. . . . . . . . . . "Katra was a term that was used by the Vulcan race."@en . . . "Katra"@es . "thumb|Spock \u00FCbertr\u00E4gt seine Katra an McCoy thumb|Das Fal-Tor-Pan-Ritual Die Katra ist die vulkanische Bezeichnung f\u00FCr ihre Vorstellung der Seele. Laut den Vulkaniern ist sie unsterblich, wie es Spock bewiesen hat. Sie l\u00E4sst sich im Augenblick des Todes auf eine andere Person transferieren. Die Katra kann wiederhergestellt werden, wenn ein Vulkanier verstorben ist und seine Katra zuvor in eine andere Person \u00FCbertragen worden ist. Dieses besondere Ritual wird Fal-Tor-Pan genannt und wird in der Geschichte der Vulkanier nur sehr selten vollzogen."@de . "thumb|Spock \u00FCbertr\u00E4gt seine Katra an McCoy thumb|Das Fal-Tor-Pan-Ritual Die Katra ist die vulkanische Bezeichnung f\u00FCr ihre Vorstellung der Seele. Laut den Vulkaniern ist sie unsterblich, wie es Spock bewiesen hat. Sie l\u00E4sst sich im Augenblick des Todes auf eine andere Person transferieren. Diese \u00DCbertragung geht vonstatten, indem die Vulkanier mit einer Hand eine Seite des Gesichtes einer anderen Person ber\u00FChren. Dabei nehmen zwei Finger ganz bestimmte Punkte in diesem Bereich des Kopfes ein. Anschlie\u00DFend wird eine Gedankenverschmelzung durchgef\u00FChrt, die mit den Worten All das vergiss bitte nie endet. Die Katra kann wiederhergestellt werden, wenn ein Vulkanier verstorben ist und seine Katra zuvor in eine andere Person \u00FCbertragen worden ist. Dieses besondere Ritual wird Fal-Tor-Pan genannt und wird in der Geschichte der Vulkanier nur sehr selten vollzogen. Dieser Transfer wird nicht regul\u00E4r durchgef\u00FChrt und kann auch nur unter bestimmten Bedingungen vollzogen werden. Tritt der Fall ein, dass der Tr\u00E4ger der Katra ein Mensch ist, k\u00F6nnen die dadurch entstehenden physischen und psychischen Auswirkungen mit Hilfe des Medikamentes Lexorin verlangsamt werden. Allerdings ist die Wirkung zeitlich begrenzt und verliert nach mehrmaliger Anwendung ihre Effektivit\u00E4t. Die einzige dauerhafte L\u00F6sung besteht darin, die Katra so schnell wie m\u00F6glich aus dem menschlichen \u201EWirt\u201C zu entfernen. (Star Trek III: Auf der Suche nach Mr. Spock) Ein Katra kann auch in einem katrischem Schrein, einem polykristallinen Gef\u00E4\u00DF, aufbewahrt werden und so auch au\u00DFerhalb einer Person \u00FCberdauern (ENT: ) In der Mitte des 24. Jahrhunderts ist diese Prozedur weitr\u00E4umig bekannt und wird desweiteren in diverser medizinischer Literatur verewigt (DS9: )."@de . . . . . . . . . . "Katra was a term that was used by the Vulcan race."@en . . "The existence of the katra was controversial; many Vulcans thought it was nothing more than a myth, but a small group of Vulcans named the Syrrannites believed in it. In 2154, an event took place which brought the existence of the katra to the attention of the Vulcan people and its leaders, the Vulcan High Command. Legend has it that ancient Vulcans used katric arks to store katras. Some of those arks were discovered at the P'Jem monastery centuries earlier. Although they were analyzed by Vulcan scientists (one of them even tried to meld with an ark), they were not found to contain a katra. In the first draft script of \"The Andorian Incident\" (which had the working title \"Incident at P'Jem\"), katras were stored in urns, in a \"Hall of Katras\", beneath the monastery at P'Jem. A highly notable surviving katra was the one of Surak, Vulcan's founder and father of Vulcan philosophy. Although Surak died in the 4th century, his katra survived to the year 2154, when it was briefly held by a Human, Captain Jonathan Archer, before its transferal to a Vulcan priest. The reappearance of Surak's katra was instrumental in the rise of T'Pau's influence and the following reorganization of Vulcan government and society. When a katra was transferred to someone, he or she would benefit from the experiences of the person the katra had come from. Because the katra could resist its transfer, the procedure was not without risk and must be performed according to a specific ritual. Non-Vulcans might experience side effects, like a form of multiple personality disorder. Humans were especially vulnerable because of the severe shock a transfer could give to their nervous system. Restoring a katra to a Vulcan was preferably done by a Vulcan priest with enough experience with katras. (ENT: \"The Forge\", \"Awakening\", \"Kir'Shara\") Vulcans could initiate a transfer of their katra by placing one of their hands on the head of the recipient and to position their fingers on specific points. Via a mind meld, a Vulcan was able to tell if someone had received a katra. The katra could be restored after a person had died and his katra had been transferred to someone, if the family of that person wanted to have the katra restored. This ritual is called fal-tor-pan, which literally means \"the refusion\". The ritual was performed very rarely. The last time was in 2285, when Spock's regenerated body was found on Genesis and returned to Mount Seleya, where his katra was transferred from Doctor McCoy into his own body. The transfer of someone's katra was not regularly practiced and was only done in special circumstances. When a Human received a katra, the effects of the merge could be counteracted by lexorin, but this was only for a short period of time. The katra must eventually be transferred to someone else. Around 2369, the existence of the katra was common knowledge within most medical establishments. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock; VOY: \"Innocence\"; DS9: \"The Passenger\") It was possible for a portion of a person's katra to reside in the mind of another, following a mind meld. This allowed the two connected individuals to communicate across interstellar distances. When Michael Burnham was a child, a bombing at the Vulcan Learning Center resulted in her holding a portion of Sarek's katra; Sarek then used this ability to communicate with her aboard the USS Shenzhou during the Battle of the Binary Stars. (DIS: \"Battle at the Binary Stars\") When Tuvok had been brainwashed by the Quarren, he accused them of \"stealing\" his katra. (VOY: \"Workforce, Part II\") When the Deep Space 9 crew encountered criminal scientist Rao Vantika, it was revealed that he had developed an artificial means of transferring his synaptic patterns into another body, compared by Doctor Julian Bashir to the Vulcan method of transferring their synaptic patterns to another. (DS9: \"The Passenger\") A similar transfer process was used by Tieran, an Ilari dictator, but he was born in the Delta Quadrant and thus would have had no experience of Vulcans to inspire his research. (VOY: \"Warlord\")"@en . . . . . . . . "The existence of the katra was controversial; many Vulcans thought it was nothing more than a myth, but a small group of Vulcans named the Syrrannites believed in it. In 2154, an event took place which brought the existence of the katra to the attention of the Vulcan people and its leaders, the Vulcan High Command. Legend has it that ancient Vulcans used katric arks to store katras. Some of those arks were discovered at the P'Jem monastery centuries earlier. Although they were analyzed by Vulcan scientists (one of them even tried to meld with an ark), they were not found to contain a katra."@en . "Katra"@it . . . "katra - Begriff aus der Talar-nyboz, der eine Stra\u00DFe bezeichnet. Der Begriff katra ist vielleicht etwas dehnbarer als die Vorstellung von einer \"Stra\u00DFe\", die sich der Benutzer der Allgemeinen Sprache bei diesem Begriff macht. Jeglicher Weg im Gebirge, der einem Fu\u00DFg\u00E4nger das hinderungslose Vorankommen erm\u00F6glicht, wird ebenso als \"katra\" bezeichnet wie eine gut gepflasterte und dutzende Schritt breite Prunkallee im Zentrum einer Metropole oder eine gut befestigte Heerstra\u00DFe. Die Ter-baak unterscheiden aber sehr wohl zwischen Anak-katra (Hochstra\u00DFen, die sich hoch auf einem Bergr\u00FCcken entlang schl\u00E4ngeln) und Unak-katra (Tieftra\u00DFen, die im Talgrund verlaufen)."@de . . "katra - Begriff aus der Talar-nyboz, der eine Stra\u00DFe bezeichnet. Der Begriff katra ist vielleicht etwas dehnbarer als die Vorstellung von einer \"Stra\u00DFe\", die sich der Benutzer der Allgemeinen Sprache bei diesem Begriff macht. Jeglicher Weg im Gebirge, der einem Fu\u00DFg\u00E4nger das hinderungslose Vorankommen erm\u00F6glicht, wird ebenso als \"katra\" bezeichnet wie eine gut gepflasterte und dutzende Schritt breite Prunkallee im Zentrum einer Metropole oder eine gut befestigte Heerstra\u00DFe. Die Ter-baak unterscheiden aber sehr wohl zwischen Anak-katra (Hochstra\u00DFen, die sich hoch auf einem Bergr\u00FCcken entlang schl\u00E4ngeln) und Unak-katra (Tieftra\u00DFen, die im Talgrund verlaufen)."@de . "Katra"@de . . . . "Katra"@en . "Katra Solopuro (s. 10.8.1984) on kotoisin Tampereelta. Katra soitti lapsuutensa pianoa Pirkanmaan musiikkiopistossa ja voimisteli. 14-vuotiaana Katran vaihtoi pianotunnit laulutunneiksi. Yl\u00E4asteen j\u00E4lkeen Katra siirtyi ilmaisutaidon lukioon ja liittyi muutamaan b\u00E4ndiin ker\u00E4\u00E4m\u00E4\u00E4n esiintymiskokemusta. Samalla Katra opiskeli klassista musiikkia musiikkiopistolla. Katra lauloi taustoja Lovexille ja soitti koskettimia Essentiassa. Katralla on tyt\u00E4r, Illusia, Lovexin kitaristin Vivianin kanssa. Nykyisin Katra on naimisissa Niko Solopuron (os. Virtanen) kanssa, joka esiintyi Waldo's Peoplen toisena tulitaiteilijana Moskovan Euroviisuissa 2009.Katra aloitti syksyll\u00E4 2005 yhteisty\u00F6n Jakke Lindbergin ja Ilkka Vainion kanssa. Ensimm\u00E4inen single syntyi 6. syyskuuta 2006, jonka nimeksi tuli Sahara. H\u00E4n"@fi . . . "L'esistenza del katra fu controversa, per usare un eufemismo; molti Vulcaniani pensavano che non fosse altro che un mito, ma un piccolo gruppo di Vulcaniani conosciuti come Syrranniti credevano nella sua esistenza. Nel 2154, accadde un fatto che port\u00F2 l'esistenza del katra all'attenzione del popolo Vulcaniano e dei suoi capi, l'Alto Comando Vulcaniano."@it . "Katra"@fi . . . . . . . . . . "Katra es un Sistema Tau en el Sector Fi'draah. El Sistema fue conquistado tras una ardua lucha contra humanos secesionistas miembros de una secta ultrapuritana que consideraba corrupto al resto del Imperio de la Humanidad y a ellos mismos como los \u00FAnicos humanos puros. Actualmente el planeta est\u00E1 recibiendo un gran n\u00FAmero de inmigrantes Kroot y Talerianos, adem\u00E1s de un contingente importante de colonos Tau."@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Katra es un Sistema Tau en el Sector Fi'draah. El Sistema fue conquistado tras una ardua lucha contra humanos secesionistas miembros de una secta ultrapuritana que consideraba corrupto al resto del Imperio de la Humanidad y a ellos mismos como los \u00FAnicos humanos puros. Cuando los Tau quisieron negociar, los habitantes de Katra mataron a los embajadores de la Casta del Agua sin mediar palabra, lo cual enardeci\u00F3 al Imperio Tau. Tras varias semanas un fuerte contingente Tau con tropas auxiliares Talerianas y Kroot asalt\u00F3 el planeta. En unos meses el planeta primario y las colonias menores de otros dos planetas fueron conquistadas y los defensores exterminados al no rendirse cuando se les di\u00F3 la oportunidad. Actualmente el planeta est\u00E1 recibiendo un gran n\u00FAmero de inmigrantes Kroot y Talerianos, adem\u00E1s de un contingente importante de colonos Tau."@es . . . . . . "Katra Solopuro (s. 10.8.1984) on kotoisin Tampereelta. Katra soitti lapsuutensa pianoa Pirkanmaan musiikkiopistossa ja voimisteli. 14-vuotiaana Katran vaihtoi pianotunnit laulutunneiksi. Yl\u00E4asteen j\u00E4lkeen Katra siirtyi ilmaisutaidon lukioon ja liittyi muutamaan b\u00E4ndiin ker\u00E4\u00E4m\u00E4\u00E4n esiintymiskokemusta. Samalla Katra opiskeli klassista musiikkia musiikkiopistolla. Katra lauloi taustoja Lovexille ja soitti koskettimia Essentiassa. Katralla on tyt\u00E4r, Illusia, Lovexin kitaristin Vivianin kanssa. Nykyisin Katra on naimisissa Niko Solopuron (os. Virtanen) kanssa, joka esiintyi Waldo's Peoplen toisena tulitaiteilijana Moskovan Euroviisuissa 2009.Katra aloitti syksyll\u00E4 2005 yhteisty\u00F6n Jakke Lindbergin ja Ilkka Vainion kanssa. Ensimm\u00E4inen single syntyi 6. syyskuuta 2006, jonka nimeksi tuli Sahara. H\u00E4n alkoi ty\u00F6st\u00E4\u00E4 tammikuussa 2006 ensimm\u00E4ist\u00E4 studioalbumiaan, joka ilmestyi 28. helmikuuta 2007. Katra osallistui Euroviisukarsintaan 2007 kappaleilla Tiet\u00E4j\u00E4 ja Vaaratar, joista ensin mainitulla h\u00E4n p\u00E4\u00E4si jatkoon. Kyseinen kappale joutui kohun kohteeksi, sill\u00E4 sit\u00E4 syytettiin osittaiseksi plagiaatiksi Within Temptationin kappaleesta \"Jillian (I'd Give My Heart)\" albumilla The Silent Force. Yleisradion asiantuntijaraati kumosi v\u00E4itteet. 2008 Katra-b\u00E4ndi sai kansainv\u00E4lisen levytyssopimuksen Napalm Recordsilta ja syksyll\u00E4 2008 albumi Beast Within julkaistiin ymp\u00E4ri maailmaa. Kes\u00E4ll\u00E4 2009 Katra esiintyi Saksalaisen Summerbreeze-festivaalin p\u00E4\u00E4lavalla, jossa esiintyi my\u00F6s mm. Opeth, Backyard babies, Amorphis ja Epica. 2009 Katra esiintyi Meksikossa Circo Voladorissa Theatre of Tragedyn j\u00E4\u00E4hyv\u00E4iskiertueella. 2010 ilmestyi kolmas albumi \"Out of the Ashes\"."@fi . . "The points on a humanoid being's face (or other parts of the anatomy for a Horta) that a Vulcan touches for a mind meld are known as the katra points. (TOS: \"The Devil in the Dark\") In extreme cases, such as when facing immanent death, a Vulcan may be able to transfer their katra to another being via a mind meld. Captain Spock once transferred his katra to Doctor McCoy in this manner; it was later restored to his rejuvenated body via the fal-tor-pan ritual. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)"@en . "L'esistenza del katra fu controversa, per usare un eufemismo; molti Vulcaniani pensavano che non fosse altro che un mito, ma un piccolo gruppo di Vulcaniani conosciuti come Syrranniti credevano nella sua esistenza. Nel 2154, accadde un fatto che port\u00F2 l'esistenza del katra all'attenzione del popolo Vulcaniano e dei suoi capi, l'Alto Comando Vulcaniano. La leggenda vuole che gli antichi Vulcaniani usassero un'arca katrica ove preservare il katra. Alcune di queste arche furono scoperte nel monastero di P'Jem secoli prima. Sebbene fossero state analizzate dagli scienziati Vulcaniani (uno di loro tent\u00F2 anche di fondersi con un'arca), non si pot\u00E9 stabilire che contenessero effettivamente il katra. Un katra famoso fu quello di Surak, il fondatore e padre della filosofia vulcaniana. Sebbene Sarek mor\u00EC nel IV secolo, il suo katra sopravvisse fino al 2154 quando fu ospitato per un breve tempo da un Umano, il Capitano Jonathan Archer, prima di esser trasferito in un sacerdote Vulcaniano. La riapparsa del katra di Surak fu basilare per l'ascesa del potere di T'Pau e della successiva riorganizzazione del governo e della societ\u00E0 Vulcaniani. Quando un katra viene trasferito in una persona, egli o ella beneficer\u00E0 delle esperienze della persona dalla quale deriva il katra. Poich\u00E9 il katra pu\u00F2 offrire resistenza al trasferimento, la procedura non \u00E8 senza rischi e dev'essere eseguita seguendo un rituale specifico. I non-Vulcaniani possono sperimentare effetti collaterali come una sorta di personalit\u00E0 multipla. Gli Umani sono particolarmente vulnerabili a causa dello shock molto forte che un trasferimento pu\u00F2 provocare al loro sistema nervoso. Il rendere il katra ad un Vulcaniano viene preferibilmente fatto da un sacerdote Vulcaniano con esperienza soddisfacente di katra. (ENT: \"La Fornace\", \"Risvegli\", \"Il Kir'Shara\") I Vulcaniani possono iniziare un trasferimento del proprio katra mettendo una mano sulla testa di colui che lo ricever\u00E0 e piazzando le dita in punti precisi. Attraverso una fusione mentale, un Vulcaniano pu\u00F2 sapere se qualcuno ha ricevuto un katra. Il katra pu\u00F2 esser restituito quando una persona \u00E8 morta ed il suo Katra \u00E8 stato trasferito in qualcuno, se la famiglia di quella persona lo desidera. Questo rituale \u00E8 chiamato fal-tor-pan, che letteralmente significa \"la rifusione\". Si tratta di un rituale eseguito molto raramente. L'ultima volta \u00E8 stata nel 2285 quando il corpo rigenerato di Spock fu ritrovato su Genesis e riportato sul Monte Seleya, dove il suo katra venne trasferito dal dottor McCoy nel suo corpo. Il trasferimento del katra di qualcuno non viene praticato regolarmente e viene effettuato solo in presenza di circostanze particolari. Quando un umano riceve un katra, gli effetti possono essere annullati dal lexorin, ma solo per un breve periodo di tempo. Il katra dovr\u00E0 poi essere trasferito in qualcun altro. Verso il 2369 l'esistenza del katra era conosciuta dalla maggior parte degli ambienti medici. (Star Trek III: Alla ricerca di Spock; VOY: \"Il ciclo della vita\"; DS9: \"Il clandestino\")"@it . . . "The points on a humanoid being's face (or other parts of the anatomy for a Horta) that a Vulcan touches for a mind meld are known as the katra points. (TOS: \"The Devil in the Dark\") In extreme cases, such as when facing immanent death, a Vulcan may be able to transfer their katra to another being via a mind meld. Captain Spock once transferred his katra to Doctor McCoy in this manner; it was later restored to his rejuvenated body via the fal-tor-pan ritual. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock) A katra may also be transferred into a special receptacle, known as vre'katra, translated as a \"katric ark\" or an \"urn of memory.\" On Vulcan, these receptacles are enshrined in the Hall of Ancient Thought where adepts may commune with the katras of ancient masters. (ENT: \"Awakening\", TOS novel: The Lost Years, Avenger, Exodus) In late 2379, Svek entrusted his katra to Timothy Sinclair, who later returned it to Vulcan. (Star Trek: Pendragon: \"Twilight's Call\") A popular Star Trek fanzine series, focusing on Lieutenant Saavik, Vulcans and Klingons, published by New Zealand's Lana Pennington-Brown in the 80s and 90s, used the title Katra: the living spirit."@en . . . . .