. "Golana.jpg"@en . . "fed"@en . "Golana.jpg"@nl . . "Golana was a clan leader in the Darujhistan Assassin's guild."@en . . . . . "thumb|Der Planet Golana. Golana ist ein Planet in der N\u00E4he von Bajor. Vor dem 4. Jahrhundert ist Golana von einer technologisch hoch entwickelten Zivilisation bev\u00F6lkert, die sogar in der Lage ist Zeitportale zu errichten. Diese Zivilisation erlischt jedoch und der Planet bleibt Jahrhunderte lang unbewohnt, bis sich um das Jahr 2300 bajoranische Kolonisten auf Golana niederlassen. Vor der Geburt von Kirayoshi besuchen Miles, Keiko und Molly O'Brien im Jahr 2372 w\u00E4hrend eines Ausflugs Golana. Dabei entsteht auch ein Foto der Familie. Ein Abzug des Bildes steht im Quartier der O'Briens. (DS9: ) 2374 machen Miles und Keiko ein Picknick mit ihren Kindern auf Golana. W\u00E4hrend des Picknicks spielt Molly in der Umgebung und l\u00E4uft in eine H\u00F6hle, in der sie aus Versehen durch ein Zeitportal 300 Jahre in die Vergangenheit ger\u00E4t. Zwar gelingt es der herbeigerufenen Crew der Defiant, Molly wieder zur\u00FCckzubeamen, sie ist jedoch zehn Jahre \u00E4lter als die Molly, die zuvor durch das Portal gegangen ist. W\u00E4hrend der vergangenen Zeit hat sie sich von ihrer Familie entfremdet und ist nun daran gew\u00F6hnt, alleine zu leben. Die Sternenflotte will das Portal zerst\u00F6ren, um k\u00FCnftig solche Vorf\u00E4lle zu vermeiden. Doch kurz bevor dies geschieht, schickt der Chief die gealterte Molly durch das Zeitportal zur\u00FCck, da sie sich nicht an die Umgebung auf Deep Space 9 anpassen kann. Die gealterte Molly verl\u00E4sst das Zeitportal zu einem Zeitpunkt, unmittelbar nach dem Eintreffen der jungen Molly und schickt diese zur\u00FCck in ihre Zeit. (DS9: )"@de . . . . . "Golana was an inhabited planet in the Alpha Quadrant. This was the home of a Bajoran colony since the beginning of the 24th century. Archaeologists from the Bajoran Archaeological Institute were studying the ruins of a technologically advanced civilization that had gone extinct over two thousand years before. In late 2372 or early 2373, Miles O'Brien and Keiko O'Brien visited this planet. At the time, Keiko was pregnant with Kirayoshi O'Brien. The planet had an indigenous species of small melons called Golana melons. (DS9: \"Time's Orphan\")"@en . . "Golana"@en . . . . . . "2374"^^ . "Golana was an inhabited planet in the Alpha Quadrant. This was the home of a Bajoran colony since the beginning of the 24th century. Archaeologists from the Bajoran Archaeological Institute were studying the ruins of a technologically advanced civilization that had gone extinct over two thousand years before. In late 2372 or early 2373, Miles O'Brien and Keiko O'Brien visited this planet. At the time, Keiko was pregnant with Kirayoshi O'Brien. In 2374, the O'Briens visited the planet again and an active time portal from this lost civilization was accidentally discovered in a cavern. The portal sent Molly O'Brien three hundred years into the past, when the planet was uninhabited. She was eventually recovered safely. The planet had an indigenous species of small melons called Golana melons. (DS9: \"Time's Orphan\") Molly's drawings suggested the planet had two moons. According to the script for \"Afterimage\" , this planet's name was pronounced as \"goh-LA-nah\". [1] The Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 1, p. 307) classified Golana as a class M planet. Furthermore, the authors of this reference work state the Bajorans colonized this planet around the year 2299."@en . "Golana \u00E9tait une plan\u00E8te de classe M."@fr . "Golana is an inhabited planet near Bajor. It was once home to an advanced species who used time portals, but who vanished around the 14th century. In the early 24th century, the Bajorans colonized the planet. (DS9 episode: \"Time's Orphan\") The colonization of Golana was undertaken by the Jas clan. In 2318, Minister Jas Holza expressed interest in the Cardassian proposal for the Bajorans to be given technology to increase the speed of their starships, remarking that it would bring Golana much closer to Bajor and be a benefit to its inhabitants. The real reason Jas was keen to have access to Cardassian warp drive technology was that Golana had had a disastrous year due to storms and crop failures, resulting in many colonists leaving. Jas' venture on Golana had failed by 2323 and the colony was abandoned. (ST - Terok Nor novel: Day of the Vipers) When the Bajorans were colonizing Golana, the ruins interfered with the construction of a water system. (TNG novel: Losing the Peace) In 2372 or 2373, Miles O'Brien, Keiko O'Brien and Molly O'Brien visited Golana. In 2374, they travelled there again, this time with Kirayoshi O'Brien and enjoyed a picnic. Molly wandered off and fell through one of the time portals, which sent her back in time to the 21st century. She was rescued, although ten years had passed for her. Miles and Keiko were initially unwilling to send the adult Molly back and erase her from history, although they soon realised she would never be able to completely adapt to society. Helped by Odo, Miles and Keiko returned the adult Molly to Golana, where she travelled through the portal and showed her younger self how to escape. (DS9 episode: \"Time's Orphan\") The United Federation of Planets' Department of Temporal Investigations removed the time portals from Golana over the next several years. (ST - Department of Temporal Investigations novel: Watching the Clock)"@en . . . "Golana is an inhabited planet near Bajor. It was once home to an advanced species who used time portals, but who vanished around the 14th century. In the early 24th century, the Bajorans colonized the planet. (DS9 episode: \"Time's Orphan\") When the Bajorans were colonizing Golana, the ruins interfered with the construction of a water system. (TNG novel: Losing the Peace) The United Federation of Planets' Department of Temporal Investigations removed the time portals from Golana over the next several years. (ST - Department of Temporal Investigations novel: Watching the Clock)"@en . . "Golana"@nl . . . "Golana"@en . . . "Habitable"@en . . "Golana \u00E9tait une plan\u00E8te de classe M."@fr . . "Golana"@nl . . "Voor de 14e eeuw werd Golana bewoond door een inmiddels uitgestorven, technologisch geavanceerde beschaving. Er bleven enkele voorwerpen achter op de planeet, waaronder een tijd portaal dat in 2374 ontdekt werd. Het portaal stuurde Molly O'Brien 300 jaar terug in het verleden, naar de tijd dat de planeet onbewoond was. Uiteindelijk werd ze veilig teruggehaald naar haar eigen tijd. (DS9: \"Time's Orphan\")"@nl . . "Golana was a clan leader in the Darujhistan Assassin's guild."@en . . "thumb|Der Planet Golana. Golana ist ein Planet in der N\u00E4he von Bajor. Vor dem 4. Jahrhundert ist Golana von einer technologisch hoch entwickelten Zivilisation bev\u00F6lkert, die sogar in der Lage ist Zeitportale zu errichten. Diese Zivilisation erlischt jedoch und der Planet bleibt Jahrhunderte lang unbewohnt, bis sich um das Jahr 2300 bajoranische Kolonisten auf Golana niederlassen. Vor der Geburt von Kirayoshi besuchen Miles, Keiko und Molly O'Brien im Jahr 2372 w\u00E4hrend eines Ausflugs Golana. Dabei entsteht auch ein Foto der Familie. Ein Abzug des Bildes steht im Quartier der O'Briens. (DS9: )"@de . . . "Golana"@fr . . "Golanans"@en . . "Voor de 14e eeuw werd Golana bewoond door een inmiddels uitgestorven, technologisch geavanceerde beschaving. Er bleven enkele voorwerpen achter op de planeet, waaronder een tijd portaal dat in 2374 ontdekt werd. Het portaal stuurde Molly O'Brien 300 jaar terug in het verleden, naar de tijd dat de planeet onbewoond was. Uiteindelijk werd ze veilig teruggehaald naar haar eigen tijd. (DS9: \"Time's Orphan\")"@nl . "Golana"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Golana"@de . . . .