. . "Morse code is a method of transmitting messages as a series of on-off tones. An S.O.S. is a radio transmitted distress signal, which is tapped out in morse code. Marvin once suggested that the Krim family may use their abilities to make an object tap out a message in code."@en . "In Jericho, Morse Code is used for messages in the title sequence of the show. (The bold is the episode, and the regular type is the morse code at the title.)"@en . . "Morse Code"@en . "Morse code was a type of data transmission technology that was developed on Earth in the mid-19th Century A.D. Morse code used a combination of dots and dashes to send a message over a distance. In 1903 PD, the basic idea for the morse code was used in the reconnaissance drone technology developed by the Royal Manticoran Navy to send messages in real-time across light hours via grav-pulse. (HH2)"@en . . . "Morse code is a method of transmitting text information as a series of on-off tones, lights, or clicks that can be directly understood by a skilled listener or observer without special equipment."@en . ">\" \" \u2014Bandit's Morse code Morse code is a method of transmitting text information as a series of on-off tones, lights, or clicks that can be directly understood by a skilled listener or observer without special equipment. In Spyro: Shadow Legacy, the armadillo Bandit used the morse code for SOS when he was trapped in the Shadow Realm version of Cliff Town. He thought that Spyro had heard his code when he came to rescue Bandit. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by editing this page for Spyro."@en . . "Luke Smith was proficient in the code. He once used his K9 dog whistle to send a Morse message to Clani, via Mr Smith. (TV: The Man Who Never Was) Harry Sullivan once said he felt \"a bit like a Morse message\" after a broken teleportation via transmat from the space station Nerva to a future Earth. (TV: The Sontaran Experiment) The Tenth Doctor used Morse code when trapped in the disused Lodestar refuelling station on the planet Hurala during the 26th century. He was trapped there for five days, fourteen hours and twenty seven minutes before the Wayfarer landed there and Scrum was able to decipher the SOS message the Doctor was sending out using a spoon. (PROSE: Prisoner of the Daleks) The ghosts on the underwater base the Drum used morse code to contact a submarine, leaving it to the impression that somebody had contacted it to help the base crew escape. (TV: Under the Lake)"@en . . . "In 2152, Hoshi Sato attempted to use Morse code to communicate with Jonathan Archer while she experienced a hallucination during her first experience aboard a transporter. (ENT: \"Vanishing Point\") In 2267, \"general call\" Morse code was transmitted automatically by the SS Botany Bay and the code was received by the USS Enterprise. Nyota Uhura received and identified it. (TOS: \"Space Seed\" ) In 2287, Montgomery Scott tapped out \"stand back\" in Morse code on the back of the USS Enterprise-A's brig moments before blasting a hole through the wall, thus freeing Leonard McCoy, Spock and James T. Kirk. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier) Morse code was mentioend in a detective novel Data was reading in early 2364 to become more prepared for a Dixon Hill adventure. He was employed by Silent Forrester.(TNG: \"The Big Goodbye\" ) The pages seen in the episode were actually from the detective novel, The Listening Man, by author John A. Moroso. This novel was published in 1924. Information on Morse Code was from page 113. In 2371, the USS Voyager discovered an Morse code signal for SOS (\u00B7\u00B7\u00B7 \u00AD\u00AD\u00AD\u00AD\u00AD\u00AD\u00AD\u00AD\u2212\u2212\u2212 \u00B7\u00B7\u00B7, three dots, three dashes, three dots) emanating from a planet in the Delta Quadrant. (VOY: \"The 37's\") In 2377 during the third segment of the Antarian Trans-stellar Rally Harry Kim had to alert B'Elanna Torres and Tom Paris on the Delta Flyer that their converter was rigged to explode when they crossed the finish line but Irina had damaged the comm system. He was able to alert them using a modulating pulse modified to mimic the Morse code he and Paris had used in the \"Captain Proton\" holonovels \u2013 \"converter rigged: eject.\" (VOY: \"Drive\") Morse code is a method for transmitting information by using standardized sequences of variously spaced short and long elements for the characters and words in a message and originally created for Samuel Morse's electric telegraph in the mid-1830s."@en . ">\" \" \u2014Bandit's Morse code Morse code is a method of transmitting text information as a series of on-off tones, lights, or clicks that can be directly understood by a skilled listener or observer without special equipment. In Spyro: Shadow Legacy, the armadillo Bandit used the morse code for SOS when he was trapped in the Shadow Realm version of Cliff Town. He thought that Spyro had heard his code when he came to rescue Bandit. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by editing this page for Spyro."@en . "This system, developed by Samuel Morse, involved set series of dashes and dots, short and long tones or delays in knocks. (TOS episode: \"Space Seed\"; TOS novel: The Fearful Summons) While trapped on a Romulan ship, Charles Tucker III had used the modulation pulses to tap out a message to the Enterprise (NX-01) warning them of an upcoming attack. (ENT novel: Kobayashi Maru) Montgomery Scott made use of Morse code in the liberation of James T. Kirk and company from the USS Enterprise -A's brig. (TOS movie: The Final Frontier) In the year 2377 when the USS da Vinci was trapped in a tessaract, they were able to get a message to Montgomery Scott using morse code. (CoE eBook: The Art of the Comeback)"@en . . . "Morse code was a type of data transmission technology that was developed on Earth in the mid-19th Century A.D. Morse code used a combination of dots and dashes to send a message over a distance. In 1903 PD, the basic idea for the morse code was used in the reconnaissance drone technology developed by the Royal Manticoran Navy to send messages in real-time across light hours via grav-pulse. (HH2)"@en . . "Morse code is a type of character encoding that transmits telegraphic information using rhythm. Morse code uses a standardized sequence of short and long elements to represent the letters, numerals, punctuation and special characters of a given message. When captured by the Travelers, Lt. Colonel John Sheppard modified a damaged Subspace communication array to send a SOS message through subspace using morse code. (SGA: \"Travelers\") Lt. Matthew Scott with the help of Eli Wallace used the Stargate on Novus colony to send a message in Morse code to Destiny. (SGU: \"Common Descent\")"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "In Jericho, Morse Code is used for messages in the title sequence of the show. (The bold is the episode, and the regular type is the morse code at the title.)"@en . "Morse code is a method of transmitting text information as a series of on-off tones, lights, or clicks that can be directly understood by a skilled listener or observer without special equipment."@en . "Morse code is a type of character encoding that transmits telegraphic information using rhythm. Morse code uses a standardized sequence of short and long elements to represent the letters, numerals, punctuation and special characters of a given message. When captured by the Travelers, Lt. Colonel John Sheppard modified a damaged Subspace communication array to send a SOS message through subspace using morse code. (SGA: \"Travelers\") Lt. Matthew Scott with the help of Eli Wallace used the Stargate on Novus colony to send a message in Morse code to Destiny. (SGU: \"Common Descent\")"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "This system, developed by Samuel Morse, involved set series of dashes and dots, short and long tones or delays in knocks. (TOS episode: \"Space Seed\"; TOS novel: The Fearful Summons) While trapped on a Romulan ship, Charles Tucker III had used the modulation pulses to tap out a message to the Enterprise (NX-01) warning them of an upcoming attack. (ENT novel: Kobayashi Maru) Montgomery Scott made use of Morse code in the liberation of James T. Kirk and company from the USS Enterprise -A's brig. (TOS movie: The Final Frontier)"@en . . . "Morse code is a code devoloped during WWI by the Nazi troops Morse code Converter thingamabob: Type in a word or phrase: This free script provided by"@en . "Luke Smith was proficient in the code. He once used his K9 dog whistle to send a Morse message to Clani, via Mr Smith. (TV: The Man Who Never Was) Harry Sullivan once said he felt \"a bit like a Morse message\" after a broken teleportation via transmat from the space station Nerva to a future Earth. (TV: The Sontaran Experiment) The ghosts on the underwater base the Drum used morse code to contact a submarine, leaving it to the impression that somebody had contacted it to help the base crew escape. (TV: Under the Lake)"@en . "During the White House siege of Day 7, Agent Aaron Pierce was wounded while escorting Olivia Taylor out of the building. Unable to go on, Pierce instructed Taylor to go to the window and flash Morse code for \"Code Green,\" which would signal the Hostage Rescue Team to move in. (\"Day 7: 7:00pm-8:00pm\") Aboard the Barataria, Simon Dedrick used Morse code to communicate with Somali pirate skiffs. (Rogue)"@en . "International Morse code is composed of five elements: short mark, dot or 'dit' (\u00B7) \u2014 one unit long longer mark, dash or 'dah' (-) \u2014 three units long intra-character gap (between the dots and dashes within a character) \u2014 one unit long short gap (between letters) \u2014 three units long medium gap (between words) \u2014 seven units long Morse code can be transmitted in a number of ways: originally as electrical pulses along a telegraph wire, but also as an audio tone, a radio signal with short and long tones, or as a mechanical or visual signal (e.g. a flashing light) using devices like an Aldis lamp or a heliograph. Morse code is transmitted using just two states (on and off) so it was an early form of a digital code. However, it is technically not binary, as the pause lengths are required to decode the information. Morse Code is apparently still one of many different codes still in use with the UNSC by at least 2552. It can also be heard on a radio on High Ground, spelling out \"Frog Blast The Vent Core.\""@en . . . "During the White House siege of Day 7, Agent Aaron Pierce was wounded while escorting Olivia Taylor out of the building. Unable to go on, Pierce instructed Taylor to go to the window and flash Morse code for \"Code Green,\" which would signal the Hostage Rescue Team to move in. (\"Day 7: 7:00pm-8:00pm\") Aboard the Barataria, Simon Dedrick used Morse code to communicate with Somali pirate skiffs. (Rogue)"@en . . . "In 2152, Hoshi Sato attempted to use Morse code to communicate with Jonathan Archer while she experienced a hallucination during her first experience aboard a transporter. (ENT: \"Vanishing Point\") In 2267, \"general call\" Morse code was transmitted automatically by the SS Botany Bay and the code was received by the USS Enterprise. Nyota Uhura received and identified it. (TOS: \"Space Seed\" ) Morse code was mentioend in a detective novel Data was reading in early 2364 to become more prepared for a Dixon Hill adventure. He was employed by Silent Forrester.(TNG: \"The Big Goodbye\" )"@en . . . . "Morse code"@en . . "Morse code was used by old time spacers such as Dan Dare."@en . "Morse code is a code devoloped during WWI by the Nazi troops Morse code Converter thingamabob: Type in a word or phrase: This free script provided by"@en . "Morse code is a method of transmitting messages as a series of on-off tones. An S.O.S. is a radio transmitted distress signal, which is tapped out in morse code. Marvin once suggested that the Krim family may use their abilities to make an object tap out a message in code."@en . . . "Morse code was used by old time spacers such as Dan Dare."@en . . . . . . . "International Morse code is composed of five elements: short mark, dot or 'dit' (\u00B7) \u2014 one unit long longer mark, dash or 'dah' (-) \u2014 three units long intra-character gap (between the dots and dashes within a character) \u2014 one unit long short gap (between letters) \u2014 three units long medium gap (between words) \u2014 seven units long Morse Code is apparently still one of many different codes still in use with the UNSC by at least 2552. It can also be heard on a radio on High Ground, spelling out \"Frog Blast The Vent Core.\""@en . . . . .