He specialized in the drawing up of legal contracts and land deed He was the one to set up the contracts for the teachers at College, He made sure that Sallisha contract was what she wanted. He also represented defendants at the two trials.
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- Gardner
- Gardner
- Gardner
| - He specialized in the drawing up of legal contracts and land deed He was the one to set up the contracts for the teachers at College, He made sure that Sallisha contract was what she wanted. He also represented defendants at the two trials.
- He found the Eleventh Doctor working on the rocket and then handcuffed and questioned him. He asked the Doctor why he was there and threatened to imprison him. When President Nixon arrived with Rory Williams and River Song, Nixon covered for the Doctor and instructed Gardner to free him. (TV: Day of the Moon)
- Gardner is a character in Divinity II: Flames of Vengeance. He is first encountered in the Mardaneus Plaza district of Aleroth as a talking carrot at the Circle of Trust Inn. Later he can be found at the Prancing Seahorse on Lanilor Lane.
- Gardner était un officier de Starfleet au 22ème siècle.
- The old recorder mouse who taught both Tiria Wildlough and Kriasha Longfang how to read and write, Gardner's a brother at Redwall Abbey. He has gray fur, blue eyes and a tall, muscular build. His chosen weapons are a sling and stones. He wears a blue tunic and matching kilt when he's not wearing a green habit. He appears in The Quean and the Rhulain.
- Mr. Gardner ist ein Mensch des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er ist Sicherheitschef von Cape Kennedy in Florida und verhört im Juli 1969 den Elften Doctor, den man in der Apollo 11-Rakete aufgriff. Als plötzlich Präsident Richard Nixon im Verhörraum erscheint, ist Gardner mehr als verwirrt und entlässt auf Bitten des Präsidenten den Doctor. Kategorie:Doctor Who Personen Kategorie:Menschen (20. Jahrhundert)
- Gardner was a personal assistant of Senator Harrington. During Harringtons kidnapping Madame Sapphire trapped Gardner along with another of Harringtons personal assitants Gyrich, inside a giant sapphire energy gem. Gardner is the Amalgam Universe version of Guy Gardner(DC Universe.)
- In Ultima V, the Avatar found him most of the time near the flame in the basement. Gardner said that he had to keep the flame safe from the Shadowlords and revealed, that sometimes he saw visions in it. Gardner then assisted the Avatar in the quest by having a vision that described the way to the Shard of Cowardice.
- The Gardners of the Hill were a family of Hobbits who lived in Hobbiton Hill and were the descendants of Samwise Gamgee and Rose Cotton. They took the name "Gardner" in honor of Samwise's replanting of the Shire after the Scouring of the Shire, in which the Ruffians cut down many trees without reason.
- Admiral Gardner ist ein Flaggoffizier der Sternenflotte in der Mitte des 22. Jahrhunderts. 2143 bekleidet er den Rang eines Commanders und ist einer der Testpiloten für das NX-Programm. (ENT: ) Später ist er einer der Kandidaten für den Posten des Kommandanten der neuen Enterprise (NX-01) und ist zugleich der Wunschkandidat des vulkanischen Botschafters Soval. Allerdings wählt Admiral Maxwell Forrest den erfahrenen Jonathan Archer für diese Position aus, um dadurch klarzustellen, dass das vulkanische Oberkommando nicht die Autorisation besitzt, sich in die Personalangelegenheiten der Sternenflotte einzumischen. (ENT: )
- L'ammiraglio di Flotta Gardner è un ufficiale della Flotta Astrale terrestre del XXII secolo. Nel 2143 Gardner, a quel tempo col grado di comandante, era uno dei quattro ufficiali in lista per ottenere il posto di pilota della NX Alpha, il primo prototipo di Vascello test per il motore a Curvatura 5 del programma NX. (ENT: "Il primo volo") (citazione necessaria • [ modifica])Gardner (citazione necessaria • [ modifica])Gardner
- Lieutenant General Gardner was one of the most powerful men in the Amestrian State Military and a high-profile member of Central Command. Privy to the secret plan being orchestrated by Father and the Homunculi, General Gardner has no qualms about sacrificing the citizens of his country to attain immortality with his co-conspirators. After Major General Armstrong is transferred to Central Command, it is General Gardner who reveals to her that the military has a host of Homunculus soldier-dolls in storage deep beneath headquarters ready to strike out at and be reproduced from enemies of the state. When The Promised Day arrives and Briggs' soldiers begin their offensive in Central City, Gardner attempts to corral General Armstrong's actions, but is shot in the head by her and killed instantly
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| - Second Pass
- First Interval
| - To be granted immortality in exchange for Amestrian citizens
notable appearance
| - Dragonseye
- Red Star Rising
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