| - [Source] Harkun était l'un des Surveillants de l'Académie Sith de Korriban durant la Guerre Froide contre la République Galactique.
- Harkun was a male Human Sith at the Korriban Sith Academy.
- Harkun was a male Human and a member of the Sith Order who lived during the era of the Great Galactic War. Harkun was trained as an acolyte on the Sith graveyard world of Korriban and upon graduation became entwined within the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge as an inferior to a supervisor at the academy, the Sith Lord Zash. By the time of the Cold War between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, Harkun had been elevated to the rank of an Overseer of acolyte training on Korriban, conducting the brutal process which ultimately turned hopeful initiates into Sith Lords. Around 3643 BBY, the Overseer was tasked by Zash to gather a new class of pupils from the low-born slave classes of the Empire, so that a student worthy of becoming her new apprentice might be identified. Harkun, a severe xen
- Harkun was a male Kaleesh general who originally served the Fel Empire and continued to serve Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire, before defecting to the Empire-in-exile. Being raised as a warrior on Kalee, Harkun first served as a stormtrooper of the 501st Legion in the Imperial Army. His superiors noted his combat skill and also the fact that he was a good tactician and strategist. For those reasons, Harkun rose to the rank of general. He was awarded the rank in 130 ABY, the last year of the Sith-Imperial War. When Darth Krayt and his One Sith committed a coup d'état against Emperor Roan Fel, Harkun breifly continued serving them. However, he became disgusted by the genocides and massacres that the Sith carried out, and decided to defect to the Fel loyalists.