. . . . . . . . "3"^^ . . "6"^^ . "Kang"@fr . "Kang, son of K'naiah, (who was the son of Klaang), was a Klingon warrior, who became a Dahar Master later on in his life. By the 24th century, he and his exploits were the stuff of Klingon legend."@en . . "4"^^ . . . . "Rygillian"@en . "Rama-Tut; No Image Male.jpg"@en . "3.0"^^ . "Level required"@en . . "Kang.jpg"@de . "Ziemia-6311, Ziemia-616"@pl . . "Nathan Richards; Kang the Conqueror .jpg"@en . . "5"^^ . . . "Voiced by"@en . . . . . "Limited time?"@en . . . "Avengers Assemble"@en . . "Council of Kangs(Assemble!); Council of Kangs.png"@en . . . . "Ray Gun"@en . . . . "Kang ist ein Au\u00DFerirdischer vom Planeten Rigel 4 (bzw. 7). Eine Art Glaskuppel umh\u00FCllt seinen Kopf, vermutlich um ihn vor dem f\u00FCr ihn nicht vertr\u00E4glichen Sauerstoff zu sch\u00FCtzen. Charakteristisch f\u00FCr ihn und seine Schwester Kodos ist ihr d\u00E4monisches, oft \u00FCberlanges Lachen und ihre M\u00E4uler, aus denen st\u00E4ndig Sabber trieft. Er tritt praktisch nur in den Halloween-Folgen auf. Der Name Kang ist eine Anspielung auf einen gleichnamigen Klingonen in Star Trek. In einer Halloween Folge wurde er Pr\u00E4sident."@de . "2370"^^ . . . "Dawniej: Council of Kangs, Cross-Time Kangs, mentor Anachronauts i Legion of the Unliving"@pl . . . . . "Harry Shearer"@en . . . . . "thumb|Kang im Jahr 2268\u2026 thumb|\u2026und im Jahr 2370. Kang ist ein klingonischer Held des sp\u00E4ten 23. und fr\u00FChen 24. Jahrhunderts und der Vater von Dax. 2268 ist Commander Kang der Kommandant eines Schlachtkreuzers der D7-Klasse, auf dem au\u00DFerdem seine Frau Mara als Wissenschaftsoffizier dient. Kang und seine Besatzung werden von einem unbekannten Energiewesen auf die USS Enterprise gebracht, wo die Klingonen und die Sternenflottenbesatzung mit Schwertern gegeneinander k\u00E4mpfen m\u00FCssen. (TOS: ) Sp\u00E4ter wird ein Ort auf der klingonischen Heimatwelt nach ihm benannt, der Kang's Summit. (DS9: )"@de . "88"^^ . "Battle Armor"@en . . . . . . "Alternatywna Ziemia, XXXI wiek"@pl . . . . . "\"Treehouse of Horror\""@en . "Daughter: Maggie Simpson"@en . . . . . "Kang est un Rigellian originaire de Rigel 7. Sa s\u0153ur / fr\u00E8re Kodos. Ensemble, Kang et Kodos essayent de prendre le contr\u00F4le de la Terre et sont g\u00E9n\u00E9ralement consid\u00E9r\u00E9s comme si ils attaquaient Springfield. Kang et Kodos ont beaucoup d'armes spatiales \u00E0 la main et ont leur propre vaisseau spatial. Ils parlent la langue Rigellienne, qui, par co\u00EFncidence, est identique \u00E0 l'anglais. Bien qu'ils semblent identiques, Kang a une voix plus profonde que Kodos. Kang fais emprunt de l'identit\u00E9 de Bill Clinton afin d'\u00EAtre \u00E9lu pr\u00E9sident des \u00C9tats-Unis. Lorsque Kang s'est r\u00E9v\u00E9l\u00E9 \u00EAtre un \u00E9tranger, il \u00E9tait encore plus populaire que d'un tiers. On apprend \u00E9galement que Kang est le vrai p\u00E8re de Maggie (Simpson Horror Show IX) Kang et Kodos ont r\u00E9gn\u00E9 sur les deux Springfield jusqu'\u00E0 ce qu'ils soient retrouv\u00E9s et ne soient plus les bienvenus dans la ville."@fr . "thumb|Kang im Jahr 2268\u2026 thumb|\u2026und im Jahr 2370. Kang ist ein klingonischer Held des sp\u00E4ten 23. und fr\u00FChen 24. Jahrhunderts und der Vater von Dax. 2268 ist Commander Kang der Kommandant eines Schlachtkreuzers der D7-Klasse, auf dem au\u00DFerdem seine Frau Mara als Wissenschaftsoffizier dient. Kang und seine Besatzung werden von einem unbekannten Energiewesen auf die USS Enterprise gebracht, wo die Klingonen und die Sternenflottenbesatzung mit Schwertern gegeneinander k\u00E4mpfen m\u00FCssen. (TOS: ) Commander Kang patrouilliert 2293 mit seinem Kreuzer im Azure-Nebel, wo er die USS Excelsior unter dem Kommando von Captain Hikaru Sulu abfangen soll, bevor sie in den Raum des Klingonischen Reichs eindringen kann. Er kann das Schiff aufsp\u00FCren und will es zur Grenze zur\u00FCck geleiten. Jedoch gelingt es Captain Sulu mit einem Trick Kangs Schiff zu besch\u00E4digen und zu entkommen. (VOY: ) 2290 sp\u00FCrt er mit seinen Gef\u00E4hrten Kor und Koloth, einen als der \u201EAlbino\u201C bekannten Verbrecher auf. Der Albino entkommt jedoch und t\u00F6tet die Erstgeborenen der drei Krieger. Gemeinsam mit Curzon Dax schw\u00F6ren sie Rache. 2370 vollzieht er, auf Secarus IV, mit seinen alten Kumpanen und der mittlerweilen Jadzia Dax die Rache und t\u00F6tet den Albino. Kang f\u00E4llt im Kampf. (DS9: ) Sp\u00E4ter wird ein Ort auf der klingonischen Heimatwelt nach ihm benannt, der Kang's Summit. (DS9: )"@de . "\"Kang\" was the name taken by young women living in Paradise Towers."@en . . "Half-brother: Serak the Preparer"@en . . . . . . . . . "[[Archivo:Kang2268.jpg|thumb|Kang en 2268 interpretado por Michael Ansara]] Legendario guerrero Klingon. En 2268 mientras era capit\u00E1n de una nave, Kang fue victima de la entidad llamada Beta XII-A que destruyo la nave y produjo que \u00E9l y su tripulaci\u00F3n se encuentren atrapados en el Enterprise. Su esposa, Mara y 38 miembros de su tripulaci\u00F3n lucharon en una batalla final contra la entidad a la par de los miembros de la Federaci\u00F3n logrando llegar a un acuerdo para cooperar por el mismo motivo, sobrevivir a la entidad mal\u00E9vola. Kang conoce al negociador de la Federaci\u00F3n Curzon Dax en 2289 mientras sus gobiernos estaban en guerra. Kang le comenta al respecto a Curzon quien entend\u00EDa la naturaleza Klingoniana. El incluso nombra a su primer hijo Dax. Este y los hijos de L'Kor y Koloth fueron muertos por un criminal conocido como El Albino. Despu\u00E9s Kar, Koloth, Kor y Dax, solo piensan en el derecho de sangre por que el Albino hab\u00EDa matado a los inocentes chicos. En 2293, Kang comanda la nave clase K'tinga, que encuentra a la USS Excelsior en la nebulosa de Azuria. El capit\u00E1n Hikaru Sulu, que comandaba el Excelsior hace que se incendie el gas sirilio que hay en la nebulosa, brevemente interrumpiendo los sensores y los sistemas t\u00E1cticos de la nave de Kang, haciendo que la Excelsior escape. (Flashback VOY). Aunque El Albino estuvo perdido durante d\u00E9cadas, el nunca olvido su promesa. Koloth y Kor se unieron en la lucha otra vez junto a Kang contra T'Nag y su ejercito, emergiendo victoriosos a pesar de las desigualdades aplastantes. Kang muere en una gloriosa batalla en 2370 cuando los tres Klingons y Jadzia Dax encuentran al Albino en una fortaleza en el planeta Secarus IV."@es . . . . . . . . . . . . "230.0"^^ . . . . . "The Fist of First Dawn"@en . . . . "Artwork from The Simpsons: Tapped Out"@en . "Kang ist ein Au\u00DFerirdischer vom Planeten Rigel 4 (bzw. 7). Eine Art Glaskuppel umh\u00FCllt seinen Kopf, vermutlich um ihn vor dem f\u00FCr ihn nicht vertr\u00E4glichen Sauerstoff zu sch\u00FCtzen. Charakteristisch f\u00FCr ihn und seine Schwester Kodos ist ihr d\u00E4monisches, oft \u00FCberlanges Lachen und ihre M\u00E4uler, aus denen st\u00E4ndig Sabber trieft. Er tritt praktisch nur in den Halloween-Folgen auf. Der Name Kang ist eine Anspielung auf einen gleichnamigen Klingonen in Star Trek. In einer Halloween Folge wurde er Pr\u00E4sident."@de . "Kang the Mad is a forgetful and eccentric mad scientist found in the service of Gao the Greater.Kang was brought into Gao the Greater's service after he burned down some estates and was saved from his fate by Gao's bribery. Kang designed the locking mechinism for Gao's base, the Amber Mosquito and the Marvelous Dragonfly for Gao but was displeased with Gao's plan to duplicate his fliers. Eventually Kang turned on Gao when the Player arrived. Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. At the Second Battle of Dirge Kang blows up the only bridge in to block the Imperial Army's ascent. Kang has lost his memory but regains it slowly through use of Lord Lao's Furnace. He is, in fact, Lord Lao."@en . . "Kang the Destroyer"@en . . "13122"^^ . . "Kang fut un Klingon affect\u00E9 par le virus des Am\u00E9lior\u00E9s cr\u00E9\u00E9 par l'ing\u00E9nierie g\u00E9n\u00E9tique en 2154. (ENT: \"Divergence\") Il ne fut pas clarifi\u00E9, s'il \u00E9tait n\u00E9 Am\u00E9lior\u00E9 ou s'il fut contamin\u00E9 au cours de sa jeunesse."@fr . . . "Avengers #8"@pl . "Sister: Kodos"@en . . . . . . . . "The Simpsons"@en . . . "Kang"@en . . . . "Warrior, Starship Captain"@en . "English version"@en . "~R\u00F3d Eyriennes, ~Nathaniel i Cassandra Richards, Reed Richards, Franklin Richards, Valeria Richards, Tara Richards ~, Victor von Doom ~, Ramades ~, Marcus Kang I-XXIII ~, ~Poniewa\u017C Kang wch\u0142on\u0105\u0142 esencj\u0119 swoich alternatywnych odpowiednik\u00F3w, w sk\u0142ad rodziny mo\u017Cna zaliczy\u0107 r\u00F3wnie\u017C niezliczonych alternatywnych krewniak\u00F3w."@pl . . "(Great Universe); No Image Male.jpg"@en . . "Kang"@pl . "Nathaniel Richards"@en . . . "Kang, son of K'naiah was a Klingon of great reknown in the 23rd and 24th centuries. He was first seen in the Star Trek episode Day of the Dove. Kang was named after an active volcano on Qo'noS. A Quch'Ha Klingon, Kang was a smooth headed Klingon descended from Klingons who had been infected with the augment virus a century earlier. He was good friends with Kor and Koloth. Upon arrival on Secarus IV Dax found the mine at the entrance to the Albino's compound. Kor chided Kang for making a deal with the devil before they came up with an alternate plan."@en . "Collection"@en . . "Kang"@fr . . . . . "Steven Blum"@en . "Blue Man, Victor Timely, Blue Totem, Scarlet Centurion, Rama-Tut, King of Kings, Master of Men, Lord of the Seven Suns, Iron Lad, Lord Immortus, Whisperer"@pl . . . . . "\"Kang\" was the name taken by young women living in Paradise Towers."@en . "Bad"@en . "Kang is a Rigellian from Rigel VI. His sister/brother is Kodos. Together, Kang and Kodos try to take over Earth and are usually seen attacking Springfield. He went to summer camp with Roger and are friends with Lrrr and Ndnd Kang & Kodos have a lot of space weaponry at hand and have their own spaceship. They speak the Rigellian language, which, by coincidence, is identical to English. Although they look identical, Kang has a deeper voice than Kodos."@en . . "Kang est un Rigellian originaire de Rigel 7. Sa s\u0153ur / fr\u00E8re Kodos. Ensemble, Kang et Kodos essayent de prendre le contr\u00F4le de la Terre et sont g\u00E9n\u00E9ralement consid\u00E9r\u00E9s comme si ils attaquaient Springfield. Kang et Kodos ont beaucoup d'armes spatiales \u00E0 la main et ont leur propre vaisseau spatial. Ils parlent la langue Rigellienne, qui, par co\u00EFncidence, est identique \u00E0 l'anglais. Bien qu'ils semblent identiques, Kang a une voix plus profonde que Kodos. On apprend \u00E9galement que Kang est le vrai p\u00E8re de Maggie (Simpson Horror Show IX)"@fr . "All-Stars"@en . . "2230"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Deceased"@en . . . . . . "Kang"@en . . . . "Number of Jobs"@en . . . . . . "Citoyen de l'Empire Klingon"@fr . . . . . . . . "100"^^ . . "Kang, also known as the Fist of First Dawn, was a pandaren monk who inspired his people to stand against their mogu masters."@en . "Rajita Kang(Marvel Unleashed); KangEarth67671.jpg"@en . . "Daughter: Kamala, Maggie Simpson"@en . "Kang the Conqueror"@pl . "you and your stupid makeup, we missed halloween -Kang angry at Kodos because they missed halloween in an cloud opening Kang Sex Other statuses Status Alias(es) Hair Occupation Location Relatives First appearance First mentioned Name seen Voiced by Kang is a Rigellian from Rigel 7. He and his sister Kodos continuously try to take over Earth and are usually seen attacking Springfield. Kang and Kodos have a lot of space weaponry at hand and have their own spaceship. They speak the Rigellian language, which, by coincidence, is identical to English. Although they look identical, Kang has a deeper voice than Kodos."@en . . "Obywatel Alternatywnej Ziemi z XXXI i XL wieku"@pl . . "Kang is a time-traveler trying to take over the world."@en . "3"^^ . . . "Kang, son of K'naiah was a Klingon of great reknown in the 23rd and 24th centuries. He was first seen in the Star Trek episode Day of the Dove. Kang was named after an active volcano on Qo'noS. A Quch'Ha Klingon, Kang was a smooth headed Klingon descended from Klingons who had been infected with the augment virus a century earlier. He was good friends with Kor and Koloth. By the 2260s Kang was married to a Klingon female named Mara and commanded a D7 class starship named the IKS Kolode. Mara served on his ship as a science officer. The Kolode was severely damaged by the Beta XII-A entity. Most of Kang's crew died in the Beta XII-A entity's assault on the Kolode. Kang and his fellow survivors were beamed aboard the Enterprise, where the entity sealed off most of the crew, equalizing the number of combatants on both sides. The entity tried to provoke never ending combat between the crew of the Enterprise and the Klingons, but Kirk and Kang put aside their differences and called a truce. Kang and the Klingon survivors returned to the Empire. Kang was given command of another D7 ship, which was named IKS Klolode II. This ship was sent to destroy the IKS Devisor after a retro virus was unleashed on the crew of that ship. Kang interceded on behalf of his friend Koloth, who was in command of the Devisor, keeping the ship from being destroyed until the survivors could be quarantined. It was soon revealed that the retro virus was created by Anntaak's grandson Dr. Hurghom to reverse the effects of the augment virus. Koloth and many other Klingons were cured of the augment virus, and regained their forehead ridges as a result. Unfortunately Kor and Kang both proved resistant to that particular cure - it would be another 20 years before a cure was developed that was effective on them. Kang was one of the Klingon delegates to peace talks on the Korvat Colony. On the Federation side was Sarek, Captain Styles and Commander Hikaru Sulu of the Excelsior, and Curzon Dax. Kang began a long winded speech on his opposition to peace with the Federation. Having had enough Curzon got up and walked out of the room right in the middle of the speech. Kang was not happy, as Jadzia would later put it no one ever had the kajunpak't to turn their back on Kang before. Kang nearly killed Curzon that day, but was soon interrupted when a bomb went off in the conference. Sarek was seriously injured and Captain Styles died from the bombing. Kang, Kor, Koloth, Curzon Dax, and Hikaru Sulu attempted to capture The Albino for bombing the conference. While they were unsuccessful in capturing the pirate, they significantly curtailed his operations and were largely able to mitigate a biological attack on Qo'noS that the Albino had carried out. A friendship began between Kang and Dax that would last until Kang's death in 2372. After the assassination of Chancellor Gorkon Kang was in command of the Klingon ship IKS HaH'vat. Patrolling the Federation-Klingon border he prevented the USS Excelsior from rescuing Captain James T. Kirk and Doctor Leonard McCoy. In 2295 in retaliation for their actions against him the Albino murdered the children of Kang, Kor, and Koloth, including Kang's very young son DaqS. At the funeral of his son Kang declared that he would cut out the heart of the Albino and eat it while forcing the Albino to watch. Kor, Koloth, and Curzon Dax joined him in his blood oath, vowing to hunt down the Albino. They invited Sulu - whose daughter Demora was very nearly killed as well - to join them, but Sulu turned them down. In addition to pursuing the Albino Kang continued his career in the Klingon Defense Force. In 2346 Kang was in command of the IKS Sompek and was taking Chancellor Kravokh and most of the High Council on a tour of the Empire. After Kravokh insisted on chasing down a faked distress call at the expense of the Klingons on the Khitomer outpost, Kravokh was challenged by councillor K'mpec to a fight to the death. Kang made it clear that he would be the next to take on Kravokh should he defeat K'mpec. However K'mpec won the battle and Kang immediately accepted his authority as chancellor. Kang continued his pursuit of the Albino as time permitted. Meeting with an ex wife of the Albino he gained some valuable intelligence on the Albino. The Albino would eventually contact Kang to say that he was tired of the pursuit, and offered Kang a chance to have a glorious fight to the death facing him and 40 of his guards. In 2372 Kang brought the other members of the blood oath together and they took off in pursuit of the Albino - Dax joined over the explicit objections of Benjamin Sisko. While enroute to the Albino's compound on Secarus IV Kang admitted that he had in contact with the Albino and of the supposed bargain the Albino had made with Kang. What Kang did not realize was that the Albino never intended to keep his bargain though, planning to kill the Klingons with a mine at the entrance to his estate. What the Albino didn't count on was Curzon's successor Jadzia Dax accompanying the Klingons. Upon arrival on Secarus IV Dax found the mine at the entrance to the Albino's compound. Kor chided Kang for making a deal with the devil before they came up with an alternate plan. Dax and the Klingons blew up the Albino's armoury, then disabled scanners and communications. Arriving in the main hall Kang told the Albino that he was a killer of children and to look upon his executioners. In the fight that ensued Koloth was severely injured and died not long after. Kang also was mortally wounded in the attack, but before the Albino could finish him off he found himself held at bat'leth point by Jadzia Dax. Dax hesitated when the time came to deliver the coup de grace. However she delayed the Albino just long enough for Kang to put a knife in the back of the Albino. The Albino was dead by the time he hit the ground. Kang realized that Dax wasn't able to bring herself to kill the Albino, but with his dying breaths he helped Dax save face by thanking her for letting him have the honor of finishing off the Albino. Kang died a few minutes later, saying it was a good day to die, after he died Dax replied it was never a good day to lose a good friend. Singing a dirge Kor set about setting Qagh's compound on fire. Over the next three years Kor would tell stories of his old friend Kang until his own death in combat against the Dominion in 2375. Kang was seen as a hero to many in the Empire."@en . "Killed in action"@en . "As a reliable yet quick-tempered goal keeper, Kang's football team decide to get rid of him as his fits of anger are starting to scare his own defenders. Tired of stopping balls, he reinvents himself as a shot putter. Throwing a ball as far as he can could very well be the making of him..."@en . "41"^^ . . . . "As a product of 22nd century genetic engineering, Kang was a descendant from Klingons affected with the Klingon augment virus created in 2154. (ENT: \"Divergence\") By the 2290s, Kang was outwardly cured of this affliction either through medical treatment, cosmetic surgery, or a combination of both. (VOY: \"Flashback\") Throughout his illustrious career, Kang played key roles in many legendary battles against the Federation, both on the battlefield and at the negotiation table. As a result of his prowess, Kang's status within the Empire was revered to the extent that he achieved the status of a Klingon Dahar Master. His glory further succeeded him, after his death in 2370, when he earned his own statue among the Hall of Heroes on Qo'noS. (DS9: \"Blood Oath\", \"The Sword of Kahless\") Kang wed his wife, Mara, prior to 2268; she later served as Kang's science officer aboard his battle cruiser during the late 2260s. By 2290, Kang had his first son, whom he named Dax, in honor of his friend, the Federation ambassador to Qo'noS, Curzon Dax. (TOS: \"Day of the Dove\" ; DS9: \"Blood Oath\")"@en . . . . . . . . "100"^^ . "Kawaler"@pl . . . "Male"@en . . . "Pour les mogu eux-m\u00EAmes, l\u2019empereur mogu Lao Fe \u00E9tait un monstre parmi les b\u00EAtes. Son moyen favori de punir les esclaves pandarens \u00E9tait de s\u00E9parer les familles. Les esclaves, qui ne donnaient pas satisfaction, voyaient leurs enfants envoy\u00E9s \u00E0 l\u2019\u00C9chine du Serpent, o\u00F9 ils \u00E9taient abandonn\u00E9s pour servir de nourriture aux mantides. Tel fut le destin d\u2019un jeune moine pandaren du nom de Kang. Il fut \u00E0 un tel point marqu\u00E9 par la perte de son fils qu\u2019il d\u00E9cida de ne plus porter que du noir. Dans un \u00E9clair de lucidit\u00E9, il comprit ce qu\u2019\u00E9taient vraiment les mogu : des faibles. Ils poss\u00E9daient de sombres pouvoirs magiques et des armes terrifiantes, mais leur empire \u00E9tait totalement d\u00E9pendant du travail des esclaves. Pendant le r\u00E8gne des mogu, les peuples asservis n\u2019avaient pas le droit de porter des armes. Kang d\u00E9cida alors que les pandarens eux-m\u00EAmes deviendraient des armes. C\u2019est ainsi que les moines pandarens commenc\u00E8rent \u00E0 pratiquer les arts martiaux et que Kang devint le Poing de la Premi\u00E8re Aube. L\u2019histoire ne dit pas si Kang et son fils furent un jour r\u00E9unis, mais c\u2019est l\u2019amour de ce p\u00E8re qui d\u00E9clencha la r\u00E9bellion qui changerait pour toujours la face de la Pandarie. Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnages Historiques Cat\u00E9gorie:Mists of Pandaria Cat\u00E9gorie:Pandaren"@fr . . . . . . . . "Officier de la FDK"@fr . . . . "Sister: Kodos"@en . "Zdobywca, W\u0142adca"@pl . . . . . . . "you and your stupid makeup, we missed halloween -Kang angry at Kodos because they missed halloween in an cloud opening Kang Sex Other statuses Status Alias(es) Hair Occupation Location Relatives First appearance First mentioned Name seen Voiced by Kang is a Rigellian from Rigel 7. He and his sister Kodos continuously try to take over Earth and are usually seen attacking Springfield."@en . . "Klingon"@fr . "Interstellar invader"@en . "12"^^ . "Kang is a limited time character that has been released for the past three Treehouse of Horror Events. Despite the fact that during the Treehouse of Horror XXV he was released for free, his premium payouts remained. He also reappeared in the 4th of July 2015 Event and in the Treehouse of Horror XXVI Event."@en . "Kang"@en . . "Kang the Mad is a forgetful and eccentric mad scientist found in the service of Gao the Greater.Kang was brought into Gao the Greater's service after he burned down some estates and was saved from his fate by Gao's bribery. Kang designed the locking mechinism for Gao's base, the Amber Mosquito and the Marvelous Dragonfly for Gao but was displeased with Gao's plan to duplicate his fliers. Eventually Kang turned on Gao when the Player arrived. Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. At the Second Battle of Dirge Kang blows up the only bridge in to block the Imperial Army's ascent."@en . . . . "Kang, 2268.jpg"@en . "Kang"@en . . . . "Kang Johnson"@en . . . "Ma\u00EEtre Dahar"@fr . . . "Nathaniel Richards; Kang Disambiguation.jpg"@en . . . "Cost"@en . . . "Alive"@en . . "Leadership, fighting."@en . . "Common"@en . "Kang, also known as the Fist of First Dawn, was a pandaren monk who inspired his people to stand against their mogu masters."@en . . "Time Ship"@en . . . . . . "Stoj\u0105cy ponad prawem, Prawodawca"@pl . . . . . . . . . "2008-08-01"^^ . . "\u00C9pouse: Mara"@fr . . . "Kang"@en . . . "Kang is a Rigellian from Rigel VI. His sister/brother is Kodos. Together, Kang and Kodos try to take over Earth and are usually seen attacking Springfield. He went to summer camp with Roger and are friends with Lrrr and Ndnd Kang & Kodos have a lot of space weaponry at hand and have their own spaceship. They speak the Rigellian language, which, by coincidence, is identical to English. Although they look identical, Kang has a deeper voice than Kodos."@en . "N/A"@en . "A Proper Rigellian Thanksgiving Pt. 1"@en . "Matt Groening"@en . "Ravonna"@en . "Neutral"@en . "Unlocked at"@en . . . . . "Kang is a time-traveler trying to take over the world."@en . . "Premium character?"@en . . . . . "Nathaniel Essex Richards(SigmaVerse); Kang5430.jpg"@en . . "Iron Lad; Iron Lad Disambiguation.jpg"@en . . . . . . . . "3"^^ . . . . "300"^^ . . "Pandaren Rebel Leader"@en . . . "M\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . "Kang"@de . . "As a product of 22nd century genetic engineering, Kang was a descendant from Klingons affected with the Klingon augment virus created in 2154. (ENT: \"Divergence\") By the 2290s, Kang was outwardly cured of this affliction either through medical treatment, cosmetic surgery, or a combination of both. (VOY: \"Flashback\")"@en . "Married"@en . "[[Archivo:Kang2268.jpg|thumb|Kang en 2268 interpretado por Michael Ansara]] Legendario guerrero Klingon. En 2268 mientras era capit\u00E1n de una nave, Kang fue victima de la entidad llamada Beta XII-A que destruyo la nave y produjo que \u00E9l y su tripulaci\u00F3n se encuentren atrapados en el Enterprise. Su esposa, Mara y 38 miembros de su tripulaci\u00F3n lucharon en una batalla final contra la entidad a la par de los miembros de la Federaci\u00F3n logrando llegar a un acuerdo para cooperar por el mismo motivo, sobrevivir a la entidad mal\u00E9vola."@es . . "Tajna"@pl . "Enfants: au moins 1 dont Dax"@fr . . "Badass"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Cz\u0142owiek"@pl . "Kang.PNG"@pl . "At least one son, Dax; killed by the Albino"@en . "Z\u0142o"@pl . "Unknown"@en . . . . "Kang is a limited time character that has been released for the past three Treehouse of Horror Events. Despite the fact that during the Treehouse of Horror XXV he was released for free, his premium payouts remained. He also reappeared in the 4th of July 2015 Event and in the Treehouse of Horror XXVI Event."@en . "Kang"@en . "FREE"@en . . . "Dahar Master Kang"@en . "Pietro Maximoff; Kang .jpg"@en . . . . . "Kang, son of K'naiah"@en . . . "Nathaniel Richards"@pl . . . . . . . "The Avengers, W.A.I.R.R.O.R."@en . . . . "As a reliable yet quick-tempered goal keeper, Kang's football team decide to get rid of him as his fits of anger are starting to scare his own defenders. Tired of stopping balls, he reinvents himself as a shot putter. Throwing a ball as far as he can could very well be the making of him..."@en . "Kang the Conqueror"@en . . . . "2260.0"^^ . . "Interstellar invader"@en . . . . . "-6"^^ . "Kang, die Faust der Morgend\u00E4mmerung, war der f\u00FChrende M\u00F6nch w\u00E4hrend der Revolution der Pandaren 12.000 Jahre vor der \u00D6ffnung des Dunklen Portals."@de . "250"^^ . . . . . . . . "The Simpsons Universe"@en . "Masculin"@fr . . . "Active"@en . . . . . . "Kang is a conqueror from 41st century who opposes the Avengers."@en . "Kang"@en . "2370"^^ . "(Offspringaverse); No Image Male.jpg"@en . . . . . "Pour les mogu eux-m\u00EAmes, l\u2019empereur mogu Lao Fe \u00E9tait un monstre parmi les b\u00EAtes. Son moyen favori de punir les esclaves pandarens \u00E9tait de s\u00E9parer les familles. Les esclaves, qui ne donnaient pas satisfaction, voyaient leurs enfants envoy\u00E9s \u00E0 l\u2019\u00C9chine du Serpent, o\u00F9 ils \u00E9taient abandonn\u00E9s pour servir de nourriture aux mantides. Tel fut le destin d\u2019un jeune moine pandaren du nom de Kang. Il fut \u00E0 un tel point marqu\u00E9 par la perte de son fils qu\u2019il d\u00E9cida de ne plus porter que du noir. Dans un \u00E9clair de lucidit\u00E9, il comprit ce qu\u2019\u00E9taient vraiment les mogu : des faibles. Ils poss\u00E9daient de sombres pouvoirs magiques et des armes terrifiantes, mais leur empire \u00E9tait totalement d\u00E9pendant du travail des esclaves."@fr . "184"^^ . . "Kang, son of K'naiah, (who was the son of Klaang), was a Klingon warrior, who became a Dahar Master later on in his life. By the 24th century, he and his exploits were the stuff of Klingon legend."@en . . . . . . "Name"@en . . "180"^^ . . . "Kang, die Faust der Morgend\u00E4mmerung, war der f\u00FChrende M\u00F6nch w\u00E4hrend der Revolution der Pandaren 12.000 Jahre vor der \u00D6ffnung des Dunklen Portals."@de . . . "Pandaren"@en . "2370"^^ . . . . . . "Kang is a conqueror from 41st century who opposes the Avengers."@en . "(Assemble!); Kang.png"@en . . "Avengers"@pl . "3000"^^ . "Warner"@en . "To conquer the time-space continuum"@en . "Br\u0105zowe"@pl . . . . . . "Niece: Kamala ."@en . . "1000"^^ . . "Serve the Empire, kill the Albino"@en . . . . . "Chronopolis, Purgatory Citadel, ~dawniej:, Damocles Base, Limbo, Tombstone , Timely , bli\u017Cej nieokre\u015Blona baza w XL wieku"@pl . "Br\u0105zowe"@pl . . . . . . . . . . "2370"^^ . . . . . "Victorian UFO\u00A0"@en . "350"^^ . "Star Trek episode Day of the Dove."@en . . . . "Kang"@es . . "Rama-Kang(Marvel Revival); No Image Male.jpg"@en . "Monetization Liberation Pt. 2"@en . "Kang, die Faust der Morgend\u00E4mmerung"@de . . . . . . "Time Conqueror"@en . . . "Kang fut un Klingon affect\u00E9 par le virus des Am\u00E9lior\u00E9s cr\u00E9\u00E9 par l'ing\u00E9nierie g\u00E9n\u00E9tique en 2154. (ENT: \"Divergence\") Il ne fut pas clarifi\u00E9, s'il \u00E9tait n\u00E9 Am\u00E9lior\u00E9 ou s'il fut contamin\u00E9 au cours de sa jeunesse."@fr . "Doctor Doom , Ravonna"@en . . "Celestial Bureaucracy - formerly\n\nGao the Greater - formely"@en .