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- This file can be downloaded from This file can be downloaded from A md2 file is available for this model category =UFOAI includepage ={Preview locator}:1 skipthispage =no mode =userformat ordermethod =firstedit listseparators =,Image:,|%TITLE%
- thumb|Ein Hummer für Seven Der Hummer ist ein im Meer lebendes Schalentier und eine Speise von der Erde. Auf dem ersten Date von Seven of Nine hat ihr Begleiter William Chapman Hummer bestellt. Seven weiß nicht, wie sie den Hummer essen soll. Als sie den Kopf entfernt spritzt etwas Fleisch auf den Anzug von Chapman. (VOY: )
- File:Hummer.gifDer Hummer ist ein Nahrungsmittel für dessen Zubereitung ihr Kochen auf 40 benötigt. Kochen könnt ihr ihn auf einem Herd oder Feuer. Das Kochen bringt euch 120 Ep, und wenn ihr ihn esst 120 Lebenspunkte.
- Hummers, also known as Mothbats, are flying creatures from Silent Hill 4: The Room and Silent Hill: The Arcade. They usually show up in swarms and attack Henry Townshend on sight.
- Hummer — pojazd Środkowo-Zachodniego Bractwa Stali.
- Hummer är en infödd djur från planeten Jorden. På planeten Lantea lever det en hummer-liknande kräftdjur som är stor som en Buick som Lanteanerna har studerat. (ATL: "Echoes") kategori:Djur
- Hummer was an elderly Grey Goblin who served as an assistant to Thelvis Hollrig in the Sky Shipyards of Undertown during Clash of the Sky Galleons.
- Le design est vaguement basé sur celui du M1025 Hummer conçu par AMG au début des années 2000. Beaucoup des pièces du véhicule sont d'origine et attestent de sa qualité. Utilisé par la Confrérie de l'Acier en tant que véhicule d'usage général, il est rapide et fiable. Le Guerrier reçoit un Hummer lors de sa mission à Macomb.
- Hummer may refer to one of the following: There are 8 versions of the Hummer.
* The 1st. Humvee (1992) was released as a vehicle in the 1992 Hot Wheels Main Line.
* The 2 Hummer (2000) was released in 2000 as part of the Hot Wheels Collectible Line.
* The 3 Blings Hummer H2 was released in 2004 in the 2004 First Editions series
* The 4th. Hummer H2 (2004) was released in 2004 as part of the Whips Collectible series.
* The 5th. Hummer H3T Concept was released in 2004 in the 2004 First Editions series.
* The 6th. Blings Hummer H3 was released in 2005 in the 2005 First Editions series.
* The 7th. Hummer H2 (2006) was released in 2006 in the 2006 First Editions series.
* The 8th. Hummer H2 SUT was released in 2008 in the 2008 New Models series
- Hummer (1994) is a short movie created by Southpaw Filmworks.
- Hummers are a very large notorious land mammal capable of traversing nearly anywhere off road. Hummers can be seen traversing between the home and the local grocery store 5 blocks away. The Hummer is a prefered sexual position in most cultures. The Hummer is a cross between a holy Mammouh and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Hummers are very similar to cars, particularly SUV's, but despite the fact that they have four wheels, 5 doors, a windshield, a steering wheel and what most Hummer salesman claim to be an engine (though it is actually a device which converts gasoline directly into potent anti-environmentalist gas), they are not cars. In fact they are BEYOND cars.
- Here we can brainstorm about Hummer. Image:Cartoon2.gif
- Hummer eller HUMVEE. Kjært barn har mange navn. Denne stygge andungen ble opprinnelig laget som et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Lada og GM-konsernet. Resultatet ble så stygt og ubrukelig at russerene bestemte seg for å betale seg ut av sammarbeidskontrakten, for å ikke få ødelagt sitt gode navn og rykte. From Ikkepedia , a Wikia wiki.
- HUMMER was a North American brand of vehicles that were manufactured by and a division of General Motors.
- thumb HUMMER est une marque automobile américaine fondée par General Motors en 1992 basée sur le modèle du véhicule militaire HMMWV, ou Hummvee. HUMMER a d'ailleurs fait réaliser son premier modèles par les concepteurs du Hummvee, AM General. Devant le succès du premier modèle, le HUMMER H1, véhicule assez dépouillé, HUMMER a proposé de nouveaux modèles, plus luxueux, tout en gardant le concept du huge avec une consommation délirante. Avec la crise de 2008-2009, les ventes de la marque sont en chute libre, et General Motors cherche à revendre ou mettre au placard cette marque.
- Private Hummer is a member of Raven Squad. He is encountered at the MCC Landing Site under heavy fire from Strogg Turrets. After the USS Hannibal clears the Turrets, Hummer walks from behind the overturned Convoy Truck and kneels down to the right. While the Hannibal lands, he says that Kane and PFC Houchard should just go on ahead while he stays behind with the injured Private Nicholson. Hummer is not seen again in the game.
- The "Hummer" was an early version of the Warthog, designed and discarded by Bungie. It was used in an early 100 polygon build of Halo: Combat Evolved based on their previous game Myth. It was based on the real world hummer/ HMMWV.
- The Hummer is a brand of off-road vehicles sold by General Motors. The original H1 was based on the military High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV, or Humvee). However, the Hummer H2 and the Hummer H3 were based on other, smaller civilian-market vehicles. Rayford Steele, Mac McCullum, and Abdullah Smith used this vehicle to chase after Nicolae Carpathia and Leon Fortunato as they were fleeing from Jesus Christ and His army of saints during His second coming in "Glorious Appearing".
- The design is based loosely on the M1025 Hummer as built by AMG in the late 20th and early 21st century. Many of the parts used are original and a testament to the quality of the original vehicles. Used by the Brotherhood of Steel as a general purpose work horse, it's a fast and reliable way to get about. Well armored against handguns. The Warrior receives a Hummer during his mission in Macomb.
- Hummer − marka samochodów terenowych produkowanych przez AM General, która sprzedała nazwę i pozwolenia na nowe modele i produkcję koncernowi General Motors Corporation. Nazwa Hummer pochodzi od nazwy Humvee i początkowo była nazwą potoczną, nadaną przez żołnierzyarmii amerykańskiej pojazdowi wielozadaniowemu HMMWV.
- <default>Hummer</default> Type Subtype Creator(s) Date Place of Origin Source Language Platform File Type Aliases Family File Size Infection Size Infection Impact Reported Costs MD5 Hash SHA1 Hash CRC32 Hash Hummer is a trojan that runs on Android operating systems.
- Hummer was an American automotive manufacturer founded in 1992 producing off-road SUVs. The Hummer H1, which was Hummer's first model, was a civilian variant of the Humvee military purpose vehicle. The H2 and H3 were Hummer's first vehicles that were designed for the civilian market. Hummers were often criticised for having poor fuel economy and being too large, which also posed a threat to smaller vehicles in accidents.
- Hummer er en ingrediens i en sims matrett. Hummer brukes stort sett i hummersalat. For og lage hummersalat må simmen ha mange matlagings poeng. Hummersalat er svært fetende og du burde være i god form for og spise det. Hummer er veldig dyrt i forhold til annen mat på resturantene i SimCity.
- Hummer Models:
* H1
* H2
* H3
* H3T
* H4
* HX
- Stevenson's Hummer is having a sales event, called 'Rockvember Sales Event', in a seemingly desperate attempt to sell the "gas-guzzling" vehicles. Due to the rising cost of gasoline in the United States, individuals are implied to be less likely to purchase Hummers. As a result, those driving a Hummer are said to have not been seen since 2010.
- The Hummer has come out in the following versions:
* The Humvee (MB256) features a swiveling BGM-71 TOW anti-tank missile launcher.
* The Tracker/Trapper Humvee (MB329) has a folding capture device seen in the film Jurassic Park.
* The Humvee (MB375) is a civilian Hummer H1 hatchback with a flat rooftop.
* The Hummer Police (MB506) features a front brush guard and popout rear hatch revealing an ATV.
* The Humvee (MB522) is a hatchback without the TOW launcher.
* The Hummer H2 SUV Concept (MB526) is an early prototype of the actual car of the same name.
* The Hummer H3 (MB666) is the smallest model and was designed by General Motors.
- Hummer was a brand of trucks and SUVs marketed since 1992 by AM General when it began selling a civilian version of the M998 Humvee. In 1998 General Motors purchased the brand name and marketed three vehicles: the original Hummer H1, based on the Humvee, and the Hummer H2 and the Hummer H3 models that were based on other, smaller civilian-market GM platforms. By April 2010, any sale of the brand became unlikely as inventory was depleted and Hummer dealerships began shutting down. After filling a rental car fleet order, the last Hummer H3 rolled off line at Shreveport on May 24, 2010.