| - Ellyria Falthrien was born to Lorathien and Sylieria Falthrien 3783 years ago, the second and last child in the family. Growing up on Sunstrider Isle as the daughter of the famous scholar Lorathien, who founded Falthrien Academy, she was doted upon. However, Ellyria was a serious, mature child who took her studies seriously, quickly advancing through her levels at Falthrien Academy. At age 31, young for an elf, she married Berneolas Thornhand, a paladin trainee in Silvermoon City who Ellyria met during a trip into the capital.
| - Ellyria Falthrien was born to Lorathien and Sylieria Falthrien 3783 years ago, the second and last child in the family. Growing up on Sunstrider Isle as the daughter of the famous scholar Lorathien, who founded Falthrien Academy, she was doted upon. However, Ellyria was a serious, mature child who took her studies seriously, quickly advancing through her levels at Falthrien Academy. At age 31, young for an elf, she married Berneolas Thornhand, a paladin trainee in Silvermoon City who Ellyria met during a trip into the capital. Entering married life, Ellyria's training slowed, and eventually stopped after giving birth to seven children over the next two decades. She did not resume her training until long after her children had left home. Berneoloas became a City Guard in Silvermoon City, and the couple moved into the city. All seven children were born in the Blood Elf capital, but eventually left over the years. The first to leave was the eldest son, Laetros, who set off to explore the world. Megwaine, the oldest child, left next, also on a quest to explore the world. The remaining five children left one by one to pursue their own lives: Delarias settling down into marriage, Lorathien joining the Farstriders, Nealla joining a religious order as a priestess, Kristoas becoming a hunter in the Barrens, and Theodorphius joining the Silvermoon City Guards. Facing an empty nest, Ellyria persuaded Berneolas to move out of the city to Fairbreeze Village. There, they lived out their married life until Berneolas's death 220 years ago at age 3601. After his death, Ellyria, who had become known as The Greatmother many centuries before after the birth of her first great-great-great-grandchild, remained in Fairbreeze Village for several decades. 90 years ago, she decided to begin exploring the world that her children had ventured out into many centuries before. Greatmother is currently continuing her warlock training in a world much changed from that she was born into. She travels the world, seeking adventure and companionship, while assisting those much, much younger than herself. Always ready with some advice or a gift, Greatmother returns often to Sunstrider Isle to help out those new to this changed world.