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ABBA is a Swedish pop music group formed in Stockholm in 1972. Comprised of Anni-Frid Lyngstad (Frida), Björn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson and Agnetha Fältskog (Anna), the group topped the charts worldwide from 1972 to 1982. According to an interview with Jim Henson, in the 1981 issue 22 of Röster I Radio TV, he tried to get ABBA on The Muppet Show, but they could not get the schedules to fit.

  • ABBA
  • ABBA
  • ABBA
  • Abba
  • ABBA
  • ABBA
  • ABBA
  • ABBA
  • ABBA
  • Abba
  • Abba
  • Abba
  • Abba
  • ABBA is a Swedish pop music group formed in Stockholm in 1972. Comprised of Anni-Frid Lyngstad (Frida), Björn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson and Agnetha Fältskog (Anna), the group topped the charts worldwide from 1972 to 1982. According to an interview with Jim Henson, in the 1981 issue 22 of Röster I Radio TV, he tried to get ABBA on The Muppet Show, but they could not get the schedules to fit.
  • Abba is the main protagonist from Asterix and the Vikings.
  • ABBA — это какие-то буквы число, записанное в шестнадцатеричной системе исчисления. В десятичной системе записывается как 43962, в восьмеричной— 125672, в двоичной— 1010101110111010. В 43962-ичной системе записывается как 10. В 43698034-ичной— как 43963-я буква латинского алфавита.
  • ABBA ist die Vorläuferband von IKEA. Sie erlangte weltweite Berühmtheit, als sie 1974 mit dem Titel „Stalingrad“ den ersten Platz beim Eurovision Song Contest belegte. In den 1970er bis 80er Jahren waren sie berühmt und berüchtigt für ihre ansteckenden Ohrwürmer und ihre teils knallengen, teils schlabberigen (aber immer glitzernden) Bühnenpyjamas.
  • Rien du tout, mais à l'époque, le B-A-Ba, c'était d'avoir de la gueule. En fait, c'est les tripes, les boyaux, la cervelle, le foie et tout ce qui pue mais qui est agréable à manger. On pense que le groupe aurait du s'appeler ABCD mais lors de l'écriture du nom l'auteur est mystérieusement revenu en arrière en lisant l'alphabet, dont il s'est inspiré. Selon aune autre source, le beau-frère de leur manager, un influent gérant de salon de quilles, aurait à l'origine proposé le nom Dalot, mais le nom n'a pas été retenu.
  • ABBA - szwedzka grupa popowa, uosobienie kiczu. Nazwa grupy nawiązuje do pierwszych liter od imion muzyków, tak, by fani chociaż wiedzieli, jakie mają inicjały. Znani byli latach 70. oraz 80. Brak znania tej grupy był tak samo warty jak przyznanie się do tego, iż wykastrowano się tylko dlatego, iż koledzy też to robili. Ciekawe co by było, gdyby nie wygrali tej Eurowizji, która zapewniła im sławę...
  • ABBA were a Swedish pop group who enjoyed massive success during the 1970s. Though they have long since faded onto the "oldies" radio stations, they still enjoy notable popularity today with many women and all of the gays.
  • Gli ABBA sono un gruppo palindromo e anche le più importanti divinità Svedesi. Essi sono quattro: Jesus (Benny), Christ (Bjorn), Super (Agnetha), Star (Frida). Hanno iniziato la loro invasione nei primi anni '70, controllando prima la mente della regina Elisabetta II e dei suoi sudditi e poi degli australiani. Nel 1977 hanno preso in pugno il globo intero grazie a una malattia chiamata "ABBAmania", per poi separarsi poco prima della venuta della Madonna. Ogni 10 anni l'agente patogeno si ripresenta, mietendo vittime sopratutto nell'emisfero boreale, grazie al virus musicale pop che attacca tutto e tutti inesorabilmente. Sono i cantanti pop che hanno venduto più album nella storia della musica, più di Michael Jackson e la regina di Francia messi insieme.
  • ABBA在1970年代曾经风光一时,而且还创下了不少以供后辈抄袭的经典范例,不过终就还是解散分家。但即使如此至今仍是各国伪基人热门恶搞的呕像团体。
  • Virus.DOS.Abba or Abba is a virus that runs on MS-DOS. This virus has 2 versions: * Virus.DOS.Abba.410 * Virus.DOS.Abba.9849
  • Area: Holy Village's Church, South Island Location: X:1122 Y:635
  • ABBA is a Swedish Edison Award and Eurovision winning pop/dance group active between 1972 and 1982. The quartet was formed through the friendship of Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus and also consists of Anni-Frid Lyngstad (usually known as Frida) and Agnetha Fältskog.
  • right|280px ABBA - Asociacia Bansko Bystrickych Alkoholikov patri medzi najuznavanejsie a najpopularnejsie spolky v Banskej Bystrici. Táto asociácia je nezisková, t.j. bez nároku na zisky vo svojom regióne zabezpečuje plynulú spotrebu alkoholu.
  • Švédská skupina ABBA (zajímavost: název skupiny se čte pozpátku úplně stejně jako od začátku) vznikla roku 1972. Název si skupina vybrala podle izraelského diplomata a politika Abba Ebana. První dva roky jejího působení stály za starou bačkoru. Teprve v roce 1974 prorazili výhradně zásluhou Járy Cimrmana a jeho Eurovize. Protože si vzpomněli na rok svého vzniku, složili ódu na aféru Watergate . Díky slušivým oblečkům a Björnově snaze podpořit komunismus kytarou ve tvaru mnohocípé hvězdy (Björn přesně nevěděl, kolik těch cípů hvězda má mít, tak jich tam měl pro jistotu víc) se jim podařilo prorazit i ve Východní Evropě. Není náhodou, že je to rok, kdy bylo otevřeno pražské metro.
  • ABBA was a Swedish pop/dance group active from 1972 to 1982 who won the Eurovision song contest. The band was formed of Anni-Frid Lyngstad, Agnetha Fältskog, Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus. The band members were previously married but since have split up. They topped the charts worldwide from the mid-1970s to the early 1980s. The name "ABBA" is an acronym formed from the first letters of each of the group member's given name. They remain a fixture of radio playlists and are one of the world's best selling bands, having sold more than 370 million records world wide.
  • ABBA were a Swedish band composing of Agnetha Faltskög, Björn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson and Anni-Frid (Frida) Lyngstad. Their first initials combined make the name ABBA. Agnetha and Björn and Benny and Anni-Frid were both in relationships during the time was together; Afterwards, both couples divorced. They represented Sweden at the Eurovision Song Contest 1974 in Brighton with the song Waterloo, after finishing in third place in Melodifestivalen 1973 with the song "Ring Ring". They stormed to victory, giving Sweden its first win and vaulting the group towards international superstardom.
  • ABBA on ruotsalainen pop- ja rockyhtye. Se on yksi kaikkien aikojen suosituimmista ja tunnetuimmista yhtyeistä. Benny Anderssonin ja Björn Ulvaeuksen sävellyksistä on tullut populaarimusiikin kulttimateriaalia, jota hyödynnetään edelleen jatkuvasti sekä pop- että rockmusiikin yhteydessä. Abban musiikkiin perustuvan Mamma Mia! -musikaalin on nähnyt kansainvälisesti jo yli 30 miljoonaa ihmistä. Se tekee siitä kaikkien aikojen menestynemmän musikaalin. Myös samaisen musikaalin elokuvaversio on osoittautunut suurmenestykseksi. Abban levyjä on myyty kansainvälisesti noin 400 miljoonaa kappaletta.
  • Abba unfortunately had to break up four years before they formed the group because they felt that they had never met before and had nothing in common. The group never came to exist and many fans got very upset by the news. Abba was forced to please their aggressive fans and formed a group called "abbA", which was not the same as "Abba" but actually backwarded so that the last letter a came first, the last-to-second letter b came second, the next-to-first letter b came almost in the end of the word and the big A was diminished and put in the end of the name. However this was not a success and Abba started to plan their world domination, which is obligatory for all Swedish music groups. During the Eurovision Song Contest Abba had made up their mind and come up with the cunning song called Wa
  • Sabra leads a group of guerrilla fighters called the Baldorian Group Sabra. Sabra's freedom fighters from the planetoid Baldor oppose the oppression of their Belzaric conquerors. The picked Belzaric force known as the Mashons are lead by Senstral for the Empress of Belzar. After launching a successful attack on the Mashons, Sabra and her soldiers collect the weapons as spoils. Sabra speaks to her trusted advisor Abba, telling him to call in Brett Crockett and the Space-Busters to assist her forces.
  • ABBA ia es un grupo svensce ci ia performa musica "pop" de 1972 a 1982 en svensce, engles e espaniol. Los es la grupo musical la plu popular de Scandinavia, e es entre la artistes la plu major en la istoria de musica poplal. La cuatruple ia es a la apico de la parades internasional de la media de la desenio de 1970 asta la media de lo de 1980. Los es ancora un grupo poplal, con plu ca 370 milion discos vendeda. Los ia es ance la artistes prima de Europa ci ia susede en la mundo engles (la Rena Unida, la Statos Unida, Canada, Australia e Zealand Nova), e los ia susede abri la porte per multe otra grupos european.
  • ABBA was a Swedish pop supergroup of The Seventies and early Eighties composed of Agnetha Fältskog, Björn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson and Anni-Frid Lyngstad (the band name is an acronym of the first letter of each member's given name). ABBA never officially broke up, but by 1983 they had essentially dissolved. The former members would go on to have mixed careers and despite occasional public appearances together never did reunite despite a reported offer in 2000 of $1,000,000,000 (yes, you read that right, that's a billion dollars) to do a reunion tour consisting of 100 concerts.
  • Benny Andersson是乐队Hep Stars的成员,Hep Stars是一支瑞典的摇滚乐/流行乐乐队,在20世纪60年代这支乐队在瑞典极受欢迎。那时,这支乐队被美国和英国的多支乐队效仿,例如:Herman's Hermits、The Who和the Rolling Stones(滚石)。这支乐队拥有大量歌迷,尤其是少女。这段时间,在Björn Ulvaeus负责一支噪音爵士乐(英国的一种摇滚乐)乐队——Hootenanny Singers,与Hep Stars相比,这是一种更为柔和且易于为人接受的音乐。然而,这两名歌手有许多接触的机会。久而久之他俩发现彼此有许多共同之处,而且决定一同写歌。他们合作的成果之一是单曲《Isn't It Easy To Say》,这首单曲受到人们的喜爱,Björn有时也作为客人跟随Herman's Hermits乐队巡演。当时有人甚至提议两支乐队合并,但是这事最终没有达成。取而代之的是,Hep Stars的经理——Stig Anderson,看中了Benny与Björn合作的巨大潜力。Stig Anderson鼓励他俩写出更多地歌曲,以及一同录制唱片,最终,他俩发行了一张名为《Lycka》(意思是:幸福\快乐)的唱片。
  • In 1993, Peel paid tribute to the group in the TV documentary A For ABBA: "In the 1970s, when I should have been humming Pink Floyd b-sides, I caught myself humming ABBA singles. Now, when I should be humming Nirvana b-sides, I catch myself humming ABBA singles".
  • ABBA were a Swedish band popular during at least the 1970s. The Seventh Doctor sang a medley of ABBA songs while juggling to distract IMC troopers on Belial. (PROSE: Lucifer Rising) The Tenth Doctor used his psychic paper at an ABBA concert to convince security that he and Donna Noble were Björn and Frida, two members of the band itself. (AUDIO: Dead Air) When Ace was nine years old in 1979, she was given an ABBA record as a reward for being a brave girl when she went to the dentist. (PROSE: Tragedy Day) Melanie Bush liked ABBA in her youth. (PROSE: Business Unusual)
  • Abba – szwedzki zespół muzyki pop, w skład którego wchodzili: Anni-Frid Lyngstad, Benny Andersson, Björn Ulvaeus i Agnetha Fältskog. Jego działalność muzyczna przypada na lata siedemdziesiąte i początek lat osiemdziesiątych. Nazwa "ABBA", przyjęta w 1973 r., jest akronimem utworzonym z pierwszych liter imion członków zespołu (Agnetha, Benny, Björn, Anni-Frid). Zespół tworzyły dwa małżeństwa: Agnethy i Björna oraz Anni-Frid z Bennym. ABBA uważana jest za jeden z najlepszych muzycznych zespołów XX wieku. Zespół sprzedał ponad 370 milionów płyt na całym świecie, co czyni go jedną z najbardziej kasowych grup w dziejach. ABBA zyskała międzynarodową popularność dzięki chwytliwym utworom z prostymi tekstami. Wraz ze wzrostem ich popularności dostawali coraz więcej propozycji koncertowych, co wią
  • Björn Ulvaeus (born 25 April 1945 in Gothenburg/Göteborg, Sweden) also began his musical career at 18 (as a singer and guitarist), when he fronted The Hootenanny Singers, a popular Swedish folk-skiffle group. Ulvaeus started writing English-language songs for his group, and even had a brief solo career alongside. The Hootenanny Singers and The Hep Stars sometimes crossed paths while touring. In June 1966, Ulvaeus and Andersson decided to write a song together. Their first attempt was "Isn't It Easy to Say", a song later recorded by The Hep Stars. Stig Anderson was the manager of The Hootenanny Singers and founder of the Polar Music label. He saw potential in the collaboration, and encouraged them to write more. Both also began playing occasionally with the other's bands on stage and on rec
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