar to the Freeze and Ice abilities (or the Fire and Burning abilities) in that the two abilities have different styles of attack. Plasma would be a more projectile attack, while Spark is more stationary. As of Kirby: Squeak Squad, however, the Spark ability has shown elements of Plasma, such as rotating the +Control Pad to build up an electrical blast that can pass through walls and damage enemies."@en . "Das Plasma ist der vierte Aggregatzustand, den Materie annehmen kann. Wenn man Materie nach dem Erreichen des Siedepunktes weiter Energie zuf\u00FChrt, dann wird es erst zu einem ionisiertem Gas und dann zu sogenanntem Plasma. In diesem Zustand l\u00F6sen sich die Elektronen vollst\u00E4ndig vom Atomkern und bewegen sich frei durch die Materie. Demzufolge kann man Plasma als vollst\u00E4ndig ionisiertes Gas betrachten. (Star Trek VI: Das unentdeckte Land) Man kann es aufgrund der gro\u00DFen Temperatur nicht durch normale Leitungen leiten, sondern muss es durch ein Magnetfeld, welches von Feldspulen in den Leitungsw\u00E4nden ausgeht, ber\u00FChrungsfrei leiten. Dies geschieht zum Beispiel mit dem Warpplasma, welches Deuteriumplasma ist, aus dem Warpkern, das mittels besonders leistungsf\u00E4higer Plasmaleitungen in die Warpgondeln gef\u00FChrt wird. (TNG: , ) Der Rest des Raumschiffes wird meist unabh\u00E4ngig davon mit Energie aus dem Impulsreaktor versorgt, welcher auch dem Impulsantrieb Energie liefert. Diese Energie wird \u00FCber das Elektroplasma-Verteilernetzwerk geleitet. In der F\u00F6deration wird das Wasserstoff-Isotop Deuterium verwendet. (VOY: , ) 2376 vermutet Seven of Nine, dass Plasmafl\u00F6he die USS Voyager infiziert haben und dort nach ihrer Nahrungsquelle Plasma suchen. (VOY: )"@de . "Electric Charge"@en . . . . . . . "Ich bin vielleicht geladen! ZZT! BRRRRZZZT! FRITZEL! BRZZZT!"@de . "Pahrak-Kal"@de . . . "Matoraner"@de . "\u30B9\u30D1\u30FC\u30AF / \u30D7\u30E9\u30BA\u30DE"@de . "Plasma is a creature made solely of positive ions and electrons. Manifested by the control box held by Arnem Abacus, Plasma was ordered to guard the prisons of the Metropolis Zone to ensure the prisoners were taken to a Badnik Processing Plant. His attentions turned to Sonic the Hedgehog when Sonic, Amy Rose and Johnny Lightfoot broke the citizens out of jail. Being made of energy, Sonic found it impossible to touch Plasma, yet could be subjected by Plasma's energy attacks. He was eventually defeated when Amy attacked Abacus and destroyed the control box."@en . . "This theme was originally planned to just be a rip of brushed-metal in green, but it has since evolved. Since this is my first theme, I used the actual theme.jl from brushed-metal, but i have since modified it to fit my theme. I'm giving credit where credit is due; thanks whoever wrote brushed-metal :)"@en . "Plasma"@en . . . . "Oranssi, hopea tai punainen"@fi . . . . . "Plasma is one of the five fundamental energy types."@en . "Plasma es un Elemento en el Universo Matoran."@es . . . . . . . . "Spark"@de . "Plasma is an energy carrying substance and transmission device in The Lower Elements. Even for the advanced technologies of Haven, Plasma is only used in a few very large and wealthy businesses, such as Koboi Labs. It also might be used in Police Plaza. It is used to power the DNA cannons in Koboi labs and presumably police plaza. It is hinted that it is radioactive as in the Arctic incident Mulch Diggums refers to it as so much radioactive slop when deactivated."@en . . . "Unbekannt"@de . . . . "Plasma is somewhat similar to Spark in the sense that the two abilities focus on green electricity/plasma. The differences between the two is similar to the Freeze and Ice abilities (or the Fire and Burning abilities) in that the two abilities have different styles of attack. Plasma would be a more projectile attack, while Spark is more stationary. As of Kirby: Squeak Squad, however, the Spark ability has shown elements of Plasma, such as rotating the +Control Pad to build up an electrical blast that can pass through walls and damage enemies. Unlike other abilities, Kirby stores up energy every time the +Control Pad is pressed. As more power builds, the stronger the projectile Kirby will fire, and at maximum power Kirby's body begins to glow, covered in an electrical \"shield\". If the shield is not fired it acts as a force field that protects him from projectiles, enemies, and other such baddies. At full charge, Plasma Wave's range is essentially infinite, and the projectile travels until it hits an enemy or wall. This makes it the furthest-hitting copy ability in the game, not counting single-use ones like Crash, or Magic in Kirby & The Amazing Mirror. Kirby passively loses one charge per second if he has any built up. When any projectile is fired, all the built-up charges are expended. To gather charges without actually moving, have Kirby guard to fix his position, then press the directional buttons. In Kirby Super Star, Kirby stores one charge per +Control Pad button pressed; Kirby Super Star registers simultaneous button presses as distinct, so up/left, down/right, etc. would count as 2 charges each. However, in Kirby Super Star Ultra, he stores one charge each time the player presses +Control Pad buttons. Thus, Kirby Super Star Ultra would count those simultaneous inputs as 1 charge each, halving the effective speed in which Plasma can be charged. This has a significant effect on Plasma's power in both games; in Kirby Super Star, it is considered very desirable to have against bosses, while in Kirby Super Star Ultra, it is used more often on the field. Plasma does not exhibit passive charge loss nor give the Plasma Shield at full charge in Kirby Air Ride, and Kirby cannot charge the Air Ride Machine without firing the full charge built up on the gauge, since both actions share the same button. Plasma's attacks were merged into the Spark ability in Kirby's Return to Dream Land; Spark now possesses several of Plasma's attacks, including the Plasma Barrier and Wave Cannon at full charge. The name of the ability, Plasma, is derived from the real-life state of matter with the same name, usually an ionized gas with unique properties. Strong electrical charges are often associated with it."@en . . . . . "None"@en . . . "Plasmas are an alien race.They come from their planet which is Plasm.Their primary power is telekinesis.They are very intelligent species.they have telepathy,time travel,teleportation abilities.They can also give out an energy that work like electricity,they can harm or even heal people.Plasmas are dark blue in color and and have a third eye which can give off a very strong beam capable of destroying anything."@en . . "Resist: Poison/Sick"@en . "Plasma ist einer der vielen Elementarkr\u00E4fte im Matoraner-Universum. Plasma wird durch die Farben Orange und Wei\u00DF repr\u00E4sentiert."@de . . . "Plasma is an used by Once-King Dalton in Chrono Trigger. He and the Tech are exclusive to the DS version of the game."@en . . . "Plasma is super-heated, ionized gas such as that found in a solar flare or fusion reactor."@en . "Le Plasma est une \u00E9nergie utilis\u00E9e \u00E0 des fins offensives, comme le Laser. Le Plasma est une \u00E9nergie qui appara\u00EEt dans toute la s\u00E9rie Fallout."@fr . "Drain"@en . "5"^^ . "Nel Plasma, come nell'Aria Congelante, l'Influenza Cosmica agisce sulla velocit\u00E0 degli elettroni. Questo potere aumenta la velocit\u00E0 di rivoluzione dell'elettrone attorno al nucleo con diversi risultati: 1. \n* si ha innanzitutto un aumento della temperatura e una produzione di calore. 2. \n* il bersaglio pu\u00F2 poi fondere/sublimare o incendiarsi. 3. \n* se il bersaglio \u00E8 l'aria, la fiammata creata pu\u00F2 essere manipolata e indirizzata contro un avversario. A seconda della velocit\u00E0 dell'esecuzione e del calore generato, il processo pu\u00F2 arrestarsi a uno dei passaggi di stato, alla combustione o spingersi fino alla generazione di plasma. Padroneggiano una tecnica, \u00E8 possibile creare delle correnti convettive che spostano il processo (o l'effetto) verso un bersaglio specifico in un raggio pi\u00F9 o meno ampio."@it . . . . "Plasma"@es . . . . . . . "Le Plasma est une \u00E9nergie utilis\u00E9e \u00E0 des fins offensives, comme le Laser. Le Plasma est une \u00E9nergie qui appara\u00EEt dans toute la s\u00E9rie Fallout."@fr . . . "\u30D7\u30E9\u30BA\u30DE"@fr . . "Orange, Wei\u00DF"@de . . "\u30D7\u30E9\u30BA\u30DE"@en . . "Das Wort Plasma (griechisch: ) hat mehrere Bedeutungen: \n* In der Medizin versteht man unter dem Plasma den Teil des Blutes, in dem die roten und wei\u00DFen Blutk\u00F6rperchen schwimmen (Blutplasma). \n* In der Physik ein vollst\u00E4ndig oder teilweise ionisiertes Gas, siehe Plasma (Physik). \n* Desweiteren ist es eine, orthographisch nicht ganz korrekte, Aufforderung zur Einleitung des oralen Gechlechtsverkehrs"@de . . . . . . "One of the four states of matter, plasma physics deals with it. It is a state born from when gases are heated and the particles become charged, becoming negative or positive ions. Most of what has been learned has been thanks to nuclear fusion, and the research has advanced fields ranging from computers, space physics, lighting, and lasers."@en . "Los Plasmas son esp\u00EDritus malignos que se manifiestan a trav\u00E9s de la electricidad y los rayos, por lo general en forma de murci\u00E9lagos-c\u00EDclopes gigantes. Tienen la capacidad de adoptar la forma de su adversario, lo que les permite copiar su comportamiento, acciones e incluso ataques. Entre otras cosas, son destacables por la sorprendente habilidad de dividirse en dos individuos id\u00E9nticos, cada uno con poderes completos, aunque esto suele ocurrir s\u00F3lo cuando son atacados con una espada; la \u00FAnica forma segura para evitar esta multiplicaci\u00F3n es eliminar todos los Plasmas presentes al mismo tiempo. Son inmunes a la Nightmare-\u03B2 debido a su capacidad de manipular la energ\u00EDa del ambiente, permiti\u00E9ndoles refractar la luz. Por motivos similares, son pr\u00E1cticamente inmunes a Alastor. frame|plasma"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "39"^^ . . . . "Plasma"@it . . . "Plasma (\u30D7\u30E9\u30BA\u30DE Purazuma?) is a superheated high energy matter that can be used by several characters. It is one of the most destructive capabilities to appear in the series and is nearly impossible to defend against unless the target can generate an electromagnetic field."@en . . "M\u00E4nnlich"@de . . . . "-"@en . . "Spark"@de . . . . "All plasmas have one thing in common: plasmas are not affected by gravity, wind, or air, of any direction or power. However, they can move, but every type of plasma moves according to its own pattern. \n* Charged laser moves depending on the direction of the mouse. If the mouse is pointing left, then the charged laser will move left until something stops it. When interacting with metal or mercury, the charged laser will change direction depending on the location of pixels of the mirror. The changes will only occur depending on the eight possible formations of the mirror directly next to the laser. \n* Thunder moves in a pre-set pattern depending on where it was created. The pattern looks somewhat like a lighting bolt. This can be best seen when on BG-TG. When charged thunder leaves metal or mercury, the pattern resets from where it exited. \n* Charged thunder moves in a clockwise formation through metal or mercury. If a there is no metal or mercury to travel through when it turns in a clockwise direction (such that if it turns when it hits empty space or another element, the direction it turns to also contains empty space or another element), it will turn in a counterclockwise direction. If there is no metal or mercury in either direction, the charged thunder will exit and become thunder. \n* Charged ant has 9 different types of movement, and the third and eighth are most common and similar to the Langton's Ant. Another special type of movement is when ant burrows through another substance of which it is not charged. All information gathered on the movement of charged ant is gathered in the \"Ant\" article. When loaded, all charged elements become uncharged and all plasmas reset as if they were drawn on their given locations."@en . "Plasma"@es . "One of the four states of matter, plasma physics deals with it. It is a state born from when gases are heated and the particles become charged, becoming negative or positive ions. Most of what has been learned has been thanks to nuclear fusion, and the research has advanced fields ranging from computers, space physics, lighting, and lasers."@en . "Secundario: Blanco"@es . . . . . . "42"^^ . . "Plasma is the brawler from vestroia, ressurected by naga separating the cores, and fell from the warphole in a block of metal obsidian cerrofoam(vestroian darkus metal intended for armour),which became his Full-Body armour later on.he was one of the few who was born on vestroia.he first uses Hydranoid,which evolves into Dual Hydranoid, then Alpha Hydranoid,and then evolutes it into Hadesnoid,fusing it with the darkus attribute energy that he had once seen.he is currently the leader of Team Alpha,which is a group of vestroians.the attribute energy was given back to Exedra After Hadesnoid evolved.His Brothers are"@en . "Plasma is a feature added in the Metal Gear Solid Pack for LittleBigPlanet, and comes directly with later games. Like spikes and electricity, this hazardous device will kill you on contact. It looks a lot like electricity, except there is more moving white on plasma than electricity. This appears in many of the Metal Gear Solid levels in the form of the plasma turrets. In LittleBigPlanet 2, the player can now change material to have the properties of plasma. You can also change its color to fit in with the style of the scene."@en . "PLASMA ; is considered to be 4th state of matter which came into existence througn bose einsten condensate. it is considered to be a fast moving particle"@en . "Plasma"@en . . . . . . . "Plasma"@de . "Plasma.png"@de . "179"^^ . . . "*Matoraner\n*Toa\n*Turaga\n*Pahrak-Kal\n*Makuta\n*Rahkshi"@de . . . "37"^^ . "Resist"@en . . "Plasma nebo elektro-plasma je druh energie, kter\u00E1 se vyu\u017E\u00EDv\u00E1 jak v syst\u00E9mu warp pohonu, tak t\u0159eba ve zbran\u00EDch, ale plasma existuje ve vesm\u00EDru v r\u016Fzn\u00FDch a \u010Dasto velmi odli\u0161n\u00FDch form\u00E1ch. Plasma tvo\u0159\u00ED tak\u00E9 konven\u010Dn\u00ED slune\u010Dn\u00ED v\u00EDtr, \u010Di mlhoviny a v\u0161ak jde o r\u016Fzn\u00E9 druhy plasmy."@cs . "5"^^ . . "Plasma is the fourth state of matter. It is actually gases that are stripped of their electrons, becoming ionised gas. This kind of plasma are not those that you find in your plasma televsion. They are very rare and are only found in extreme temperatures, like outer space."@en .