| - A servitor is one of seven junior avouts who, at a Messal, each serves a more senior avout known as a doyn. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- A level of staff responsible to the Temple Gatekeepers. Adjudicators use preventative means to keep boards and threads in line.
- And that's BEFORE she becomes an almost-immortal killing machine that is an avatar of the Reckoners themselves.
- The majority of people living within the Cetagandan Empire were referred to as servitors, and were subordinate to the haut aristocrats and the ghem military caste. The role of servitors on the Cetagandan planets was similar to that of the proles/plebes (i.e.non-Vor) on Barrayar. The inhabitants of planets occupied or conquered by the ghem forces presumably would be classified as servitors, including all Barrayarans during their world's occupation by the Cetagandans. A subclass of servitors was the ba caste.
- The Servitor is the basic Naer'Dorei construction unit.
- Servitor was a term for various kinds of automated mechanical entities. They had countless military and civilian applications, often replacing humans in dangerous, menial, or repetitive tasks. Possessing variable levels of intelligence, they were almost always designed to lack self-awareness, as it was deemed far too cruel to create a sentient being without allowing it free will. After the Melding Plague on Yellowstone, possessing servitors in Chasm City -- even older models which would appear decrepit next to their plague-susceptible descendants -- was seen as a sign of wealth.
- Servitors are created by the Adeptus Mechanicus, and supplied to departments of the Adeptus Terra such as the Administratum and to the Inquisition, as well as to military organisations like the Imperial Guard and various Space Marines Chapters. Servitors make up the vast bulk of the population of Mars and other Forge Worlds of the Mechanicus, where they fulfill the role of tireless workers, soldiers and labourers.
- Living relics of the past Fallen civilization, Servitors are highly advanced machines that can process matter and energy into the Ether that all Fallen depend on for life. They can fulfill a support role on the battlefield, but also anchor Fallen communications networks and provide technological support.
| - Servitor was a term for various kinds of automated mechanical entities. They had countless military and civilian applications, often replacing humans in dangerous, menial, or repetitive tasks. Possessing variable levels of intelligence, they were almost always designed to lack self-awareness, as it was deemed far too cruel to create a sentient being without allowing it free will. After the Melding Plague on Yellowstone, possessing servitors in Chasm City -- even older models which would appear decrepit next to their plague-susceptible descendants -- was seen as a sign of wealth. The moral restriction against creating intelligent servitors was violated by the Conjoiner, Skade, without the knowledge of the greater Mother Nest, or even the Inner Sanctum. After becoming aware of the threat of the Inhibitors, and perhaps after being influence by The Mademoiselle, she decided to create a fleet of lighthuggers. However, she did not trust the overseeing of their clandestine construction to even her fellow conjoined, and so created the Master of Works to coordinate the asteroid-factory.
- A servitor is one of seven junior avouts who, at a Messal, each serves a more senior avout known as a doyn. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- A level of staff responsible to the Temple Gatekeepers. Adjudicators use preventative means to keep boards and threads in line.
- And that's BEFORE she becomes an almost-immortal killing machine that is an avatar of the Reckoners themselves.
- The majority of people living within the Cetagandan Empire were referred to as servitors, and were subordinate to the haut aristocrats and the ghem military caste. The role of servitors on the Cetagandan planets was similar to that of the proles/plebes (i.e.non-Vor) on Barrayar. The inhabitants of planets occupied or conquered by the ghem forces presumably would be classified as servitors, including all Barrayarans during their world's occupation by the Cetagandans. A subclass of servitors was the ba caste.
- The Servitor is the basic Naer'Dorei construction unit.
- Servitors are created by the Adeptus Mechanicus, and supplied to departments of the Adeptus Terra such as the Administratum and to the Inquisition, as well as to military organisations like the Imperial Guard and various Space Marines Chapters. Servitors make up the vast bulk of the population of Mars and other Forge Worlds of the Mechanicus, where they fulfill the role of tireless workers, soldiers and labourers. There are many types of Servitor, each designed for a certain task. Typical Servitor types include "Technomats" which operate and service various machines, "Holomats" which act as holographic recording devices, "Lexomats" which serve as semi-organic computers with tremendous calculating powers for record-keeping and data storage, and "Drones" which are cybernetic robots -- stupid and essentially mindless slaves ideal for menial work and little else. Servitors are often used to carry out the more dangerous or laborious duties in the Imperium, such as heavy mining in hostile planetary or asteroid conditions. They also accompany Tech-priest Enginseers on the battlefield with the Imperial Guard, as well as the Space Marines' Techmarines. These types aid in the repair of vehicles or sometimes carry large and dangerous weapons such as Plasma Cannons. For both forces, the Servitors are practically identical cybernetically, although the Servitors of some Space Marine Chapters are created from failed Astartes Initiates who were made largely brain-dead as a result of their body's rejection of their implanted Space Marine gene-seed organs before their transformation into cyborgs. However, becoming a Servitor allows them another opportunity to serve their Chapter and the Emperor. Perhaps the most feared of all the Servitors are the Praetorian Servitors, a class of heavily-armed and armoured Gun Servitors deployed by the Adeptus Mechanicus to guard the Tech-priests and temples dedicated to the Machine God.
- Living relics of the past Fallen civilization, Servitors are highly advanced machines that can process matter and energy into the Ether that all Fallen depend on for life. They can fulfill a support role on the battlefield, but also anchor Fallen communications networks and provide technological support. Although Servitors fulfill a vital role in Fallen society, they are integrated in a complex way. Servitors are attached to a Prime Servitor, the largest and most powerful Servitor in a Fallen House. The Prime Servitor exists in an unclear symbiosis with a Fallen Archon, who works to convey the wishes of the House's Kell to the Prime Servitor. Some recent developments suggest that Prime Servitors play a key role in Fallen space flight.