| - __FORCETOC__
- This player attribute governs:
- Endurance ('Kitartás') az egyike a 7 Elsődleges statisztikának a SPECIAL-ban. Meghatározza a fáradékonyságot és a fizikai edzettséget. Egy karakter, amelynek magasabb a Kitartása, túlélhet olyan helyzeteket, amit más nem.
- Endurance is one of the key characteristics used in the CoX universe. All player characters and opponents have Endurance.
- Endurance is one of the seven primary statistics in the SPECIAL system.
- Endurance is a American reality television children's program, currently shown on the Hub cable network in the United States and also on networks in other countries. The show's format is somewhat similar to the CBS television series Survivor, but with a teenaged cast. Like that show, Endurance contestants live in a remote location and participate in various mental and physical challenges, although Endurance contestants compete as pairs (one boy and one girl), and the outcome of the competitions determines which pair of players is eliminated.
- Endurance Points, otherwise known as EP, is a measure of Lone Wolf's health. If EP drops to 0, Lone Wolf is dead. Lone Wolf's EP condition may affect the usefulness of his Kai Disciplines.
- A permanent increase in Stamina. Requires: None Rank:0/4 Grants Modifiers: Stamina 10/20/30/50
- Endurance was a Tsuno spell which, drawing the power from Yomi, allowed the Tsuno Soultwister to enhance the constitution of the target.
- It was written and directed by Leslie Woodhead and Bud Greenspan, and produced and released by The Walt Disney Company. The movie features Gebrselassie's upbringing in Ethiopia and his subsequent triumph in the 10,000 meter track event in the Atlanta Olympic Games of 1996.
- Réduit les dégâts que vous infligent vos adversaires.
- |} Endurance was the seventh episode of the second season of The Dumping Ground. It was first broadcast on 14th February 2014 at 17:30 on the CBBC Channel and CBBC HD.
- Endurance is a Blizzard Entertainment Map of the Month, a series of free maps released by Blizzard for StarCraft.
- Endurance is as passive ability possessed by all Tauren giving them 5% greater stamina.
- Endurance is a prayer that when active makes sure no matter how much damage the player takes, they always have at least 1 lifepoint. Once this has been turned on and the player takes damage, it automatically turns off and can't be used for another 2 minutes.
- Złamana fizycznie i psychicznie Emily jest bardziej zagubiona niż kiedykolwiek, podczas gdy jej wrogowie coraz bardziej ją osaczają. Jednakże jedna, zmieniająca reguły gry rewelacja zainicjuje nową ścieżkę zniszczenia.
- Endurance is a booster that appears in the multiplayer of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. It can be used in both competitive and cooperative game modes. Endurance decreases sprint recovery time and increast sprint duration, depending on the level of the booster. It is available from rank 1 in both modes, but in competitive it must be purchased for $5,000.
- Endurance (also known as Defence, Health, or in some cases Shield Strength) refers to how much damage a car could withstand from collisions with other cars, landing abnormally and colliding with hazards before it could get 'Wasted' or destroyed.
- The ship served Roth for many years, so much so that it was shown to be in poor working order, and the engine would break regularly, and needed constant maintenance.
- Increases your total health and your health regeneration rate. This affects all classes and is the most important attribute for tanks.
- File:Grenade toughness.png Endurance is a passive sword skill that increases the pirate's maximum health points. Increasing this skill increases the maximum health by 4 percent.
* Rank 1 - +4%
* Rank 2 - +8%
* Rank 3 - +12%
* Rank 4 - +16%
* Rank 5 - +20%
* Unlocked at Sword Skill - Level 12
- Endurance is a song from F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon. The song is track 35 on the unofficial soundtrack and was composed by Nathan Grigg. This theme plays when the Point Man sneaks behind the Replicas.
- Endurance er en Primær statistikk i SPECIAL systemet. Det representerer utholdenhet og fysiske seighet. En karakter med høy Endurance vil overleve der andre ikke kan.
- Leveling up Endurance past 40 will not increase Stamina any more. ja:頑強
- Endurance was a city on planet Mars. It was the location of McKay University. (ST novel: A Singular Destiny) Endurance is likely also the location of Endurance University, though this is not explicitly stated.
- (Courage + Constitution + Agility) / 2 +/- Character modifications + Special Abilities Endurance I, II and III
- Endurance is a skill that is directly correlated to how much physical stamina a character has. The more stamina a character has, the longer they can run, fight, or do other physical activities. Endurance can be trained at endurance trainers, each with a specific and unique skill range.
- Endurance is a special recurring match dating back to the first Mortal Kombat in which the player must fight more than one opponent alone.
- Endurance is the 12th episode of Season 3 and is the 56th episode overall.
- Innate level: 2 School: transmutation Components: verbal, somatic Range: touch Area of effect: single Duration: 1 hour / level Save: none Spell resistance: no Description: The target creature's constitution is increased by 1d4+1.
- Endurance is a Common Unit Enchantment belonging to the File:Icon Life.png realm. For File:Icon Mana.png it may be cast on a friendly unit on the overland map to increase its Movement Allowance by 1. This allows the unit to travel further both on the overland map and during each combat turn. When cast on Engineers this spell also increases the rate at which they construct Roads. An Upkeep Cost of File:Icon Mana.png per turn is required to keep the spell in effect. Unlike other Unit Enchantments, this spell has no combat equivalent, and may not be cast during battle.
- Endurance (also called sufferance) is the ability for an animal to exert itself for a long period of time. In humans, it is usually used in aerobic or anaerobic exercise. The definition of 'long' varies according to the type of exertion - minutes for high intensity anaerobic exercise, hours or days for low intensity. Training for endurance can have a negative impact on the ability to exert strength unless an individual also undertakes resistance training to counteract this effect.
- Personal endurance. Determines your maximum health as well as how little food and sleep you need.
- Use Endurance to see if your character can continue doing a type of physical activity (like swimming or running) for extended periods of time without rest, or to withstand environmental extremes or hunger and thirst.
- Nora Lewin takes over as the DA and a case develops in which McCoy feels that "the penalties are too severe."
- Endurance is linked to Constitution. Make an Endurance check to stave off ill effects and to push yourself beyond normal physical limits.
- Endurance is one of your character's nine physical stats. The following skills are governed by this stat:
* Agriculture
* Swimming Endurance also governs your character's Encumbrance penalty through increased fatigue gain and decreased fatigue recovery (and thus indirectly Mobility). High Endurance is for this reason highly recommended.
- You gain a +4 bonus on the following checks and saves: Swim checks made to resist nonlethal damage, Constitution checks made to continue running, Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march, Constitution checks made to hold your breath, Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst, Fortitude saves made to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments, and Fortitude saves made to resist damage from suffocation. Also, you may sleep in light or medium armor without becoming fatigued.
- Endurance es un tipo de kombate introducido en Mortal Kombat, en el que debías derrotar a más de un enemigo con una única barra de energía.
- Space Shuttle Endurance (disambiguation) ENDURANCE (Environmentally Non-Disturbing Under-ice Robotic Antarctic Explorer) is an autonomous underwater vehicle designed to map in three dimensions the geochemistry and biology of underwater terrains in Antarctica. The vehicle was built and designed by Stone Aerospace, and is the second incarnation of the DEPTHX vehicle, which was significantly reconfigured for the challenges particular to the Antarctic environment. The name of ENDURANCE is a backronym in tribute to Ernest Shackleton's Antarctic exploration ship Endurance.
- Batailles Affiliation Flotte(s) Groupe(s) d'attaque Propriétaire(s) Commandant(s) Membres d'Équipage [Source] L'Endurance était un Destroyer Stellaire de classe Venator conçu par les Chantiers Navals de Kuat pour la Marine Républicaine.
- and on 1st May 2013 at Stratford Magistrate Court E15 was found guilty of racist conduct towards Dr. Endurance L' Urhobo McWilliams (fashion designer/breast cancer specialist/Optician) The Urhoboonstars London 2012 Olympic Games Maker who Defines His name as the joy/procees in giving birth to a child or more Endurance God Created Heaven and Hell. Fashion Starts with your family name on your country flags T-shirts, Eye wear, Tie, Knikcers. Endurance Eye wear Pride of Africa Banner across top of page------------------------------>
- Endurance is a stat that determines if a creature can use certain abilities or not. Endurance is only used by triggered abilities like assassinate and quill burst; passive abilities like regeneration do not use endurance. The endurance appears as a blue bar below the creature's health. When a triggered ability is used, it uses up a portion of this bar; if the bar is too low, you will not be able to use the ability.
- Endurance is the first season of a new fear factor/survivor type of show, where twenty teens will be dropped off in the Pacific Islands, and will compete against each other in both physical and mental challenges, with hopes of staying in the game. In the end, only one teen team will be left standing, and will take home the grand prize. They leave behind all friends, family, cell phones, television and electricity, ten guys and ten girls from all corners of America join together not knowing what adventures and challenges await them.
- The Endurance is known to have transported the Death Guard contingent to the Triumph of Ullanor, where Horus was elevated to the esteemed rank of Warmaster by the Emperor Himself in recognition of his numerous great deeds and outstanding leadership throughout the Great Crusade. This flagship also transported the Death Guard to the historic Council of Nikaea, to determine once and for all whether the use of psychic abilities within the Space Marine Legions should be allowed. The Endurance was present during many of the notorious events that occurred during the Horus Heresy which included the Istvaan Campaign. The Endurance was one of many ships of the Traitor Legions present in the Istvaan System that willfully turned upon their former brethren and virus-bombed the planet of Istvaan III on
- Endurance es un tipo de kombate introducido en el primer juego de Mortal Kombat, en el que debías derrotar a más de un enemigo con una única barra de energía. En títulos posteriores esta característica aumentó la cantidad de kombatientes a enfrentar hasta convertirse en un modo de juego más. En Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, al terminar el videojuego se puede elegir en la pantalla "Shao Kahn's Lost Treasures" el tesoro Mega Endurance Kombat, para enfrentar a los personajes secretos Noob Saibot, Classic Sub-Zero, Human Smoke, Ermac y Mileena. En la pantalla de selección de personajes de la versión para Nintendo 64 de Mortal Kombat Trilogy, si se mantiene presionado ↓ y start en el avatar de Kano la mayoría de los kombates serán Endurance Rounds. En Mortal Kombat X, uno de los trajes alternativos
- Endurance is an event in Real Racing 3 where the player must drive as far as they can before the timer runs out and their speed drops to 0 mph/kph. The player has a maximum time limit of 90 seconds and will earn extra time by completing laps (time varies) and overtaking cars (10 seconds). However, the player cannot exceed 90 seconds. The time that is added for completing laps varies: the longer the track, the more time is added. Any distance driven off-track does not count towards the total; their distance will not increase until the player gets back on track and distance counter turns red. Driving in reverse does not increase/decrease the distance.