| - Kenny, the Immortal in a child's body, has returned. He runs to Anne for help when Immortal Terence Kincaid is after him, and she calls Duncan. In flashback to 1778 South Pacific, Kincaid is the self-absorbed captain of the ship Duncan works on. When mutineers want to behead Captain Kincaid, Duncan convinces them to maroon him on a deserted island instead. In modern day, Kenny and Amanda turn out to know each other. In flashback to 1182 England, Amanda finds newly-Immortal Kenny after his family has been killed by Normans and teaches him.
| - Kenny, the Immortal in a child's body, has returned. He runs to Anne for help when Immortal Terence Kincaid is after him, and she calls Duncan. In flashback to 1778 South Pacific, Kincaid is the self-absorbed captain of the ship Duncan works on. When mutineers want to behead Captain Kincaid, Duncan convinces them to maroon him on a deserted island instead. In modern day, Kenny and Amanda turn out to know each other. In flashback to 1182 England, Amanda finds newly-Immortal Kenny after his family has been killed by Normans and teaches him. Methos returns when the Immortal Kristin turns up in Duncan's backyard. She is regarded by Watchers as dangerous to both mortals and immortals. She takes up with Richie which Duncan hates but he cannot make himself take her head because they were once lovers. Methos has no such compunctions. Immortal Walter Graham is trying to kill pre-Immortal Claudia Jardine, a brilliant pianist, so that she will remain young and at her creative peak forever. In flashback to England 1663, Duncan and Graham are traveling players, and Walter regrets his ability to recognize brilliance while lacking genius of his own. Meanwhile, Methos falls in love with Alexa and is stunned when Joe tells him she is terminally ill. In Methuselah's Gift, someone is willing to do anything to put the Methuselah Stone back together and use its power -- and Amanda has the last piece, and she think it might be Methos. Duncan's Immortal friend Jim Coltec has killed one too many evil Immortals and has become the victim of a Dark Quickening. If Duncan has to take Coltec's head, will the Dark Quickening overpower him as well? The Dark Quickening corrupts him leading him to turn on his friends (Richie and Joe). In the following episode Deliverance, Duncan with the help of Methos, is able to overcome the evil inside him. The cliffhanger ending to Season Four starts with a telephone call that brings Joe Dawson to Paris, in the belief that MacLeod is dead . Standing on the quay, he is kidnapped in front of Duncan, who finds out from Methos that Joe is on trial for his life before the Watcher tribunal. Watchers are being killed across Europe and the Watchers believe that Joe's revelation of their secret is the root cause. Blind to their own arrogance and willingness to interfere in the Game, they ignore Duncan's pleas for clemency. As they prepare to execute Dawson, it is they who are judged as a mysterious Immortal guns down the Watcher hierarchy and flees past Duncan, who arrives in time to find Dawson wounded and unconscious in the final scene.