"Sarah Palin is a Scun who moved to Libaterra in search of work and eventually ended up as a receptionist in the Garden of Earthly Delights, a high class brothel located in Alent. She's rather sardonic and lecherous but also dim-witted, which often infuriates her boss Calista Cypher."@en . "Sarah Palin is a Scun who moved to Libaterra in search of work and eventually ended up as a receptionist in the Garden of Earthly Delights, a high class brothel located in Alent. She's rather sardonic and lecherous but also dim-witted, which often infuriates her boss Calista Cypher."@en . . . "Sarah Palin (February 11, 1964 - November 4, 2008) is a minor character in the series."@en . "Unknown ProfessionUnknown Youtube ChannelNone AgeUnknown ReligionUnknown BornUnknown ResidenceUnknown StatusUnknown Eye ColorUnknown Hair ColorUnknown Sarah Palin is a Republican escort woman. She is most notable for running for Vice President in 2008 alongside some old fuck and losing miserably, more than likely for just being Palin. Some people think she's hot, but they're gross human beings."@en . . . . . . . . . "Tsar of Alaska"@en . . . "Sarah Louise Palin"@en . . . "Female"@en . . . "Sarah Palin, n\u00E9e le 11 f\u00E9vrier 1964 \u00E0 Sandpoint dans l'Idaho est une femme politique am\u00E9ricaine membre du Parti r\u00E9publicain et gouverneur de l'Alaska o\u00F9 il fait tr\u00E8s froid. C'est pourquoi elle fit cinq enfants dont trois filles sans importance et deux gar\u00E7ons auxquels elle a souhait\u00E9 donner des noms d'\u00E9cureuil : Track et Trig. Sarah vient d'\u00EAtre propos\u00E9e au poste de vice-pr\u00E9sident des \u00C9tats-Unis par John McCain qui lui a promis qu'il n'en n'avait pas pour plus d'un ou deux ans \u00E0 vivre."@fr . . "Sarah Palin"@cs . "Sarah Palin ist ein kryptozoologisches Wesen, das eine tragende Rolle in der Mythologie der USA einnimmt."@de . . . . . . . . "Sarah entered the PTA when her oldest son Trak brought home an illicit copy of \"Where Waldo?\" Noting that Waldo was dressed like a Parisian dingleberry, Sarah vowed war againist Waldo and all of his allies in the Democratic Party. Sarah dominated the school board like no other person, seeing as though the only other living beings on the school board were an American eagle, a humpback whale, and a moose (which she shot in \"self-defense\" from a helicopter shortly after joining the board, turned into stew and feed to the rest of the council). Realizing her lust for power was growing, but that no one would elect an androgynous man, Sarah had a sex change operation in 1995, the results of which we see today. The gamble worked, and she was elected mayor in 1998 by a vote of 1 to 0. In 2002, she was Elected Governor of Alaska by default because her boat reached Juneau first and she claimed the capitol for herself. Apparently, everyone else was busy with the annual Seward Salmon Derby. Unable to quench her ravanous lust for power, she phoned John McCain in the middle of the night. A confused McCain gave her his credit card number after she claimed he won a special Senior-POW-Senators-Only prize. Thus she blackmailed her way onto the 2008 ticket... which has worked out great for her."@en . "Non-denominational Christian"@en . . "Chritianity"@en . "Sarah Palin (born February 11, 1964 under the full name Sarah Moosejaw Oil fetish Heath), was the Governor of Alaska for half a term before she sketchily resigned for no apparent reason. But until 7AM on an August morning in 2008, few people in the other 49 states knew who she was...or cared to know. On August 29, 2008 Senator John McCain named her nominee for United States Vice President, also for no apparent reason. As vice presidential candidate Palin's extreme rhetoric was even called a threat to Democracy (newsflash, Palin IS a threat to Democracy!)"@en . . . . . . . . "Sarah Palin ist ein kryptozoologisches Wesen, das eine tragende Rolle in der Mythologie der USA einnimmt."@de . . . . . . "Sarah Palin got a TV Series on her Tweets, but there was a protest on December 12, 2012, and it was replaced with Family Guy after they found out how much Sonic, Zelda, and Guiyii fans hated it so much. The last episode was called \"I am a N00b\". She wrote about she and George W. Bush are all n00bs. She also appeared in George W. Bush's TV Series, where she ate the flowers he gave her."@en . . . . . . . . . . "The one true Tsar of Alaska"@en . "Education"@en . . . . . "Human"@en . "Sarah Palin a.k.a. Sarah Louise Palin was the half term Governor of Alaska from her election in 2006 until her resignation on July 3, 2009. She gained notoriety as the controversial 2008 Vice Presidential running mate of John McCain and has struggled to achieve positive public attention since then. Notwithstanding a six figure lecture fee earned in Hong Kong, she has been able to schedule few lectures. Her memoir, Going Rogue, was reportedly written in only four months. See the Village Voice Cartoon Review"@en . "Semjon Ignatijevi\u010D Sarachpalin (* 1901 U\u017Ehorod, \u2020 kolem roku 1950 kdesi v l\u00E1gru na Kolym\u011B) byl v\u00FDzna\u010Dn\u00FD sov\u011Btsk\u00FD biolog, genetik a insemin\u00E1tor. Jeho nev\u0161edn\u00ED z\u00E1jem o kozy profesorky naKategorie:Cenzurov\u00E1no biologii ho po studi\u00EDch dovedl a\u017E do V\u00FDzkumn\u00E9ho \u00FAstavu Trofima D\u011Bnisovi\u010De Lysenka, kter\u00FD v t\u00E9 dob\u011B pat\u0159il ke sv\u011Btov\u00E9 \u0161pi\u010Dce. Jako\u017Eto mlad\u00FD nad\u011Bjn\u00FD doktorand pracoval na ambici\u00F3zn\u00EDm Stalinov\u011B pl\u00E1nu zav\u00E9st chov dobytka i v mraziv\u00FDch sibi\u0159sk\u00FDch pustin\u00E1ch. Jeho c\u00EDlem bylo vy\u0161lechtit hov\u011Bz\u00ED dobytek schopn\u00FD p\u0159e\u017E\u00EDt do \u201360 \u00B0C a \u017Eivit se p\u0159itom sn\u011Bhem, li\u0161ejn\u00EDky a muklokostn\u00ED mou\u010Dkou. Jeho pr\u00E1ce za\u010Dala ve Vladivostoku, kde si vybral plemeno Korova Kosmomolod\u011Bmi\u017Eonanskaja, o kter\u00E9m soudil, \u017Ee bude nejvhodn\u011Bj\u0161\u00ED k soudru\u017Esk\u00E9 genetick\u00E9 p\u0159ev\u00FDchov\u011B. Ka\u017Edou dal\u0161\u00ED generaci p\u0159es\u00EDdlil o 1\u00B0 severn\u011Bji, p\u0159i\u010Dem\u017E jejich genofond obohacoval postupn\u00FDm k\u0159\u00ED\u017Een\u00EDm s vlkem, hranostajem, octomilkou, stachanovcem, hrachorem, vodkou, Leninov\u00FDmi spisy a ob\u010Das i se sebou, kdy\u017E to na n\u011Bj p\u0159i\u0161lo. Jako\u017Eto politicky uv\u011Bdom\u011Bl\u00FD soudruh samoz\u0159ejm\u011B nezapom\u011Bl sv\u00FDm krav\u00E1m prom\u00EDtat Mraz\u00EDka a p\u0159ed\u010D\u00EDtat \u00FAryvky z knihy Jak \u010Cuk a Gek a jejich parta daleko od Moskvy kalili ocel. Jeho el\u00E1n a d\u016Fsledn\u00E9 lp\u011Bn\u00ED na lysenkovsko-mi\u010Durinsk\u00E9 linii brzy p\u0159inesly ovoce. Sov\u011Btsk\u00FD v\u016Fdce, slun\u00E9\u010Dko na\u0161e, n\u00E1\u0161 drah\u00FD soudruh a neomyln\u00FD generalissimus Josif Vysralionovi\u010D Stalin ho za jeho z\u00E1sluhy odm\u011Bnil Do\u017Eivotn\u00EDm \u0159\u00E1dem Zlat\u00E9ho gulagu. \u0160lecht\u011Bn\u00ED pokra\u010Dovalo i po Sarachpalinov\u011B tragick\u00E9 smrti, kdy\u017E ho uml\u00E1til opil\u00FD dozorce v l\u00E1gruKategorie:Cenzurov\u00E1no uklouzl na ban\u00E1nov\u00E9 slupce b\u011Bhem sv\u00E9 rekreace na Krymu. Vy\u0161lecht\u011Bn\u00E9 sibi\u0159sk\u00E9 plemeno se na jeho po\u010Dest za\u010Dalo naz\u00FDvat jeho jm\u00E9nem. Po rozpadu SSSR byl \u0161lechtitelsk\u00FD program opu\u0161t\u011Bn, kr\u00E1vy byly se\u017Er\u00E1ny hladov\u00FDmi \u010Cuk\u010Di nebo prod\u00E1ny za fla\u0161ku vodky americk\u00FDm farm\u00E1\u0159\u016Fm na Alja\u0161ce. T\u00EDm byla genetick\u00E1 linie zachr\u00E1n\u011Bna, by\u0165 pod poangli\u010Dt\u011Bn\u00FDm jm\u00E9nem Sarah Palin. Kr\u00E1va tohoto plemene je nadpr\u016Fm\u011Brn\u011B inteligentn\u00ED, a tak nen\u00ED divu, \u017Ee to brzy dot\u00E1hla na guvern\u00E9rku Alja\u0161ky a mo\u017Enou kandid\u00E1tku na americk\u00E9ho prezidenta."@cs . . . "Sarah Palin"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\"Master Chief Sucks at Voting\""@en . "University of Idaho, Moscow"@en . "Desk Jockey"@en . . . "Alive"@en . . . . . . . "Sarah Palin"@en . . . . "Sarah Palin"@en . . . "1964-02-11"^^ . . . . . . . . "Born"@en . "Sarah Palin used to be a beauty queen and Republicans hoped she would be a VPILF but she didn't make it."@en . "Sarah Palin got a TV Series on her Tweets, but there was a protest on December 12, 2012, and it was replaced with Family Guy after they found out how much Sonic, Zelda, and Guiyii fans hated it so much. The last episode was called \"I am a N00b\". She wrote about she and George W. Bush are all n00bs. She also appeared in George W. Bush's TV Series, where she ate the flowers he gave her."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Sarah Louise Palin (Listeni/\u02C8pe\u026Al\u1D7Bn/; n\u00E9e Heath; born February 11, 1964) is an American politician, commentator, and author who served as the ninth Governor of Alaska from 2006 until her resignation in 2009. As the Republican Party nominee for Vice President in the 2008 election running with the Republican presidential nominee, Arizona Senator John McCain, she was the first Alaskan on the national ticket of a major political party and the first Republican woman nominated for the vice presidency. Her book Going Rogue has sold more than two million copies."@en . "Sarah entered the PTA when her oldest son Trak brought home an illicit copy of \"Where Waldo?\" Noting that Waldo was dressed like a Parisian dingleberry, Sarah vowed war againist Waldo and all of his allies in the Democratic Party. Sarah dominated the school board like no other person, seeing as though the only other living beings on the school board were an American eagle, a humpback whale, and a moose (which she shot in \"self-defense\" from a helicopter shortly after joining the board, turned into stew and feed to the rest of the council). Realizing her lust for power was growing, but that no one would elect an androgynous man, Sarah had a sex change operation in 1995, the results of which we see today. The gamble worked, and she was elected mayor in 1998 by a vote of 1 to 0."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Nondenominational Christianity"@en . . "Brown"@en . "52"^^ . "Sarah"@en . "Sarah Palin a.k.a. Sarah Louise Palin was the half term Governor of Alaska from her election in 2006 until her resignation on July 3, 2009. She gained notoriety as the controversial 2008 Vice Presidential running mate of John McCain and has struggled to achieve positive public attention since then. Notwithstanding a six figure lecture fee earned in Hong Kong, she has been able to schedule few lectures. Her memoir, Going Rogue, was reportedly written in only four months. See the Village Voice Cartoon Review"@en . . . "Sarah Louise Palin (Listeni/\u02C8pe\u026Al\u1D7Bn/; n\u00E9e Heath; born February 11, 1964) is an American politician, commentator, and author who served as the ninth Governor of Alaska from 2006 until her resignation in 2009. As the Republican Party nominee for Vice President in the 2008 election running with the Republican presidential nominee, Arizona Senator John McCain, she was the first Alaskan on the national ticket of a major political party and the first Republican woman nominated for the vice presidency. Her book Going Rogue has sold more than two million copies. She was elected to the Wasilla City Council in 1992 and became Mayor of Wasilla in 1996. In 2003, after an unsuccessful run for lieutenant governor, she was appointed chair of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, responsible for overseeing the state's oil and gas fields for safety and efficiency. The youngest person and first woman to be elected Governor of Alaska, Palin held the office from December 2006 until her resignation in July 2009. Since leaving office, she has endorsed and campaigned for the Tea Party movement as well as several candidates in multiple election cycles. From 2010 to 2015, she provided political commentary for Fox News. On April 3, 2014, Palin premiered her latest TV show, Amazing America with Sarah Palin, on the Sportsman Channel. On July 27, 2014, Palin launched an online news network, the Sarah Palin Channel. Sarah Palin, while serving as Governor of Alaska, was nominated as the first female candidate of the Republican Party for Vice President of the United States. Following the nomination, her public image came under close media scrutiny, particularly regarding her religious perspective on public life, her socially conservative views, and a perceived lack of experience. Palin's experience in foreign and domestic politics came under criticism among conservatives as well as liberals following her nomination. A poll taken by Rasmussen Reports just after the Republican National Convention in the first week of September 2008 found that Palin was more popular than either Barack Obama or John McCain; however, this perception later reversed. At the same time, Palin became more popular among Republicans than McCain. A February 2010 ABC News/Washington Post poll showed 71% of Americans felt Palin lacked the qualifications necessary to be President of the United States."@en . . . . . . "Un giorno nel Paradiso Terrestre, agli albori dell'umanit\u00E0, Dio, stanco di vivere solo nell'universo, decise di staccarsi una costola per condividere tutte le gioie della vita con una donna. Dalla carne del divino nacque quindi Sarah Palin, la prima donna (degna di lui), e dalla loro unione scatur\u00EC quella stirpe di uomini che, in tempi moderni, occuper\u00E0 l'area del Texas. Ma si sa, la donna \u00E8 debole e cade facilmente nelle tentazioni, cos\u00EC trad\u00EC il divino con quel simpaticone di Satana travestito da serpente. Neanche a dirlo Dio (a cui nulla sfugge) si infuri\u00F2 come una belva, condann\u00F2 Belzeb\u00F9 a vivere in eterno negli inferi dicendo: \u00ABarriver\u00E0 un giorno in cui Madonna ti schiaccer\u00E0 la testa \u00BB. Mentre non potendo uccidere la Palin, dato che era impossibile uccidere la carne della sua stessa carne, la priv\u00F2 del cervello e la rileg\u00F2 in una landa desolata cos\u00EC fredda da impedirle di trombare per l'eternit\u00E0. Fatto questo maled\u00EC tutte le donne, condannandole a partorire con lo stesso dolore provocato da un calcio in culo."@it . . . . "Sarah Palin"@it . . "Author, Speaker"@en . . . . . . . . "Governor, pawn of the Network"@en . . "To protect her adopted son Nemo from being killed by Stan in \"Season's Beatings\", Hayley sends off Nemo to Alaska to be raised by Sarah Palin and become the future Anti-Christ. In \"The Unbrave One\", Stan paints Steve's room into a nursery honoring John McCain's bravery when Francine thinks she may be pregnant. Stan paints a mural honoring him choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate when he didn't know anything about her. She is voiced by Wendy Schaal."@en . "160"^^ . . . "Killed by the Network"@en . "Brown"@en . . . "Sarah Louise Palin (born February 11, 1964) is the Governor of the U.S. state of Alaska. Palin was a member of the Wasilla, Alaska, city council from 1992 to 1996 and the city's mayor from 1996 to 2002. After an unsuccessful campaign for Lieutenant Governor of Alaska in 2002, she chaired the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission from 2003 to 2004. She was elected Governor of Alaska in November 2006. Palin is the first female governor of Alaska and the youngest person elected governor of that state. Palin was the Republican Party's vice-presidential nominee for the 2008 United States presidential election, on the ticket with Senator John McCain. Palin was the second female candidate and the first Alaskan candidate of either major party on a national ticket, as well as the first female "@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "27"^^ . "Sarah Louise Heath Palin is a American politician, author, speaker, and political news commentator and the former Governor of Alaska. She was the Republican Party's vice presidential candidate in the 2008 election, running with John McCain. She appeared prominently in the Season Twelve episode, \"About Last Night...\"."@en . . . . "Sandpoint, Idaho, U.S"@en . . . . "Sarah Palin, n\u00E9e le 11 f\u00E9vrier 1964 \u00E0 Sandpoint dans l'Idaho est une femme politique am\u00E9ricaine membre du Parti r\u00E9publicain et gouverneur de l'Alaska o\u00F9 il fait tr\u00E8s froid. C'est pourquoi elle fit cinq enfants dont trois filles sans importance et deux gar\u00E7ons auxquels elle a souhait\u00E9 donner des noms d'\u00E9cureuil : Track et Trig. Sarah vient d'\u00EAtre propos\u00E9e au poste de vice-pr\u00E9sident des \u00C9tats-Unis par John McCain qui lui a promis qu'il n'en n'avait pas pour plus d'un ou deux ans \u00E0 vivre."@fr . . "\"Master Chief Sucks at Voting\""@en . . . "To protect her adopted son Nemo from being killed by Stan in \"Season's Beatings\", Hayley sends off Nemo to Alaska to be raised by Sarah Palin and become the future Anti-Christ. In \"The Unbrave One\", Stan paints Steve's room into a nursery honoring John McCain's bravery when Francine thinks she may be pregnant. Stan paints a mural honoring him choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate when he didn't know anything about her. She is voiced by Wendy Schaal."@en . "Religion"@en . . . . . . "Sarah Palin"@en . "Sarah Palin"@de . . . . . "Sarah Louise Palin (born February 11, 1964) is the Governor of the U.S. state of Alaska. Palin was a member of the Wasilla, Alaska, city council from 1992 to 1996 and the city's mayor from 1996 to 2002. After an unsuccessful campaign for Lieutenant Governor of Alaska in 2002, she chaired the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission from 2003 to 2004. She was elected Governor of Alaska in November 2006. Palin is the first female governor of Alaska and the youngest person elected governor of that state. Palin was the Republican Party's vice-presidential nominee for the 2008 United States presidential election, on the ticket with Senator John McCain. Palin was the second female candidate and the first Alaskan candidate of either major party on a national ticket, as well as the first female vice-presidential nominee of the Republican Party."@en . . . "Sarah"@en . . . . . . . "Scary beyond all reason."@en . . . "Sarah Palin (born February 11, 1964 under the full name Sarah Moosejaw Oil fetish Heath), was the Governor of Alaska for half a term before she sketchily resigned for no apparent reason. But until 7AM on an August morning in 2008, few people in the other 49 states knew who she was...or cared to know. On August 29, 2008 Senator John McCain named her nominee for United States Vice President, also for no apparent reason. As vice presidential candidate Palin's extreme rhetoric was even called a threat to Democracy (newsflash, Palin IS a threat to Democracy!) As governor of Alaska she fired her ex brother in law, and got her husband a job as an executive with the BP company. She collaborated with Ted Stevens over a controversial pipeline that did some trouble to Canadian first nations. Later, she tried to cover that up . Sarah Palin hates polar bears; she believes they are evil and likely believes them to be the devil's abomination. She even tried to persuade the Bush administration to remove polar bears from the Endangered species List to acquire more land space for oil drilling . Fortunately, Americans had enough sense not to elect McCain or her they lost badly. She might have run for president in 2012 with Joe the Plumber as a running mate. There may have been no Republican better than she is, which is saying a lot. At least Palin and Joe stood for something, Romony just flip flopped. Palin wants Carly Fiorina to be more like Donald Trump ."@en . . . . . . "Unknown ProfessionUnknown Youtube ChannelNone AgeUnknown ReligionUnknown BornUnknown ResidenceUnknown StatusUnknown Eye ColorUnknown Hair ColorUnknown Sarah Palin is a Republican escort woman. She is most notable for running for Vice President in 2008 alongside some old fuck and losing miserably, more than likely for just being Palin. Some people think she's hot, but they're gross human beings."@en . . . "Political party"@en . . "Sarah Palin is an Eskimo who eats tons of Polar Bear sandwiches every day. She is quite dim-witted since she believes that humans evolved from apple pies, and that Kwanzaa is the Martian planetary holiday. She was first discovered by an eskimo tribe in the North Pole by a certain elf named Josef Stalin. After taking her to Santa Claus, Santa told the 2-year-old to go fry her brains, since she had so much brain damage. Just then, an army of cactus people abducted her and flew away. Using his jet-powered supersled, Saint Nick shot the Cacti spaceship down with an AK-47. Somehow, Palin ended up in Alaska, and we have yet to figure out why the heck they made her a Governor. 1)Palin vs. Obama Palin once said that the best ice cream sandwich is an African one. Obama then replied with \"What does that have to do with politics???\" Palin then said that people shouldn't vote for Obama because he was a way better speaker than McCain. Obama remained silent. Then, when asked whether or not global warming was affecting Alaska, Palin said, \"Look, I don't know about you guys, but Alaska's pretty darn cold.\" Once again, Obama remained silent. 2)Palin vs. Clinton Clinton first attacked Palin by saying that she had no real experience whatsoever. Palin replied, \"Experience is a funny word, it reminds me of Shakespeare, because, you know, Shakespeare is a funny name.\" Clinton then claimed that Palin wanted to continue the war with Iraq. Palin said, \"What's a Iraq?\" 3)Palin vs. Biden Palin attacked first saying that Biden ate too much mooncheese and farted. Biden then said that Palin was absolutely nuts. Palin rebuttled by saying, \"I likes ca-shoes.\" Biden stood by his previous comment. 4)Palin vs. McCain This is one of the more mysterious debates. After McCain chose Palin as his running mate. Palin somehow \"debated\" with him. McCain told Palin that she would keep him from becoming president. Palin said that global warming was melting her ice cream sandwich. McCain shook his head in agony."@en . "Former Governor of Alaska"@en . "Un giorno nel Paradiso Terrestre, agli albori dell'umanit\u00E0, Dio, stanco di vivere solo nell'universo, decise di staccarsi una costola per condividere tutte le gioie della vita con una donna. Dalla carne del divino nacque quindi Sarah Palin, la prima donna (degna di lui), e dalla loro unione scatur\u00EC quella stirpe di uomini che, in tempi moderni, occuper\u00E0 l'area del Texas. Ma si sa, la donna \u00E8 debole e cade facilmente nelle tentazioni, cos\u00EC trad\u00EC il divino con quel simpaticone di Satana travestito da serpente. Neanche a dirlo Dio (a cui nulla sfugge) si infuri\u00F2 come una belva, condann\u00F2 Belzeb\u00F9 a vivere in eterno negli inferi dicendo: \u00ABarriver\u00E0 un giorno in cui Madonna ti schiaccer\u00E0 la testa \u00BB. Mentre non potendo uccidere la Palin, dato che era impossibile uccidere la carne della sua stessa c"@it . . "Former Vice President Candidate"@en . . . . "Brown"@en . . . . "Sarah Palin (February 11, 1964 - November 4, 2008) is a minor character in the series."@en . "Sarah Louise Heath Palin is a American politician, author, speaker, and political news commentator and the former Governor of Alaska. She was the Republican Party's vice presidential candidate in the 2008 election, running with John McCain. She appeared prominently in the Season Twelve episode, \"About Last Night...\"."@en . . "1"^^ . . . . . . . . "Ruling over her Eskimo slaves"@en . "Sarah Palin"@en . . "None; killed offscreen"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Wasilla, Alaska, U.S"@en . . "Sarah Palin is an Eskimo who eats tons of Polar Bear sandwiches every day. She is quite dim-witted since she believes that humans evolved from apple pies, and that Kwanzaa is the Martian planetary holiday. She was first discovered by an eskimo tribe in the North Pole by a certain elf named Josef Stalin. After taking her to Santa Claus, Santa told the 2-year-old to go fry her brains, since she had so much brain damage. Just then, an army of cactus people abducted her and flew away. Using his jet-powered supersled, Saint Nick shot the Cacti spaceship down with an AK-47. Somehow, Palin ended up in Alaska, and we have yet to figure out why the heck they made her a Governor."@en . . . . . . . . . . "1964-02-11"^^ . . . . "AT&T Lauren"@en . . . . . . . "\"About Last Night...\""@en . . . "Scary beyond all reason."@en . . . . . "Semjon Ignatijevi\u010D Sarachpalin (* 1901 U\u017Ehorod, \u2020 kolem roku 1950 kdesi v l\u00E1gru na Kolym\u011B) byl v\u00FDzna\u010Dn\u00FD sov\u011Btsk\u00FD biolog, genetik a insemin\u00E1tor. Jeho nev\u0161edn\u00ED z\u00E1jem o kozy profesorky naKategorie:Cenzurov\u00E1no biologii ho po studi\u00EDch dovedl a\u017E do V\u00FDzkumn\u00E9ho \u00FAstavu Trofima D\u011Bnisovi\u010De Lysenka, kter\u00FD v t\u00E9 dob\u011B pat\u0159il ke sv\u011Btov\u00E9 \u0161pi\u010Dce. Jako\u017Eto mlad\u00FD nad\u011Bjn\u00FD doktorand pracoval na ambici\u00F3zn\u00EDm Stalinov\u011B pl\u00E1nu zav\u00E9st chov dobytka i v mraziv\u00FDch sibi\u0159sk\u00FDch pustin\u00E1ch. Jeho c\u00EDlem bylo vy\u0161lechtit hov\u011Bz\u00ED dobytek schopn\u00FD p\u0159e\u017E\u00EDt do \u201360 \u00B0C a \u017Eivit se p\u0159itom sn\u011Bhem, li\u0161ejn\u00EDky a muklokostn\u00ED mou\u010Dkou."@cs . . . .