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  • Reviews
  • Reviews
  • Reviews
  • TBD
  • Glest is a critically acclaimed game, and below, you can find many reviews for it from many neutral points, such as the popular CNET.
  • Please list your reviews here in order of newest first.
  • Admins may Use this article to post Reviews of Dark Realm Studios Games.
  • Questa è la pagina che raccoglie i collegamenti a tutte le recensioni ospitate in questo sito.
  • Reviews is a series of links to outside websites that feature reviews of the Fighting Fantasy gamebooks.
  • Obviously I think Appleseed is a pretty cool franchise. I'm not the only one, though if you check out the web, it's easy to notice that viewers are divided evenly into two camps, those fanatically positive about the franchise beyond fair criticism, and then those who nearly relish underating the two contemporary movie episodes, giving them disconcertingly poor reviews and picking them apart unnecessarily. That said, what have the others thought of Appleseed?
  • Reviews are a method of responding to movesets most commonly used by a Make Your Move contest's leadership, although other users are welcome to conduct reviews as well. Reviews constitute an in-depth look at a particular moveset, pointing out both its strong points and its weak points. Many MYMers use these reviews to make themselves aware of possible changes they can make to their movesets, in order to improve them and give them a better shot at ranking in the Top 50.
  • Reviews of recording gear should be--for lack of a better term--fair and balanced. Good information to include is cost, availability, etc. Reviews such as "this compressor sucks" are not appropriate. "This compressor rocks!" is not any better or any more helpful. "This compressor offers many features of compressors that cost more and has a clean, transparent sound," is a more apt way of describing a piece of gear so long as it's generally considered accurate.
  • Book reviews are important to the early and perhaps ultimate success of your book. If your book is favorably reviewed by one of the major newspapers or book review services, it is more likely to be ordered by libraries and other institutions that rely on reviews as a way to choose among the many books that are published each year. There are two categories of publications that review books: one inside the book-buying industry, the other aimed at consumers. • Another review service is Book Sense 76, a monthly list of books recommended by independent bookstores.
  • I went to the concert on 5th May which had four cello pieces accompanied by the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra in the Bridgewater Hall conducted by Gianandrea Noseda. Before the concert there was a short panel session with Michael Kennedy, Gary Hoffman, and Alice Neary. This included also a short excerpt from Donald Tovey's cello concerto which sounded very pleasant, but was also said to be inordinately long. (See )
  • Nie ma bata! Przebojowemu serialowi Zagubieni koniecznie musiała towarzyszyć oparta na nim gra. Nie obejdzie się bez wklepywania do komputera cyfr 4 8 15 16 23 42 ... Gdy zapowiedziano Lost: Via Domus, tytuł ten natychmiast wskoczył na moją listę najbardziej oczekiwanych tytułów. Powód jest prosty – jestem fanem serialu, więc nie mogłem przegapić egranizacji. Trzeba przyznać, że zapowiadała się smakowicie – trailer, kolejne screeny i informacje tylko rozbudzały apetyt. Wreszcie doszło do premiery – i jak wyszło? Ceny! Spadaaacie! Tu pierwszy plus (dla fanów) – za fabułę gry odpowiadają scenarzyści serialowi. Jest ona jednym z najmocniejszych punktów Drogi do domu. Wciąga i nie pozwala się od niej oderwać aż do samego końca. Wydarzenia rozgrywają się na przestrzeni sezonu 1 & 2 oraz lekko z
  • The powers that be presumably put the favorable review in the Wikipedia entry, but here is a review that is closer to my experience. <a href="http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,2227810,00.asp">http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,2227810,00.asp</a> Not gushy about enlightment. Function more important than form. <a href="http://www.zdnet.co.uk/talkback/0,1000001161,39290913-39001109c-20089211o,00.htm">http://www.zdnet.co.uk/talkback/0,1000001161,39290913-39001109c-20089211o,00.htm</a> Not a fan. Much experimentation and comparisons with other Ubuntu distributions. http://www.insidesocal.com/click/2007/12/gos_lots_of_hype_but_not_so_fa.html
  • This is a list of reviews of Galactic Civilizations II from gaming magazines, both online and offline. Please provide links where available. * IXBT * 1UP (9/10) * Gaming Nexus (9.5/10) * Ace Gamez (9/10) * Out of Eight PC Game Reviews (8/8) * Armchair General (88%) * Gamezone (8/10) * Gamespy (4.5/5) * Strategy Informer (80%) * Gamespot (90%) * Games Xtreme (95%) * All Game Guide (4.5/5) * Yahoo! Games (4/5) * UGO (A-) * TGSN (88%) * ic-games (93%) * Next Level Gaming (95%) * PC Gameworld (90%)
  • These are reviews of the comics listed in the appearances section. Anyone is welcome to contribute The main focus should be on Stephanie's role in the comic, but you can also comment on other content. Anything is open to reviewing: writing, art and cover art. Cite which comic you are reviewing and remember, no flaming, no ad hominem attacks, no spamming and no heavy swearing, or you'll be deleted. Follow the rules of basic civility. Be sure to leave your user name or real name, whichever way you want to roll. Review by: Nevermore (Administrator) Rating: 4/5 Review by: Nevermore (Administrator)
wikipage disambiguates
  • TBD
  • Nie ma bata! Przebojowemu serialowi Zagubieni koniecznie musiała towarzyszyć oparta na nim gra. Nie obejdzie się bez wklepywania do komputera cyfr 4 8 15 16 23 42 ... Gdy zapowiedziano Lost: Via Domus, tytuł ten natychmiast wskoczył na moją listę najbardziej oczekiwanych tytułów. Powód jest prosty – jestem fanem serialu, więc nie mogłem przegapić egranizacji. Trzeba przyznać, że zapowiadała się smakowicie – trailer, kolejne screeny i informacje tylko rozbudzały apetyt. Wreszcie doszło do premiery – i jak wyszło? Ceny! Spadaaacie! Tu pierwszy plus (dla fanów) – za fabułę gry odpowiadają scenarzyści serialowi. Jest ona jednym z najmocniejszych punktów Drogi do domu. Wciąga i nie pozwala się od niej oderwać aż do samego końca. Wydarzenia rozgrywają się na przestrzeni sezonu 1 & 2 oraz lekko zahaczają o 3. Głównym bohaterem jest... nie, nikt z oryginalnej obsady. Specjalnie dla gry wymyślono postać Elliota Maslowa, fotoreportera, którego przyszłość skrywa paskudną tajemnicę, a który leci sobie feralnym samolotem nr 815 linii lotniczych Oceanic. Po rozmowie ze stewardessą Elliot rozgląda się po samolocie i nawiązuje kontakt z niemiłym, łysym panem, który wstaje z fotela i idzie w kierunku naszego bohatera. I tutaj dochodzi do katastrofy lotniczej, a Maslow budzi się gdzieś w dżungli. I nic nie pamięta. Ten niedobry Niemiec Alzheimer A naszym celem jest przywrócenie mu pamięci. ...jak mogłem zdradzić jego nazwisko?! Toż to przecież ujawnione zostało już dawno temu, weźcie pierwszą lepszą z brzegu zapowiedź! Bo też nie to jest istotne – a to, co wydarzyło się w przeszłości. Wyspa daje Elliotowi szansę na odkupienie win, nie trafił na nią bez powodu. Gatunkowo tytuł można sklasyfikować jako przygodówkę z elementami gier akcji – taki miszmasz. Łazimy po wyspie, gadamy z postaciami, zbieramy przedmioty, którymi możemy handlować bądź ich użyć i rozwiązujemy najróżniejsze zagadki, co by posunąć fabułę do przodu – tak wygląda rozgrywka. Oczywiście upraszczam, gra jest bardziej skomplikowana. Tutaj muszę pochwalić twórców za to, że oddali w 100% klimat serialu. Nie wiem, jak oni to zrobili, ale atmosfera jest niesamowita, czujemy się jak podczas oglądania nowego odcinka Lost. To kolejna po fabule bardzo mocna strona gry. Niestety, jeśli mowa o opowieści, to muszę zganić scenarzystów – gra jest maksymalnie liniowa i prowadzi nas jak po sznurku. Nie możemy zboczyć z trasy, nie ma żadnych zadań pobocznych, Kormacze nie miał racji, bo w dżungli da się jednak zgubić, lokacje, gdy nie będą już potrzebne znikają i nie wracamy do nich nigdy więcej... Nawet broń możemy wyciągnąć i zrobić z niej użytek jedynie w określonych momentach! Inaczej gra nam nie pozwoli i wyświetli na ekranie odpowiednią ikonkę. Hm. Previously on Lost Jednym z mechanizmów budujących serialowy klimat jest konstrukcja gry – podzielona jest na 7 odcinków zaczynających się od hitchcockowego trzęsienia ziemi, a kończy cliffhangerem, pozostawiającym nas w niepewności (na szczęście tylko na czas loadingu) i każącym nam niecierpliwie czekać na ciąg dalszy. Każdy kolejny ‘’odcinek” zaczyna się od przypomnienia najważniejszych wydarzeń, podobnie jest w przypadku wczytywania gry (save jest tylko w określonych momentach, co niekiedy denerwuje – ale generalnie gra zapisuje się często i w dobrych momentach). Nie można skrótu przerwać, co też może wpienić. Ważniejszy od tego jest inny element, a mianowicie flashbacki, które w serialu były źródłem informacji o głównych bohaterach oraz pokazywały ich grzechy, których szansę odkupienia daje im Wyspa. Nie mogło się obyć bez nich i tutaj - są bardzo sprawnie zrealizowane. Jako że Maslow jest fotografem, będziemy musieli „ostrzeliwać się” z aparatu. Najpierw widzimy podartą na strzępy fotografię, po czym musimy zrobić właśnie takie zdjęcie – Elliot cały czas daje nam wskazówki, co jest nie tak. Gdy wreszcie trafimy z fotką możemy połazić sobie po danej lokacji i co nieco powspominać. Będzie to potrzebne, bo raz że Jack, Sayid i Sawyer nie ufają człowiekowi, który nie potrafi wskazać swojego nazwiska na liście pasażerów, a dwa – ukazuje mu się postać pewnej rudej kobiety. Tylko czemu? Ha, no proste! Nasz podopieczny najwyraźniej wdepnął sobie wcześniej w niezłe g... uano. Mind fuck Gra sprawia wrażenie polepionej z kilku powtarzających się elementów – rzadko zdarza się jakieś odstępstwo od reguły. Na plaży spotkamy znanych ze srebrnego ekranu rozbitków i będziemy mogli zamienić z nimi kilka słów. Tak, to dobre określenie, bo niestety rozmowa wygląda następująco: pytanie – odpowiedź, pytanie – odpowiedź (i to ledwie jedno zdanie), bye-bye – buzi buzi, cmok cmok na pożegnanie, ew. możemy pohandlować. Handel to całkiem fajny motyw – zbieramy owoce i butelki z wodą czy inne batoniki, które następnie możemy wymienić na pochodnie, lampę, a nawet i gnata. Co jeszcze? W dżungli przyjdzie nam kilka razy unikać słynnego potwora – czarnego dymu. Chodzimy wtedy od znacznika (skała, część samolotu i inne takie) do znacznika, w razie potrzeby dając nura w bambusy i czekając, aż zagrożenie minie. Zdarzają się także etapy w jaskini, gdzie trzeba używać pochodni i rozświetlać sobie drogę, co by nie wpaść w jakąś przepaść i żeby nas ciemność nie zeżarła (serio! jakaś drapieżna chyba jest, bo jeśli Elliot postoi dłużej w ciemnościach niczym Edward Carnby sam w mroku, to w jakiś tajemniczy sposób umiera). Musimy uważać na też naloty nietoperzy i wodę, co by nam pochodni nie zniszczyła. Inne zagadki obejmują rozwiązywanie durnych testów IQ Dharmy czy zabawę z bezpiecznikami. Elektryka prąd nie tyka, jak to mówią – napotkamy na kilka tablic rozdzielczych, gdzie musimy do wszystkich wskazanych miejsc doprowadzić prąd pod odpowiednim napięciem. Bezpieczników mamy trzy rodzaje i jak można się domyślić, nie będzie to wcale takie proste. Tego typu zagadki potrafią zatrzymać na dłużej. O konieczności wpisywania znanego wszystkim maniakom Zagubionych ciągu cyfr nie wypada nawet wspominać. Weźmiemy też udział w dwóch biegach z przeszkodami... i to w sumie wszystko. Naturalnie pojawi się jeszcze kilka innych urozmaiceń, ale generalnie rozgrywka dość szybko robi się powtarzalna. I looked in the eyes of the island, and what I saw was beautiful Te niedogodności zrekompensowane zostaną przez piękne widoki, jakimi będą karmione nasze oczęta. Silnik graficzny YETI znany z Advanced Warfightera nie tyle daje radę, co po prostu zachwyca generowanymi przez siebie obrazkami (szczególnie dżungla wygląda super). Podobnie jest z oprawą dźwiękową – głosy i gra aktorska jest świetna, a muzyka wyjęta wprost z serialu. Ale i tutaj mam kilka zastrzeżeń. Serdecznie nie znoszę, gdy głosy postaci są podrabiane, a tak się akurat tutaj składa, że większość ze znanych postaci nie przemawia głosami prawdziwych aktorów. Jack, Sayid czy Kate brzmią jeszcze znośnie, ale już Sawyer czy Charlie brzmią kiepsko. Na szczęście w roli Innych i niektórych postaci pobocznych usłyszymy ich odtwórców z planu serialu, ale też nie zawsze. Do tego trzeba dodać fakt, że modele postaci nie zawsze trzymają ogólny wysoki poziom (np. Sawyer czy Michael, który wygląda dziwacznie). You’re about to leave in pieces! Jaki będzie werdykt? Z jednej strony gra zachwyca oprawą, fabułą, grywalnością i wysokim poziomem wykonania, a z drugiej jest liniowa jak cholera i szybko robi się powtarzalna. Nie wykorzystano również należycie potencjału niektórych elementów – np. handlu czy szczególnie rozmów – obecnie są kiepskie, a można było tutaj wstawić pogadankę o przeszłości czy wydarzeniach rozgrywających się na Wyspie (znaczy się dużo więcej, niż jest w grze). Niestety twórcy popełnili wg mnie straszny grzech – tytuł jest przeznaczony dla fanów i ludzi, którzy orientują się w fabule. Kolejne postacie i lokacje pojawiają się w zasadzie tak ni z gruchy, ni z pietruchy, co zdezorientuje tych, co chcieliby zobaczyć, z czym owych Zagubionych się je. Po recenzjach, które nie były szczególnie pochlebne dla Via Domus spodziewałem się raczej średniaka, ale miło się rozczarowałem. Gra naprawdę daje radę i wciąga, w czym swój udział mają historia Elliota i (na pewno w dużej mierze) fakt, że jestem fanem serialu. Natomiast grałem jeszcze z inną osobą, która nie podzielała moich zachwytów (mimo to też wytrwała do końca ;)). Ja wystawię ocenę 8 i polecę ją wszystkim maniakom, natomiast jeśli nie widziałeś wcześniej Lostów, spokojnie odejmij 1-1,5 pkt, a jeśli nie masz zamiaru i ochoty na obejrzenie przynajmniej dwóch pierwszych sezonów – najlepiej w ogóle nie tykaj.
  • Glest is a critically acclaimed game, and below, you can find many reviews for it from many neutral points, such as the popular CNET.
  • Please list your reviews here in order of newest first.
  • Admins may Use this article to post Reviews of Dark Realm Studios Games.
  • Questa è la pagina che raccoglie i collegamenti a tutte le recensioni ospitate in questo sito.
  • The powers that be presumably put the favorable review in the Wikipedia entry, but here is a review that is closer to my experience. <a href="http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,2227810,00.asp">http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,2227810,00.asp</a> Not gushy about enlightment. Function more important than form. <a href="http://www.zdnet.co.uk/talkback/0,1000001161,39290913-39001109c-20089211o,00.htm">http://www.zdnet.co.uk/talkback/0,1000001161,39290913-39001109c-20089211o,00.htm</a> Not a fan. Much experimentation and comparisons with other Ubuntu distributions. <a href="http://www.insidesocal.com/click/2007/12/gos_lots_of_hype_but_not_so_fa.html">http://www.insidesocal.com/click/2007/12/gos_lots_of_hype_but_not_so_fa.html</a> Early, favorable review, which includes step-by-step for networking with your Windows computer. http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1146503&seqNum=1
  • This is a list of reviews of Galactic Civilizations II from gaming magazines, both online and offline. Please provide links where available. * IXBT * 1UP (9/10) * Gaming Nexus (9.5/10) * Ace Gamez (9/10) * Out of Eight PC Game Reviews (8/8) * Armchair General (88%) * Gamezone (8/10) * Gamespy (4.5/5) * Strategy Informer (80%) * Gamespot (90%) * Games Xtreme (95%) * All Game Guide (4.5/5) * Yahoo! Games (4/5) * UGO (A-) * TGSN (88%) * ic-games (93%) * Next Level Gaming (95%) * PC Gameworld (90%) You might also be interested in Galactic Civilizations II on GameRankings or Metacritic.
  • Reviews is a series of links to outside websites that feature reviews of the Fighting Fantasy gamebooks.
  • I went to the concert on 5th May which had four cello pieces accompanied by the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra in the Bridgewater Hall conducted by Gianandrea Noseda. Before the concert there was a short panel session with Michael Kennedy, Gary Hoffman, and Alice Neary. This included also a short excerpt from Donald Tovey's cello concerto which sounded very pleasant, but was also said to be inordinately long. (See ) Colin Carr was the first off in the live concert for Bridge's Oration. This was an unknown piece to me, but Colin played it very eloquently. Then Natalia Gutman played Britten's Cello Symphony - a rather hard piece to get to grips with. After the interval Ralph Kirshbaum gave a lovely performance of Elgar's Cello Concerto, which musically was arguably the high spot of the concert. Besides having a lovely instrument to play on Kirshbaum also had the advantage of playing a piece which most of the audience knew and liked. Finally Yo-Yo Ma came on to play Walton's Cello Concerto, which perhaps not everyone knew, but which was nevertheless captivating, with some really beautiful sounds. It was interesting to hear the four different cellists playing, and personally I felt that Natalia came off the worst because of the very ungracious writing for the cello and orchestra. I suspect that all of these cellists could have given us very good performances of the Elgar or Walton concertos. In this concert I did leave feeling that Kirshbaum did the most persuasive job, and was slightly surprised at Ma's playing, which was generally very sensitive, but with very limited vibrato, but also sounded a bit understated. The concert finally ended at about 10.30pm, only to be followed by a performance of Schubert's String Quintet in C, in which Ralph Kirshbaum joined the Michaelangelo String Quartet. This was one of the Concert Plus series - fantastic value. The Schubert was played beautifully, though unfortunately by then it was fairly clear that some members of the audience had stayed out beyond their bed times after a very long concert. It was difficult to concentrate, but nevertheless it was a lovely performance.
  • Obviously I think Appleseed is a pretty cool franchise. I'm not the only one, though if you check out the web, it's easy to notice that viewers are divided evenly into two camps, those fanatically positive about the franchise beyond fair criticism, and then those who nearly relish underating the two contemporary movie episodes, giving them disconcertingly poor reviews and picking them apart unnecessarily. That said, what have the others thought of Appleseed?
  • Reviews are a method of responding to movesets most commonly used by a Make Your Move contest's leadership, although other users are welcome to conduct reviews as well. Reviews constitute an in-depth look at a particular moveset, pointing out both its strong points and its weak points. Many MYMers use these reviews to make themselves aware of possible changes they can make to their movesets, in order to improve them and give them a better shot at ranking in the Top 50.
  • Reviews of recording gear should be--for lack of a better term--fair and balanced. Good information to include is cost, availability, etc. Reviews such as "this compressor sucks" are not appropriate. "This compressor rocks!" is not any better or any more helpful. "This compressor offers many features of compressors that cost more and has a clean, transparent sound," is a more apt way of describing a piece of gear so long as it's generally considered accurate.
  • These are reviews of the comics listed in the appearances section. Anyone is welcome to contribute The main focus should be on Stephanie's role in the comic, but you can also comment on other content. Anything is open to reviewing: writing, art and cover art. Cite which comic you are reviewing and remember, no flaming, no ad hominem attacks, no spamming and no heavy swearing, or you'll be deleted. Follow the rules of basic civility. Be sure to leave your user name or real name, whichever way you want to roll. Review by: Nevermore (Administrator) This is a fun team up issue. Admittedly, the plot was a little confused when I read it the first couple of times ("We have your brother and are holding him ransom!" "You don't have the money? Then we'll get some person to shoot you..oh wait, that didn't work out." "Hey, Kinsey's here, whatever that means." "Ha! I am your brother and not really kidnapped! I held myself ransom so I could get money! It's a brilliant plan!" "But...Jimmy died bringing the money!" "Jimmy? He came up with me, whatever that means." "OH LOOK MONEY!") But I eventually got it (except for that "Jimmy came up with me line"). Batgirl needing Spoiler to read her the ransom note was a nice set up, and I love Steph's snarky blackmailing savvy. The interaction between Stephanie and Cass was golden, and there were some genuinely funny lines. Cass and Steph's characterization was spot on. The art? Well, Damion Scott's art was still somewhat competent and kind of cute at this point. It wasn't the best in the world, but it wasn't horrible either. And I adore the cover. I love how Steph and Cass are posed and the way Steph's whipping that grappling hook. They look ready for battle! Rating: 4/5 Review by: Nevermore (Administrator) I really enjoyed this issue. You could hardly tell it was part of a crossover. There's a lot to love: This issue cemented Steph and Cass's friendship; Batgirl stopping three flying ninja stars from hitting herself, Stephanie, and Barbara by catching them on her ring finger in a blink of an eye; Cass's snark and general badassery while fighting Shadow theif; and oh, the Steph banter ("We're not holding a candlelight vigil, are we...?"). That scene with Cass in tears and pleading to Stephanie for help after thinking she killed Shadow Thief always gets me. And because she is awesome, Steph is able to revive Shadow Thief with CPR and promises not to tell. You can see the bonding between Cassandra and Stephanie right there. Like I said, this issue cemented their friendship. The art, once again, okay, though Cass's mask shouldn't show her mouth...and one time we saw STEPH'S mouth through her mask? What? Rating: 4.5/5 Review by Nevermore (Administrator) I cannot lie. I loved this issue. Absolutely loved it. It was perfect in every way. It was really funny at parts, Spoiler's dialogue was spot on (especially her reaction to Lady Shiva's resurrection trick, heh), she kicked some serious ass, and her visions of Cass really showed how much she admires and idolizes Batgirl. It was sweet and kind of sad, at the end. And the art was really nice. I especially like the detail of Oracle's gloves, lots of wheelchair users need gloves so their hands don't get rubbed raw by the wheelchair, and someone on the computer all the time like Barbara would naturally opt for fingerless. This artist is the only one I've ever seen acknowledge that. And the cover? Ouch. Poor Steph. But well done, anyway. Raitng: 5/5 Review by: Nevermore (Administrator) Like pretty much every Batgirl issue, this issue was enjoyable. Cass was a little mean to poor Steph, though, but it's Cass, she doesn't mean it. And the effortless nerve strike thing was kind of funny. And I completely share Stephanie's reaction about touching the dead lady. Ew! And it was nice to see how significantly Cassandra contributed to proving Bruce's innocence. Cassandra Cain: Super Detective! And Cass and Steph playing rooftop tag in their free time is just adorable. That said, the Sensor thing at the end of the issue initially confused me, because I had no idea who he was, and then later because Kelley never had the Sensor do anything more with Cass, excluding next issue. The art was good. I have a few qualms, Steph looks really...square and Cass's eyes should not be LITERALLY slanted. But he actually gave the females believable body types! Lots of hearts in my book. Certainly competent. Rating: 4/5 Review by Nevermore (Administrator) Aw. This issue was so cute and so sad at the same time. I absolutely adore Cass and Steph's friendship and it was portrayed awesomely here. Spoiler's determination to continue training and Cass slowly beginning to become close to her. The conversation about their fathers really showed that while both girls are very different, they're also very similar. Granted, the thing with the Sensor and Force 14 confused me and it took me forever to find out who they really were, but the ending...awww. Though I'm always confused as to what Stephanie was referring to when she said, "Tim and other things," she had to deal with. When I was a comics novice, I thought this was right before Steph became Robin, but it's way off. And it can't be finding out Tim's secret identity, because the whole thing took place during "Bruce Wayne: Fugitive" after all that went down. And it's before she was fired, as that's covered in Batgirl # 38. So the closest I can figure it this is supposed to be just after she was fired from the BoP, which would explain why she couldn't be "around" but what does that have to do with Tim? Oh well. None of that matters when compared to the Cass and Steph AWESOMENESS! The art was the usual Damion Scott fare, but pretty dynamic. Cass's expressions in particular, her sad face and her happy-to-be-with-Steph face were so adorable and well done. And Steph's expressions too! Rating: 4.5/5 Review by Nevermore (Administrator) I love Gabrych. He writes Stephanie so well. This is one of my favorite issues. Cassandra defying Bruce by hanging out with Stephanie was just so great, and I loved watching them hang out! It showed what kind of zany girls they are, one who's idea of fun is jumping on rooftops and who think it's hilarious to kick each other in the stomach. And the talk on the gargoyles was just so cute and hilarious. The Steph banter is at top form, but, aw, Cass knocks out Steph again. To protect her, though. And the look on Cass's face when she told Stephanie she couldn't go into fights with her anymore...it obviously hurt her to do that, but she thought it was the right thing. Steph is understandably very hurt by this, so the issue ends on a sad note. But the character moments...gah, they were amazing. I liked the art. It was really cartoony, but I enjoy cartoony, and the expressions...I know I say this a lot about art, but they really were good. Lips and little big though. And Cass looked a bit weird in costume. But Cass and Steph were so cute! The cover: those girls look tough! Yay! Rating: 5/5 Review by Nevermore (Administrator) Horrock's run on Batgirl started off kind of rocky, not as good as Scott's or Gabrych's...but near the end, he really seemed to be on his game, which is ironically sad. Also, I hear he refused to participate in Steph's torture? OH MY GOD, this guy is my hero! But 'nuff said, this issue was superb. Stephanie was competent and showed what an awesome Robin she could have been given half the chance. And Cassandra was clearly so happy for her! It was a really nice character study on Stephanie, and all the anger she still harbors over her father and her motivations. This issue spelled out Stephanie's main motive for risking her life every night and coming back continually after being told she wasn't good enough: Not her crush on Tim, not Batman's approval, but simply that she never wants another little girl or boy to have to suffer the way she did as a child, to have to grow up with crime and corruption. Stephanie understands crime in a way Batman or Tim or Babs will never be able to- only Cass even comes close to feeling the same way, hence the friendship. Also, how happy and proud Steph was to get "the job" and how sure she was she could do it always breaks my heart. Her speech to Cass is just so bittersweet. The art was great. Stephanie had quite a rack, but everyone was drawn very well. That little girl was so cute! The cover is cool too. Stephanie at the center with a triumphant smile and SWINGING THE PENGUIN'S MONOCLE AROUND! That is great. Rating: 5/5 Review by Nevermore (Administrator) This is a really nice look at the dynamics and motivations of both Stephanie and Helena. A well handled team up, and it's good to see Steph using her ingenuity (taking out Firefly with the cash register, clubbing Monsoon in the back of the legs) and remembering the training she received from Tim. A bit dated, to be sure, the "cavetalk" from Monsoon was particularly one dimensional, but we got some nice interaction between Stephanie and her dad, from him almost revealing her identity to his compatriots and then deciding not to, to when he offered her money and she replied, "You'll just never GET it, will you?" Nice. The art works okay, noticed this was the same guy who did the Robin 80 page giant and he's much better here. But still confusing at times, and sort of generic. 4/5 Review by Nevermore (Administrator) Stephanie's first appearance in a Robin comic. The dialogue is a little dated, which is to be expected as this was written in the early Nineties. But it's a pretty solid issue. Poor Steph and her problems with her mother. And despite her inexperience, Stephanie seems to be able to sneak up on Batman's protege and beat him up with very little difficulty. And with no formal training at all! Early on, she shows incredible talent. And the Steph/Tim drama starts...here! The art is very solid and I especially like how Tom Grummet draws believable bodies for our karate kickin' teens. Steph looks pretty good. 3.5/5
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