| - A brief statement about God. An expansion of the statement to describe the God.
- Name: Velsharoon Divine rank: demigod Title(s): The Vaunted, Archmage of Necromancy, The Lich-Lord, Lord of the Forsaken Crypt Symbol: a crowned laughing lich skull on a solid black hexagon Home Plane: Dweomerheart Alignment: neutral evil Worshiper alignments: LN, N, CN, LE, NE, CE Portfolio: necromancy, necromancers, evil liches, undeath Worshipers: divine disciples, liches, necromancers, seekers of immortality through undeath, Cult of the Dragon Cleric alignments: CN, LN, NE Domains: death, evil, magic, undeath Favored weapon: "Skull Staff of the Necromancer" (quarterstaff) Festivals: none known
- Velsharoon the Archmage of Necromancy, also known as the Vaunted, is a fictional deity of the Forgotten Realms Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting. Velsharoon is the undead demigod of necromancy, necromancers, evil liches, lichdom and undeath. He is seen as a successor to Myrkul, and is worshipped by many liches and evil mages—who themselves command legions of zombies, skeletons and wights—as well as members of the Cult of the Dragon. Velsharoon teaches that nirvana is achieved through gaining the power, longevity and knowledge of the state between life and death.
- Velsharoon (pronounced VEL-shah-roon), the Archmage of Necromancy, was a god of necromancy.
- Velsharoon war der Gott der Nekromantie, der Leichname und der Untoten. Zu seinen Titeln gehörten auch Der Erzmagier der Nekromantie, der Lord der Verlassenen Krypta, der Gepriesene.
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