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And you, I couldn't have pulled this off without your help. You could call it that. Just find a way for us to move forward. Remember, Southwest is best. {Implying the person you're speaking to took care of Hancock. / Neutral} So, I heard someone finally took care of Hancock. Weight off my shoulders, that's for damn sure. {Defeated / Depressed} Let's go. Now let's split before the girl changes her mind. Got yourself into trouble again, Mel? Its a simple job, really. {Entering combat again with an enemy you'd lost track of. / Neutral} You again. That big wall of glass looming over Diamond City is the mayor's office. Lead the way, tough gal. {Neutral} Might be best if we weren't seen together for a while. Wouldn't want to draw any undue attention. {Starting combat, ordering the player to fight} Make yourselves useful! I'll give you 50 caps to start. {Impressed} That's what I'm talking about. {Convincing yourself you didn't see an enemy nearby. / Neutral} Hmm. Probably nothing... That's what I like to hear. Our target is to the Southwest, but we may have to do some winding to get there. {Worried} But you can take whatever you want from this place. Don't expect I'll be able to bring any of it with... wherever I'm goin'. Thing is, he's a bit locked up right now. If I'm wrong, oh well. We find another way. {Standing firm} That's the most I'm gonna give. {Amused} Hancock's dead and we've got his money. Talk about living the life. Alright, we're all here. {Devastated, you were working towards this and you lost it. / Depressed} Well shit. You're right. Mel, you wanna introduce your little friend? {Worried} But if I got found out this quick, I can't exactly stick around, now can I? And that means I need these caps more than you. {Not impressed with the player's joke} Funny. Well, you'll get plenty of exercise here. {Giving up on your dreams / Depressed} I'm not one to give up, but I know when I'm outmatched. There you are. Was wondering if you were going to show up. {Puzzled} Huh. Hadn't thought about where I might go. I heard the Capitol Wastes are... well, they aren't here. {Somewhat skeptical about seeing the player after completing the job together. / Neutral} Look who's back. {Neutral} Hey. {Nervous} Don't worry about it. We are so close, here. Looks like this could be it. Let's meet up in that chamber. {Taken aback by your outburst, composing self} ...But, uh, forget about all that. We have a job to do. I have some things to check on in Diamond City. Thanks again for your help. We couldn't have done it without ya. {Angry at having to repeat yourself} And that is the last time I'm saying it. {Irritated} I am paying you to do a job. You don't like it, you can leave. Well, then make it so. Mel, you think your robot will work here? {Entering combat again with an enemy you'd lost track of. / Neutral} Back again, huh? {Neutral} Good. No need to resort to something stupid. {Amused} Never thought we'd get the best of 'ol Hancock. Trust me, there will be much more later on. Just take the 50 caps. {Neutral} I assume you're here on behalf of that violent, old Ghoul. But I want to hear it from your lips. {Question} Aren't you the little mercenary. And what exactly are you planning to do? {Getting excited.} We're getting really close. I'm digging a tunnel in my basement. Get him out of there. He's just the guy we need to speed things along. You'll get over it. {Nervous} Yeah, about that. As Mel guessed, this isn't the Diamond City strongroom. Mel says we'll be able to get to the strongroom ten times faster than just digging. You have to get him out of there. I can't just stroll into Diamond City Security with this face. Covered or not. I think the one robot is enough, Mel. Trust me. I'll do whatever it takes to pull this job. An old friend. He'll want a fair cut, but we saw where being cheap got me. {Pitching} Its good work. Under the supervision of the best boss you'll ever have. {Concerned you might've heard an enemy. / Concerned} The hell was that? Curious type, eh? Alright, I'll spell it out for ya. The guy can make a gadget to solve any problem. Jeez, I gotta watch out for this one. You can make another robot with the haul we get from the strongroom. The guy has it coming if you ask me. With how he treats my kind, maybe he deserves worse. {Yelling for help, angry they aren't coming faster} The boss is in trouble! {Firm, but exasperated} Mel, No. {Irritated} Pull yourself together, Mel. Look, we're pulling a job here. Big payoff. Taking some things that aren't technically ours yet. {You've died. / Neutral} Agh! You want a better job, you gotta work your way up to it, buddy. Show me that can-do attitude. {Concerned you might've heard an enemy. / Concerned} Who's there? Trust me, this is the guy we need. It's built into some old locker rooms, and it smells the part. Yes, it's me. I have to hide my face in these parts. It may be more personal than I let on. You're just gonna have to trust me. You are gonna be doing some digging. Sure you can. This isn't some impenetrable fortress. It's a place to lock up pickpockets and rowdy drunks. First, I think it's best if you actually see what we're after. {Disgust} Disgusting. Tough, but somehow slimy at the same time. {Neutral} You're gonna try. {Convincing yourself you didn't see an enemy nearby. / Neutral} Just your imagination, Bobbi... {After killing enemies, cleaning hands off} Let's go. {Surprised to find an enemy nearby. / Surprised} What the... You're fired! Likes gadgets, money, and not much else. Not with the right people. There's a project I'm working on, a big one. One that could get me in lots of trouble if the wrong person finds out. Good to know. {Said flatly, there is no other option. } Yes, it does. There's still plenty to go around in that strongroom, don't you worry. This was not expected, but that doesn't mean I don't have a plan. It's gonna be big. Right now all you need to know is that I will give you an assignment, and you'll do it. {In combat, cocky.} I'm not afraid of you! If I get to take them from a bigot, that's just icing. {Emphasis on 'those' while gesturing towards the door they ran out of. } At least you put up a better fight than those good for nothings. Fine, take 100 up front. 200 He takes orders and he's useful in a fight. What more could I want? {About to fly into a rage, starting combat / Angry} Know what? Fine. More for me! Most people don't know it, but there's a strongroom buried beneath. Mayor's just sitting on top of it. And that's our target. I've been thinking of starting a settlement in Southie, and now that I have the caps I'm gonna do it. Lead the way, tough guy. Interested? {After killing enemies} That's all you got? {Somewhat skeptical about seeing the player after completing the job together. / Question} Back again, huh? You finally gonna share what you're doing down here? Did Hancock send ya? {Impressed} You done good, kid. Enjoy. {Neutral} Take whatever ya want. Someone else'll make off with it if you don't. {Convincing skeptical employees} There is a mountain of caps for the taking here. We just have to work together to get to it. {Irritated} I'm a supervisor, kid. I decide what information is need-to-know and what isn't. I knew I liked you. You should get moving, then. {Sarcastic} I'm flattered. No one likes a brown noser. {Somewhat skeptical about seeing the player after completing the job together. / Suspicious} You know, not that I don't love these little visits, but it gets a Ghoul wondering why you keep popping by. {Annoyed, checking on loud noises / Irritated} What is going on in my tunnel? Your prerogative. No doubt I'll still need the help if you change your mind later. {After killing enemies, to player} Keep moving. People like me aren't allowed around here. {Somewhat skeptical about seeing the player after completing the job together. / Irritated} So, who hired you to track me down? It was Hancock, wasn't it? Hold your horses, buddy. We'll talk downstairs. {Changing the subject} Just keep heading Southwest. We need to find a place to blast out of these tunnels. {In pain, got hit} Ugh! {Nervous} So what? This doesn't change anything. It is still the same job. {Entering combat. / Stern} Oh no. This ain't how I go! I hired you, didn't I? Head over to the Noodle Shop there and I'll meet ya when I finish up my business. It is, and that's why we need some help. The coast clear? Well aren't you an eager beaver? {Anticipation, closer finishing the job} Getting closer... I'm hoping it'll get me past an impenetrable security system and into a big stinking pile of loot. Nice work! {Angry} I haven't come this far to run away with my tail between my legs. We still need a way to get up there, though. So a little discretion is called for. I got a delicate house of cards goin' here. Ya know? {Somewhat skeptical about seeing the player after completing the job together. / Neutral} Well, look who it is? Relax, I'm joking. {Question} That so? And what exactly are you planning to do about it? {Stern} Dumb move, kid. {Angry at having to repeat yourself} Under the Diamond City strongroom. {Irritated} Great, someone else who can't commit to an honest days work. Almost there, guys. Just keep thinking of the caps. All my ideas are good. This is the guy we need. Trust me. {Happy} I'm gonna enjoy spending all this. And I didn't want to get you wrapped up in it unless I had to. {Neutral} But every guy I spoke with was either on his take or just laughed in my face. At this point, though, all I wanna know is what you're planning to do. {Neutral} I already spent a chunk of it, so you're going to have to make up the difference. You're welcome to hock whatever you can carry out of here. Not getting us lost down here would be nice, too. {Grateful} And listen. I appreciate you doing this the civilized way. I won't forget it. Wherever the hell I end up... {Just lost track of an enemy. / Concerned} Hope you stay gone... {Irritated} Which makes this your problem. Not mine. So how are you planning to fix it? {Under accusation, trying to convince the player / Nervous} Listen guys, I know this isn't what you expected. The loot must be in that closed train car. Let's open it up. I may be a lowlife, kid, but I'm not a welcher. Of course you deserve more. You were the linchpin of this operation. It's going to take a lot more than a couple Mirelurks to stop me. Pick a lock, find a key, bribe the guard. The usual stuff. {Caught in a lie / Nervous} Yeah, about that... I'll catch up to ya. Order yourself a bowl of noodles if I get held up. {You hold a grudge against Hancock and his power / Angry} Everyone is so damn afraid of him or so damn in love with him. It won't be hard to prove me wrong. You're killing me here. 150 to start. We're not done yet, are we? She takes orders and she's useful in a fight. What more could I want? {In combat under duress. Angry. } Get your ass over here and help me. {Neutral} Alright, fine, take it. Guess there's no point in hanging onto them if they're just going to get me killed. So, here's the deal. {To yourself, sarcastic} Great, now my socks are wet. {You can feel it in your mouth and it is grossing you out. / Disgust} You'd eat Mirelurk? Ugh, no. It's things we want. Things everyone wants. You get in on this, there's plenty for you. You got it? {Sarcastic / Sarcastic} Good thinking. Let me check it out first. {Overcompensating for the fact you do have a doubt} I don't have a doubt in my mind. Ready to get to work? Now let's get up into that strongroom, shall we? The other two are down there digging already. Go give 'em a hand, will ya? {Annoyed at the player, Impatient} What are you doing talking to me? Do something! {Lying through your teeth} You'll never find a more fair and honest job. {You are immune to radiation poisoning} No flesh off my face, but you two might want to watch out for the radiation around here. Caps. Meds. Food. Enough to keep this city running. So you enjoyed yourself? Maybe we don't need to give you your cut then. If you don't mind a little manual labor and don't ask too many questions, you're in. {Under accusation, trying to convince the player / Nervous} Help me take her out and all of it is ours. {In combat, angry and in pain, just got hit / InPain} Ergh. {In combat, confident} This'll be easy. Die already. {Caught in a lie, laughing it off / Nervous} Don't listen to her. {Irritated} We don't need that thing anymore anyway. Hey you. Looking for work? {Scolding} Keep your head in the game. I'm counting on you to make sure nothing that wants to eat us gets its way. Let's just say I have beef with the mayor. And it's a helluva lot safer than loading the place up with dynamite. That's why you are my favorite. And now you get paid for it. So quit your whining. So what do ya say we make this party a little bigger? Mel isn't any good to us locked up in Diamond City Security. {Starting combat, ordering the player to fight} Kill them! I've been trying to keep a low profile on this one, Mel. {You hold a grudge against Hancock and his power / Angry} I knew no one in their right mind would help me rip off Hancock. But seriously, lay off the questions. {Exasperated.} Dammit. Well, we don't have a way to get through a wall like that. {Getting excited.} There is a brewery near our strongroom, this has to be the basement to that brewery. Oh, I got lucky with this one. Came right up to my door and took the job. {Irritated} You want to complain or you want your caps? {Just lost track of an enemy. / Question} Where, where'd you go? I like people who don't ask too many questions. Which means so far, I like you. Hopefully I'll keep liking you. {Scolding} How about a little trust for the boss? Now let's use that robot to get us to the Strongroom. {Surprised to find an enemy nearby. / Surprised} Knew someone was there! No problem for someone like you, right? Well there's good news and bad news. We all did our part here. You will get what is owed to you and no more. {Getting angry, stopping yourself / Irritated} Thinks he can keep Bobbi No-Nose on the sidelines... {Somewhat skeptical about seeing the player after completing the job together. / Irritated} Makes me think someone's putting you up to this. It was Hancock, wasn't it? {Rallying the team, excited} Well guys, we're right under the Diamond City strongroom. {Irritated} And you got your caps. Look, I'm a ghoul woman with big ideas, there's no way I could get anything done without ruffling a few feathers. Then we're on the right track. {Neutral} Me? Well, I tried hiring someone with my newfound wealth to put a bullet in that tricorn-wearing clown. You won't regret this. {Under accusation, trying to convince the player / Nervous} But there are still a ton of caps on the line here. {After killing enemies, annoyed the player didn't help more.} C'mon, pull your weight guys. Well now you have. {Defiant} Sorry, partner. You got your caps. You're not getting these ones without a fight. Back again? Looking for work this time? {Enraged and surprised / Angry} You can't do this to me. This isn't how this is supposed to go. {Referring to all the other workers that left / Sarcastic} Well you stuck around at least. This isn't maximum security prison, and it isn't heavily guarded. {Angry} You are either with me or against me. {Irritated} Just starting to get comfy, too. {Entering combat. / Stern} To hell with you! I'll tell you what you need to know when you need to know it. {Defiant} Sorry, partner, but I ain't got no caps to give. So you're just going to have to figure out some other way to appease Hancock. {Sarcastic, player telling you obvious information / Irritated} No, really? Thanks for the news report. {Sarcastic thanks while you clean out your ringing ears} That was loud. Thanks for that, Mel. I managed to track down my tech guy. His name's Mel and he is right here in Diamond City. {In combat, angry and in pain, just got hit} You'll pay for that! So, I guess you're promoted. You get to be my new gun. {Confusion, then realizing you made an unintentional pun. } What? No. {Somewhat skeptical about seeing the player after completing the job together. / Neutral} Makes a Ghoul a bit nervous, though, you showing up here unannounced. Don't get me wrong, the caps are my primary motivation. {To yourself / Impressed} Gotta be tons of dirt on Hancock in here... Now let's get down to business. {Conspiratorial} You mean "we" stole. Well, what are you waiting for? Get digging. Just get him out of there. Here is your share. I like your attitude. Keep moving. The Diamond City strongroom is to the Southwest. {Irritated} Come back when you're done with whatever is so important. Yep. Have a seat. Let's talk. Let's go up there and you all will be thanking me while we count the caps. I think we just need one more guy. Let's go inside. I'll give you the lowdown. That's right. Let's just get up there. I know that you've got the guts to wander outside of the walls. And the fact that you're alive means you're at least borderline competent. {Getting angry. You hold a grudge against Hancock and his power. / Angry} He thinks he is invincible. I wanted to show him he wasn't. Well, I can't really really go back to Goodneighbor now, can I? {Starting combat, ordering the player to fight} What are you waiting for? It's not going to be easy, but that's why we only hire the best sort around here. {Nervous} Shit. {Angry and humiliated} I don't want to talk about it. No one betrays Bobbi No-Nose!
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Player Default: I'll do whatever you need. Player Default: I think I deserve a bigger cut for my role in all this. Player Default: Thanks. Turned out to be fun. Player Default: What would you do in a situation like this? Player Default: I like your attitude. Bobbi: Well you stuck around at least. Player Default: I am going to see this through, Bobbi. Bobbi: Now let's use that robot to get us to the Strongroom. Player Default: He wants me to kill you and bring back his caps, plus damages. Player Default: I knew I liked you. Player Default: What kind of work? Bobbi: We're getting really close. Mel: Give me a shout if you come to a dead end. I'll have Sonya give it a blast. Mel: So, what's the deal with the new guy? Player Default: Depends on the work. Player Default: Looks like we are having crab for dinner tonight. Mel: Oh, no. No. No. Sonya! NPCFBobbiNoNose: Alright, we're all here. Player Default: Of all the ways to make caps, why this? Player Default: Let's get started. Player Default: That's just asking for trouble. Bobbi: Here is your share. Player Default: What does this have to do with Hancock? Mel: I modified her radio systems to emit sonic pulses at frequencies that can loosen any sediment around. Bobbi: I've been trying to keep a low profile on this one, Mel. Player Default: I'm in. Player Default: That sounds impossible. Player Default: You can do better than that. Player Default: Are you going to tell me what we're actually doing? Mel: Brewery, you say? Mel: We won't want to be in the room for this. Collapsing foundation and all. NPCFBobbiNoNose: There you are. Was wondering if you were going to show up. Player Default: I'm gonna need more to go on here. Player Default: Who do you think sent me? Player Default: I don't understand what's going on. Player Default: That job really pissed him off. He wants me to take you out. Fahrenheit: He took you in, Bobbi. And you're stealing from him? Player Default: I trust you, Bobbi. Player Default: So this is all for a good cause. Player Default: What's inside? Bobbi: What? No. Player Default: It doesn't matter who sent me. I'm just here to take back what you stole. Player Default: At least you put up a better fight than those good for nothings. Mel: That didn't sound good. I hope Sonya's ok. Player Default: Relax, I'm joking. NPCFBobbiNoNose: Well, look who it is? Player Default: No one likes a brown noser. Player Default: Trust me, this is the guy we need. Player Default: There is a mountain of caps for the taking here. We just have to work together to get to it. Mel: I've been mapping it out and I think Diamond City should be a little further North of here. Player Default: I'm not sure I trust you know what you're doing. Mel: Looks like a subway tunnel. Player Default: You lied to us, Bobbi. And you have to pay. NPCFBobbiNoNose: So, here's the deal. Bobbi: I managed to track down my tech guy. His name's Mel and he is right here in Diamond City. Player Default: Tell the truth Bobbi, where are we? Player Default: I'm your guy. Player Default: Mel was right. This isn't Diamond City. Player Default: This isn't for me. Player Default: You're not doing anything to help. Mel: Dammit, Bobbi. Player Default: I guess it's not really any of my business, so long as I get paid. Player Default: Just tell me where to go and who to talk to. Mel: Yeah, well I'm just glad we made it through all that alive. Player Default: I'm not sure this is a good idea. Player Default: Yeah. When can I start? Bobbi: You can make another robot with the haul we get from the strongroom. Player Default: That room was filled with Mirelurks. Why didn't you plan for this? Player Default: That room was filled with Mirelurks. Mel: But... Mel: I don't know why I trusted you again, Bobbi, but that was the last time. Player Default: No, I followed you down here for the exercise. Player Default: Hancock shouldn't care about us stealing from Diamond City. Bobbi: Makes a Ghoul a bit nervous, though, you showing up here unannounced. Player Default: Sounds ambitious. Player Default: Who is this guy? Player Default: Make your peace, Bobbi. I'm taking those caps back. Mel: How come it's been so long since we worked together, Bobbi? Player Default: I haven't heard about any job. Bobbi: People like me aren't allowed around here. Mel: What can I say? I learned from the best. Player Default: What's next for you? Player Default: Digging? This is a waste of my talents. Player Default: If you expect me to work for you, I'm going to need more information than that. Mel: We've been through worse jobs than this... Player Default: You don't seem to have a very good reputation. Player Default: Come on Bobbi, at least if we leave now we leave with our lives. Player Default: I can't bust a guy out of jail. Player Default: Not just yet. Player Default: Well, we can find out the answer. Player Default: If you really think we need this guy. Bobbi: Now let's get down to business. Player Default: Your men ran off when they saw the Mirelurks in there. Bobbi: Oh, I got lucky with this one. Came right up to my door and took the job. Player Default: If you leave your caps and run, I'll take them to Hancock and say I put you down. No one has to die. NPCFFahrenheit: Bobbi, what are you doing here? Player Default: No thanks to you. Player Default: Well aren't you an eager beaver? Player Default: What is this about, Bobbi? Why did you lie to us? Player Default: You don't have to worry. I'll figure out some way to make things right with Hancock. Player Default: Mel is right, this can't be Diamond City. Mel: Maybe I can fix one up and... Mel: I see what you did there. Player Default: Just tell me what I need to do. Mel: One blast from Sonya and I bet the floor above would come right down. Player Default: That means less caps for me. Player Default: You can count on me. Player Default: What are we digging for? Buried treasure? Player Default: Tell me about this security office.
Bobbi: If you don't mind a little manual labor and don't ask too many questions, you're in. Bobbi: Yes, it's me. I have to hide my face in these parts. Player Default: Just tell me where to go and who to talk to. Player Default: I am going to see this through, Bobbi. Bobbi: And I didn't want to get you wrapped up in it unless I had to. Player Default: You don't have to worry. I'll figure out some way to make things right with Hancock. Mel: Encouraging. Player Default: If you really think we need this guy. Bobbi: Pick a lock, find a key, bribe the guard. The usual stuff. Bobbi: You are gonna be doing some digging. Player Default: I'm your guy. Mel: What can I say? I learned from the best. Mel: Alright. It wouldn't have taken long. Bobbi: The guy can make a gadget to solve any problem. Bobbi: He takes orders and he's useful in a fight. What more could I want? Mel: Alright guys, get ready. I'm not completely sure how the place will respond. Mel: But... Player Default: Hancock shouldn't care about us stealing from Diamond City. Bobbi: So what do ya say we make this party a little bigger? Player Default: Let's get started. Player Default: Thanks. Turned out to be fun. Player Default: I'm in. Bobbi: Lead the way, tough guy. Bobbi: First, I think it's best if you actually see what we're after. Bobbi: So, who hired you to track me down? It was Hancock, wasn't it? Mel: Yeah, well I'm just glad we made it through all that alive. Fahrenheit: I see the rest of you are in the dark about this. Bobbi: We still need a way to get up there, though. Fahrenheit: You seriously didn't think Hancock would catch wind of your scheme? Player Default: I trust you, Bobbi. Bobbi: Here is your share. Bobbi: That big wall of glass looming over Diamond City is the mayor's office. Mel: I see what you did there. Bobbi: There is a brewery near our strongroom, this has to be the basement to that brewery. Mel: You sure this is the right place? Bobbi: You done good, kid. Enjoy. Player Default: Just tell me what I need to do. Mel: And he's not so bad to look at, either. Player Default: Sounds ambitious. Mel: So, what's the deal with the new guy? Player Default: That room was filled with Mirelurks. Mel: We've been through worse jobs than this... Player Default: He wants me to kill you and bring back his caps, plus damages. Bobbi: Let's go inside. I'll give you the lowdown. Bobbi: The other two are down there digging already. Go give 'em a hand, will ya? Mel: Look at this place. The foundation is already crumbling. Mel: Might as well finish what we started. Bobbi: So, I guess you're promoted. You get to be my new gun. Mel: Give me a shout if you come to a dead end. I'll have Sonya give it a blast. Mel: This is Hancock we're ripping off here. The guy tends to hold grudges. Bobbi: Makes a Ghoul a bit nervous, though, you showing up here unannounced. Bobbi: Mel, you wanna introduce your little friend? Player Default: You can count on me. Mel: What a waste of time. Mel: Just kidding. Geez. Mel: We won't want to be in the room for this. Collapsing foundation and all. Mel: Fahrenheit probably had the key. See if you can find it. Mel: Yup. Meet Sonya. Mel: Brewery, you say? Mel: The thing on this one's wrist has a Geiger counter equipped. I'll just keep my ears open for clicks. Player Default: Yeah. When can I start? Mel: Thank God. Bobbi: Keep your head in the game. Mel: Alright then, everybody clear out. Bobbi: Just keep heading Southwest. We need to find a place to blast out of these tunnels.
14179.0 5200 132412 170000000 1275000000000 132410 132411 0013241C 13241.0 127500000 9223372036854775807 5200.0 72 12750000000 1277 1275 0 14179.0 0015380C 13 11 18 129285 16 129283 129281 747 0005200C 51 52033 15380.0 1886 12770000 5200.0 129 74700 147 127500000000 13241.0 52030 12928.0 0014179C 14179.0 5400 Infinity 5203.0 132418 132419 132417 132430 1275000000 127700000 13240.0 75000
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