The game once again follows the adventures of Kyle Katarn and his partner Jan Ors. Though abandoning the path of the Jedi, Kyle still undertakes missions for the Republic. The game begins with Kyle and Jan infiltrating an Imperial stronghold. Though they lost to the Rebellion, pockets of ex-Imperial forces, called "Remnant" remain formidable threats to the order of the Republic. After fighting an impressive array of stormtroopers Kyle and Jan find that an imperial scientist called Galak Fyarr has been experimenting with artusian crystals hoping to infuse troopers with the power of the Force. Having wanted to delve into this further the republic send the duo to a planet called Artus Mine - which uses slave labor. Kyle releases the slaves and saves them from a massive armored assault on
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| - Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
- Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
- Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
- Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
- Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
- Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
- Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
| - Jedi Outcast kromě tradičního Singleplayeru nabízí i neméně dobrý Multiplayer. Hra je součástí série Jedi Knight. Navazuje na titul Dark Forces II a jejím pokračováním je hra Jedi Academy. Kategorie:Počítačové hry
- Star Wars - Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast pokračuje pokračuje v tradícií skvelého Jedi Knighta, kde sa agent rebelov Kyle Katarn vracia zo skvelej akcií videnej vaším okom. Uplynulo niekoľko rokov, čo Kyle pomstil otcovu smrť a zachránil Údolie Jediov od Jereca a jeho bandy Temných Jediov. Aby sa ubránil temnej strane Sily, Kyle odovzdal svoj meč Lukovi Skywalkerovi a prisahal, že ju už nikdy nepoužije. Keď sa ale z hlbín galaxie vynorí nová hrozba, musí sa Kyle vrátiť do boja. Jedi Outcast je vyvinutý spoločnosťou Raven Software. Hráč sa vžije do úlohy Kyla a využíva zbrane, Sily a svetelného meča v single i multiplayeri. Kategória:PC hry
- Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (сокращённо JK2, JKO, или JO) — компьютерная игра, выпущенная и распространенная в Северной Америке компанией LucasArts, а в остальном мире - компанией Activision 26 марта 2002 года. У игры есть сиквел - Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. Игра была хорошо воспринята фанатами в основном за дуэли на световых мечах.
- The game once again follows the adventures of Kyle Katarn and his partner Jan Ors. Though abandoning the path of the Jedi, Kyle still undertakes missions for the Republic. The game begins with Kyle and Jan infiltrating an Imperial stronghold. Though they lost to the Rebellion, pockets of ex-Imperial forces, called "Remnant" remain formidable threats to the order of the Republic. After fighting an impressive array of stormtroopers Kyle and Jan find that an imperial scientist called Galak Fyarr has been experimenting with artusian crystals hoping to infuse troopers with the power of the Force. Having wanted to delve into this further the republic send the duo to a planet called Artus Mine - which uses slave labor. Kyle releases the slaves and saves them from a massive armored assault on
- Categoría:Esbozos de videojuegos Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (también abreviado comúnmente como JK2, JKO o JO) es un videojuego de Star Wars para PC publicado en 2002. Fue desarrollado por Raven Software y publicado, distribuido y comercializado por LucasArts en Norteamérica y por Activision en el resto del mundo. Fue publicado para Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh, Nintendo GameCube y Microsoft Xbox. Es potenciado por el motor Quake III Arena. Este videojuego fue seguido por una secuela muy similar, Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. El videojuego fue en general bien recibido y es alabado por su duelo avanzados con sables de luz.
- Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (aka JK2, JKO, or JO) is a Star Wars computer game released in 2002. It was developed by Raven Software and published, distributed and marketed by LucasArts in North America and by Activision in the rest of the world. It was released for Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh, Nintendo GameCube and Microsoft Xbox. It is powered by the Quake III Arena engine. This game was followed by the very similar sequel Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. The game was generally well received and is praised for its advanced lightsaber dueling.
- Peli sijoittuu vuoteen 12 ABY, muutama vuosi Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith -pelin jälkeen. Kuten edeltäjänsä, se seuraa Kyle Katarnin seikkailuja. Jouduttuaan lähelle pimeälle puolelle lankeamista, Kyle hylkäsi valosapelinsa ja Voiman. Hän sitten alkoi työskennellä jälleen ystävänsä sekä rakkauden kohteensa, Jan Orsin, kanssa tehden tehtäviä Uuden tasavallan hyväksi.
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| - Single player, multiplayer
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| - *Alliance Starbird
*Cristal Artusiano
*Bantha herder
*Blue milk
*Corellian ale
*La Fuerza
*Básico Galáctico Estándar
*Garbage hauler
*Imperial crest
*Nerf herder
*Rank insignia of the Rebel Alliance
*Rank insignia of the Imperio Galáctico
*Ruby bliel
*Traje de piloto TIE
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| - *Ak-Buz
*Tavion Axmis
*Reelo Baruk
*Lando Calrissian
*Tycho Celchu
*Galak Fyyar
*Kyle Katarn
*Morgan Katarn
*Mon Mothma
*Jan Ors
*Luke Skywalker
*Darth Vader
| - *Batalla de Artus Prime
*Batalla de Bespin
*Batalla de Yavin 4
*Misión en Alzoc III
*Misión a la Instalación Cairn
*Misión a Kejim
*Tercera misión a Nar Shaddaa
| - *1-138
*Caza estelar BTL Ala-Y
*EasyRide passenger airspeeder
*Fragata de escolta Nebulón-B EF76
*Hover Transport TC9
*Lanzadera T-4a clase Lambda
*Crucero Estelar Mon Calamari
*Personal Luxury Yacht 3000
**Lady Luck
*Garra del Cuervo
*Rebel personell carrier
*Destructor Estelar
*Coche de nubes de dos cápsulas
*Caza estelar T-65 Ala-X
*caza estelar TIE/ln
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| - *Chiss
*Mono-lagarto kowakiano
| - *Bantha
*Mine crab
- *Банта
*Шахтный краб
| - *Misil 3t3
*Puerta blindada
*Pistola Bryar
*Ballesta wookiee
*Rifle bláster E-11
*Destructive Electromagnetic Pulse 2 ion carbine
*Detonation pack
*DXR-6 disruptor rifle
*FC-1 flechette launcher
*Light amplification goggles
*Sable de luz
*PLX-2M portable missile launcher
*Model TD2.3 electrobinoculars
*Escudo deflector personal
*Cañón de iones planetario
*Imperial Heavy Repeater
*Scomp link
*Marksman-H combat remote
*Sensor array
*Generador de escudos
*Stun baton
*Detonador termal
*Trip mine
| - Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
| - First-person shooter
- Videojuego de disparos en primera y tercera persona
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| - *Alzoc III
*Artus Prime
**Instalaciones Mineras de Artus Prime
**Ciudad Nube
**Puesto avanzado de Kejim
*Cinturón Lenico
**Instalación Cairn
*Nar Shaddaa
**Bar de Reelo Baruk
**Valle de los Jedi
*Yavin 4
**Templo massassi
***Academia Jedi
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| - *Guardia Alada de Bespin
*Imperio Galáctico
**Remanente Imperial
***Comando Imperial
***Oficial Imperial
***Trabajador Imperial
***Piloto de TIE
*Nueva Orden Jedi
**Caballero Jedi
**Maestro Jedi
*Nueva República
**Jefe de Estado
**Escuadrón Pícaro
*Orden de los Lores Sith
**Jedi Oscuro
| - *Bantha
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