. . "Galileo understood science better than the Pope. Especially Galeleo understood Astronomy. Round 1609-1610 Galelio pointed a telescope at the sky and found evidence that the Earth orbits the Sun among other things. That's called the Heliocentric theory. 1. \n* Calling Non-Christians fools is OK, The Bible does that. 2. \n* But Galileo dared to call the Pope Simplicius. After that the Inquistion threatened to torture Galileo unless he recanted and agreed that the Earth doesn't move."@en . "-"@en . . "25"^^ . . "T\u00EDtulo: \u30AC\u30EA\u30EC\u30AA ~\u5618\u3092\u7A81\u304F \u8B0E\u3092\u89E3\u304F~ \n* T\u00EDtulo (romaji): Galileo ~Uso wo tsuku nazo wo toku~ \n* T\u00EDtulo ingl\u00E9s: Galileo ~See through the lies, solve crimes~ \n* T\u00EDtulo espa\u00F1ol: Galileo ~Enfrent\u00E1ndose a las mentiras, resolviendo los enigmas~ \n* G\u00E9nero: Detectives / Misterio \n* Episodios: 10 \n* Audiencia: 21.91% (Kanto) y 22.45% (Kansai) \n* Cadena: Fuji TV \n* Emisi\u00F3n: 15/10/2007 - 17/12/2007 \n* Horario: Lunes 9:00 PM \n* Tema de apertura: Vs. ~Chikaku to Kairaku no Neji~ \n* Tema de clausura: KISS Shite de KOH+ (Shibasaki Kou y Fukuyama Masaharu) \n* Titulos relacionados:Galileo: Episode Zero, Suspect X, Perfect Number,Galileo 2 \n* Ver Online: DoramasJC"@es . "\"Ants in Arthur's Pants\""@en . . . . . "Galileo ist ein d\u00FCsteres System, in dem sich weder Sonne noch Planeten befinden. In Galileo befinden sich viele Wolken aus H\u00FCllenfressender schwarzer Materie, in denen sich zum gro\u00DFteil Piraten verschanzen. Regierung: Keine (Unabh\u00E4ngig) Aufsicht (Patrouille): Liberty Marine (S\u00FCden), Kusari-Marinestreitkr\u00E4fte (Norden) Zus\u00E4tzliche Patrouillen: Kopfgeldj\u00E4ger Basen:[[Freespirit|thumb|400px]]"@de . "Galileo Galilei (usually just known as Galileo) was an Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer and philosopher who played the first role in the Scientific Revolution. He dropped two cannonballs from the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy in the episode \"Ants in Arthur's Pants\" to prove that gravity affects two differently sized objects equally. He was also mentioned in \"Dad's Dessert Dilemma\" where the class threw a party to celebrate his birthday. He was also mentioned in \"Arthur's Treasure Hunt\" when Arthur imagined Galileo's father making him go to bed because he stayed up too late discovering moons of Jupiter."@en . "2558"^^ . . . . . "30"^^ . . . . . "Kevin Falls and"@en . . . "Attacks all enemies on contact with a lightning shower."@en . "2000-11-29"^^ . . "Galileo"@ia . . . . "T\u00EDtulo: \u30AC\u30EA\u30EC\u30AA ~\u5618\u3092\u7A81\u304F \u8B0E\u3092\u89E3\u304F~ \n* T\u00EDtulo (romaji): Galileo ~Uso wo tsuku nazo wo toku~ \n* T\u00EDtulo ingl\u00E9s: Galileo ~See through the lies, solve crimes~ \n* T\u00EDtulo espa\u00F1ol: Galileo ~Enfrent\u00E1ndose a las mentiras, resolviendo los enigmas~ \n* G\u00E9nero: Detectives / Misterio \n* Episodios: 10 \n* Audiencia: 21.91% (Kanto) y 22.45% (Kansai) \n* Cadena: Fuji TV \n* Emisi\u00F3n: 15/10/2007 - 17/12/2007 \n* Horario: Lunes 9:00 PM \n* Tema de apertura: Vs. ~Chikaku to Kairaku no Neji~ \n* Tema de clausura: KISS Shite de KOH+ (Shibasaki Kou y Fukuyama Masaharu) \n* Titulos relacionados:Galileo: Episode Zero, Suspect X, Perfect Number,Galileo 2 \n* Ver Online: DoramasJC"@es . "8"^^ . . . "Galileo"@en . "Galileo"@en . . . . . . "20007"^^ . . "File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: File:FireIcon.png Fire: Grey Alien File:WaterIcon.png Water: File:WoodIcon.png Wood: Issun | Gomora | Tonako File:LightIcon.png Light: File:DarkIcon.png Dark: File:Scroll.png Tower: File:S++.png Temple: Wood (Carnage) | Dark (Carnage)"@en . "Ascension"@en . "Galileo was named after the 16th/17th century Italian scientist Galileo Galilei. Archimedes and Galileo had stalls in Emmett's blacksmith's workshop between the door and Doc's refrigerator with their names written on signs above the entrances to their stalls."@en . . . "7"^^ . "Fires a small elemental sphere of energy."@en . . . . "Speed"@en . . . "\u5B87\u5B99\u89B3\u6E2C\u8005 \u30AC\u30EA\u30EC\u30AA"@en . . . "30"^^ . . . "Female"@en . . . "Galileo Basis sichern\n* Die Energie zu den Kernen deaktivieren \n* Die Verteidigungst\u00FCrme aktivieren\n* Die Eindringlinge besiegen"@de . . . . "Galileo was named after the 16th/17th century Italian scientist Galileo Galilei. Archimedes and Galileo had stalls in Emmett's blacksmith's workshop between the door and Doc's refrigerator with their names written on signs above the entrances to their stalls."@en . . "Lanzadera destinada a uso de transporte de personal a tierra."@es . "Galileo"@en . "Galileo Galilei (usually just known as Galileo) was an Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer and philosopher who played the first role in the Scientific Revolution. He dropped two cannonballs from the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy in the episode \"Ants in Arthur's Pants\" to prove that gravity affects two differently sized objects equally. He was also mentioned in \"Dad's Dessert Dilemma\" where the class threw a party to celebrate his birthday. He was also mentioned in \"Arthur's Treasure Hunt\" when Arthur imagined Galileo's father making him go to bed because he stayed up too late discovering moons of Jupiter."@en . . "\"Shibboleth\""@en . "40"^^ . "Attacks with a large elemental laser that rebounds four times."@en . . "Feuerteam Crimson erreicht mittels eines Pelicans die UNSC-Forschungsbasis Galileo. Dort werden sie bereits von einem Trupp Marines erwartet. Dr. Shannon Owen meldet sich derweil \u00FCber Funk und informiert Commander Sarah Palmer, dass die Allianz hinter den Computer-Aufzeichnung her sei, die Crimson zuvor gesammelt hat. Palmer empfiehlt die Computer auszuschalten. Da sich Dr. Owen in einem Schutzraum befindet, muss Crimson diese Aufgabe erledigen. Spartan Jared Miller verschafft sich Zugang zum Lageplan der Einrichtung und markiert die drei zu deaktivierenden Energiekerne. Robert Dalton schaltet sich kurz darauf hinzu, um zu berichten, dass sich mehrere Banshees im Landeanflug befinden. W\u00E4hrend sich Crimson um die Erledigung bem\u00FCht, konnte Miller einige Allianz-Funkspr\u00FCche abfangen, die auf die Anwesenheit von Parg Vol hindeuten. Crimson soll daher nach dem Sangheili Ausschau halten und ihn bei Gelegenheit eliminieren. Zun\u00E4chst muss sich das Feuerteam jedoch um die Energiekerne k\u00FCmmern. Nach dem Deaktivieren des zweiten, wird allerdings das Verlieren von Parg Vols Spur gemeldet. Ist der letzte Kern deaktiviert, weist Palmer Dalton an, die Verteidigungsanlagen der Forschungseinrichtung hochzufahren. Bevor er das durchf\u00FChren kann, realisiert er jedoch, dass die Allianz die Verbindung zur UNSC Infinity blockiert. Miller setzt daraufhin Wegpunkte zu den Verteidigungsanlagen, um sie manuell zu starten. Sind diese erfolgreich aktiviert, ist die Basis vor feindlichen Luftangriffen und gesichert. Die Allianz schickt abschlie\u00DFend eine letzte Angriffswelle mit Abwurfkapseln ins Kampfgebiet. Doch auch diese k\u00F6nnen besiegt werden und Palmer informiert Dr. Owen, dass die Gefahr gebannt ist und sie den Grund f\u00FCr das Interesse der Allianz an den Daten von Crimson herausfinden soll."@de . . . "Hatcher"@en . . . "9696"^^ . . "30"^^ . "Amazing Journey - 16 Turns"@en . . "Galileo (or just \"Gali\" for short) is a winged beast that was raised by the captain himself."@en . "Galileo is an independent global navigation satellite system being developed by the European Commission. Galileo is intended to be a primarily civilian system. It will offer an open (free) service, a commercial service, and a public regulated service designed for security applications. Current plans are to achieve operational status around 2015. Under a cooperative agreement signed in 2004, the United States and the European Community have designed common signals to be transmitted by both GPS and Galileo, enabling interoperability at the user level."@en . "Flight / Null Gravity Barrier"@en . "Evolution"@en . "\"Previously on the West Wing\" spoken by Charlie President Bartlet prepares to address thousands of elementary students nationwide as a NASA space probe descends on Mars, but a host of thorny problems suddenly land on his doorstep, including a fire in a Russian nuclear missile silo and a last-minute loss of communication with the Mars spacecraft. In addition: the Icelandic ambassador is peeved at the President for missing their meeting; Josh is still smarting after being delegated the responsibility of choosing the subject of the next official stamp; a reluctant C.J. is forced to attend a concert where she will encounter some angry applicants whom she rejected as her new press deputy; and an embarrassed Sam is confronted by former date-mate Mallory at the concert. It is eventually discovered that fire at the Russian silo started when unpaid workers attempted to drain liquid hydrogen from the warhead in an attempt to steal it. While that problem reaches a resolution, the Mars probe remains out of contact."@en . . "File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: File:FireIcon.png Fire: Grey Alien File:WaterIcon.png Water: File:WoodIcon.png Wood: Issun | Gomora | Tonako File:LightIcon.png Light: File:DarkIcon.png Dark: File:Scroll.png Tower: File:S++.png Temple: Wood (Carnage) | Dark (Carnage)"@en . "Named in honour of Galileo Galilei"@ia . . "Galileo"@en . "Passes through enemies while attacking."@en . . "Galileo is an independent global navigation satellite system being developed by the European Commission. Galileo is intended to be a primarily civilian system. It will offer an open (free) service, a commercial service, and a public regulated service designed for security applications. Current plans are to achieve operational status around 2015. Under a cooperative agreement signed in 2004, the United States and the European Community have designed common signals to be transmitted by both GPS and Galileo, enabling interoperability at the user level."@en . "Galileo ist ein d\u00FCsteres System, in dem sich weder Sonne noch Planeten befinden. In Galileo befinden sich viele Wolken aus H\u00FCllenfressender schwarzer Materie, in denen sich zum gro\u00DFteil Piraten verschanzen. Regierung: Keine (Unabh\u00E4ngig) Aufsicht (Patrouille): Liberty Marine (S\u00FCden), Kusari-Marinestreitkr\u00E4fte (Norden) Zus\u00E4tzliche Patrouillen: Kopfgeldj\u00E4ger Basen:[[Freespirit|thumb|400px]] \n* Basis Padua \n* Basis Leiden \n* Shikoku (Norden) \n* Colorado (S\u00FCden) \n* Shikoku \n* Kepler \n* Colorado \n* Raiden-Wolke \n* Reppu-Wolke \n* Komatsu-Wolke \n* Chesapeake (Komatsu-Wolke (C3)) \n* Freespirit (Reppu-Wolke (D5))"@de . "2"^^ . . . . . "I came here to study the stars..."@en . . "Galileo Galilei (15 February 1564 \u2013 8 January 1642) was an Italian physicist, astronomer and heretic who is closely associated with the \"scientific\" revolution. Galileo pushed the individualist view that the Earth is not the center of the universe. He believed that the center of what he called a solar system was the sun, and that the Earth revolved around the sun. His views resulted in the Roman Catholic church declaring him a heretic and burning him at the stake. Nowadays, patriotic Americans honor Galileo as the patron saint of all things truthy; while the Leftist Scientific Establishment, with its addiction to absolute facts, has become the modern Inquisition. His most famous invention, the telescope, led to his eventual downfall as he became addicted to the psychotropic drugs which gave it the illusion of \"seeing into outer space.\""@en . . "Null Gravity Barrier"@en . . "30"^^ . "Galileo"@en . . . "Galileo"@de . . "The name Galileo may refer to: People \n* Galileo Galilei, a 17th century Earth astronomer Shuttles \n* Galileo (2267), a shuttle lost in 2267 \n* Galileo (2267-2268), a shuttle attached to the Enterprise \n* Galileo II, a shuttle attached to the Enterprise \n* Galileo (2287), a shuttle attached to the Enterprise-A \n* Galileo (2364), a shuttle attached to the Enterprise-D Production \n* \"The Galileo Seven\" , TOS Season 1 episode, first featuring the shuttle Galileo"@en . "Galileo"@es . "\"Noel\""@en . "1619"^^ . "Male"@en . . "1620"^^ . . . "\u661F\u754C\u306E\u4F7F\u8005 \u30AC\u30EA\u30EC\u30AA"@en . "Galileo Galilei (15 February 1564 \u2013 8 January 1642) was an Italian physicist, astronomer and heretic who is closely associated with the \"scientific\" revolution. Galileo pushed the individualist view that the Earth is not the center of the universe. He believed that the center of what he called a solar system was the sun, and that the Earth revolved around the sun. His views resulted in the Roman Catholic church declaring him a heretic and burning him at the stake."@en . "Null Wind"@en . . "\"Previously on the West Wing\" spoken by Charlie President Bartlet prepares to address thousands of elementary students nationwide as a NASA space probe descends on Mars, but a host of thorny problems suddenly land on his doorstep, including a fire in a Russian nuclear missile silo and a last-minute loss of communication with the Mars spacecraft. It is eventually discovered that fire at the Russian silo started when unpaid workers attempted to drain liquid hydrogen from the warhead in an attempt to steal it. While that problem reaches a resolution, the Mars probe remains out of contact."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Galileo Galilejo estis itala mekanikisto, kies nomo estas forte ligita al la frua historio de la mikroskopo."@eo . "Galileo (or just \"Gali\" for short) is a winged beast that was raised by the captain himself."@en . "Galileo is red with four buttons beneath an LCD screen. The screen displays an animated anthropomorphic frog. A gray stylus or antenna rests on Galileo's top. His serial number is 76502. Galileo is first seen in The Girl Was Trouble, in which the entire episode was focused Gretchen's efforts to retrieve the device. She eventually does and the Galileo has been an intregal part of the gang's endeavors ever since. It last appeared in Lax. Galileo has advanced artificial intelligence, enough so that it can talk and find a great amount of information when Gretchen calls for it."@en . "The name Galileo may refer to: People \n* Galileo Galilei, a 17th century Earth astronomer Shuttles \n* Galileo (2267), a shuttle lost in 2267 \n* Galileo (2267-2268), a shuttle attached to the Enterprise \n* Galileo II, a shuttle attached to the Enterprise \n* Galileo (2287), a shuttle attached to the Enterprise-A \n* Galileo (2364), a shuttle attached to the Enterprise-D Production \n* \"The Galileo Seven\" , TOS Season 1 episode, first featuring the shuttle Galileo"@en . . . . . "Il nome Galileo pu\u00F2 riferirsi a: Personaggio: \n* Galileo Galilei, Un astronomo terrestre del XVII secolo. Navette: \n* Galileo (2267), una navetta dispersa nel 2267. \n* Galileo (2267-2268), una navetta assegnata all'Enterprise. \n* Galileo II, una navetta assegnata all'Enterprise. \n* Galileo (2287), una navetta assegnata all'Enterprise-A. \n* Galileo (2364), una navetta assegnata all'Enterprise-D. Produzioni: \n* \"La Galileo\", un episodio TOS della Stagione 1, la prima apparizione della navetta Galileo. Categoria:Memory Alpha disambiguazioni"@it . . . "Attacks with a medium-sized elemental laser that rebounds three times."@en . "215.47"^^ . "Launches a pulse attack in the targeted direction."@en . "Spartan Ops Mission Galileo.png"@de . . "Galileo"@fr . . . . "25"^^ . . . "Bounce"@en . "16948"^^ . . . . . "1634"^^ . "3300.0"^^ . "1632"^^ . "1633"^^ . . . "Galileo is red with four buttons beneath an LCD screen. The screen displays an animated anthropomorphic frog. A gray stylus or antenna rests on Galileo's top. His serial number is 76502. Galileo is first seen in The Girl Was Trouble, in which the entire episode was focused Gretchen's efforts to retrieve the device. She eventually does and the Galileo has been an intregal part of the gang's endeavors ever since. It last appeared in Lax. Galileo has advanced artificial intelligence, enough so that it can talk and find a great amount of information when Gretchen calls for it. Gretchen received Galileo at some point between September 1997 and June 1998 and (fictional AI aside) would have been cutting edge for the time. The amount of RAM (16MB) would not have been particularly unusual but PDAs with true wireless internet access did not start to appear until May 1999 with the release of the Palm VII. Furthermore Galileo's processor speed is mentioned as being in the 300 MHz range which would be roughly double that of the fastest PDAs of the time (although the writers couldn't have known that PDA CPU speeds stagnated for several years immediately after the episode aired)."@en . . . "17446"^^ . . "Null Gravity Barrier"@en . . "Galileo"@it . . "-"@en . . "Pet, pirate"@en . "99"^^ . . "Infinite-Distance Lens - 18 Turns"@en . . . . "Galileo"@en . . . . "250"^^ . . "Il nome Galileo pu\u00F2 riferirsi a: Personaggio: \n* Galileo Galilei, Un astronomo terrestre del XVII secolo. Navette: \n* Galileo (2267), una navetta dispersa nel 2267. \n* Galileo (2267-2268), una navetta assegnata all'Enterprise. \n* Galileo II, una navetta assegnata all'Enterprise. \n* Galileo (2287), una navetta assegnata all'Enterprise-A. \n* Galileo (2364), una navetta assegnata all'Enterprise-D. Produzioni: \n* \"La Galileo\", un episodio TOS della Stagione 1, la prima apparizione della navetta Galileo. Categoria:Memory Alpha disambiguazioni"@it . "382.27"^^ . . . "Bear"@en . . "90"^^ . . . "Astronomical Observation - 12 Turns"@en . "Galileo"@eo . . . "Galileo"@de . "20180"^^ . . "6"^^ . . . "-"@en . "Galileo Galilejo estis itala mekanikisto, kies nomo estas forte ligita al la frua historio de la mikroskopo."@eo . . . "5"^^ . "Lanzadera destinada a uso de transporte de personal a tierra."@es . . . "17144"^^ . "Page 4"@en . . "Gray"@en . . "Feuerteam Crimson erreicht mittels eines Pelicans die UNSC-Forschungsbasis Galileo. Dort werden sie bereits von einem Trupp Marines erwartet. Dr. Shannon Owen meldet sich derweil \u00FCber Funk und informiert Commander Sarah Palmer, dass die Allianz hinter den Computer-Aufzeichnung her sei, die Crimson zuvor gesammelt hat. Palmer empfiehlt die Computer auszuschalten. Da sich Dr. Owen in einem Schutzraum befindet, muss Crimson diese Aufgabe erledigen."@de . "Galaxite"@en . . "Galileo understood science better than the Pope. Especially Galeleo understood Astronomy. Round 1609-1610 Galelio pointed a telescope at the sky and found evidence that the Earth orbits the Sun among other things. That's called the Heliocentric theory. Conservatives in the Roman Catholic Church thought that couldn't be true because Bronze Age and Iron Age peasants who wrote the Old Testament wrote things that suggest that the sun goes round the Earth etc. Some even decided the Devil was tempering with the telescope and refused to look through it. It all came to a head when Galileo refused to show Christian humility and insulted the Pope. 1. \n* Calling Non-Christians fools is OK, The Bible does that. 2. \n* But Galileo dared to call the Pope Simplicius. After that the Inquistion threatened to torture Galileo unless he recanted and agreed that the Earth doesn't move. Whatever the Roman Catholic Church said or did the Earth carries on orbiting the sun. While the vast majority of Catholics have accepted Galileo, the Church did not believe him until the 1990s. Wow."@en . "33"^^ . "Named in honour of Galileo Galilei"@ia . . . . . "\u30AC\u30EA\u30EC\u30AA"@en . "Demihume"@en . . . "251.07"^^ . . "9"^^ . . . . . . "Blast"@en .