| - A metal in Glorantha
* Also known as Ze Metal
* When mixed with Copper makes Bronze Source: Guide to Glorantha
- Tin is the second most common type of mineral/ore in the game. They can be mined from all rocks. These ores currently have no use but can be sold to shops. Game hints have been suggesting that copper will be used in an upcoming smelting skill. This article is a stub. You can help the My English Wiki by [ expanding it].
- File:Tin Rat.gif Write the text of your article here!
- Tin, is a poor metal that is used with many household objects. When exposed to air it oxidizes, but resists corrosion and rust. It also has a melting point of 449.47oF (231.93oC), and has the atomic number of 50 on the periodic table of the elements, with the abbreveations of Sm.
- Tin is the second-easiest metal to mine. Tin veins also produce gems and, more frequently, Coarse Stone. Tin ore is smelted into Tin Bars at the forge. In turn, one tin bar can be smelted with one copper bar to make two bronze bars.
* Mined at Mining 1
- Value 4 File:GoldIcon.png Effects Form ID Tin is an alchemical ingredient found in The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall.
- Pit District - Graveyard
- Tin is a fictional solid element for Powder Game.
- Tin is an ore.
- Tin is een Erts.
- Tin is a tinker fairy featured in the play Fairy Mary's Day Off on Pixie Hollow Online. The play ran from December 1, 2009 until January 11, 2010 than re-released on October 19, 2010 until December 8, 2010 and is currently playing at Fairy Tale Theater right now. Her costume can be found at Cassie's Costume Shop.
- Tin is as an insult in Transformer language when referencing someone. Likely, Giving the context it was used in, this is used to call someone a weakling or something to that effect because in real life tin is not a very durable form of metal.
- Tin is an ore that currently has only one use: to mix with copper to make bronze when smithing. Each tin ore smithed provides 2 smithing exp. Found most easily in the Heart Mine, tin can also be found in the Barbarians' Mine and Mining Guild. You will need mining level 10, and each ore also gives 6 mining exp.
- This silvery, malleable poor metal is not easily oxidized in air and is used to coat other metals to prevent corrosion. The first alloy used in large scale since 3000 BC was bronze, an alloy of tin and copper. After 600 BC pure metallic tin was produced. Pewter, which is an alloy of 85% to 90% tin with the remainder commonly consisting of copper, antimony and lead, was used for flatware from the Bronze Age until the 20th century. In modern times tin is used in many alloys, most notably tin/lead soft solders, typically containing 60% or more of tin. Another large application for tin is corrosion-resistant tin plating of steel
- In spite of it's importance, the popularity of tin has been sliding in recent years, and its CEO (Chief Elemental Officer) has indicated that the element may be rebadged in the near future.
- Tin is a non combat metal that can be mined or received as a drop from enemies. It can also be made with alchemy. Tin has many uses such as tools or making bronze.
- Tin is a prefix for Jewels. It provides a moderate bonus to Attack Rating.
- Tin eli tina on metalli RuneScapessa. Tinaa voi kaivaa kun Kaivuutasolla 1, ja siitä saa 17,5 kokemuspistettä. Tinaa kaivetaan jo Harjoitussaarella. Tinaa ei yksistään käytetä mihinkään, mutta kuparin kanssa siitä voi tehdä pronssiharkon. Tinaa löytää Varrockin läheltä ja Lumbridgen läheltä sekä Al Kharidilta
- Tin is a poor metal that is used with many commonly used objects and has the Atomic number of 50 on the Periodic Table of the Elements, with the Atomic Symbol Sn. When exposed to air it oxidizes, but resists corrosion and rust. It also has a melting point of 449.47ºF (231.93ºC). Tin, when mixed with copper creates an alloy known as bronze, which is much stronger, yet can be worked with if using a blacksmith's tools. Tin also has the most isotopes of any element.
- Tin is a harvestable resource that miners can harvest to get Tin Ore. Harvesting requires at least level 40 in mining.
- Tin is an element, number 50 on the periodic table. (VOY: "Muse") In 2266, after USS Enterprise's computer declared several of his statements to be lies, Harry Mudd referred to it as a tin-plated pot. (TOS: "Mudd's Women" ) In 2376, B'Elanna Torres asked Kelis to obtain a piece of metal that was three parts tin to five parts bronze with one side coated with gold, so that she could repair the subspace transmitter on the crashed Delta Flyer. (VOY: "Muse")
- A Misting of Tin is often referred to as a Tineye, and a Tin Ferring will often be called a Windwhisperer. Notable Tineyes - Spook, Mare, and Straff Venture.
- thumb|Żyła cynyCyna to drugi z najłatwiejszych metali do wydobycia. W żyłach miedzi można znaleźć klejnoty oraz częściej szorstkie kamienie. W kuźni można przetopić rudę w sztaby cyny. Po połączeniu jednej sztaby cyny z jedną sztabą miedzi powstają dwie sztaby brązu. Cynę można wydobywać, gdy umiejętność Górnictwo przekroczy poziom 65. Wydobycie zmieni się z żółtego na zielone po przekroczeniu poziomu 115.
- A tin is a special kind of comestible that can be made by applying a tinning kit to a corpse, as well as being randomly generated. Tins of spinach can be found, wished for, or created through polymorphing; they cannot be created with a tinning kit. Spinach will increase your strength attribute, unless it is cursed ("It contains some decaying green substance"), in which case your strength will decrease. (See spinach for the formula.) Cursed tins are difficult to open and have a small chance of being trapped. Opening a trapped tin causes an explosion and can stun you.
- Tin is a pokémon coordinator and trainer from Pokemon Iron and Amber and Pokemon Copal. If you choose the male character Iron than he appears as a member of the Elite 4 however if you choose the female character Amber than he appears as your contest rival, always showing up at your contests and challenging you. It is implied that Tin comes from Fiore, he says that he comes from a desert place where there never used to be any Pokémon when you first challenge him at a contest. During your final contest when Team Rocket interrupts he shouts "Rocket? What about Team Snagem!"
- Tin is a chemical element with the symbol Sn (for ) and atomic number 50. It is a main group metal in group 14 of the periodic table. Tin shows a chemical similarity to both neighboring group-14 elements, germanium and lead, and has two possible oxidation states, +2 and the slightly more stable +4. Tin is the 49th most abundant element and has, with 10 stable isotopes, the largest number of stable isotopes in the periodic table. It is a silvery, malleable other metal that is not easily oxidized in air, obtained chiefly from the mineral cassiterite where it occurs as tin dioxide, . , Sb and Pb /Pb
- The chemical element known as Tin is abbreviated Sn (for Latin: Stannum) and symbolized by a cross with crescent above, which looks like the number 2 intersecting the number 4 (24/42). The crescent moon in the symbol represents the soul rising above the elements or the darkness of matter, symbolized by the cross below. Flavius Josephus records that Jesus' uncle, Joseph of Arimethea, was a wealthy tin trader who traveled with Jesus to the British Isles, which at the time were known for their rich natural resources. This would make Joseph a "Tin Man" by trade. Planet: Jupiter Day: Thursday
- Tin was mined by the Nuggies on the Tin Isle and was their principle export and the centaurs were their primary trading partner for the metal. One day tin shipments promptly stopped arriving, prompting the centaur Cheiron to lead an expedition to the Tin Isle to attempt to reestablish contact with the Nuggies. He found that the Nuggies had gone virtually extinct and their tin mines lay abandoned. He persuaded the new dominant species of the Tin Isle, the Mans, to trade with the centaurs, but the trade agreement was abrogated when centaurs, under the influence of cerevisia, brawled with the mans at a banquet to celebrate their new partnership and had to flee the Tin Isle for their lives.