. . . "\u30C7\u30B8\u30E2\u30F3\u30A2\u30C9\u30D9\u30F3\u30C1\u30E3\u30FC"@es . . . . . ","@en . . . . . . . "2013-01-17"^^ . . . . . "150"^^ . . "21"^^ . . . "Sete crian\u00E7as est\u00E3o num acampamento de ver\u00E3o quando, inesperadamente, uns estranhos aparelhos caem do c\u00E9u - os digivices (digital devices ou dispositivos digitais) e elas s\u00E3o transportadas para o Mundo Digital (Digimundo), mais propriamente para uma ilha conhecida como Ilha Arquivo (File Island). Cada uma das crian\u00E7as conhece um digimon que se torna seu companheiro. Para tentarem regressar a casa, as crian\u00E7as percebem que existem digimons bons e digimons maus. Eles iniciam uma luta contra os inimigos que pretendem dominar o Mundo Digital com a for\u00E7a da Escurid\u00E3o, contando com a ajuda dos seus digimons que, com o passar do tempo, se tornam mais poderosos e conseguem se converter em criaturas maiores e mais fortes."@pt . . . "*Digimon Adventure 02\n*Digimon Tamers\n*Digimon Frontier\n*Digimon Data Squad (Savers)\n*Digimon Fusion (Xros Wars)\n*Digimon Adventure tri."@en . "Digimon Adventure"@es . . "-"@es . "1999-03-07"^^ . . . "Sete crian\u00E7as est\u00E3o num acampamento de ver\u00E3o quando, inesperadamente, uns estranhos aparelhos caem do c\u00E9u - os digivices (digital devices ou dispositivos digitais) e elas s\u00E3o transportadas para o Mundo Digital (Digimundo), mais propriamente para uma ilha conhecida como Ilha Arquivo (File Island). Cada uma das crian\u00E7as conhece um digimon que se torna seu companheiro. Para tentarem regressar a casa, as crian\u00E7as percebem que existem digimons bons e digimons maus. Eles iniciam uma luta contra os inimigos que pretendem dominar o Mundo Digital com a for\u00E7a da Escurid\u00E3o, contando com a ajuda dos seus digimons que, com o passar do tempo, se tornam mais poderosos e conseguem se converter em criaturas maiores e mais fortes. Depois da derrota do tem\u00EDvel Devimon, eles conhecem Gennai, um velho digi-humano que se torna seu mentor. Gennai informa-os que eles s\u00E3o as lend\u00E1rias Crian\u00E7as Escolhidas, e que est\u00E3o ali para salvar o Mundo Digital (e o Mundo Real) do poder da Escurid\u00E3o. As Crian\u00E7as atravessam o oceano em direc\u00E7\u00E3o a um novo continente, onde enfrentar\u00E3o amea\u00E7as ainda mais perigosas. Mais tarde, cada um deles recebe um S\u00EDmbolo/Bras\u00F5es dos Digiescolhidos (ou Crest). Cada S\u00EDmbolo \u00E9 o espelho da maior virtude de cada uma das crian\u00E7as -Amizade, Coragem, Amor,Esperan\u00E7a, Confian\u00E7a, Sabedoria e Sinceridade. Para que um S\u00EDmbolo brilhe e ative o seu poder, \u00E9 necess\u00E1rio que o seu portador exiba a caracter\u00EDstica que ele representa. Desta forma, possibilita aos digimons atingir o n\u00EDvel Perfeito (Perfect). Alguns dos Escolhidos s\u00E3o confrontados com d\u00FAvidas por n\u00E3o se acharem merecedores do seu S\u00EDmbolo, mas com o passar do tempo e com a ajuda dos digimons, todos eles provam ser dignos dos S\u00EDmbolos. Ao enfrentarem inimigos cada vez mais poderosos, eles descobrem que n\u00E3o conseguir\u00E3o cumprir a miss\u00E3o sem a Oitava Crian\u00E7a Escolhida. Todos juntos viajam para o Mundo Real, onde travam uma luta contra o tempo tentando encontr\u00E1-la antes do terr\u00EDvel Myotismon, que aterroriza Odaiba inteira com o objetivo de a matar. A Oitava Crian\u00E7a revela-se, Kari, e com a sua ajuda conseguem derrotar definitivamente VenonMyotismon (pensavam eles... Venon Myotismon volta na segunda temporada na forma de Malomyotismon ). Por\u00E9m, h\u00E1 um grande desequil\u00EDbrio entre os dois Mundos e eles s\u00E3o obrigados a regressar ao Mundo Digital para enfrentarem os t\u00E9rr\u00EDveis Mestres das Trevas. Depois de resolverem os seus problemas e reun\u00EDrem um grande ex\u00E9rcito com todos os amigos que conheceram, os quatro mestres - Piedmon, MetalSeadramon, Pinnochimon e Mugendramon - s\u00E3o derrotados e d\u00E1-se a batalha final contra Apocallymon. Quando tudo parece perdido, a uni\u00E3o das crian\u00E7as vence finalmente a Escurid\u00E3o. Assim, o Mundo Digital foi salvo e as Crian\u00E7as Escolhidas regressam a casa, prometendo voltar."@pt . . . . . . . . "54"^^ . . . "Bonkers , Vast Fame"@en . . "Digimon Adventure / Season one"@en . "Digimon Adventures, known outside of Japan as the first season of Digimon: Digital Monsters, is a Japanese Television Anime series created by Akiyoshi Hongo and Eric Goldberg and produced by Toei Animation, Walt Disney Animation Studios and Film Roman in cooperation with Bandai, Fuji Television, Walt Disney Television and New Line Television. An English-language version produced by Saban Entertainment, Walt Disney Pictures and Fox Kids aired in North America."@en . "Chilevisi\u00F3n, ,"@en . "Dejimon Adobench\u0101"@en . "ITV1"@en . . "tv series"@en . "54"^^ . "17"^^ . . . "vertical"@en . . . "Digimon Adventure (\u30C7\u30B8\u30E2\u30F3\u30A2\u30C9\u30D9\u30F3\u30C1\u30E3\u30FC Dejimon Adobench\u0101) es una serie de anime producida por TOEI ANIMATION. Es la primer serie de la franquicia Digimon, creada por Akiyoshi Hongo. Esta temporada fue transmitida los domingos a las 9:00 AM UTC+9 en Fuji TV, comenzando el 7 de Marzo de 1999 y finalizando el 26 de Marzo del 2000, con 54 episodios emitidos al aire y dos pel\u00EDculas estrenadas en cine. Fue reemplazada por Digimon Adventure 02 (\u30C7\u30B8\u30E2\u30F3\u30A2\u30C9\u30D9\u30F3\u30C1\u30E3\u30FC 02). Ademas la revista V Jump anunciar\u00E1 para principios de octubre que esta temporada tendr\u00E1 su propio videojuego para la consola Play Station Portable."@es . . . "RTS 1,"@en . . "Digimon Adventure \u300C\u30C7\u30B8\u30E2\u30F3\u30A2\u30C9\u30D9\u30F3\u30C1\u30E3\u30FC Dejimon Adobenchaa?\u300D es un anime adaptado del manga Digimon, se emiti\u00F3 de marzo de 1999 a marzo de 2000 contando con 54 episodios. Una segunda temporada titulada Digimon Adventure 2 \u300C\u30C7\u30B8\u30E2\u30F3\u30A2\u30C9\u30D9\u30F3\u30C1\u30E3\u30FC\uFF10\uFF12 Digimon Adventure 2?\u300D se emiti\u00F3 de abril de 2000 a marzo de 2001 contando con 50 episodios. Una serie de 6 pel\u00EDcuas titulada Digimon Adventure tri \u300C\u30C7\u30B8\u30E2\u30F3\u30A2\u30C9\u30D9\u30F3\u30C1\u30E3\u30FC tri. Dejimon Adobench\u0101 torai?\u300D saldr\u00E1 el 21 de noviembre de 2015."@es . . . "Digimon Wiki"@es . . . . . . . . "2000-03-04"^^ . . . . "Digimon Adventure"@en . . . "Related works"@en . . "Action, Adventure, Sh\u014Dnen"@en . . . . . . . . "*Adventure 02 (Season 2)\n*Tamers (Season 3)\n*Frontier (Season 4)\n*Savers/Data Squad\n*Xros Wars/Fusion\n*Adventure tri.\n*Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters"@en . . . . . . . "SEE TV"@en . . . . . . . . "2000-03-26"^^ . "A RPG-retelling of the series was released on the PSP as part of Digimon's fifteenth anniversary."@en . . . . "Digimon.jpg"@es . . . . "Digimon Adventure"@pt . . . . . . "LOGODIGIMON.jpg"@en . . . . . . . . . "Digimon Adventure"@en . . . . . "Dejimon Adobench\u0101"@en . "digimon"@es . "TVI, ,"@en . . . . . "\u30C7\u30B8\u30E2\u30F3\u30A2\u30C9\u30D9\u30F3\u30C1\u30E3\u30FC"@en . "Jap\u00F3n=300px"@es . . "Our War Game!"@en . . . . "Satoru Nishizono"@en . . . . . "Digimon Adventure \u300C\u30C7\u30B8\u30E2\u30F3\u30A2\u30C9\u30D9\u30F3\u30C1\u30E3\u30FC Dejimon Adobenchaa?\u300D es un anime adaptado del manga Digimon, se emiti\u00F3 de marzo de 1999 a marzo de 2000 contando con 54 episodios. Una segunda temporada titulada Digimon Adventure 2 \u300C\u30C7\u30B8\u30E2\u30F3\u30A2\u30C9\u30D9\u30F3\u30C1\u30E3\u30FC\uFF10\uFF12 Digimon Adventure 2?\u300D se emiti\u00F3 de abril de 2000 a marzo de 2001 contando con 50 episodios. Una serie de 6 pel\u00EDcuas titulada Digimon Adventure tri \u300C\u30C7\u30B8\u30E2\u30F3\u30A2\u30C9\u30D9\u30F3\u30C1\u30E3\u30FC tri. Dejimon Adobench\u0101 torai?\u300D saldr\u00E1 el 21 de noviembre de 2015."@es . . . . . . . . . "TV3,"@en . . . . . . . "A RPG-retelling of the series was released on the PSP as part of Digimon's fifteenth anniversary."@en . "An English-language version produced by Saban Entertainment aired in North America between August 1999 and June 2000. A video game adaptation of the series by Prope was released for PlayStation Portable on January 17, 2013. The series was followed by Digimon Adventure 02, which takes place a few years after the events of Adventure. For the series' 15th anniversary, a series of films taking place a few years after the events of Adventure 02, titled Digimon Adventure tri., began release from November 21, 2015."@en . "2000-03-26"^^ . "Digimon Adventure (aka Digimon) is a pirated platformer for SNES and Game Boy Advance based on Digimon."@en . . . . "Keisuke Okuda"@en . "Canal 7 Argentina,"@en . . "RT\u00C9"@en . . . . . . . . . . "film"@en . . "Digimon Adventure"@de . . . . ", ,"@en . . "Digimon"@en . . . . "Digimon Adventure"@en . . . . . . . . "An English-language version produced by Saban Entertainment aired in North America between August 1999 and June 2000. A video game adaptation of the series by Prope was released for PlayStation Portable on January 17, 2013. The series was followed by Digimon Adventure 02, which takes place a few years after the events of Adventure. For the series' 15th anniversary, a series of films taking place a few years after the events of Adventure 02, titled Digimon Adventure tri., began release from November 21, 2015."@en . . "300"^^ . "Taichi, Yamato, Sora, Koushiro, Mimi, Jou, and Takeru (nicknamed Tai, Matt, Sora, Izzy, Mimi, Joe, and T.K.) are caught in a mysterious snowfall in the middle of their summer camp. When strange devices fall from the sky, they are sent to another world and meet up with Mons that somehow know their names and are devoted to protecting them. Fighting stronger and stronger enemies to Save Both Worlds, the seven children learn why they are the \"Digidestined\" and how to become stronger with the power of their own hearts. Later they get a new addition to their team, Taichi's sister, Hikari (nicknamed Kari)."@en . . "SNES, GBA"@en . . "54"^^ . . . "2400.0"^^ . . "1999-03-07"^^ . . . . "Cover of the U.S DVD box-set."@en . . "Digimon Adventure (\u30C7\u30B8\u30E2\u30F3\u30A2\u30C9\u30D9\u30F3\u30C1\u30E3\u30FC/Dejimon Adobench\u00E1) ist die erste Staffel des Anime Digimon aus dem Jahre 1999. Sie besteht aus 54 Episoden und stammt von Akiyoshi Hongo, Hiroyuki Kakudo und Yamaguchi Ryota."@de . . . . . . . . . . "1999-03-06"^^ . . . . . "250"^^ . . . . "Satoru Nishizono"@es . "Digimon Adventure Logo.png"@en . . . . "5066"^^ . . . "List of Digimon Adventure episodes"@en . "Digimon Adventure (\u30C7\u30B8\u30E2\u30F3\u30A2\u30C9\u30D9\u30F3\u30C1\u30E3\u30FC/Dejimon Adobench\u00E1) ist die erste Staffel des Anime Digimon aus dem Jahre 1999. Sie besteht aus 54 Episoden und stammt von Akiyoshi Hongo, Hiroyuki Kakudo und Yamaguchi Ryota."@de . . "1200.0"^^ . "Mamoru Hosoda"@en . . "Digimon Adventure"@en . . . . . . . "Digimon Adventure (aka Digimon) is a pirated platformer for SNES and Game Boy Advance based on Digimon."@en . . . . "Digimon Adventures, known outside of Japan as the first season of Digimon: Digital Monsters, is a Japanese Television Anime series created by Akiyoshi Hongo and Eric Goldberg and produced by Toei Animation, Walt Disney Animation Studios and Film Roman in cooperation with Bandai, Fuji Television, Walt Disney Television and New Line Television. An English-language version produced by Saban Entertainment, Walt Disney Pictures and Fox Kids aired in North America."@en . . . "1999-03-06"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ", , ,"@en . . . . "Title Screen"@en . "left"@en . . . . . "Digimon Adventure"@es . . . . "Hiroyuki Kakudo"@en . "Pocket Monster"@en . . "Hiroyuki Kakudo"@es . . . . . . . . "2000-03-04"^^ . "Japanese logo"@en . "Sintax?"@en . "Digimon Adventure (\u30C7\u30B8\u30E2\u30F3\u30A2\u30C9\u30D9\u30F3\u30C1\u30E3\u30FC Dejimon Adobench\u0101) es una serie de anime producida por TOEI ANIMATION. Es la primer serie de la franquicia Digimon, creada por Akiyoshi Hongo. Esta temporada fue transmitida los domingos a las 9:00 AM UTC+9 en Fuji TV, comenzando el 7 de Marzo de 1999 y finalizando el 26 de Marzo del 2000, con 54 episodios emitidos al aire y dos pel\u00EDculas estrenadas en cine. Fue reemplazada por Digimon Adventure 02 (\u30C7\u30B8\u30E2\u30F3\u30A2\u30C9\u30D9\u30F3\u30C1\u30E3\u30FC 02). Ademas la revista V Jump anunciar\u00E1 para principios de octubre que esta temporada tendr\u00E1 su propio videojuego para la consola Play Station Portable."@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Taichi, Yamato, Sora, Koushiro, Mimi, Jou, and Takeru (nicknamed Tai, Matt, Sora, Izzy, Mimi, Joe, and T.K.) are caught in a mysterious snowfall in the middle of their summer camp. When strange devices fall from the sky, they are sent to another world and meet up with Mons that somehow know their names and are devoted to protecting them. Fighting stronger and stronger enemies to Save Both Worlds, the seven children learn why they are the \"Digidestined\" and how to become stronger with the power of their own hearts. Later they get a new addition to their team, Taichi's sister, Hikari (nicknamed Kari). And giant monsters. Can't forget that. The first anime series in the Digimon franchise, adapted from the virtual pets. What the series lacked in production values, it more than made up for with incredible writing, being one of the first 'kids' shows to have great characterization that continually developed. We came for the monsters and we stayed for the children. It was followed up by Digimon Adventure 02, and was accompanied by a pair of Short Anime Movies. See also: the character sheet. All tropes related to a single character should be added there instead of here."@en . "English dub logo"@en . . .