"3"^^ . . . . . . . "4"^^ . "Human"@en . "Unknown"@en . . . "13"^^ . "__NOWYSIWYG__ The Razor can be fused with the Spoiler Parts into a creatively powerful special bounceback part."@en . . "Unknown"@en . . . . . . . . "Hero"@en . . "Man"@sv . "Low"@en . "Murderous, Smart"@en . . . "Razor can refer to : \n* RaZor, a musician"@en . . . . "Atlas"@en . "Transport"@en . . . . . . "14"^^ . . "Good"@en . . . "The Razor appears in the missions Red Light District, Ritual Cleansing and Origins."@en . . . . "Kamaitachi, the 'sickle-weasels', are a type of youkai (Japanese supernatural creatures of various origins and traits). They work in a group of three siblings to attack travelers on the road. The eldest knocks down the traveler, with a club, stunning him. Then the second cuts a deep gash on the traveler with its long claws, which is near-instantly healed by the youngest's healing balm. Thus the traveler ends up very confused why an apparently normal gust of wind suddenly left a huge, bloodless scar on his person."@en . . . "Tediore"@en . "Wanders the zone"@en . "\"Bargaining, Part Two\""@en . . "\u30EC\u30A4\u30B6\u30FC"@en . "Razor doesn't give a damn about Tanereva's philosophy. To him all that counts is surfing. As long as there's sun and waves, nothing else matters. As a native of a South Pacific atoll, he's campaigning for them to start underwater nuclear testing again, so he can finally ride a wave that's worthy of him."@en . "12"^^ . . . "9"^^ . "\"Into the Fire\""@en . "Razor (only name given due to having his head nearly severed by a barbed-wire fence while he was riding a snowmobile) became a believer and a member of the Tribulation Force. He was a soldier of Hispanic-American origin who was working under the command of George Sebastian at the San Diego underground safehouse, warning the Tribulation Force members there about any Global Community activities in the vicinity. He also later helped Rayford Steele return safely to Petra when he was badly injured from wrecking an ATV in \"Glorious Appearing\". Characters of the Left Behind series: List"@en . . "ARF Trooper\nUnknown"@en . "Razor"@en . . . "Inventor of the sprite kit that Dark709's first two comic seasons used."@en . . "Lightning Defender"@en . . "active"@en . "Deceased"@en . . "4"^^ . "BFG10K, Rocket Launcher, Lightning Gun"@en . "A razor is a breed of horse from Arad Doman, so called due to the pattern of coloring. In a razor's coat, \"black met white in straight lines that could have been sliced by a razor.\" Mat bought a razor in Jurador from Toke Fearnim as a gift for Tuon."@en . "Lucidity"@en . . . . "Destroying The Dire"@en . . . "Sex: Male Species: Human During a time of civil unrest on Earth, Razor and his gang of vigilante followers enforced a rigid, brutal code of justice in the Pacific Northwest. Razor never admits defeat and shows no mercy in defense of order."@en . "This is a port of the DR15 Enlightenment theme of the same name. E.Themes.Org, lists the original author of Razor as anonymous, but Razor is based off of the Enlightenment Chrome theme by Ian Larsen (bluesmani at yahoo dot com). This theme was edited with the sawfish-themer."@en . . "Reiz\u0101"@en . "Batman: Arkham Asylum"@en . . "* : Razor can project powerful optic beams similar to Flashpoint. Hers may not possess the same effects as Flashpoint, who can control the direction of his beams."@en . . . . "12"^^ . "13"^^ . "Razor"@sv . . "Silent Hill: Origins"@en . . . "Franc Ross"@en . "Razor"@es . "20"^^ . . "1000"^^ . . . . "tv-shows/clone-wars/liberty-on-ryloth"@fr . "Born with the name Weiss, he was abandoned at birth at an orphanage in Konoha. At around the time he entered the Ninja Acadamy he began to show signs of mental instability, and began calling himself Razor. He was pulled out of the acadamy and placed in a Mental Institution. After several breakout attempts, some of which involved hurting his caretakers, the village elders decided to put him in an experimental training program. During his training sessions his watchers noted his skill with two katanas, and he was showing extreme hostility to everyone around him, even friendlies. Once it was felt his training was complete he was sent on several under the table assignments. He performed every mission flawlessly, fullfilling every single objective given to him. Unfortunatly Razor had a habit of"@en . . "Low"@en . "He is a Novacula and he loves blood. If you are unlucky enough to be one of his victims you will be tormented and toyed with until you are alone. once alone he will jump out and vicously rip you to shreds with his large knife like claws. His origins are unknown and if any other novaculas exist. He is also nicknamed The Nightstalker. The Nightstalker book is said to reveal his and his species origin."@en . "* King Gorger\n* The Bane"@en . "Razor"@sv . . "Razor.png"@de . . . . . "Need For Speed Most Wanted"@en . "Listen +8, Spot +7, Swim +11"@en . . "[Source] Razor, de matricule CT-6910, \u00E9tait un soldat clone de la Force de Reconnaissance Avanc\u00E9e qui servait dans l'escadron Lightning de la Grande Arm\u00E9e de la R\u00E9publique durant la Guerre des Clones."@fr . . . "Razor was one of the Joker's henchmen in Batman: Arkham Asylum."@en . . "Windburst"@en . . . . "\"Hey Gon, Ging told me to kick your ass. Also I'm a rapist.\""@en . . "Fiend"@en . . . . . "Liberty on Ryloth"@fr . "Gang member"@en . "Unknown"@en . . . "+25 Bewegungstempo"@de . . "28.0"^^ . . "*R\u00E9publique Galactique\n**Grande Arm\u00E9e de la R\u00E9publique\n***Escadron Lightning"@fr . "Born with the name Weiss, he was abandoned at birth at an orphanage in Konoha. At around the time he entered the Ninja Acadamy he began to show signs of mental instability, and began calling himself Razor. He was pulled out of the acadamy and placed in a Mental Institution. After several breakout attempts, some of which involved hurting his caretakers, the village elders decided to put him in an experimental training program. During his training sessions his watchers noted his skill with two katanas, and he was showing extreme hostility to everyone around him, even friendlies. Once it was felt his training was complete he was sent on several under the table assignments. He performed every mission flawlessly, fullfilling every single objective given to him. Unfortunatly Razor had a habit of using extreme prejudice when it wasn't neccessary, which limited the amount of assignments he received. When ever he's not on a mission, he is kept heavily sedated. Eventually his activities earned him a place in the ANBU Black Ops, quickly making the rank of captain."@en . "Defending The Radiant"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "? years before Rapture"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Razor is a company that makes freestyle kick scooters for beginners."@en . "Angelina war ein normales M\u00E4dchen. 16 Jahre alt. Sie wohnte mit ihren Eltern und ihrem kleinen Bruder Collyn in einem kleinen Haus am Rande eines gro\u00DFen Waldes. Sie betraten nie diesen Wald, es kursierte n\u00E4mlich ein schreckliches Ger\u00FCcht. Angelina interessierte sich schon mit ihrem 3. Lebensjahr f\u00FCr Schauergeschichten. Sie war ein nettes und hilfsbereites M\u00E4dchen, doch niemand mochte sie. Sie wurde nur gemobbt, die meisten hielten sich aber von ihr fern, weil sie ihnen Angst machte. \"Liest du wieder eines deiner Gruselm\u00FCll-Geschichten?\", fragte der eine. \"Was? Was bin Ich?\","@de . "Dark Knight"@en . . . . . "Jason Chris Nicolaides"@en . "Razor is a hero in the Wicked Nature series. He is Scar's best friend. He is a green shark. He first appeared in Wicked Nature where he had to help Scar and Snipe defeat Titan from crushing their planet."@en . . . . . "Killed by the Bane"@en . . "Bane's Streetgang"@en . . "Black"@en . . . "Lightning Whip"@en . "CT-6910"@fr . "Sukukaja"@en . . . . "You hand the blacksmith your Battle Axe. He crudely adds razor blades around the axe blade and hands it back to you. \"There, you should like that\". Feeling a little robbed, you look at the 'Razor Axe' and decide it looks quite vicious. You gain 1000xp."@en . . "10"^^ . . "Razors are members of Bane's Streetgang. Enhanced by the steroid drug Venom, they work for Bane with the promise of strength and power that the drug, and Bane's reputation, brings."@en . "Small dmg. 1 Foe"@en . . "1"^^ . "I think you missed a spot"@en . . . . "+40 Angriffstempo"@de . . . "Razors, just like pest control sprays, gardening tools, and silverware, are one of the many dangerous items sold at major retail stores such as Walmart or Dollar General."@en . "*Super strength\n*Built-in steel claws"@en . . . "Razor, born as Gary Stapleton, is a crazy violent Malkavian of the 11th generation, and one of the leading Anarchs within Washington, D.C.."@en . "This is a port of the DR15 Enlightenment theme of the same name. E.Themes.Org, lists the original author of Razor as anonymous, but Razor is based off of the Enlightenment Chrome theme by Ian Larsen (bluesmani at yahoo dot com). This theme was edited with the sawfish-themer."@en . . "Razor (\u30EC\u30A4\u30B6\u30FC, Reiz\u0101) is one of the game masters and creators of Greed Island."@en . "The Razor is a breakable weapon which can be acquired in Silent Hill: Origins. It can only be found by Travis Grady in Cedar Grove Sanitarium. Like all other melee weapons, they break after some use. Travis will attack with the razor by jabbing it forward quickly, and will land the killing blow by stabbing the weapon into the body of a fallen monster. Although Travis hits quickly with it, the Razor has low damage, durability and range, making it a poor choice relative to the other weapons in the game."@en . "Armageddon"@en . . . "Flint"@en . . . "No Ability"@en . . . "1000"^^ . . . "Clarence Callahan, also known as Razor, is the main antagonist in Need For Speed: Most Wanted. In the beginning of the game, Razor drives a black 2005 Ford Mustang GT with unique flame paint vinyl, before winning the player's BMW M3 GTR."@en . . "Lightning Shield"@en . . . "-47"^^ . . . "Elite"@en . "Razor has been Frightsides number one dodge ball player for 15 years. He is confirmed the strongest person in the land, even stronger than Denly in his \"\"\"Fine Young Black Gentlemen\"\"\" form."@en . . . . "1999"^^ . . . . . . . . . "36"^^ . . "Single Bladed"@en . "Razor"@en . "Razor var en manlig Tau'ri och han \u00E4r medlem av SG-3. Under 1999 var han med sitt team tv\u00E5 SG team n\u00E4r dem f\u00F6rs\u00F6kte befria SG-1 fr\u00E5n Hathor. Men han blev f\u00E5ngad med resten av teamen av Hathors Jaffa. (SG1: \"Into the Fire\") kategori:En-g\u00E5ng SG-1 karakt\u00E4r kategori:Amerikaner kategori:USA:s Flygvapen personal kategori:SG-3 medlem"@sv . . "Red"@en . "white"@en . . "Secret"@en . . . . "11"^^ . . "{{:/Int"@de . "54"^^ . "Wind"@en . . . "10.0"^^ . . "Razor, born as Gary Stapleton, is a crazy violent Malkavian of the 11th generation, and one of the leading Anarchs within Washington, D.C.."@en . "Razor takes place during the first days of Lee Adama's Pegasus command (during the period originally covered in the second half of season 2, after the episode \"The Captain's Hand\" but before \"Lay Down Your Burdens\") and uses flashbacks to show Rear Admiral Cain's orders during and shortly after the Cylon attack, as well as events occurring on the final day of the first Cylon War. Cain's actions in the wake of the holocaust are connected to the present by Kendra Shaw, self-described as Cain's legacy. Events of the final day of the first Cylon war are centered on then-Lieutenant William Adama, a Viper pilot, and Helena Cain, a youngster at the time. Flashbacks of Adama discovering a lab housing the early Cylon experiments on humans as well as the first Cylon hybrid and Helena Cain abandoning her little sister during a Cylon invasion of Tauron both end as the first Cylon war ends immediately after the life-changing events, leaving each character hanging somewhat (Adama is unable to free the surviving prisoners and Cain cannot find her sister). These are shown to be driving forces for the actions of both, as the show continues. Cain goes on to teach Shaw that you have to become a 'razor' to survive during war while referring to her pocket knife, which later becomes Kendra's and then is passed on to Kara Thrace at the end of the show. Admiral Adama teaches his son Lee a different lesson: that they cannot become butchers. Lee Adama's first priority as Pegasus commander is to restore trust and integrity to the troubled command he has taken while preserving some continuity in the leadership that had evolved under Rear Admiral Cain. He picks Kendra Shaw as his executive officer, promoting her to major, despite the stark contrast between Cain's enthusiastic praise and subsequent Pegasus officers' complaints about Kendra's performance. First boarding Pegasus less than an hour before the Cylon attack on the colonies, Shaw follows Rear Admiral Cain's order to make a \"blind jump\" that saves the ship from destruction at Scorpion Fleet Shipyards. Kendra Shaw, as did Gaius Baltar on the Galactica, discovers that the Cylons were about to infect the Pegasus with a computer software virus which, if made operational, would have disarmed and thereby destroyed the Pegasus. After Pegasus receives reconnaissance information that all the colonies have been destroyed, Cain delivers a rallying speech inciting the crew to war for the purpose of revenge. The crew responds by chanting \"So say we all!\" throughout the ship; the still-unexposed Number Six Cylon agent Gina Inviere awkwardly joins in. Lee Adama's first mission as commander of Pegasus is a search and rescue mission to retrieve a lost science team. Antiquated Cylon Raiders (the ships and Cylon pilots who seem strongly reminiscent of those from the original series) from the first war appear and attack Pegasus. Simmering bitterness between Kara and Shaw is exacerbated when Shaw endangers Kara and her wingman in order to defend the battlestar. Both pilots land safely, though Kara has to destroy a Raider that follows her into Pegasus. Later, during a heated exchange, Shaw reminds Kara that defying authority is a risky proposition aboard Pegasus, recalling how Cain shot her executive officer, Colonel Jurgen Belzen, for refusing an order to attack a Cylon staging area filled with an unexpectedly strong force of Raiders. It is during this mission that Gina Invierre helps Cylon centurions board the Pegasus and Shaw discovers Gina's true identity. It is hinted that the sadistic torture inflicted on Gina by Cain's orders had been influenced by the burgeoning romantic relationship between the Cylon and Cain. When Shaw is promoted to captain by Admiral Cain, she reminds her troubled prot\u00E9g\u00E9 the Cylon tricked them all. Viewing the wreckage of the raider, Sharon Valerii notes that Cylon lore tells of a group of original centurions tasked to guard the first hybrid constructed by the Cylons as a result of their human experiments. Admiral Adama then recalls his rookie mission as a Viper pilot, when he encountered that hybrid and saw what the Cylons did to their human captives in the course of their research. Admiral Adama concludes that the Cylons must still be pursuing the experiments, with the captured science team as new test subjects. Lee Adama approves a plan to use Pegasus to find the basestar and lure the Cylon Raiders away from it, then launch a rescue team \u2014 including Kara Thrace and Kendra Shaw \u2014 outfitted with a nuclear warhead, in a Raptor. Admiral William Adama transfers his flag to Pegasus to counsel his son on his first command. The diversion succeeds; the rescue team sacrifices its Raptor and boards the basestar. As the rescue team searches the basestar, the Cylon hybrid can be heard speaking in more coherent phrases than its more-modern counterparts. It repeatedly utters the words \"All this has happened before, and will happen again.\" The hybrid also makes a far more elaborate pronouncement:At last, they have come for me. I feel their lives, their destinies spilling out before me. The denial of the one true path, played out on a world not their own, will end soon enough. Soon there will be four, glorious in awakening, struggling with the knowledge of their true selves. The pain of revelation bringing new clarity. And in the midst of confusion, he will find her. Enemies brought together by impossible longing. Enemies now joined as one. The way forward at once unthinkable, yet inevitable. And the fifth, still in shadow, will claw toward the light, hungering for redemption that will only come in the howl of terrible suffering. I can see them all. The seven, now six, self-described machines who believe themselves without sin. But in time, it is sin that will consume them. They will know enmity, bitterness, the wrenching agony of one splintering into many. And then, they will join the promised land, gathered on the wings of an angel. Not an end, but a beginning. The science team is found and partly rescued, but the rescue team comes under fire from Cylon centurions. While the team manages to evacuate the basestar in a second Raptor, the nuclear warhead is damaged and has to be detonated manually. Wounded, Shaw remains behind to detonate the warhead and comes face to face with the Cylon hybrid. The hybrid offers absolution to Kendra, who is haunted by the fact that it was she who fired the first shot in the massacre aboard the civilian ship called Scylla as part of an operation to conscript civilians for the Pegasus. The hybrid then tells her that \"Kara Thrace will lead the human race to its end. She is the herald of the apocalypse, the harbinger of death. They must not follow her.\" Shaw tries to relay this information to Lee Adama, but is stopped when the Cylons jam communications. Her final act is to detonate the nuclear warhead, destroying the basestar. On Galactica, Admiral Adama reflects on Cain's legacy and proposes a posthumous commendation for Kendra Shaw, over his son's protests that she and other members of Admiral Cain's crew \"butchered innocent civilians\". They close their arguments, however, noting that history's first draft will be written in their logs, and Lee agrees to consider the commendation. Cast The following are listed in order of their prominence on the DVD front cover:Michelle Forbes \u2014 Helena CainStephanie Jacobsen \u2014 Kendra ShawMary McDonnell \u2014 Laura RoslinEdward James Olmos \u2014 William AdamaKatee Sackhoff \u2014 Kara \"Starbuck\" ThraceJamie Bamber \u2014 Lee \"Apollo\" AdamaJames Callis \u2014 Gaius BaltarTricia Helfer \u2014 Number Six / Gina InviereGrace Park \u2014 Number Eight / Sharon ValeriiMichael Hogan \u2014 Saul TighFulvio Cecere \u2014 Alastair ThorneNico Cortez \u2014 Young William Adama, callsign \"Husker\"Steve Bacic \u2014 Jurgen BelzenGraham Beckel \u2014 Jack FiskCampbell Lane \u2014 Hybrid"@en . "Driving skills, evasion , immobilization , deploying helicopters, sabotage"@en . . "Member of George Sebastian's underground bunker surveillance team in San Diego"@en . . "Wildstorm Universe"@en . . . "A Razor"@en . . . "Among the emblematic powers that populate the Underscape, Razor the Lightning Revenant is one of the most feared. With his whip of lightning, he patrols the Narrow Maze, that treacherous webwork of passages by which the souls of the dead are sorted according to their own innate intelligence, cunning and persistence. Drifting above the Maze, Razor looks down on the baffled souls below, and delivers jolts of scalding electricity that both punish and quicken the souls as they decide their own fates, hurrying on toward luminous exits or endlessly dark pits. Razor is the eternal embodiment of a dominating power, abstract and almost clinical in his application of power. Yet he has a lordly air that suggests he takes a sardonic satisfaction in his work."@en . "+14 Schadensraub mit Static Link"@de . . "Tokyo"@en . "American"@en . . . . . "Dude"@en . . "Need for Speed: Most Wanted"@en . "Clarence Callahan"@en . . . "Female"@en . . . "__NOWYSIWYG__ The Razor can be fused with the Spoiler Parts into a creatively powerful special bounceback part."@en . . "Cyclone"@en . "Light"@en . . "Razor"@en . "|}"@en . . . . . . "Ageless"@en . "1955"^^ . "8"^^ . . . . . . . . "Street racing, mocking other street racers."@en . . . "Hostile"@en . . . . . "Emitted Ball"@en . "|}"@en . . . "Razor is a Human Female Corellian and Darksider trained in the arts of the Sith. She is a Hedonist to the extreme, and is believed to be mentally unbalanced, suffering from a condition called Disassociated Identity Disorder. Razor was the final apprentice to the Dark Lord Dragon Masque. There were, in truth, three aspects of Razor. Vivvi, the Child and her Raw power, Fei, the Dutiful Sith Apprentice and her Skill, and Razor, which is all her Anger and Rage consentrated into a single body. Up to recently, Razor was the Dominate personality."@en . "Razors are members of Bane's Streetgang. Enhanced by the steroid drug Venom, they work for Bane with the promise of strength and power that the drug, and Bane's reputation, brings."@en . . . "Purple"@en . . . "Revolver"@en . . . "El Razor era una Corbeta CR90 utilizado por la Alianza para Restaurar la Rep\u00FAblica en su Flota durante la Guerra Civil Gal\u00E1ctica."@es . "Clarence Callahan, also known as Razor, is the main antagonist in Need For Speed: Most Wanted. In the beginning of the game, Razor drives a black 2005 Ford Mustang GT with unique flame paint vinyl, before winning the player's BMW M3 GTR."@en . . "black"@en . . "Razor"@en . . . . . "Bad"@en . "157"^^ . "Valve"@en . . "Born"@en . "15"^^ . "9"^^ . "Razors Edge"@en . "Give Axe and Gold"@en . "300"^^ . . "Razor takes place during the first days of Lee Adama's Pegasus command (during the period originally covered in the second half of season 2, after the episode \"The Captain's Hand\" but before \"Lay Down Your Burdens\") and uses flashbacks to show Rear Admiral Cain's orders during and shortly after the Cylon attack, as well as events occurring on the final day of the first Cylon War. Cain's actions in the wake of the holocaust are connected to the present by Kendra Shaw, self-described as Cain's legacy. Cast"@en . . "Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown."@en . . "Dr. Razor was an archaeologist who worked for IPX. He was a member of the Icarus expedition on its mission to the newly discovered planet out on the Rim of known space, codenamed Alpha Omega III. There, he became an unwilling servant of the Shadows when he was attached to their machinery."@en . . "Inventor of the sprite kit that Dark709's first two comic seasons used."@en . "672"^^ . . . "Razor was a ship which was owned by Kasuga Aizawa."@en . . . . "30"^^ . . . "Galactic Republic"@en . . . "G.I. Game Masters"@en . "Jakobs"@en . . "None known"@en . . "Als deutlich gr\u00F6\u00DFere und gef\u00E4hrlichere Verwandte der mittell\u00E4ndischen Snapper, findet man den Razor fast ausschlie\u00DFlich in den Dschungeln Agrobars, weshalb er oftmals auch als Dschungelrazor bezeichnet wird. Die zweibeinigen Echsen erreichen eine H\u00F6he von bis zu f\u00FCnf Metern und haben eine dicke, ledrige Haut. Im Gegensatz zu Snappern sind sie eher Einzelg\u00E4nger, eine einzelner Razor ist jedoch mindestens so gef\u00E4hrlich, wie ein Rudel ihrer kleinen Verwandten. Der Razor ist eines der gr\u00F6\u00DFten Raubtiere des s\u00FCdlichen Dschungels und hat kaum nat\u00FCrliche Feinde."@de . "no"@en . "American"@en . "The Razor is a breakable weapon which can be acquired in Silent Hill: Origins. It can only be found by Travis Grady in Cedar Grove Sanitarium. Like all other melee weapons, they break after some use. Travis will attack with the razor by jabbing it forward quickly, and will land the killing blow by stabbing the weapon into the body of a fallen monster. Although Travis hits quickly with it, the Razor has low damage, durability and range, making it a poor choice relative to the other weapons in the game."@en . . "The Razor was a modified Dragonfly-class dropship used by Vrath Xizor during the Great Galactic War, it was later stolen by Zeerid Korr."@en . "Zephre SWG: RaisaZephre"@en . . "\u0420\u0430\u0437\u043E\u0440"@en . "The Clone Wars Episode Guide: Liberty on Ryloth"@en . "Media"@en . . . "Has no durability"@en . . "Lightsabre"@en . "Razor was a ship which was owned by Kasuga Aizawa."@en . "Some knowledge on explosives."@en . "250"^^ . . "Purple"@en . "Human"@en . . . "Zantetsuha"@en . . . . "12"^^ . . . . "Minor HP Recovery. Party"@en . "11"^^ . "Razor"@en . . "50"^^ . "Razor is the name of former Umbrella Corporation scientist Roderick Lazarus' personal bodyguard. Almost nothing is known about Razor; not even its gender is known, or if it is indeed human. Anything that is known about Razor, Lazarus keeps close to his chest. Razor is constantly wearing some form of armour all over its body, whilst wearing a trench-coat over that. Even it's face is covered in armour, thus making it impossible to determine its gender, age or species. Razor is incredibly silent, with an impressive arsenal of weaponry under it's coat. Razor is an accomplished fighter. Razor has been protecting Lazarus effectivley since his mysterious arrival at Lazarus' side, shortly after his defection from Umbrella. Infomation on Razor is scarce, with no infomation on it's background, or how it came to be a part of Lazarus' operation."@en . "Razor is a Lightning Filled Warrior who tends to stay behind the Battle Field. He is a Defender of the Radiant."@en . . . . "Unknown"@en . . "razor.jpg"@en . . . "Red"@en . "South Freeport"@en . . "Tohru Furusawa"@en . "143.0"^^ . . . "200"^^ . . "Cat"@en . "Sukunda"@en . . "Dropship"@en . . "\"Bargaining, Part One\""@en . "Kamaitachi, the 'sickle-weasels', are a type of youkai (Japanese supernatural creatures of various origins and traits). They work in a group of three siblings to attack travelers on the road. The eldest knocks down the traveler, with a club, stunning him. Then the second cuts a deep gash on the traveler with its long claws, which is near-instantly healed by the youngest's healing balm. Thus the traveler ends up very confused why an apparently normal gust of wind suddenly left a huge, bloodless scar on his person."@en . . "Gary Stapleton"@en . . . . "RAZOR held their first official live at Zepp Tokyo. \n* \u731F\u7259 (Ryoga) - Vocals\u2192 BLUE\u30C1\u30E7\u30B3\u30EC\u30F1\u30C8 \u2192 \u91E6\u3002 \u2192 BORN \u2192 RAZOR \n* \u5263 (Tsurugi) - Guitar\u2192 Azure \u2192 Sadie \u2192 RAZOR \n* Gt.\u884D\u9F8D(Kouryuu) \u2192 ORGE \u2192 My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND \u2192 RAZOR \n* \u54F2\u4E5F(Tetsuya) - Drums \u2192 WOODCUTTER \u2192 My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND \u2192 RAZOR \n* IZA - bass \u2192 \u30B7\u30EA\u30A2\u30EB\u21D4NUMBER (Serial\u21D4NUMBER)[\u8981\u51FA\u5178] \u2192 DOWNER \u2192 RAZOR Mini album RED INVISIBLE 30.11.2016 1. \n* ANOTHER 2. \n* PRIMARY 3. \n* Give me bukimi (\u30AE\u30D6\u30DF\u30FC\u4E0D\u6C17\u5473) 1. \n* Maisou (\u57CB\u846C) 2. \n* MISSING PIECE 1. \n* RED ZONE 1. \n* RED ZONE (Music video)"@en . . . "2"^^ . "Masculin"@fr . "Laser cannons"@en . . "Brown"@en . . . "Low"@en . . "Metalcore"@en . . . "+175 Angriffsreichweite"@de . "5.0"^^ . . "94"^^ . "Takaya Kuroda"@en . "Among the emblematic powers that populate the Underscape, Razor the Lightning Revenant is one of the most feared. With his whip of lightning, he patrols the Narrow Maze, that treacherous webwork of passages by which the souls of the dead are sorted according to their own innate intelligence, cunning and persistence. Drifting above the Maze, Razor looks down on the baffled souls below, and delivers jolts of scalding electricity that both punish and quicken the souls as they decide their own fates, hurrying on toward luminous exits or endlessly dark pits. Razor is the eternal embodiment of a dominating power, abstract and almost clinical in his application of power. Yet he has a lordly air that suggests he takes a sardonic satisfaction in his work."@en . . . . . . . "9"^^ . "__NOEDITSECTION__"@en . "95"^^ . "\"razor\""@en . "Corellia"@en . "15"^^ . "39"^^ . "Razor is an Assistant program (similar to the popular UOAssist) for player-run Ultima Online (freeshards) developed by the RunUO team. Razor not only allows you to connect to freeshards, but has many features to make tedious tasks in game quite a deal easier. It would take quite a while to list all of its features here. SelectUO provides an option to launch the game using razor."@en . "Human"@en . . "Razor is Lien's holy paladin mount, which she used to attack the gigantic octopus that attacked their junk. Like other paladin mounts in the Order of the Stick, Lien summons Razor through the use of a Pokeball. Lien and Razor were able to defeat the fiendish octopus, and were effective enough in the water that Redcloak did not see the point of summoning more aquatic creatures to fight them. Razor was summoned again to carry Lien and O-Chul across the ocean to the Northern Continent in their journey to reach the North Pole and Kraagor's Gate."@en . "RAZOR"@en . "Ranged"@en . "Obtain Battle Axe\n*Take it and 1,000 Gold to quest start Gothador \n*Receive Razor Axe\n*Turn in quest"@en . . . . . . "Hot red"@en . "Razor"@de . "\"Whenever I get a haircut, the barber uses one of these. Don't shave much, myself. The job doesn't exactly require the clean-cut look.\""@en . "Good"@en . . "Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown."@en . "50"^^ . "Razor"@fr . . . . "Criminal"@en . . "Als deutlich gr\u00F6\u00DFere und gef\u00E4hrlichere Verwandte der mittell\u00E4ndischen Snapper, findet man den Razor fast ausschlie\u00DFlich in den Dschungeln Agrobars, weshalb er oftmals auch als Dschungelrazor bezeichnet wird. Die zweibeinigen Echsen erreichen eine H\u00F6he von bis zu f\u00FCnf Metern und haben eine dicke, ledrige Haut. Im Gegensatz zu Snappern sind sie eher Einzelg\u00E4nger, eine einzelner Razor ist jedoch mindestens so gef\u00E4hrlich, wie ein Rudel ihrer kleinen Verwandten. Der Razor ist eines der gr\u00F6\u00DFten Raubtiere des s\u00FCdlichen Dschungels und hat kaum nat\u00FCrliche Feinde."@de . . "Caucasian"@en . "To become on Blacklist #1 and defeat the player ."@en . . . . "Reload Speed: Magazine Capacity: 2, 3, or 6 Radius: Fuse time: Game[[]]Borderlands Special Part(s): Title_Acc1_Razor Razor is the title of a group of revolvers with the highest quality melee accessory. They offer greatly increased melee damage in exchange for a decreased melee attack rate. Examples are on the talk page."@en . . . . "Dual Wield"@en . . . "Axe"@en . . . "Blindsense, keen scent, Empathic link, improved evasion, share spells, share saving throws, Improved speed, Command creatures of its kind"@en . . . . . "Razor"@es . . . . "hide"@en . "+130 Schaden durch Unstable Current"@de . "Title_Acc1_Razor"@en . . "Angelina war ein normales M\u00E4dchen. 16 Jahre alt. Sie wohnte mit ihren Eltern und ihrem kleinen Bruder Collyn in einem kleinen Haus am Rande eines gro\u00DFen Waldes. Sie betraten nie diesen Wald, es kursierte n\u00E4mlich ein schreckliches Ger\u00FCcht. Angelina interessierte sich schon mit ihrem 3. Lebensjahr f\u00FCr Schauergeschichten. Sie war ein nettes und hilfsbereites M\u00E4dchen, doch niemand mochte sie. Sie wurde nur gemobbt, die meisten hielten sich aber von ihr fern, weil sie ihnen Angst machte. Sie hatte n\u00E4mlich eine bipolare St\u00F6rung. Im ersten Moment war sie fr\u00F6hlich, im n\u00E4chsten aber traurig, verst\u00F6rt oder aggressiv. Sie konnte Menschen verletzen, und es gefiel ihr. Danach f\u00FCgte sie sich selbst Schmerzen zu, weil sie es nicht verkraften konnte, jemanden verletzt zu haben. Niemand traute sich mehr sie anzusprechen, seit dem Unfall. Sie sa\u00DF in der Schulcafeteria und las wieder eine Geschichte. Dann aber kamen 4 Jungs und fingen an sich \u00FCber sie lustig zumachen. \"Liest du wieder eines deiner Gruselm\u00FCll-Geschichten?\", fragte der eine. \"Lasst mich bitte einfach in Ruhe.\", antwortete Angelina. Sie war noch das ruhige, nette M\u00E4dchen, bis der zweite Junge sagte:\"Gott, bist du zur\u00FCckgeblieben.\", \"Was? Was bin Ich?\", \"Soll ich das etwa f\u00FCr das zur\u00FCckgebliebene M\u00E4dchen nochmal buchstabieren?\" Alle 4 begannen sie auszulachen. Ihre Aura verdunkelte sich, sie sp\u00FCrte in dem Moment nur noch Hass. Sie wollte sie bezahlen lassen, sie wollte sich r\u00E4chen, sie wollte sie verletzen. Sie stand auf und boxte den zweiten zu Boden und schlug auf ihn ein. Er spuckte Blut und war kurz davor ohnm\u00E4chtig zu werden. \"Der Einzige, der von uns beiden zur\u00FCckgeblieben ist, bist du. \u00DCberleg dir, mit wem du dich anlegst. Beleidige niemanden, der dich ohne Mitleid t\u00F6ten k\u00F6nnte!\", schrie sie. Sie war davor, ihm auf den Kiefer zu treten, als sie von den Lehrern zur\u00FCckgehalten wurde. Sollte das nochmal passieren, w\u00FCrde sie in psychiatrische Hilfe gegeben werden.Einen Tag sp\u00E4ter ritzte sie sich, f\u00FCr das was sie dem Jungen angetan hatte. Sie hasste ihre St\u00F6rung. Sie konnte nicht glauben, dass sie ihn umbringen wollte. Und seitdem traute sich wirklich niemand mehr, etwas zu sagen. Ein Jahr verging, ohne das sowas nochmal passierte. Nun war es Nacht. Angelina wollte grad in ihr Zimmer gehen, als sie am Zimmer ihres kleinen Bruders vorbei kam. Er sa\u00DF auf dem Bett und schaute aus dem Fenster hinaus, mitten auf den Wald. \"Collyn, du sollst doch schlafen.\", sprach sie mit dieser lieblichen Stimme, die Collyn immer beruhigte. Er antwortete:\"Ja, ich wei\u00DF, aber... Angelina, warum haben wir den Wald noch nie betreten? Erz\u00E4hl mir das Ger\u00FCcht.\", \"Bist du dir sicher?\", \"Ja, ich bin kein kleines Kind mehr.\" Angelina z\u00F6gerte kurz, aber sprach:\"Also gut... Vor 10 Jahren ging eine Familie, so wie unsere, in diesen Wald. Sie wollten nur einen Spaziergang unternehmen, doch sie kamen nie wieder zur\u00FCck nach Hause. 5 Tage danach wurden die Leichen der Eltern gefunden, doch die Kinder waren spurlos verschwunden. Als man den Tatort untersuchte, wurden weitere Fu\u00DFspuren von Erwachsenen gefunden. Man nimmt an, dass die Kinder entf\u00FChrt worden sind. Man hat sie aber nie wieder gesehen. Collyn, h\u00F6r mir zu, ich wei\u00DF nicht ob die Geschichte wahr ist, aber tu mir den Gefallen und geh niemals in den Wald. Versprich es mir!\", sagte sie warnend. \"Ich... Ich verspreche es.\", \"Gut, und jetzt Gute Nacht.\", sagte Angelina und k\u00FCsste Collyn auf die Wange. \"Hab dich lieb, Angelina.\", sagte Collyn schl\u00E4frig. Angelina kicherte und sagte: \"Ich dich auch.\" Kategorie:Mittellang Kategorie:Geisteskrankheit Kategorie:Artikel ohne Bilder Kategorie:Kreaturen"@de . "RAZOR"@en . . "Razor was one of the Joker's henchmen in Batman: Arkham Asylum."@en . "You find a rough looking blacksmith. \"Traveller, bring me a Battle Axe and 1000gp and I shall modify it for you...\""@en . . "Saved during the Tribulation"@en . "1410"^^ . . . . "yes"@en . . "Navigate: Buzzwords... (edit) See also: Acronyms ... Bond Glossary ... Investing Glossary ... Technical Analysis Glossary... Life Insurance Glossary... (edit) __NOEDITSECTION__"@en . "Razor has been Frightsides number one dodge ball player for 15 years. He is confirmed the strongest person in the land, even stronger than Denly in his \"\"\"Fine Young Black Gentlemen\"\"\" form."@en . . . "Razor var en manlig Tau'ri och han \u00E4r medlem av SG-3. Under 1999 var han med sitt team tv\u00E5 SG team n\u00E4r dem f\u00F6rs\u00F6kte befria SG-1 fr\u00E5n Hathor. Men han blev f\u00E5ngad med resten av teamen av Hathors Jaffa. (SG1: \"Into the Fire\") kategori:En-g\u00E5ng SG-1 karakt\u00E4r kategori:Amerikaner kategori:USA:s Flygvapen personal kategori:SG-3 medlem"@sv . "Medium dmg. 1 Foe"@en . "Razor is a Human Female Corellian and Darksider trained in the arts of the Sith. She is a Hedonist to the extreme, and is believed to be mentally unbalanced, suffering from a condition called Disassociated Identity Disorder. Razor was the final apprentice to the Dark Lord Dragon Masque. There were, in truth, three aspects of Razor. Vivvi, the Child and her Raw power, Fei, the Dutiful Sith Apprentice and her Skill, and Razor, which is all her Anger and Rage consentrated into a single body. Up to recently, Razor was the Dominate personality."@en . "Alertness, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative"@en . . "Razor"@es . "Human"@en . "Never"@en . "Razor is a company that makes freestyle kick scooters for beginners."@en . "Dr. Razor was an archaeologist who worked for IPX. He was a member of the Icarus expedition on its mission to the newly discovered planet out on the Rim of known space, codenamed Alpha Omega III. There, he became an unwilling servant of the Shadows when he was attached to their machinery."@en . . . "Razor is the name of a supervillainess who worked as part of The Mercs. She was a former member of StormWatch prior to joining The MERCs. She worked alongside team members Hellslayer, Brutus, Kilgore, and their leader Deathtrap.\n\nRazor's history is briefly described as being an ex-member of StormWatch. However, her greed took over and she chose to join The MERCs for wealth. Since then, she was the lover of Deathtrap. She made only one significant appearance, during the private investigative mission of Flashpoint, who was in pursuit of answers to the abduction of his team by the MERCs during Desert Storm. Razor acted as Deathtrap's conscious when she reported the news she heard about teammate Kilgore's death at the hands of Flashpoint. However, Deathtrap was indifferent. She struggled to understand why he was this way. Despite this, Razor remained Deathrap's companion, obviously valuing the wealth he shared with her above anything else. She was confronted by Flashpoint during their alleyway fight, about her departure from StormWatch. After this fight, it is not clearly known what her fate was or that of her teammates who were attacked by Nautika and Sunburst who were sent to apprehend Flashpoint to keep him from his deadly manhunt of MERC members."@en . . "RAZOR held their first official live at Zepp Tokyo. \n* \u731F\u7259 (Ryoga) - Vocals\u2192 BLUE\u30C1\u30E7\u30B3\u30EC\u30F1\u30C8 \u2192 \u91E6\u3002 \u2192 BORN \u2192 RAZOR \n* \u5263 (Tsurugi) - Guitar\u2192 Azure \u2192 Sadie \u2192 RAZOR \n* Gt.\u884D\u9F8D(Kouryuu) \u2192 ORGE \u2192 My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND \u2192 RAZOR \n* \u54F2\u4E5F(Tetsuya) - Drums \u2192 WOODCUTTER \u2192 My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND \u2192 RAZOR \n* IZA - bass \u2192 \u30B7\u30EA\u30A2\u30EB\u21D4NUMBER (Serial\u21D4NUMBER)[\u8981\u51FA\u5178] \u2192 DOWNER \u2192 RAZOR Mini album RED INVISIBLE 30.11.2016 1. \n* ANOTHER 2. \n* PRIMARY 3. \n* Give me bukimi (\u30AE\u30D6\u30DF\u30FC\u4E0D\u6C17\u5473) 1. \n* Maisou (\u57CB\u846C) 2. \n* MISSING PIECE 1. \n* RED ZONE 1. \n* RED ZONE (Music video)"@en . "The Razor appears in the missions Red Light District, Ritual Cleansing and Origins."@en . "Zanma"@en . "Mahazan"@en . "Dahl"@en . . "15.0"^^ . . "Street racer"@en . . "No"@en . . . "110"^^ . "1980"^^ . "Razor is a hero in the Wicked Nature series. He is Scar's best friend. He is a green shark. He first appeared in Wicked Nature where he had to help Scar and Snipe defeat Titan from crushing their planet."@en . . . . "Heal All"@en . . . . . . . . "Razor is a member of the Vultures. She is first seen in the Mine Road and she is armed with a chainsaw."@en . . . "http://razor-web.jp/pre/|image = Https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cv3oFjIUkAAVFwu.jpg.jpg"@en . . "He is a Novacula and he loves blood. If you are unlucky enough to be one of his victims you will be tormented and toyed with until you are alone. once alone he will jump out and vicously rip you to shreds with his large knife like claws. His origins are unknown and if any other novaculas exist. He is also nicknamed The Nightstalker. The Nightstalker book is said to reveal his and his species origin."@en . . "+400 Lebenspunkte"@de . "Razor"@en . "Teleport. Party"@en . . . . . "Razor is a Lightning Filled Warrior who tends to stay behind the Battle Field. He is a Defender of the Radiant."@en . "File:Quake3.png Razor appears in and is a playable character in Quake 3 Arena. He is an enemy warrior in Tier 5 in the singleplayer mode of Quake 3 Arena. He camps on spots and just shoots anyone who happens to pass by. He's aggressive and just avoids you when you have a power-up activated. Despite being a high tier bot he possess slower reflexes when compared to other bots on his tier. He favors to get BFG10K before anyone does."@en . . "Razor (only name given due to having his head nearly severed by a barbed-wire fence while he was riding a snowmobile) became a believer and a member of the Tribulation Force. He was a soldier of Hispanic-American origin who was working under the command of George Sebastian at the San Diego underground safehouse, warning the Tribulation Force members there about any Global Community activities in the vicinity. He also later helped Rayford Steele return safely to Petra when he was badly injured from wrecking an ATV in \"Glorious Appearing\". Characters of the Left Behind series: List"@en . . . "Gender:"@en . . . . "When top heel draws The Outcasts were kicked out of the IWA wrestling coalition they wanted revenge. Starting their own federation to join the coalition, and force their ways back in. Even if it was a hopelessly contrived angle for storyline purposes, while running their first mock show, The Outcasts found they had a passion for being evil owners and armchair bookers. Surprisingly enough the shows were popular. Even though the booking relied on the Outcasts pissing off outside draws, and ultimately losing on home turf, it somehow never turned off the fans. Known for its dark sense of humour, surreal bookings, and ultra violence, RAZOR managed to last longer than any of the IWA Hyper Fights federations it was competing with. File:Placeholder ==MAJOR EVENT == Along with scoring a regular television show known as \"RAZOR's EDGE.\" RAZOR put on the follow pay per views and super shows..."@en . . . . . "479"^^ . . "Razor is Lien's holy paladin mount, which she used to attack the gigantic octopus that attacked their junk. Like other paladin mounts in the Order of the Stick, Lien summons Razor through the use of a Pokeball. Lien and Razor were able to defeat the fiendish octopus, and were effective enough in the water that Redcloak did not see the point of summoning more aquatic creatures to fight them. Razor was summoned again to carry Lien and O-Chul across the ocean to the Northern Continent in their journey to reach the North Pole and Kraagor's Gate."@en . "Razor"@en . "Chaotic Evil"@en . . "The Razor was a modified Dragonfly-class dropship used by Vrath Xizor during the Great Galactic War, it was later stolen by Zeerid Korr."@en . . "6.0"^^ . . "The razor is an item used by Link's uncle. If Link steals his razor he gets angry and turns the world backwards. .sdarwkcab dlrow eht snrut dna yrgna steg eh rozar sih slaets kniL fI .ecle s'kniL yb desu meti na si rozar ehT"@en . . . . . . . . "Razor"@en . . "When top heel draws The Outcasts were kicked out of the IWA wrestling coalition they wanted revenge. Starting their own federation to join the coalition, and force their ways back in. Even if it was a hopelessly contrived angle for storyline purposes, while running their first mock show, The Outcasts found they had a passion for being evil owners and armchair bookers. Surprisingly enough the shows were popular. Even though the booking relied on the Outcasts pissing off outside draws, and ultimately losing on home turf, it somehow never turned off the fans. Known for its dark sense of humour, surreal bookings, and ultra violence, RAZOR managed to last longer than any of the IWA Hyper Fights federations it was competing with."@en . . . . "Razor is an Assistant program (similar to the popular UOAssist) for player-run Ultima Online (freeshards) developed by the RunUO team. Razor not only allows you to connect to freeshards, but has many features to make tedious tasks in game quite a deal easier. It would take quite a while to list all of its features here. SelectUO provides an option to launch the game using razor."@en . "\"Razor\""@en . "Green"@en . . "Sex: Male Species: Human During a time of civil unrest on Earth, Razor and his gang of vigilante followers enforced a rigid, brutal code of justice in the Pacific Northwest. Razor never admits defeat and shows no mercy in defense of order."@en . "+15 Agilit\u00E4t"@de . "Thunder Storm"@en . . . . . "Villain"@en . "9"^^ . . . . "Ulu Watu"@en . "11"^^ . . "El Razor era una Corbeta CR90 utilizado por la Alianza para Restaurar la Rep\u00FAblica en su Flota durante la Guerra Civil Gal\u00E1ctica."@es . . "12.0"^^ . "Common"@en . . "Razor is a member of the Vultures. She is first seen in the Mine Road and she is armed with a chainsaw."@en . "Razor"@en . "Christian"@en . . "Hostile"@en . "Does not stack"@en . "Razors, just like pest control sprays, gardening tools, and silverware, are one of the many dangerous items sold at major retail stores such as Walmart or Dollar General."@en . "Lieutenant Malcolm Reed was of the opinion that an officer at his best should always be well-groomed. When he and Commander Charles Tucker III were stranded in Enterprise NX-01's Shuttlepod 1 with no hope of being rescued in time, Reed still insisted on shaving his beard with a razor so that his body would look well-groomed when found. (ENT: \"Shuttlepod One\") In 2153, Henry used a straight razor to shave Sheriff MacReady. (ENT: \"North Star\") Captain Benjamin Sisko used a razor similar to La Forge's to shave his bald head from time to time. (DS9: \"The Sword of Kahless\")"@en . "WildC.A.T.s #32"@en . . "Teeth"@en . . . . . . "1.83"^^ . "Latino American"@en . "Habataki"@en . . . "StormWatch #1"@en . "Razor"@en . "1.6"^^ . "Reload Speed: Magazine Capacity: 2, 3, or 6 Radius: Fuse time: Game[[]]Borderlands Special Part(s): Title_Acc1_Razor Razor is the title of a group of revolvers with the highest quality melee accessory. They offer greatly increased melee damage in exchange for a decreased melee attack rate. Examples are on the talk page."@en . "Lieutenant Malcolm Reed was of the opinion that an officer at his best should always be well-groomed. When he and Commander Charles Tucker III were stranded in Enterprise NX-01's Shuttlepod 1 with no hope of being rescued in time, Reed still insisted on shaving his beard with a razor so that his body would look well-groomed when found. (ENT: \"Shuttlepod One\") In 2153, Henry used a straight razor to shave Sheriff MacReady. (ENT: \"North Star\") In early 2364, Lieutenant Commander Data gave Lieutenant Geordi La Forge a razor that he had adjusted to perfect efficiency. La Forge, however, preferred his regular razor, as he was of the opinion that shaving was a Human art form and that technological perfection could shave too close. (TNG: \"Code of Honor\" ) La Forge's razor is described in the script as \"a glowing two-inch blue cube in his hand which he moves up, down and across his face an inch or so away from the skin\". [1] Rick Sternbach designed this razor. (Star Trek: The Magazine Volume 2, Issue 12, pp. 45) Captain Benjamin Sisko used a razor similar to La Forge's to shave his bald head from time to time. (DS9: \"The Sword of Kahless\") Lieutenant Commander Tuvok used a more old-fashioned razor blade adorned with alien writings. In an alternate timeline of 2374, he was permanently blinded, making shaving a difficult task. After cutting himself on more than one occasion, Seven of Nine offered to help him, but he refused. (VOY: \"Year of Hell\") In 2375, Counselor Deanna Troi shaved Commander William T. Riker's beard with a razor blade, while the two of them bathed in a bath tub on the USS Enterprise-E. He later joked to Lieutenant Commander Data that it made his face feel \"as smooth as an android's bottom\", though Data disagreed. (Star Trek: Insurrection)"@en . . . . "200"^^ . "Male"@en . . . . . . . "2016"^^ . . "__NOEDITSECTION__"@en . . "Razor doesn't give a damn about Tanereva's philosophy. To him all that counts is surfing. As long as there's sun and waves, nothing else matters. As a native of a South Pacific atoll, he's campaigning for them to start underwater nuclear testing again, so he can finally ride a wave that's worthy of him."@en . . . . . . "23"^^ . "Windblast"@en . "Razor is the name of former Umbrella Corporation scientist Roderick Lazarus' personal bodyguard. Almost nothing is known about Razor; not even its gender is known, or if it is indeed human. Anything that is known about Razor, Lazarus keeps close to his chest. Razor is constantly wearing some form of armour all over its body, whilst wearing a trench-coat over that. Even it's face is covered in armour, thus making it impossible to determine its gender, age or species. Razor is incredibly silent, with an impressive arsenal of weaponry under it's coat. Razor is an accomplished fighter. Razor has been protecting Lazarus effectivley since his mysterious arrival at Lazarus' side, shortly after his defection from Umbrella. Infomation on Razor is scarce, with no infomation on it's background, or ho"@en . . "Razor"@es . . "Razor is a Terrorist featured in the Tour of Duty mode of Counter-Strike: Condition Zero."@en . . "Razor"@es . . . "[Source] Razor, de matricule CT-6910, \u00E9tait un soldat clone de la Force de Reconnaissance Avanc\u00E9e qui servait dans l'escadron Lightning de la Grande Arm\u00E9e de la R\u00E9publique durant la Guerre des Clones."@fr . . "Shark"@en . . . . "11"^^ . . . "Age:"@en . "14"^^ . . . "Unknown"@en . . . . . . "theclonewars/guide/episoe021.html"@en . . . . . . "Varies"@en . . . "Teleport"@en . "Alive"@en . "Tools"@en . "Amber"@en . . "Razor is a Terrorist featured in the Tour of Duty mode of Counter-Strike: Condition Zero."@en . . "Cheater"@en . . . "Water"@en . "Underworld"@en . "*Galactic Republic\n**Grand Army of the Republic\n***91st Reconnaissance Corps\n****Lightning Squadron"@en . . . "Humain"@fr . . . . "Shave your beard and beefalos"@en . . "Ecology"@en . "+175 Zauberreichweite"@de . "Accuracy Up"@en . "Twigs"@en . "Updation: 2013"@en . "Razor (\u30EC\u30A4\u30B6\u30FC, Reiz\u0101) is one of the game masters and creators of Greed Island."@en . . "Navigate: Buzzwords... (edit) See also: Acronyms ... Bond Glossary ... Investing Glossary ... Technical Analysis Glossary... Life Insurance Glossary... (edit) __NOEDITSECTION__"@en . . . . "Razor can refer to : \n* RaZor, a musician"@en . . "Black"@en . . . . . . "Zan"@en . . . "Razor"@en . "Common"@en . . . "2006-05-02"^^ . . . . . . "A razor is a breed of horse from Arad Doman, so called due to the pattern of coloring. In a razor's coat, \"black met white in straight lines that could have been sliced by a razor.\" Mat bought a razor in Jurador from Toke Fearnim as a gift for Tuon."@en . "\"A sharp razor.\""@en . "Jim Lee; Brandon Choi"@en . "Vrath Xizor Zeerid Korr"@en . . "Low"@en . "Wind"@en . "The razor is an item used by Link's uncle. If Link steals his razor he gets angry and turns the world backwards. .sdarwkcab dlrow eht snrut dna yrgna steg eh rozar sih slaets kniL fI .ecle s'kniL yb desu meti na si rozar ehT"@en . "Cedar Grove Sanitarium"@en . "File:Quake3.png Razor appears in and is a playable character in Quake 3 Arena. He is an enemy warrior in Tier 5 in the singleplayer mode of Quake 3 Arena. He camps on spots and just shoots anyone who happens to pass by. He's aggressive and just avoids you when you have a power-up activated. Despite being a high tier bot he possess slower reflexes when compared to other bots on his tier. He favors to get BFG10K before anyone does."@en .