| - A demon from Devilman and animated in Devilman:Demon Bird Sirene and CB Chara Go Nagai World. He seems to be a pile of goo that smells and can't fly. He often says he will send his foe to/see them in Jigoku.
- In Devilman Agwels first appearance was early on when a young schoolgirl was walking to her home late one night when she slips and realizes that it was blood she slipped on, she crawls a little further only to find the decapitated head of a man and a strange mound just in front of her. The mound turns its head and reveals itself as Agwel, it then kills her. Later Agwel is summoned along with the rain demon Ghelmer by the beautiful demon Sirine, Agwel was sent to kill the Makimura family sucking Kensaku and Kousako Makimura through the walls. Not long after he attacks Akira Fudo when he tries to break into the bathroom to save Miki, Akira beats Agwel back and he retreats but after recovering Miki, Agwel again attacks Akira, but Akira who was mid Devilman transformation wrapped his antenna a
- Agwel was a small, sadistic and highly deadly, demon from Devilman. Devilman In Devilman Agwels first appearance was early on when a young schoolgirl was walking to her home late one night when she slips and realizes that it was blood she slipped on, she crawls a little further only to find the decapitated head of a man and a strange mound just in front of her. The mound turns its head and reveals itself as Agwel, it then kills her. Later Agwel is summoned along with the rain demon Ghelmer by the beautiful demon Sirine, Agwel was sent to kill the Makimura family sucking Kensaku and Kousako Makimura through the walls. Not long after he attacks Akira Fudo when he tries to break into the bathroom to save Miki, Akira beats Agwel back and he retreats but after recovering Miki, Agwel again attac
| - Agwel was a small, sadistic and highly deadly, demon from Devilman. Devilman In Devilman Agwels first appearance was early on when a young schoolgirl was walking to her home late one night when she slips and realizes that it was blood she slipped on, she crawls a little further only to find the decapitated head of a man and a strange mound just in front of her. The mound turns its head and reveals itself as Agwel, it then kills her. Later Agwel is summoned along with the rain demon Ghelmer by the beautiful demon Sirine, Agwel was sent to kill the Makimura family sucking Kensaku and Kousako Makimura through the walls. Not long after he attacks Akira Fudo when he tries to break into the bathroom to save Miki, Akira beats Agwel back and he retreats but after recovering Miki, Agwel again attacks Akira, but Akira who was mid Devilman transformation wrapped his antenna around Agwels neck and pulled his head off, with Agwel's last words being, "i will meet you in a date in hell". Devil Lady Agwel appears in a flashback of Akira's when he was thinking of the various demons he had encounterd over the years. Devilman VS Getter Robo Agwel breifly returns in the cross over manga alongside Sirine and other demons when she joined with Lord Gor to kill Devilman and Getter Robo.
- A demon from Devilman and animated in Devilman:Demon Bird Sirene and CB Chara Go Nagai World. He seems to be a pile of goo that smells and can't fly. He often says he will send his foe to/see them in Jigoku.
- In Devilman Agwels first appearance was early on when a young schoolgirl was walking to her home late one night when she slips and realizes that it was blood she slipped on, she crawls a little further only to find the decapitated head of a man and a strange mound just in front of her. The mound turns its head and reveals itself as Agwel, it then kills her. Later Agwel is summoned along with the rain demon Ghelmer by the beautiful demon Sirine, Agwel was sent to kill the Makimura family sucking Kensaku and Kousako Makimura through the walls. Not long after he attacks Akira Fudo when he tries to break into the bathroom to save Miki, Akira beats Agwel back and he retreats but after recovering Miki, Agwel again attacks Akira, but Akira who was mid Devilman transformation wrapped his antenna around Agwels neck and pulled his head off, with Agwel's last words being, "i will meet you in a date in hell".