| - Folsom is named for Joseph Libbey Folsom, although the average citizen would not know this fact; the mere mention of which would baffle most Folsom teenagers (who, due to having nothing to do in their free time, have mostly regressed to skateboarding and smoking weed). In 1886 there was a large Chinese community, but the founding citizens of Folsom, being the great Americans they were, set the local Chinatown on fire and drove the Chinese out of town. They have largely been replaced by Indians, Filipinos, and Arabs; a cause of endless grief to the rich, white majority.
| - Folsom is named for Joseph Libbey Folsom, although the average citizen would not know this fact; the mere mention of which would baffle most Folsom teenagers (who, due to having nothing to do in their free time, have mostly regressed to skateboarding and smoking weed). In 1886 there was a large Chinese community, but the founding citizens of Folsom, being the great Americans they were, set the local Chinatown on fire and drove the Chinese out of town. They have largely been replaced by Indians, Filipinos, and Arabs; a cause of endless grief to the rich, white majority. Folsom Prison was established in 1880 to house the lawfully-challenged citizens and Mexicans. It is, sadly, the city's most distinguishing feature. In 1956, the aptly-named Folsom Dam was built to provide flood control and a lake to help drive attention away from the prison, and to give Folsom a more tourist-destination vibe. Needless to say, this failed, as the prison is still the only reason outsiders even remember the damn place.