| - Louis Pasteur ist ein berühmter menschlicher Wissenschaftler des 19. Jahrhunderts der Erde. Insbesondere auf dem Gebiet der Medizin hat seine Forschung große Bedeutung. Dr. Roger Korby nennt man wegen seiner revolutionären Forschungserfolge auch den „Pasteur der archäologischen Medizin“. (TOS: ) Als der Doktor auf der Suche nach einem Namen ist, zieht er neben Pyong Ko, Schweitzer und Jarvik auch Pasteur als Namenspatron in Betracht. (VOY: ) Die USS Pasteur ist vermutlich nach Louis Pasteur benannt.
- Louis Pasteur was a Human man from France on Earth, who lived in the 19th century. He was born in the year 1822, and died in 1895. Pasteur became a scientist, specialising in chemistry, and founded the science of microbiology. He also developed several vaccines and invented the process of pasteurization. In the 24th century, the Olympic-class hospital ship USS Pasteur was named after him. (The Official Starships Collection Issue 42: "USS Pasteur NCC-58925")
- Louis Pasteur was a human scientist. According to the Seventh Doctor, he rid his homeworld of a major scourge, saving the lives of tens of millions. At one point he was kidnapped by the Rani to help her create a Time Brain. (TV: Time and the Rani)
- His death by the descendants of Marco Polo in 1854, to prevent him from announcing his discovery for the detection and indentifiction of belly button lint, would see angered followers of Pastaur loot the city the following year. Pastuer was also a member of the short-lived Germ Attack! team, including Robert Koch, Joseph Lister and Pasteur himself. Tension in the group mounted after the inherent hilarity of Koch's name was discovered and the group disbanded.
- Louis Pasteur était un bébé tortue de Floride, autiste et mort dans les années 1990.
- Louis Pasteur is an unseen character mentioned in the season 4 episode "You Smell Like Dinner". Pasteur was a famous French chemist who is remembered for his remarkable breakthroughs in the causes and preventions of diseases. He also contributed toward the invention of Tru Blood.
- Louis Pasteur (Louis sa prekladá ako ľudo Vít, takže po slovensky Ľudo Vít Pastier, * 27. december 1822, Francúzsko – † 28. september 1895, niekde pri Paríži) je jeden zo známych ľudov, po ktorom sa nazýva napr. pastierizácia mlieka. Louis je priekopníkom v pichaní injekcií besným ľudom. Na Slovensku si zvlášť ceníme Pasteurov príspevok k výskumu alkoholového kvasenia. - <b><strong class="selflink">Louis Pasteur</strong> </b>
- Louis Pasteur, also known as Jacob Prestor or even Jean de Reginy, is a 12th generation Caitiff resident of Denver, and a famous historical figure in his own right.
- Louis Pasteur was a well-known historical figure whom the terrorist Zapata quoted. Recalling a quote by Pasteur - "Fortune favors the prepared mind" - Zapata set in motion a plan to completely stop traffic in the Los Angeles area, as a contingency to aid his escape after assassinating Fed Chairman Martin Webb. (Chaos Theory)
- He was good friends with Gregory Magnus and the godfather of Dr. Helen Magnus.
- Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) is one of the founders of medical biology, along with Robert Koch. He discovered vaccines against rabies, fowl cholera and antrax. He proved the Spontaneous Theory to be wrong. He also discovered the method of preserving food by means of pasteurization There were few discoveries in his life............
- Louis Pasteur (pronounced: /pastøʁ/; December 27, 1822 – September 28, 1895) was a Roman Catholic French chemist and microbiologist born in Dole. He is remembered for his remarkable breakthroughs in the causes and preventions of disease. His discoveries reduced mortality from puerperal fever, and he created the first vaccine for rabies. His experiments supported the germ theory of disease. He was best known to the general public for inventing a method to stop milk and wine from causing sickness, a process that came to be called pasteurization. He is regarded as one of the three main founders of microbiology, together with Ferdinand Cohn and Robert Koch. Pasteur also made many discoveries in the field of chemistry, most notably the molecular basis for the asymmetry of certain crystals. His
- Louis Pasteur (December 27, 1822 – September 28, 1895) was a French chemist and microbiologist best known for his remarkable breakthroughs in the causes and prevention of disease. His experiments supported the germ theory of disease, also reducing mortality from puerperal fever (childbed), and he created the first vaccine for rabies. He was best known to the general public for inventing a method to stop milk and wine from causing sickness - this process came to be called Pasteurization. He is regarded as one of the three main founders of microbiology, together with Ferdinand Cohn and Robert Koch. Pasteur also made many discoveries in the field of chemistry, most notably the molecular basis for the asymmetry of certain crystals. He is buried beneath the Institut Pasteur, a rare honor in Fra
- Louis Pasteur was a French chemist and microbiologist renowned for his discoveries of the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation and pasteurization. He is remembered for his remarkable breakthroughs in the causes and preventions of diseases, and his discoveries have saved countless lives ever since. He reduced mortality from puerperal fever, and created the first vaccines for rabies and anthrax. His medical discoveries provided direct support for the germ theory of disease and its application in clinical medicine. He is best known to the general public for his invention of the technique of treating milk and wine to stop bacterial contamination, a process now called pasteurization. He is regarded as one of the three main founders of bacteriology, together with Ferdinand Cohn and
- Louis Pasteur was a 19th century Earth scientist. In 2266, Dr. Roger Korby was described by Spock as the "Louis Pasteur of archaeological medicine." Korby's translations of the medical records from the Orion ruins revolutionized immunization techniques. (TOS: "What Are Little Girls Made Of?" ) In 2371, Pasteur's name was among the choices The Doctor considered in giving himself, as stated in a discussion with Kes. This name was among other medical revolutionaries such as Pyong Ko, Jarvik and Schweitzer. (VOY: "Fury")
- Le Dr Louis Pasteur était un célèbre médecin français du 19ème siècle. (DS9: "Distant Voices") Au milieu du 23ème siècle, le Dr Roger Korby fut décrit comme le "Louis Pasteur de la médecine archéologique". (TOS: "What Are Little Girls Made Of?") En 2371, pour la fête d'anniversaire de Julian Bashir, l'équipage hésite entre 2 programmes holographiques : un palais grecque sur le Mont Olympe ou la maison de Louis Pasteur à Paris. (DS9: "Distant Voices") Le nom de l'USS Pasteur (NCC-58925) semble être un hommage à Pasteur. (TNG: "All Good Things...")
- Louis Pasteur (* 27. Dezember 1822 in Dole, Département Jura; † 28. September 1895 in Villeneuve-l’Étang bei Paris) war ein französischer Chemiker und Mikrobiologe, der entscheidende Beiträge zur Vorbeugung gegen Infektionskrankheiten durch Impfung geleistet hat. Im Verlauf seine späten Lebens wird er von der abtrünnigen Time Lord-Wissenschaftlerin Rani entführt und auf den Planeten Lakertya gebracht. Dort entwickelt sie mit der Hilfe von Pasteurs Gehirnaktivität und der anderer Genies ein Zeit-Gehirn, das ihr helfen soll, einen Zeit-Manipulator zu erschaffen.
- Louis Pasteur (italianizzato in epoca fascista in Luigi Pastore o Luigi Pastella) nasce il 27 dicembre 1822 a Dôle, la città delle banane. Suo padre era appunto venditore di banane al mercato. “Meglio venderle che riceverle” usava insegnare sempre al giovane Luigi. La mamma, Vannalisa Pappacena, insegnava lingue straniere ad una classe di sordomuti. Pasteur frequentò le scuole elementari ad Arbois (in italiano Arborio) e successivamente al liceo a Parboiled, vicino Carnaroli, la città natale del riso allo zafferano. Comincia qui a fare le prime osservazioni naturalistiche e di biologia scoprendo alcune specie animali fino ad allora sconosciute come: