| - -The first revolution takes place in March, and causes the Tsar to abdicate and the Provisional Government is formed. -The second (Bolshevik) revolution takes place in October. This brings the collapse of the incumbent Provisional Government and the Communists take over the entire RSSR. -On the anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution the USSR is formally declared by Lenin (in 1918). -Apart from Poland and Finland all other regions of the Russian Empire go through similar revolutions and Soviet Socialist Republics are formed. -These SSR's then merge to form the USSR. -There is no Russian Civil War, due to the much greater support for the Bolsheviks. -Stalin and Trotsky are downed in the inner party political maneuverings. Instead Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev emerge, although ideological allies at first they go separate ways later on. After more than two years of fighting, the teeming masses of the common people were fed up with the war which had brough significant hardship upon them (although significantly less harder than OTL). In late February massive strikes and coordinated protests began. By the 7th of March, the protests, although largely ineffective up to that point, had spread to the whole nation. On March 17, the Tsar abdicates and leaves Petrograd with the entire royal family. Ayaa 12:16, April 4, 2011 (UTC)