| - Name: Wrong Number Run Time: 1:44 Year: 2002
- On her mobile phone to the operator Link and with Agents all around, K demands an exit. The only one available is just in front of her, Brownstone 333 first floor, but appears to be unstable; even so K says it will work and Link patches the call through.
- A wrong number is a telephone number mistakenly dialed differently from intended, thereby reaching a different party than the one planned. The wrong number may have been dialed either because the caller accidentally entered the numbers incorrectly on the phone itself, or was provided the number inaccurately from the source in which the number was obtained. More rarely, a wrong number can be reached when the phone malfunctions and the number that is dialed by the machine is different from what the caller enters. The recipient of a wrong number is usually unknown to the caller; common exceptions are calls made by selecting the incorrect entry from a phone with one-touch preprogrammed buttons or a directory, or by correctly dialing a known number, not realizing that it isn't the number of the
| - A wrong number is a telephone number mistakenly dialed differently from intended, thereby reaching a different party than the one planned. The wrong number may have been dialed either because the caller accidentally entered the numbers incorrectly on the phone itself, or was provided the number inaccurately from the source in which the number was obtained. More rarely, a wrong number can be reached when the phone malfunctions and the number that is dialed by the machine is different from what the caller enters. The recipient of a wrong number is usually unknown to the caller; common exceptions are calls made by selecting the incorrect entry from a phone with one-touch preprogrammed buttons or a directory, or by correctly dialing a known number, not realizing that it isn't the number of the intended recipient. On a landline, wrong numbers are harmless to the recipient other than the annoyance of answering an unwanted call. But on a cell phone, if the plan charges minutes on incoming calls, a wrong number may cost the subscriber one or more minutes. Some common ways in which a wrong number is dialed include:
* Pressing one or more wrong keys on the keypad of the phone (example 2379 rather than 2349)
* Pressing a key on the phone pad more times than appears in succession in the phone number, thereby completing the length of the number prior to completing the intended number (example 7522-7 with the final 7 being ignored rather than 7527)
* Getting the digits in the phone number out of order (example 3416 rather than 3146)
- Name: Wrong Number Run Time: 1:44 Year: 2002
- On her mobile phone to the operator Link and with Agents all around, K demands an exit. The only one available is just in front of her, Brownstone 333 first floor, but appears to be unstable; even so K says it will work and Link patches the call through. Inside, a bluepill City lineman has finished checking the phone, which seems to be in full working order. K kicks the door down and tells him the call is for her. Link warns her that something's changed, but as K tries to pick up the phone to exit an Agent appears in the doorway and the corridor, rigged with explosives, explodes from just behind him. Knocked to the floor and dazed by the explosion, the lineman hears his mobile phone ring and as he answers it, K tells him that the call is for her again, holding her gun to make the point and in case he changes into an Agent. Link tells her that the situation doesn't look good, with Agents moving all around her and the last exit completely destroyed. K asks Link if he could re-establish an exit if she gets the line open again, and as he confirms it, she tells the lineman to patch her back inside the phone line. The lineman says he can do it but it might be quicker without the gun, and tells K that he's not a threat and that he couldn't hurt her even if he wanted to. He connects his handset and as Link places the call it rings and K drops the mobile phone as the lineman passes her the handset, but just as she is about to take it the lineman becomes an Agent, who shoots K before she can react. Regaining his senses dazed, the lineman wonders if he was shot and what happened to K. His head pounding he looks up and sees her lying on the floor, propped up against the wall, shot through the eye. Disbelieving the whole thing, he wonders if he did it and how, telling himself that it is just not possible, and the handset keeps ringing in the background with the call that would have been K's safe exit.