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- Diana Sorge wächst, dass Jenny eine Intrige während der EM plant, so dass Diana noch beunruhigter ist. Oliver versichert Diana, sie vor eventuellen Intrigen zu schützen. Als sich Diana gerade in Sicherheit wiegt, muss sie mit ansehen, dass Jenny ihre Kür läuft... Nina erkennt, dass sie ihr Leben in den Griff bekommen muss. Sie beschließt, Jutta für ein paar Tage nach Cuxhaven zu begleiten, um Abstand zu gewinnen. Zudem erkennt Nina, dass sie mit Tim reden muss, der sich zunehmend Hoffnungen macht... Lena vertraut sich Ingo an und erzählt ihm, dass ihr Ex-Freund ihre Trennung nicht akzeptiert. Sie bittet Ingo um absolutes Stillschweigen, damit Annette sich nicht unnötig sorgt. Lenas Abneigung gegen Ingo verschwindet zusehends, und sie ahnt nicht, dass es Ingo ähnlich geht...
- [[Plik:DSC09415.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Autobus Scania CN270UB na linii 191 na ul. Dzieci Warszawy]] 191 – linia autobusowa zwykła (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje na trasie z Placu Narutowicza na Regulską. Linię obsługują zajezdnia autobusowa KleszczowaKategoria:Linie obsługiwane przez Zajezdnię Kleszczowa.
- El ciento noventa y uno (191) es el número natural que sigue al 190 y precede al 192. Categoría:Números
- This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 191.
- As the fire spreads and the flames grow, Laura continues to entrance David into befriending the fire, which is calling and reaching out to him. Meanwhile, Josette contacts Victoria in order to help her find David, who begins to succumb to his mother's urging and steps closer to the fire.
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- Diana Sorge wächst, dass Jenny eine Intrige während der EM plant, so dass Diana noch beunruhigter ist. Oliver versichert Diana, sie vor eventuellen Intrigen zu schützen. Als sich Diana gerade in Sicherheit wiegt, muss sie mit ansehen, dass Jenny ihre Kür läuft... Nina erkennt, dass sie ihr Leben in den Griff bekommen muss. Sie beschließt, Jutta für ein paar Tage nach Cuxhaven zu begleiten, um Abstand zu gewinnen. Zudem erkennt Nina, dass sie mit Tim reden muss, der sich zunehmend Hoffnungen macht... Lena vertraut sich Ingo an und erzählt ihm, dass ihr Ex-Freund ihre Trennung nicht akzeptiert. Sie bittet Ingo um absolutes Stillschweigen, damit Annette sich nicht unnötig sorgt. Lenas Abneigung gegen Ingo verschwindet zusehends, und sie ahnt nicht, dass es Ingo ähnlich geht...
- [[Plik:DSC09415.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Autobus Scania CN270UB na linii 191 na ul. Dzieci Warszawy]] 191 – linia autobusowa zwykła (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje na trasie z Placu Narutowicza na Regulską. Linię obsługują zajezdnia autobusowa KleszczowaKategoria:Linie obsługiwane przez Zajezdnię Kleszczowa.
- El ciento noventa y uno (191) es el número natural que sigue al 190 y precede al 192. Categoría:Números
- As the fire spreads and the flames grow, Laura continues to entrance David into befriending the fire, which is calling and reaching out to him. Meanwhile, Josette contacts Victoria in order to help her find David, who begins to succumb to his mother's urging and steps closer to the fire. The fire is starting to engulf the fishing shack; Laura urges David to embrace the fire, which gives life like the sun. She promises the fire will give David eternal life and that, very soon, the flames will take him away. At the same time, Josette makes Victoria learn that David is in a "little house by the sea" that is burning; Vicki realizes it's the fishing shack. In Boston, Carolyn vigils by the side of her mother. She learns from the doctor that there is no brain damage despite how Elizabeth appears; all they can do is watch and wait. The doctor departs, leaving Carolyn with the vague hope that there could be a change tomorrow. Suddenly Elizabeth begins to stir and awakens! Carolyn notices that Elizabeth's eyes are open, and calls the doctor, who immediately declares that Elizabeth is coming out of her state. Motor responses return and Elizabeth's pulse picks up. Elizabeth is frightened by something (she senses David's in danger) but is still unable to speak. Back at the shack, Laura tells David that it's almost time to come to her. As the heat rises, Laura asks David to recite the legend of the Phoenix for her. She believes that his recitation will prepare him not to be afraid of death, and when its summation is reached, he can join her. Victoria arrives, frantically screaming and knocking at the door. Victoria is unable to reach David, and Laura taunts her. David continues his recitation. Victoria pleads with 'Mrs. Collins', who insists on being called 'Laura Murdoch' and says that Victoria must have known what was to happen based on her and Dr. Guthrie's research. Victoria continues to yell for David, to no avail. Laura tells Victoria it will soon be over, only to begin again somewhere else; like herself, David will be reborn again and again, century after century. At the Hospital, Elizabeth is attempting to speak. She becomes hysterical and screams out David's name. Elizabeth begins to scream about David in fire. Back at the shack, flames surround Laura and David as he nears the apex of his recitation and Victoria tries to reach into him. At the hospital, Dr. Franklin and Carolyn are unable to restrain Elizabeth, who continues to shout for David. At the shack, David hears Elizabeth's scream but Laura implores him to continue the legend. Victoria, and, in Boston, Elizabeth, shout for David as he speaks of the Phoenix burning up. David begins to cry as he sees his mother in flames. She implores him to hurry, before it's too late. Laura needs David now, at this moment, or it will be too late. David, finished with his story, begins to hear Victoria's voice and is torn between Laura and Victoria. He looks back to Laura, who cries out that it's too late now. As she burns up, she cries "From these ashes, the Phoenix is reborn!" before screaming and disappearing in flames. David becomes distraught and Victoria begs him to open the door. He comes out and collapses in tears in her arms.
- This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 191.